Updates from: 08/30/2022 02:41:52
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platform Deep Links https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/build-and-test/deep-links.md
ms.localizationpriority: high
Deep links are a navigation mechanism that you can use to connect users with information and features within Teams and Teams apps. Some scenarios where creating deep links can be useful are as follows: * Navigating the user to the content within one of your app's tabs. For instance, your app can have a bot that sends messages notifying the user of an important activity. When the user taps on the notification, the deep link navigates to the tab so that the user can view more details about the activity.
-* Your app automates or simplifies certain user tasks, such as creating a chat or scheduling a meeting, by pre-populating the deep links with required parameters. Avoids the need for users to manually enter information.
+* Your app automates or simplifies certain user tasks. You can create a chat or schedule a meeting, by pre-populating the deep links with required parameters. Avoids the need for users to manually enter information.
-The Microsoft Teams JavaScript client SDK (TeamsJS) simplifies the process of navigation. For many scenarios, such as navigating to content and information within your tab or even launching a chat dialog, the SDK provides typed APIs that make for an improved experience and can replace the usage of deep links. These APIs are recommended for Teams apps that might be run in other hosts (Outlook, Office), as they also provide a way to check that the capability being used is supported by that host. The following sections show information about deep linking, but also highlight how scenarios that used to require it have changed with the v2 release of TeamsJS.
+The Microsoft Teams JavaScript client SDK (TeamsJS) simplifies the process of navigation. For many scenarios, such as navigating to content and information within your tab or launching a chat dialog. The SDK provides typed APIs that provide improved experience and can replace the usage of deep links. These APIs are recommended for Teams apps that might be run in other hosts (Outlook, Office), as they also provide a way to check that the capability being used is supported by that host. The following sections show information about deep linking, but also highlight how scenarios that used to require it have changed with the v2 release of TeamsJS.
[!INCLUDE [sdk-include](~/includes/sdk-include.md)]
groupId: "ae063b79-5315-4ddb-ba70-27328ba6c31e"
Create a deep link for the app after the app is listed in the Teams store. To create a link to launch Teams, append the app ID to the following URL: `https://teams.microsoft.com/l/app/<your-app-id>`. A dialog box appears to install the app. > [!NOTE]
-> Currently, the deep linking to an app isn't supported on mobile platform.
+> If your app has been approved for mobile platform, you can deep link to an app on mobile. Apple App Store Connect Team ID is required additionally for the deep link to work on Teams-iOS. For more information, see [how to update Apple App Store Connect Team ID](../deploy-and-publish/appsource/prepare/create-partner-center-dev-account.md#update-apple-app-store-connect-team-id-on-partner-center).
### Deep linking for SharePoint Framework tabs The following deep link format can be used in a bot, connector or message extension card:
> [!NOTE] > When a bot sends a TextBlock message with a deep link, a new browser tab opens when users select the link. This happens in Chrome and Microsoft Teams desktop app running on Linux.
platform Prerequisites https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/m365-apps/prerequisites.md
You need a Microsoft 365 developer subscription sandbox tenant to set up your de
You'll also need to enable sideloading for your tenant:
-1. Sign in to Microsoft 365 admin center (https://admin.microsoft.com) with your test tenant credentials and select **Teams** from the side panel to open the *Microsoft Teams admin center*.
-1. Select: Teams apps > Manage apps > **Org-wide app settings**.
-1. Under **Custom apps**, toggle on the option *Interaction with custom apps*.
+ 1. Sign in to [Teams admin center](https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/dashboard) with your test tenant credentials.
- :::image type="content" source="images/teams-admin-enable-sideloading.png" alt-text="Enable sideloading for custom apps from the Teams admin center":::
+ 1. Go to **Teams apps** > **Manage apps**.
+ 1. At the top right, select **Org-wide app settings**.
+ 1. Under Custom apps, turn on the **Interaction with custom app** toggle and save.
+ :::image type="content" source="images/teams-admin-enable-sideloading.png" alt-text="The screenshot is an example that enables sideloading for custom apps from the Teams Admin Center":::
+ 1. Apart from Org-wide app settings, custom app policy settings also allow users to upload custom apps to Teams. For more information, see [manage custom app policies and settings](/microsoftteams/teams-custom-app-policies-and-settings#custom-app-policy-and-settings).
+ 1. In the Teams admin center, go to **Teams apps** > **Setup policies**, and then select **Global (Org-wide default) policy**.
+ 1. Turn on **Upload custom apps**, and select **Save**.
## Enroll your developer tenant for Office 365 Targeted releases
-> [!Important]
> It can take up to five days after creating a [Microsoft 365 developer sandbox tenant](/office/developer-program/microsoft-365-developer-program-get-started) and enrolling in [Office 365 Targeted releases](#enroll-your-developer-tenant-for-office-365-targeted-releases) for sideloaded Teams apps to appear in Outlook and Office. To enroll your test tenant for Office 365 targeted releases: