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-To contribute to any Microsoft docs, see the [contributor guide overview](https://learn.microsoft.com/contribute/).
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platform API References https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/apps-in-teams-meetings/API-references.md
Use the following example to configure your app manifest's `webApplicationInfo`
> > * The bot can receive meeting start or end events automatically from all the meetings created in all the channels by adding `ChannelMeeting.ReadBasic.Group` to manifest for RSC permission. >
-> * For a one-on-one call `organizer` is the initiator of the chat and for group calls `organizer` is the call initiator.
+> * For a one-on-one call `organizer` is the initiator of the chat and for group calls `organizer` is the call initiator. For public channel meetings `organizer`is the person who created the channel post.
### Query parameter
The JSON response body for Meeting Details API is as follows:
} ```
+* **Scheduled channel meetings:**
+ ```json
+ {
+ "details": {
+ "msGraphResourceId": "MSoxNmUwYjdiYi05M2Q1LTQzNTItOTllMC0yM2VlNWYyZmZmZTIqMTY2MDc1ODYwNzc0MCoqMTk6a0RtQkpEWFZsYWl0QWhHcVB2SzBtRExZbHVTWnJub01WX1MxeFNkTjQxNDFAdGhyZWFkLnRhY3Yy",
+ "scheduledStartTime": "2022-08-17T18:00:00Z",
+ "scheduledEndTime": "2022-08-17T18:30:00Z",
+ "type": "ChannelScheduled",
+ "joinUrl": "https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3akDmBJDXVlaitAhGqPvK0mDLYluSZrnoMV_S1xSdN4141%40thread.tacv2/1660758607740?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%229f044231-b634-4bdd-b29d-2776e3dbd699%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2216e0b7bb-93d5-4352-99e0-23ee5f2fffe2%22%7d",
+ "title": "Test channel meeting"
+ },
+ "conversation": {
+ "isGroup": true,
+ "conversationType": "channel",
+ "id": "19:kDmBJDXVlaitAhGqPvK0mDLYluSZrnoMV_S1xSdN4141@thread.tacv2;messageid=1660758607740"
+ },
+ "organizer": {
+ "tenantId": "9f044231-b634-4bdd-b29d-2776e3dbd699",
+ "objectId": "16e0b7bb-93d5-4352-99e0-23ee5f2fffe2",
+ "id": "29:1q4D6ekLXEAALkrqyLXUIcwtVSdXx31bf6vMdfahmkTb9euYVYSsN9x4133pXLV_I2idpVriFe40e19XEZt57bQ",
+ "aadObjectId": "16e0b7bb-93d5-4352-99e0-23ee5f2fffe2"
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ * **One-on-one calls:** ```json
The JSON response body for Meeting Details API is as follows:
| **details.scheduledEndTime** | The meeting's scheduled end time, in UTC. | | **details.joinUrl** | The URL used to join the meeting. | | **details.title** | The title of the meeting. |
-| **details.type** | The meeting's type (GroupCall, OneToOneCall, Adhoc, Broadcast, MeetNow, Recurring, Scheduled, or Unknown). |
+| **details.type** | The meeting's type (GroupCall, ChannelScheduled, OneToOneCall, Adhoc, Broadcast, MeetNow, Recurring, Scheduled, or Unknown). |
| **conversation.isGroup** | Boolean indicating whether conversation has more than two participants. | | **conversation.conversationType** | The conversation type. | | **conversation.id** | The meeting chat ID. |
platform Enable And Configure Your App For Teams Meetings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/apps-in-teams-meetings/enable-and-configure-your-app-for-teams-meetings.md
With apps for Teams meetings, you can expand the capabilities of your apps acros
* Know how to develop Teams apps. For more information on how to develop Teams app, see [Teams app development](../overview.md).
-* Use your app that supports configurable tabs in the `groupchat` scope. For more information, see [group chat scope](../resources/schem).
+* Use your app that supports configurable tabs in the groupchat and/or team scope. For more information, see [scopes](../resources/schem).
* Adhere to general [Teams tab design guidelines](../tabs/design/tabs.md) for pre- and post-meeting scenarios. For experiences during meetings, refer to the [in-meeting tab design guidelines](../apps-in-teams-meetings/design/designing-apps-in-meetings.md#use-an-in-meeting-tab) and [in-meeting dialog design guidelines](../apps-in-teams-meetings/design/designing-apps-in-meetings.md#use-an-in-meeting-dialog).
The meetings app capabilities are declared in your app manifest using the `confi
> [!NOTE] >
-> * Apps in meetings require `groupchat` scope. The `team` scope works for tabs in channels only.
+> * Apps in meetings require `groupchat` or `team` scope. The `team` scope works for tabs in channels or channel meetings.
+> * To support adding tabs in scheduled channel meetings, specify **team** scope in **scopes** section in your app manifest. Without **team** scope the app would not appear in the flyout for channel meetings.
> * Apps in meetings can use the following contexts: `meetingChatTab`, `meetingDetailsTab`, `meetingSidePanel` and `meetingStage`. The following code snippet is an example of a configurable tab used in an app for Teams meetings:
Support the `groupchat` scope to enable your app in pre-meeting and post-meeting
| **meetingChatTab** | A tab in the header of a group chat between a set of users for a scheduled meeting. You can specify either **meetingChatTab** or **meetingDetailsTab** to ensure the apps work in mobile. | | **meetingDetailsTab** | A tab in the header of the meeting details view of the calendar. You can specify either **meetingChatTab** or **meetingDetailsTab** to ensure the apps work in mobile. | | **meetingSidePanel** | An in-meeting panel opened through the unified bar (U-bar). |
-| **meetingStage** | An app from the `meetingSidePanel` can be shared to the meeting stage. You can't use this app on Teams room clients. |
+| **meetingStage** | An app from the `meetingSidePanel` can be shared to the meeting stage. You can't use this app either on mobile or Teams room clients. |
After you enable your app for Teams meetings, you must configure your app before a meeting, during a meeting, and after a meeting.
Before a meeting, users can add tabs, bots, and message extensions. Users with o
To add a tab to a meeting: 1. In your calendar, select a meeting to which you want to add a tab.
-1. Select the **Details** tab and select :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/apps-in-meetings/plusbutton.png" alt-text="The screenshot describes how to use plus button icon in the details tab to install app as Tab.":::.
+1. Select the **Details** tab and select <img src="~/assets/images/apps-in-meetings/plusbutton.png" alt="Plus button" width="30"/>.
- :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/apps-in-meetings/premeeting.png" alt-text="The screenshot describes how to install the app as a tab in the pre meeting tab in Teams meeting.":::
+ <img src="../assets/images/apps-in-meetings/PreMeeting1.png" alt="Pre-meeting experience" width="900"/>
1. In the tab gallery that appears, select the app that you want to add and follow the steps as required. The app is installed as a tab.
The in-meeting notification is used to engage participants during the meeting an
In-meeting notification must not use task module. Task module isn't invoked in a meeting chat. An external resource URL is used to display in-meeting notification. You can use the `submitTask` method to submit data in a meeting chat. You can also add the Teams display picture and people card of the user to in-meeting notification based on `onBehalfOf` token with user MRI and display name passed in payload. Following is an example payload:
Shared meeting stage allows meeting participants to interact with and collaborat
Participants can share the entire app to the collaborative meeting stage using the share to stage button from the app side panel.
-> [!NOTE]
-> Share entire app to meeting stage in mobile is currently available only in [Public Developer Preview](../resources/dev-preview/developer-preview-intro.md).
-# [Desktop](#tab/Desktop)
-# [Mobile](#tab/mobile)
+<img src="../assets/images/apps-in-meetings/share_to_stage_during_meeting.png" alt="Share full app" width = "900"/>
To share the entire app to stage, in the app manifest you must configure `meetingStage` and `meetingSidePanel` as frame contexts. For example:
For more information, see [app manifest](../resources/schema/manifest-schema-dev
Participants can share specific parts of the app to the collaborative meeting stage by using the share to stage APIs. The APIs are available within the Teams client SDK and are invoked from the app side panel.
+<img src="../assets/images/apps-in-meetings/share-specific-content-to-stage.png" alt="Share specific parts of the app" width = "900"/>
To share specific parts of the app to stage, you must invoke the related APIs in the Teams client SDK library. For more information, see [API reference](API-references.md).
The configurations of after and [before meetings](#before-a-meeting) are the sam
## Step-by-step guides * Follow the [step-by-step guide](../sbs-meeting-token-generator.yml) to generate meeting token in your Teams meeting.
-* Follow the [step-by-step guide](../sbs-meetings-sidepanel.yml) to generate meeting SidePanel in your Teams meeting.
+* Follow the [step-by-step guide](../sbs-meetings-sidepanel.yml) to generate meeting sidepanel in your Teams meeting.
* Follow the [step-by-step guide](../sbs-meetings-stage-view.yml) to share meeting stage view in your Teams meeting. * Follow the [step-by-step guide](../sbs-meeting-content-bubble.yml) to generate meeting content bubble in your Teams meeting.
platform Meeting App Extensibility https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/apps-in-teams-meetings/meeting-app-extensibility.md
Title: Unified meetings apps
-description: Learn about Teams meeting lifecycle and users meeting experience in desktop and mobile, User types, integrate bots and message extension in meeting lifecycle.
+description: Learn about Meeting lifecycle, building user's meeting experience throughout meeting lifecycle in desktop and mobile environment, participant roles and user types. In addition, learn about integrating bots and message extension in meeting lifecycle.
+ms.localizationpriority: none
Last updated 04/07/2022
A meeting lifecycle consists of pre-meeting, in-meeting, and post-meeting app ex
> [!NOTE] >
-> * Apps for instant meetings, one-on-one, and group calls are currently available only in [public developer preview](../resources/dev-preview/developer-preview-intro.md).
+> * Apps for instant meetings, scheduled public channel meetings, one-on-one, and group calls are currently available only in [public developer preview](../resources/dev-preview/developer-preview-intro.md).
> > * Meeting extensions such as bots, cards, message extensions, and message actions are supported in the web client. However, hosted experiences such as tabs, content bubbles, and share to stage are not currently fully supported.
Tabs allow the team members to access services and content in a specific space w
With the pre-meeting app experience, you can find and add meeting apps. You can also do pre-meeting tasks, such as developing a poll to survey the meeting participants.
-To add tabs to an existing meeting:
+#### To add tabs to an existing meeting
1. In your calendar, select a meeting to which you want to add a tab. 1. Select the **Details** tab and select <img src="~/assets/images/apps-in-meetings/plusbutton.png" alt="Plus button" width="30"/>. The tab gallery appears.
- :::image type="content" source="~/assets/images/apps-in-meetings/Pre-Meeting-002.png" alt-text="Pre-meeting app experience.":::
+ :::image type="content" source="~/assets/images/apps-in-meetings/PreMeeting.png" alt-text="Pre-meeting app experience.":::
1. In the tab gallery, select the app that you want to add and follow the steps as required. The app is installed as a tab. > [!NOTE]
- >
- > * You can also add a tab to an existing meeting using the meeting **Chat** tab.
- > * Tab layout must be in an organized state, if there are more than 10 polls or surveys.
+ > You can also add a tab to an existing meeting using the meeting **Chat** tab.
# [Desktop](#tab/desktop)
To add tabs to an existing meeting:
After adding the tabs to an existing meeting on mobile, you can see the same apps in pre-meeting experience under **More** section of the meeting details.
-<img src="../assets/images/apps-in-meetings/mobilePostMeeting.png" alt="Mobile pre-meeting experience" width="200"/>
#### In-meeting app experience
-With the in-meeting app experience, you can engage participants during the meeting by using apps and the in-meeting dialog box. Meeting apps are hosted on the toolbar of the meeting window as an in-meeting tab. Use the in-meeting dialog box to showcase actionable content for meeting participants. For more information, see [Enable and configure your apps for Teams meetings](enable-and-configure-your-app-for-teams-meetings.md).
+With the in-meeting app experience, you can engage participants during the meeting by using apps and the in-meeting dialog box. Meeting apps are hosted on the toolbar of the meeting window as an in-meeting tab. Use the in-meeting dialog box to showcase actionable content for meeting participants. For more information, see [create apps for Teams meetings](create-apps-for-teams-meetings.md).
For mobile, meeting apps are available from **Apps** > ellipses &#x25CF;&#x25CF;&#x25CF; in the meeting. Select **Apps** to view all the apps available in the meeting.
After entering the meeting and adding the app from desktop or web, the app is vi
The in-meeting dialog box is displayed where you can enter your response as feedback.
-<img src="../assets/images/apps-in-meetings/mobile-in-meeting-dialog-view.png" alt="Mobile dialog box view" width="200"/>
> [!NOTE] > You need not change the app manifest for the apps to work on mobile.
The in-meeting dialog box is displayed where you can enter your response as feed
> * Apps can leverage the Teams Client SDK to access the `meetingId`, `userMri`, and `frameContext` to render the experience appropriately. > * If the in-meeting dialog box is rendered successfully, it sends a notification that the results are successfully downloaded. > * Your app manifest specifies the places in which you want the apps to appear. This can be done by specifying context field in manifest. It is also the part of a share meeting stage experience, subject to specified [design guidelines](~\apps-in-teams-meetings\design\designing-apps-in-meetings.md).
-> * Meeting stage is not supported for Anonymous users and Teams web client.
The following image illustrates the in-meeting side panel: # [Desktop](#tab/desktop)
-![In-meeting side panel](../assets/images/in-meeting-dialog.png)
# [Mobile](#tab/mobile)
-<img src="../assets/images/apps-in-meetings/sidepanelmobile.png" alt="In-meeting side panel mobile" width="300"/>
-The following table describes the behavior of app when it's validated and not validated:
+The following table describes the behavior of app when it is validated and not validated:
|App capability | App is validated | App isn't validated | ||||
The following image displays the **Contoso** tab with results of poll and feedba
-> [!NOTE]
-> Tab layout must be organized when there are more than 10 polls or surveys.
+#### Apps in channel meeting
+A public scheduled channel meeting has the same list of apps as its parent team. Installing an app to a channel meeting also makes it available in the parent team, and vice versa.
+However, the tab instances in a channel meeting are separate from the tabs in the channel itself. For example, suppose a "Development" channel has a "Polly" tab. If you create a "Standup" meeting in that channel, that meeting would not have a "Polly" tab, until you explicitly [add the tab to the meeting](#to-add-tabs-to-an-existing-meeting).
+In public scheduled channel meetings, after a meeting tab is added it can be accessed from the meeting details page by selecting on the meeting object. See the following example:
+ ### Integrate bots into the meeting lifecycle
-Bots that are enabled in group chat scope start functioning in meetings. To implement bots, start with [build a bot](../build-your-first-app/build-bot.md), and then continue with [create apps for Teams meetings](../apps-in-teams-meetings/API-references.md#meeting-apps-api-references).
+Bots that are enabled in `groupchat` scope start functioning in meetings. To implement bots, start with [build a bot](../build-your-first-app/build-bot.md) and then continue with [create apps for Teams meetings](../apps-in-teams-meetings/API-references.md#meeting-apps-api-references).
### Integrate message extensions into the meeting lifecycle
The Teams unified meetings apps allow you to design your app based on participan
The default participant settings are determined by an organization's IT administrator. The following are the participant roles in a meeting:
-* **Organizer**: The organizer schedules a meeting, sets the meeting options, assigns meeting roles, and starts the meeting. The users with Microsoft 365 account and Teams license can only be the organizers, and control attendee permissions. A meeting organizer can change the settings for a specific meeting. Organizers can make these changes on the **Meeting options** web page.
-* **Presenter**: The presenters have same capabilities of the organizers with exclusions. A presenter can't remove an organizer from the session or modify meeting options for the session. By default, participants joining a meeting have the presenter role.
-* **Attendee**: An attendee is a user who is invited to attend the meeting. Attendees have limited capabilities during the meeting, such as:
- * They can interact with other meeting members but can't manage any of the meeting settings or share the content.
- * They can view or interact with the tab app on the meeting stage in Teams desktop client without installing the app or without any app entitlements. They canΓÇÖt view or interact with the app on the meeting stage in a Teams web client.
- * They canΓÇÖt view or interact with the app in the side panel without any app entitlements.
- * They aren't authorized to act as a presenter.
- * If the attendee joins as an anonymous user, they canΓÇÖt view or interact with the tab app on the meeting stage in both Teams web and desktop clients.
+* **Organizer**: Organizer schedules a meeting, sets the meeting options, assigns meeting roles, and starts the meeting. Only users with Microsoft 365 account and Teams license can be organizers, and control attendee permissions. A meeting organizer can change the settings for a specific meeting. Organizers can make these changes on the **Meeting options** web page.
+* **Presenter**: Presenters have same capabilities of organizers with exclusions. A presenter can't remove an organizer from the session or modify meeting options for the session. By default, participants joining a meeting have the presenter role.
+* **Attendee**: An attendee is invited to attend a meeting but can't act as a presenter. Attendees can interact with other meeting members but can't manage any of the meeting settings or share the content.
> [!NOTE] > Only an organizer or presenter can add, remove, or uninstall apps. For more information, see [roles in a Teams meeting](https://support.microsoft.com/office/roles-in-a-teams-meeting-c16fa7d0-1666-4dde-8686-0a0bfe16e019).
-After you design your app based on participant roles in a meeting, you can identify each user type for meetings and select what they can access.
+After you design your app based on participant roles in a meeting, you can identify each user type for meetings and select what they can access.ΓÇï
## User types in a meeting
User types, such as in-tenant, guest, federated or external user in a meeting ca
> [!NOTE] > The user type is not included in the **getParticipantRole** API.
+User types, such as, organizer, presenter, or attendee in a meeting can be [a participant in a meeting](#participant-roles-in-a-meeting).
+ The following list details the various user types along with their accessibility and performance:
-* **In-tenant**: In-tenant users belong to the organization and have credentials in Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) for the tenant. They're full-time, onsite, or remote employees. An in-tenant user can be an organizer, presenter, or attendee.
+* **In-tenant**: In-tenant users belong to the organization and have credentials in Azure Active Directory (AAD) for the tenant. They're full-time, onsite, or remote employees. An in-tenant user can be an organizer, presenter, or attendee.
* **Guest**: A guest is a participant from another organization invited to access Teams or other resources in the organization's tenant. Guests are added to the organizationΓÇÖs Azure AD and have same Teams capabilities as a native team member. They have access to team chats, meetings, and files. A guest can be an organizer, presenter, or attendee. For more information, see [guest access in Teams](/microsoftteams/guest-access). * **Federated or external**: A federated user is an external Teams user in another organization who has been invited to join a meeting. Federated users have valid credentials with federated partners and are authorized by Teams. They don't have access to your teams or other shared resources from your organization. Guest access is a better option for external users to have access to teams and channels. For more information, see [manage external access in Teams](/microsoftteams/manage-external-access).
The following list details the various user types along with their accessibility
> [!IMPORTANT] > Currently, third-party apps are available in Government Community Cloud (GCC) but are not available for GCC-High and Department of Defense (DOD). Third-party apps are turned off by default for GCC. To turn on third-party apps for GCC, see [manage app permission policies](/microsoftteams/teams-app-permission-policies) and [manage apps](/microsoftteams/manage-apps).
-* **Anonymous**: Anonymous users don't have an Azure AD identity and aren't federated with a tenant. The anonymous participants are like external users, but their identity isn't shown in the meeting. Anonymous users can't access apps in a meeting window and meeting stage. An anonymous user can't be an organizer but can be a presenter or attendee.
+* **Anonymous**: Anonymous users don't have an Azure AD identity and aren't federated with a tenant. The anonymous participants are like external users, but their identity isn't shown in the meeting. Anonymous users can't access apps in a meeting window. An anonymous user can't be an organizer but can be a presenter or attendee.
> [!NOTE] > Anonymous users inherit the global default user-level app permission policy. For more information, see [manage Apps](/microsoftteams/non-standard-users#anonymous-user-in-meetings-access).
-The following table provides the user types and lists the features that each user can access in scheduled meetings:
+The following table provides the user types and lists the features that each user can access in meetings:
| User type | Tabs | Bots | Message extensions | Adaptive Cards | Task modules | In-meeting dialog | Meeting stage | | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- |
The following table provides the user types and lists the features that each use
> > * Federated users can't interact with tab apps in calls. > * If federated users are added to an existing call with in-tenant or guest users, then all participants lose the ability to add, update, or remove apps. However, only the existing in-tenant or guest users would be able to still interact with the apps that were added before inviting federated users to the call.
+> * On mobile, anonymous users will not be able to access apps in scheduled public channel meetings.
## Next step > [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> [Enable and configure your apps for Teams meetings](enable-and-configure-your-app-for-teams-meetings.md)
+> [Prerequisites and API references for apps in Teams meetings](create-apps-for-teams-meetings.md)
## See also
platform Teams Apps In Meetings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/apps-in-teams-meetings/teams-apps-in-meetings.md
Meetings enable collaboration, partnership, informed communication, and shared f
> [!Note] >
-> Apps for instant meetings, one-on-one, and group calls are currently available only in [public developer preview](~/resources/dev-preview/developer-preview-intro.md).
+> Apps for instant meetings, scheduled public channel meetings, one-on-one, and group calls are currently available only in [public developer preview](../resources/dev-preview/developer-preview-intro.md).
Teams supports access to apps during meeting for the following meeting types: * [**Scheduled meetings**](https://support.microsoft.com/office/schedule-a-meeting-in-teams-943507a9-8583-4c58-b5d2-8ec8265e04e5#ID0EFBD=Desktop): Meetings scheduled through Teams calendar.
+* [**Scheduled channel meetings**](https://support.microsoft.com/office/schedule-a-meeting-in-teams-943507a9-8583-4c58-b5d2-8ec8265e04e5#ID0EFBD=Desktop): Meetings scheduled through Teams public channels.
* [**One-on-one calls**](https://support.microsoft.com/office/start-a-call-from-a-chat-in-teams-f5138c9d-df4c-43d8-9cf6-53400c1a7798): Calls initiated in one-on-one chat. * [**Group calls**](https://support.microsoft.com/office/start-a-call-from-a-chat-in-teams-f5138c9d-df4c-43d8-9cf6-53400c1a7798): Calls initiated in group chat. * [**Instant meetings**](https://support.microsoft.com/office/start-an-instant-meeting-in-teams-ff95e53f-8231-4739-87fa-00b9723f4ef5): Meetings initiated through **Meet now** button in Teams calendar.
Visit the [Teams store](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=2183121) and e
> > * Currently when a third person is added to a one-on-one call, the call is elevated to a group call that means a new session starts. Apps added to the one-on-one call are not available in the group call. However, they can be added again. >
-> * Currently app experiences are not supported in Teams channel meetings (both scheduled meetings and instant meetings).
+> * Currently app experiences are not supported in Teams instant channel meetings.
The following illustration gives you an idea of the meeting app extensibility features:
The following illustration gives you an idea of the meeting app extensibility fe
This article provides an overview of meeting app extensibility, API references, enable and configure apps for meetings, and custom Together Mode scenes in Teams. -- **Extend meeting app**: Enhance your meeting experience by using the meeting extensibility feature. This feature enables you to integrate your apps within meetings. It also includes different stages of a meeting lifecycle, where you can integrate tabs, bots, and message extensions. You can identify various participant roles and user types, get meeting events, and generate in-meeting dialogs.-- **Configure apps for meetings**: To customize Teams with apps for meetings, enable your apps for Teams meetings by updating the app manifest and also configure the apps for meeting scenarios.-- **Customize with Together Mode scenes**: The new custom Together Mode scenes feature enables users to collaborate in a meeting with their team in one place.-- **Customize app permission in shared channel: If your app shares important information in shared channel, you can customize the app permission for external members. App permissions in [Shared channels](../concepts/build-and-test/Shared-channels.md) follow host team's app roster and host tenant's app policy.-- **Retrieve meeting transcripts**: You can access and retrieve meeting transcripts in a post-meeting scenario. Configure your app to get transcripts automatically for a scheduled meeting, and use them for insights, intelligent analysis, and more.
+* **Extend meeting app**: Enhance your meeting experience by using the meeting extensibility feature. This feature enables you to integrate your apps within meetings. It also includes different stages of a meeting lifecycle, where you can integrate tabs, bots, and message extensions. You can identify various participant roles and user types, get meeting events, and generate in-meeting dialogs.
+* **Configure apps for meetings**: To customize Teams with apps for meetings, enable your apps for Teams meetings by updating the app manifest and also configure the apps for meeting scenarios.
+* **Customize with Together Mode scenes**: The new custom Together Mode scenes feature enables users to collaborate in a meeting with their team in one place.
+* **Customize app permission in shared channel**: If your app shares important information in shared channel, you can customize the app permission for external members. App permissions in [Shared channels](../concepts/build-and-test/Shared-channels.md) follow host team's app roster and host tenant's app policy.
+* **Retrieve meeting transcripts**: You can access and retrieve meeting transcripts in a post-meeting scenario. Configure your app to get transcripts automatically for a scheduled meeting, and use them for insights, intelligent analysis, and more.
## Next step
platform Test Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/build-and-test/test-data.md
By default, only global admins or Teams service admins can upload (sideload) app
foreach ($team in $XmlDocument.Teams.Team ) { try {
- $group = New-Team -DisplayName $team.Name -Description $teams.description -visibility public
+ $group = New-Team -DisplayName $team.Name -Description $team.description -visibility public
Write-Host "Successfully created team: " $group.DisplayName } catch {
platform Article Template https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/includes/article-template.md
Title: https://review.docs.microsoft.com/help/contribute/metadata-attributes?branch=master
+ Title: https://review.learn.microsoft.com/help/contribute/metadata-attributes?branch=main
description: localization_priority: Normal
platform Link Unfurling https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/messaging-extensions/how-to/link-unfurling.md
This document guides you on how to add link unfurling to your app manifest using
> > * Currently, link unfurling is not supported on Mobile clients. > * The link unfurling result is cached for 30 minutes.
+> * Messaging extension commands are not required for Link unfurling. However, there must be at least one command in manifest as it is a mandatory property in messaging extensions. For more information, see [compose extensions](/microsoftteams/platform/resources/schema/manifest-schema)
The Azure DevOps message extension uses link unfurling to look for URLs pasted into the compose message area pointing to a work item. In the following image, a user pasted a URL for an item in Azure DevOps that the message extension has resolved into a card:
platform Teams Low Code Solutions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/samples/teams-low-code-solutions.md
Virtual Assistant is a Microsoft open-source template that enables you to create
| Topic | Links | |:|:-|
-|Power BI|[Power BI for App Makers](/learn/browse/?expanded=power-platform&products=power-bi&roles=maker)</br>[Power BI for Developers](/learn/browse/?expanded=power-platform&products=power-bi&roles=developer)|
-|Power Apps|[Power Apps for App Makers](/learn/browse/?products=power-apps&roles=maker)</br>[Power Apps for Developers](/learn/browse/?products=power-apps)|
-|Power Automate|[Power Automate for App Makers](/learn/browse/?expanded=power-platform&products=power-automate&roles=maker)</br>[Power Automate for Developers](/learn/browse/?expanded=power-platform&products=power-automate&roles=developer)|
-|Power Virtual Agents|[Power Virtual Agents for App Makers and Developers](/learn/browse/?products=power-virtual-agents&expanded=power-platform&roles=maker)|
+|Power BI|[Power BI for App Makers](/training/browse/?expanded=power-platform&products=power-bi&roles=maker)</br>[Power BI for Developers](/training/browse/?expanded=power-platform&products=power-bi&roles=developer)|
+|Power Apps|[Power Apps for App Makers](/training/browse/?products=power-apps&roles=maker)</br>[Power Apps for Developers](/training/browse/?products=power-apps)|
+|Power Automate|[Power Automate for App Makers](/training/browse/?expanded=power-platform&products=power-automate&roles=maker)</br>[Power Automate for Developers](/training/browse/?expanded=power-platform&products=power-automate&roles=developer)|
+|Power Virtual Agents|[Power Virtual Agents for App Makers and Developers](/training/browse/?products=power-virtual-agents&expanded=power-platform&roles=maker)|
### Γ£ö Project Oakdale (preview)
platform Cards Actions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/task-modules-and-cards/cards/cards-actions.md
var button = new CardAction()
{ Type = ActionTypes.OpenUrl, Title = "Tabs in Teams",
- Value = "https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/"
+ Value = "https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoftteams/platform/"
}; ```
{ type: 'openUrl', Title: 'Tabs in Teams',
- value: 'https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/'
+ value: 'https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoftteams/platform/'
}]) ```
platform Whats New https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/whats-new.md
Microsoft Teams platform features that are available to all app developers.
| 04/19/2022 | Upload your app in Microsoft Teams | Distribute your app > [Upload your app](concepts/deploy-and-publish/apps-upload.md)| | 04/01/2022 | Introduced step-by-step guide to create Teams conversational bot| Build bots > Bot conversations > Channel and group conversations > [Step-by-step guide to create Teams conversational bot](sbs-teams-conversation-bot.yml) | | 03/30/2022 | Updated the Get started module with Blazor app using tabs and bots| Get started > [Build your first app using Blazor](sbs-gs-blazorupdate.yml)|
-|03/30/2022|Device permissions for the browser | Integrate device capabilities > [Device permissions for the browser](concepts/device-capabilities/browser-device-permissions.md) |
+| 03/30/2022 | Device permissions for the browser | Integrate device capabilities > [Device permissions for the browser](concepts/device-capabilities/browser-device-permissions.md) |
| 03/29/2022 |Integrate People Picker | Integrate with Teams > [Integrate People Picker](concepts/device-capabilities/people-picker-capability.md) | 03/23/2022 | Introduced step-by-step guide to unfurl links in Teams using bot | Build message extensions > Add link unfurling > [Unfurl links in Teams using bot](sbs-botbuilder-linkunfurling.yml)| | 03/22/2022 | Added information on debug process| ΓÇó Tools and SDKs> Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code > [Debug your Teams app locally](toolkit/debug-local.md) </br> ΓÇó Tools and SDKs> Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code > [Debug background process](toolkit/debug-background-process.md)|
Microsoft Teams platform features that are available to all app developers.
| 02/24/2022| Introduced step-by-step guide to build action based message extension | Build Message Extensions > Action commands > Define action commands > [Build action based message extension](sbs-meetingextension-action.yml)| | 02/24/2022 | Introduced step-by-step guide to build search based message extension | Build message extensions > Search commands > Define search commands > [Build search based message extension](sbs-messagingextension-searchcommand.yml)| | 02/24/2022 | Introduced step-by-step guide to create Outgoing Webhooks | Build webhooks and connectors > Create Outgoing Webhooks > [Create Outgoing Webhooks](sbs-outgoing-webhooks.yml)|
-| 02/23/2022 |Microsoft Teams store ranking parameters| Distribute your app > Publish to the Teams store > [Microsoft Teams store ranking parameters](concepts/deploy-and-publish/appsource/post-publish/teams-store-ranking-parameters.md)|
+| 02/23/2022 | Microsoft Teams store ranking parameters| Distribute your app > Publish to the Teams store > [Microsoft Teams store ranking parameters](concepts/deploy-and-publish/appsource/post-publish/teams-store-ranking-parameters.md)|
| 02/18/2022 | Introduced extensive Glossary for the Microsoft Teams Developer Documentation to help you find the definition about a term quickly | [Glossary](~/get-started/glossary.md) | | 02/18/2022 | Updated the Overview module for mapping Teams app to organizational goals, user story, and exploring Teams app features | [Overview > Teams app that fits](overview.md) | | 02/18/2022 | Updated the App fundamentals module to Plan your app to include mapping use cases to Teams features, and app planning checklist | [Plan your app > Overview](~/concepts/app-fundamentals-overview.md) |
Developer preview is a public program that provides early access to unreleased T
| **Date** | **Update** | **Find here** | | -- | | |
-| 08/23/2022 | Share apps to the Teams meeting stage in mobile | Build apps for Teams meetings and calls > [Enable and configure apps for meetings](/microsoftteams/platform/apps-in-teams-meetings/enable-and-configure-your-app-for-teams-meetings) |
+| 09/20/2022 | Introduced meeting app support for Scheduled Channel Meetings | Build apps for Teams meetings and calls > [Unified meetings apps](apps-in-teams-meetings/meeting-app-extensibility.md) |
+| 08/10/2022 | Apps for scheduled public channel meetings | Build apps for Teams meetings and calls > [Overview](apps-in-teams-meetings/teams-apps-in-meetings.md) |
| 08/03/2022 | Mute and unmute APIs for apps in Teams meeting stage | Build apps for Teams meetings and calls > [Meeting apps API references](/microsoftteams/platform/apps-in-teams-meetings/api-references?tabs=dotnet) | | 08/02/2022| Collaboration controls for Teams| Integrate with Teams > [Collaboration controls](samples/collaboration-control.md)| | 06/30/2022 | Apps for instant meetings, one-on-one, and group calls| Build apps for Teams meetings and calls > [Overview](apps-in-teams-meetings/teams-apps-in-meetings.md)|