Updates from: 07/06/2024 02:00:42
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platform Teams Together Mode https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/apps-in-teams-meetings/teams-together-mode.md
Title: Custom Together Mode Scenes
-description: Learn how to work with custom Together Mode scenes in Microsoft Teams, build scene using Scene studio, share scene using Scene studio and its sample.
+description: Learn how to work with custom Together Mode scenes in Microsoft Teams, build scene using Scene studio, share scene using Scene studio, and its sample.
ms.localizationpriority: high
Get started and transform your Teams meetings with Custom Together Mode scenes.
## Custom Together Mode scene
-Custom Together Mode scene is an artifact and participants have seats with video streams in a conceived scene setting, and the videos are rendered in those seats. You can create a scene using Microsoft Scene studio. Scene studio handles the app package creation in the background and creates a scene only app. We recommend you to use scene only apps for better experience.
+Custom Together Mode scene is an artifact and participants have seats with video streams in a conceived scene setting, and the videos are rendered in those seats. You can create a scene using Microsoft Scene studio. Scene studio handles the app package creation in the background and creates a scene-only app. We recommend you to use scene-only apps for better experience.
> [!NOTE] >
To build a scene using **Scene studio** in Teams Developer Portal, follow these
:::image type="content" source="~/assets/images/apps-in-meetings/save-view-in-teams.png" alt-text="Screenshot shows the options to save the scene and view in teams.":::
- A scene only app is created and you can view the app and app package.json file in **Apps** page in the Teams Developer Portal. A screen opens in your Teams to add the scene app created.
+ A scene-only app is created and you can view the app and its `package.json` file in the **Apps** page in Developer Portal. A screen opens in your Teams to add the scene app created.
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > The app capabilities used by scene-only apps are focused on creating immersive Together Mode scenes. Admins can manage the behavior of scene-only apps through app setup policies in Teams admin center.
1. Select **Preview in Teams**. :::image type="content" source="~/assets/images/apps-in-meetings/preview-teams.png" alt-text="Screenshot shows the options to preview the scene in teams.":::
- Teams page appears to add the scene only app created in Scene studio.
+ Teams page appears to add the scene-only app created in Scene studio.
1. Select **Add**.
platform Launch App https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/deploy-and-publish/appsource/post-publish/app-growth/launch-app.md
Title: Launch Stage for Collaborative Apps
-description: Learn what you can do during the launch stage of your app to grow your app.
+description: Learn what you can do during the launch stage of your app to grow your app. Learn about Teams Store listing, landing page, and Store marketing toolkit.
ms.localizationpriority: high
platform Overview App Growth https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/deploy-and-publish/appsource/post-publish/app-growth/overview-app-growth.md
Title: Plan & Strategize App Growth
-description: Learn to plan, strategize and execute growth for your app.
+description: Learn to plan, strategize, and execute growth for your app, understand growth model, and grow and succeed on Teams marketplace.
ms.localizationpriority: high
platform Scale App https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/deploy-and-publish/appsource/post-publish/app-growth/scale-app.md
Title: Scale Stage for Collaborative Apps
-description: Learn what you can do during the scale stage of your app to grow your app.
+description: Learn what you can do during the scale stage of your app to grow your app, onboarding CSP resellers, tailoring SaaS offers, digital webinars, and user retargeting.
ms.localizationpriority: high
platform Succeed https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/deploy-and-publish/appsource/post-publish/app-growth/succeed.md
Title: Succeed Stage for Collaborative Apps
-description: Learn what you can do during the final stage of your app to grow your app.
+description: Learn what you can do during the final stage of your app to grow your app, wider TAM coverage, convert PQLs from app, app metrics and data-backed insights.
ms.localizationpriority: high
platform Create Partner Center Dev Account https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/deploy-and-publish/appsource/prepare/create-partner-center-dev-account.md
Title: Manage Partner Center Account Q&A
-description: FAQs for creating a Partner Center developer account for publishing your app to the Microsoft Teams Store.
+description: FAQs and support for creating a Partner Center developer account for publishing your app to the Microsoft Teams Store and verification process.
platform End User Purchase Experience https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/deploy-and-publish/appsource/prepare/end-user-purchase-experience.md
Title: Buy & Manage App Subscription & License
-description: Learn how to purchase, assign, and manage licenses for third-party apps in Microsoft Teams.
+description: Learn how to purchase, assign, and manage app subscriptions and licenses for third-party apps in Microsoft Teams and admin purchasing experience.
platform In App Purchase Flow https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/deploy-and-publish/appsource/prepare/in-app-purchase-flow.md
Title: In-app Purchases for App Monetization
-description: Learn the basic tasks and concepts needed to implement in-app purchases and trial functionality in teams apps.
+description: Learn the basic tasks and concepts needed to implement in-app purchases such as app manifest update, purchase experience API and trial functionality in Teams apps.
platform Manage Third Party Apps License https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/deploy-and-publish/appsource/prepare/manage-third-party-apps-license.md
Title: Set up Microsoft license management
-description: Learn to manage SaaS licenses for third-party apps purchased from Teams storefront.
+description: Learn to manage SaaS licenses for third-party apps purchased from Teams Store such as create an offer, post purchase, and integrate with Graph usageRights API.
platform App Structure https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/design/app-structure.md
Title: Understand App Structure to Design Apps
-description: In this module, learn what you can and can't customize in Microsoft Teams when designing your app structure.
+description: In this module, learn what you can and can't customize in Microsoft Teams when designing your app structure with app capability and scope.
ms.localizationpriority: medium
platform Design App Notification https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/design/design-app-notification.md
Title: Plan to send app notifications
-description: Learn how to design effective app notifications and choose the right framework for your app.
+description: Learn how to design effective app notifications and choose the right framework for your app such as activity feed notification and interactive notification.
Last updated 02/23/2024
platform Glossary https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/get-started/glossary.md
Common terms and definitions used in Microsoft Teams developer documentation.
| [Access token](../tabs/how-to/authentication/tab-sso-code.md) | An access token enables a client app to securely call protected web APIs. Access tokens are used by web APIs to perform authentication and authorization. <br> **See also**: [Identity token](#i) <br> For more information, see [Access token](/azure/active-directory/develop/access-tokens), [Authentication](../concepts/authentication/authentication.md) | | [Adaptive Cards](../task-modules-and-cards/what-are-cards.md) | An actionable content snippet added to a conversation by a bot or message extension. Use text, graphics, and buttons with these cards for rich communication. <br> **See also**: [Dialog](#d); [Adaptive Card Schema Explorer](https://adaptivecards.io/explorer/AdaptiveCard.html) | | [Administrator consent](../tabs/how-to/authentication/tab-sso-register-aad.md) | An administrator can grant consent for the application on behalf of all users in the organization. It helps avoid the need for user consent. <br> [SSO](#s); [Consent dialog](#c); [User consent](#u) |
+| [AI label](~/bots/how-to/format-ai-bot-messages.md) | An AI label in an AI bot message indicates that the content was generated using AI and reminds the user that the content they are interacting with was not created by a human, but by an AI system. <br> **See also**: [Citation](#c); [Sensitivity label](#s) |
| [Anonymous](../apps-in-teams-meetings/build-apps-for-anonymous-user.md) |Anonymous users don't have a Microsoft Entra identity and aren't federated with a tenant. The anonymous participants are external users but their identity isn't shown in the meeting. An anonymous user can be a presenter or an attendee but can't be an organizer. <br>**See also**: [Federated or external](#f); [In-tenant](#i); [Guest](#g)| | [App Catalog](../toolkit/publish.md) | A site that stores SharePoint and Office apps for an organization's internal use. <br>**See also**: [SPFx](#s) | | [App Caching](../tabs/how-to/app-caching.md) | App caching improves subsequent launch time of the apps within Teams by allowing you to keep some resources and assets in memory that you can use when rehydrating your app.|
Common terms and definitions used in Microsoft Teams developer documentation.
|[Authentication](../concepts/authentication/authentication.md)|The process to validate a user's identity to access your app. <br> **See also**: [Identity providers](#i); [SSO](#s); [authentication](../m365-apps/teamsjs-support-m365.md#authentication)| | [Authentication flow](../concepts/authentication/authentication.md) | The way a user is authenticated to use your app. For Teams apps, we recommend using Single Sign-on (SSO) using Microsoft Entra ID; but an alternative is to use a third-party IdP. <br> **See also**: [SSO](#s); [Identity provider](#i) | | [Authorization](../resources/schem#authorization)| An app manifest property (`authorization`) that specifies and consolidates authorization related information for the app. <br> **See also**: [Permission](#p)|
-| [Microsoft Entra ID](../tabs/how-to/authentication/auth-tab-aad.md) | MicrosoftΓÇÖs cloud-based identity and access management service. It helps authenticated users access internal and external resources. <br> **See also**: [System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM)](/azure/active-directory/architecture/sync-scim)|
| [Azure resource](../toolkit/provision.md) | A service that is available through Azure that your Teams app can use for Azure deployment. It could be storage accounts, web apps, databases, and more. | ## B
Common terms and definitions used in Microsoft Teams developer documentation.
| [Capabilities](../concepts/design/map-use-cases.md#app-capabilities-mapped-to-features)| Capabilities are the core functionalities that you can build in your app. They're also called entry or extension points because they enable integration and interaction. <br> **See also**: [App scope](#a)| | [Chat bot](../bots/how-to/conversations/conversation-basics.md) | A bot is also referred to as a chatbot or conversational bot. It's an app that runs simple and repetitive tasks for users such as customer service or support staff. <br> **See also**: [Conversational bot](#c) | | Channel | A single place for a team to share messages, tools, and files. You can use a channel for teamwork and communication. <br> **See also**: [Conversation](#c) |
+| [Citation](~/bots/how-to/format-ai-bot-messages.md) | A citation in a bot message is a reference to the source of information used in the message, such as web results. The citation typically includes the title of the source, the URL, and sometimes a brief snippet of the information from the source. <br> **See also**: [Sensitivity label](#s); [AI label](#a)|
| Contoso | Contoso Ltd. (also known as Contoso and Contoso University) is a fictional company used by Microsoft as an example company and domain. | | Client ID | The client ID, or the application ID is a value the Microsoft identity platform assigns to your application when you register it in Microsoft Entra ID. It's a GUID value that uniquely identifies the application and its configuration within the identity platform. <br> **See also**: [Application ID](#a); [GUID](#g); [Subdomain ID](#s) | | [Client secret](../bots/how-to/authentication/bot-sso-register-aad.md) | A secret string that an app uses to prove its identity when requesting a token. Also, it can be referred to as application password. <br> **See also**: [Microsoft app password](#m) <br> For more information, see [Authentication](../concepts/authentication/authentication.md)|
Common terms and definitions used in Microsoft Teams developer documentation.
| [Teams Store validation guidelines](../concepts/deploy-and-publish/appsource/prepare/teams-store-validation-guidelines.md) | A set of standards and principles for validating an app before submitting the app to Teams store. The guidelines are applicable for apps that work across Teams, Outlook, and Microsoft 365. <br>**See also**: [Teams store](#t) | | [Subdomain ID](../tabs/how-to/authentication/tab-sso-register-aad.md) | It's the application ID URI that you register when configuring scope for your app in Microsoft Entra ID. <br> **See also**: [SSO](#s); [Application ID URI](#a); [Application ID](#a) | | [Subscription offer](../resources/schem#subscriptionoffer) | This specifies the SaaS offer associated with your app. A unique identifier that includes your Publisher ID and Offer ID, which you can find in Partner Center. <br>**See also**: [SaaS](#s)|
+| [Sensitivity label](~/bots/how-to/format-ai-bot-messages.md) | A sensitivity label in a bot message enables the user to understand the confidentiality of the bot's message. For an AI bot, this label is essential for maintaining transparency and accountability in AI usage. <br> **See also**: [AI label](#a); [Citation](#c)|
## T
platform What Are Messaging Extensions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/messaging-extensions/what-are-messaging-extensions.md
Message extensions enable users to engage with your web service through buttons
> [!IMPORTANT] > Message extensions are available in [Government Community Cloud (GCC), GCC-High, and Department of Defense (DOD)](~/concepts/app-fundamentals-overview.md#government-community-cloud) environments.
-The article provides an overview of message extensions, tasks executed in various scenarios, the functioning of message extensions, action and search commands, and link unfurling.
+The article provides an overview of message extensions, use cases, functionality, action and search commands, and link unfurling.
The following image displays the locations from where message extensions can be invoked: > [!NOTE]
-> @mentioning message extensions in the compose box isn't supported.
+> * @mentioning message extensions in the compose box isn't supported.
+> * Message extension options aren't supported for group chats with external users.
# [Desktop](#tab/desktop)
The following image displays the locations from where message extensions can be
|:--|:--| |You need an external system to perform an action and return the result to your conversation.|Reserve a resource and allow the channel to know the reserved time slot.| |You need to search for something in an external system and share the results with the conversation.|Search for a work item in Azure DevOps and share it with the group as an Adaptive Card.|
-|You want to complete a complex task involving multiple steps or large amount of information in an external system and share the results with a conversation.|Create a bug in your tracking system based on a Teams message, assign that bug to Bob, and send a card to the conversation thread with the bug's details.|
+|You want to complete a complex task involving multiple steps or large amounts of information in an external system and share the results with a conversation.|Create a bug in your tracking system based on a Teams message, assign that bug, and send a card to the conversation thread with the bug's details.|
## Understand how message extensions work
-A message extension consists of a web service that you host and an app manifest, which specifies the location in the Teams client where your web service is invoked. The web service utilizes the Bot Framework's messaging schema and secure communication protocol, so you must register your web service as a bot in the Bot Framework.
+A message extension is composed of a web service hosted by you and an app manifest that defines the location where your web service is invoked within the Teams client. The web service utilizes the Bot Framework's messaging schema and secure communication protocol, so you must register your web service as a bot in the Bot Framework.
> [!NOTE] > Though it's possible to manually create the web service, we recommend to use [Bot Framework SDK](https://github.com/microsoft/botframework-sdk) to work with the protocol.
There are two types of message extension commands, action command and search com
### Action commands
-Action commands are used to present the users with a modal pop-up to collect or display information. When the user submits the form, your web service responds by inserting a message into the conversation directly or into the compose message area. Later, the user can submit the message. For more complex workflows, you can link multiple forms together.
+Action commands are used to present the users with a modal pop-up to collect or display information. When the user submits the form, your web service responds by inserting a message into the conversation directly or into the compose message area. Later, the user can submit the message. For more complex workflows, you can link multiple forms together.
Action commands are triggered from the compose message area, the command box, or a message. When the command is invoked from a message, the initial JSON payload sent to your bot includes the entire message from which it was invoked. The following image displays the message extension action command dialog (referred as task module in TeamsJS v1.x):
Action commands are triggered from the compose message area, the command box, or
### Search commands
-Search commands allow the users to search an external system for information manually through a search box or by pasting a link to a monitored domain into the compose message area and insert the results of the search into a message. In a simple search command flow, the initial invoke message includes the search string submitted by the user. You respond with a list of cards and card previews. The Teams client renders a list of card previews for the user. When the user selects a card from the list, the full-size card is inserted into the compose message area.
+Search commands allow the users to search an external system for information. To use search commands, enter a query manually into the search box or insert a link to a monitored domain in the compose message area, then embed the search results into a message. In a simple search command flow, the initial invoke message includes the search string submitted by the user. You respond with a list of cards and card previews. The Teams client renders a list of card previews for the user. When the user selects a card from the list, the full-size card is inserted into the compose message area.
The cards are triggered from the compose message area or the command box, but not from a message. They can't be triggered from a message. The following image displays the message extension search command dialog:
The following table helps you select a message extension type to get started:
* Simpler and faster to create and maintain. * Message extension uses an API.
-* No additional code or resources for bot logic are required.
+* No extra code or resource is required for bot logic.
* Ideal for scenarios where the message extension only needs to communicate with a web service and doesn't need any complex logic or state management. * Traffic is privatized as they donΓÇÖt depend on Azure bot infrastructure. * Supports search commands.
platform Teams Toolkit CLI https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/toolkit/Teams-Toolkit-CLI.md
Title: Teams Toolkit Command Line Interface
-description: In this module, learn Teamsapp Command Line Interface, TeamsFx library, supported commands and its scenarios.
+description: In this module, learn Teamsapp Command Line Interface, supported commands, and its scenarios.
ms.localizationpriority: medium
zone_pivot_groups: toolkit-cli
-> * Teams Toolkit CLI v3 is available in beta version.
-> * We recommend that you use Teams Toolkit CLI v3 to build your Teams app. TeamsFx CLI v1 and TeamsFx CLI v2 are soon deprecated.
+> * We recommend that you use Teams Toolkit CLI v3 to build your Teams app.
+> * TeamsFx CLI v1 isn't supported and TeamsFx CLI v2 will be depreated by March 2025.
Microsoft Teams Toolkit command line interface (Teams Toolkit CLI) is a text-based command line interface that accelerates Microsoft Teams application development. It aims to provide keyboard centric experience while building Teams applications. For more information, see [source code](https://github.com/OfficeDev/TeamsFx/tree/dev/packages/cli) and [npm package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@microsoft/teamsfx-cli). ::: zone pivot="version-three"
-Teams Toolkit CLI encapsulates common functionality and integration patterns, such as simplified access to Microsoft Identity. You can build apps for Teams with zero configuration.
+Teams Toolkit CLI encapsulates common functionality and integration patterns, such as simplified access to Microsoft Identity. You can build apps for Teams with zero configuration. Teams Toolkit command-line interface (CLI) provides the following features to facilitate the development of Teams applications:
-Following is a list of main Teams Toolkit CLI features:
-* **Teams Toolkit CLI Collaboration**: Enables developers and project owners to invite other collaborators to the Teams Toolkit CLI project. You can collaborate to debug and deploy a Teams Toolkit CLI project.
-* **Teams Toolkit CLI**: Accelerates Teams application development and enables CI/CD scenario where you can integrate CLI in scripts for automation.
-* Create new Teams application from templates and samples.
-* Preview your Teams application by uploading the custom app to Teams, Outlook, and the Microsoft 365 app.
-* Provision cloud resources and deploy the application to Azure.
-* Validate, package, and publish Teams application.
-* Manage multiple environments, Microsoft Entra apps, and Teams app registrations.
+* **Collaboration**: Invite other developers to collaborate on your Teams Toolkit CLI project to debug and deploy.
+* **Application Creation**: Generate a new Teams application using available templates and samples.
+* **Application Preview**: Upload and preview your custom app in Teams, Outlook, and the Microsoft 365 app.
+* **Resource Provisioning and Deployment**: Provision necessary cloud resources and deploy your application to Azure.
+* **Validation, Packaging, and Publishing**: Validate, package, and publish your Teams application using CLI commands.
+* **Environment Management**: Manage multiple environments, Microsoft Entra apps, and Teams app registration.
## Get started
The following table lists the supported commands to help developers build and ma
| Command | Description | |-|-|
-| `teamsapp doctor` | Prerequisites to create a Teams application.|
-| `teamsapp new`| Create a new Teams application.|
-| `teamsapp add`| Add features to your Teams application.|
-| `teamsapp auth`| Manage authentication for cloud service accounts. The supported cloud services are Azure and Microsoft 365. |
-| `teamsapp entra-app` | Manage the Microsoft Entra app in the current application. |
-| `teamsapp env` | Manage environments. |
-| `teamsapp help` | Show Teams Toolkit CLI help. |
-| `teamsapp install` | Upload a custom app for a specific application package across Microsoft 365. |
-| `teamsapp launchinfo` | Get launch information of an acquired Microsoft 365 App. |
-| `teamsapp list` | List available Teams application templates and samples. |
-| `teamsapp provision` | Run the provision stage in `teamsapp.yml` or `teamsapp.local.yml`.|
-| `teamsapp deploy` | Run the deploy stage in `teamsapp.yml` or `teamsapp.local.yml`. |
-| `teamsapp package` | Build your Teams app into package for publishing.|
-| `teamsapp validate` | Validate the current application.|
-| `teamsapp publish` | Publish the app to Teams.|
-| `teamsapp preview` | Preview the current application. |
-| `teamsapp update` | Update the app manifest (previously called Teams app manifest) to Teams Developer Portal. |
-| `teamsapp upgrade` | Upgrade the project to work with the latest version of Microsoft Teams Toolkit. |
-| `teamsapp collaborator`| Collaborate with other developers in the same project.|
-| `teamsapp uninstall` | Remove an acquired Microsoft 365 App. |
+| [`teamsapp doctor`](#teamsapp-doctor) | Prerequisites to create a Teams application.|
+| [`teamsapp new`](#teamsapp-new)| Create a new Teams application.|
+| [`teamsapp add`](#teamsapp-add)| Add features to your Teams application.|
+| [`teamsapp auth`](#teamsapp-auth)| Manage authentication for cloud service accounts. The supported cloud services are Azure and Microsoft 365. |
+| [`teamsapp entra-app`](#teamsapp-install) | Manage the Microsoft Entra app in the current application. |
+| [`teamsapp env`](#teamsapp-env) | Manage environments. |
+| [`teamsapp help`](#teamsapp-help) | Show Teams Toolkit CLI help. |
+| [`teamsapp install`](#teamsapp-install) | Upload a custom app for a specific application package across Microsoft 365. |
+| [`teamsapp launchinfo`](#teamsapp-launchinfo) | Get launch information of an installed Microsoft 365 App. |
+| [`teamsapp list`](#teamsapp-list) | List available Teams application templates and samples. |
+| [`teamsapp provision`](#teamsapp-provision) | Run the provision stage in `teamsapp.yml` or `teamsapp.local.yml`.|
+| [`teamsapp deploy`](#teamsapp-deploy) | Run the deploy stage in `teamsapp.yml` or `teamsapp.local.yml`. |
+| [`teamsapp package`](#teamsapp-package) | Build your Teams app into package for publishing.|
+| [`teamsapp validate`](#teamsapp-validate) | Validate the current application.|
+| [`teamsapp publish`](#teamsapp-publish) | Publish the app to Teams.|
+| [`teamsapp preview`](#teamsapp-preview) | Preview the current application. |
+| [`teamsapp update`](#teamsapp-update) | Update the app manifest (previously called Teams app manifest) to Teams Developer Portal. |
+| [`teamsapp upgrade`](#teamsapp-upgrade) | Upgrade the project to work with the latest version of Microsoft Teams Toolkit. |
+| [`teamsapp collaborator`](#teamsapp-collaborator)| Collaborate with other developers in the same project.|
+| [`teamsapp uninstall`](#teamsapp-uninstall) | Remove an acquired Microsoft 365 App. |
:::image type="content" source="../assets/images/teams-toolkit-cli/list-of-commands.png" alt-text="Screenshot shows the list of available commands.":::
The following table lists the parameters available for `teamsapp new`:
### `teamsapp new` scenarios
-The following is a list of scenarios to control all the parameters with `teamsapp new`:
+The following are a list of scenarios to control all the parameters with `teamsapp new`:
* HTTP triggered notification bot with timer triggered in non-interactive mode.
Create a new environment by copying from the existing dev environment:
teamsapp env add staging --env dev ```
+## `teamsapp help`
+The `teamsapp help` command displays all the commands available for Teams Toolkit CLI.
+## `teamsapp install`
+Sideload an application package into Teams.
+### `teamsapp install` parameters
+The following table lists the parameters available for `teamsapp install`:
+| Command | Description |
+|:- |:-|
+| `--file-path` | Specifies the path to the app manifest zip package. |
+| `--xml-path` | Specifies the path to the Teams XML app manifest file. |
+### `teamsapp install` scenarios
+Sideload the application package with json based app manifest to Teams, Outlook, and the Microsoft 365 app.
+teamsapp install --file-path appPackage.zip
+Sideload the Outlook add-in application package with XML based manifest to Outlook.
+teamsapp install --xml-path manifest.xml
+## `teamsapp launchinfo`
+Get launch information of an acquired Microsoft 365 app.
+### `teamsapp launchinfo -h` parameters
+The following table lists the parameters available for `teamsapp launchinfo -h`:
+| Command | Description |
+|:- |:-|
+| `--title-id` | Specifies the title ID of the acquired Microsoft 365 app. |
+| `--manifest-id` | Specifies the manifest ID of the acquired Microsoft 365 app. |
+### `teamsapp launchinfo` scenarios
+Get launch information of the acquired Microsoft 365 app by title ID.
+teamsapp launchinfo --title-id U_xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
+Get launch information of the acquired Microsoft 365 app by manifest ID.
+teamsapp launchinfo --manifest-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
+ ## `teamsapp list` Displays available Teams app templates and samples.
The following table lists the parameters available for `teamsapp list`:
:::image type="content" source="../assets/images/teams-toolkit-cli/teamsapp-list.png" alt-text="Screenshot shows the teamsapp list commands.":::
-## `teamsapp help`
-The `teamsapp help` command displays all the commands available for Teams Toolkit CLI.
-- ## `teamsapp provision` The `teamsapp provision` command runs the provision stage in `teamsapp.yml`.
The following table lists the parameters available for `teamsapp validate`:
|`--output-manifest-file` | No | Select the path for the output app manifest file. Defaults to `${folder}/appPackage/build/manifest.${env}.json`. | | `--folder -f` | No | Select root folder of the project. Defaults to `./`. |
+## `teamsapp publish`
+The `teamsapp publish` command runs the publish stage in `teamsapp.yml`.
+### `teamsapp publish` parameters
+The following table lists the parameters available for `teamsapp publish`:
+| Parameter | Required | Description |
+|:- |:-|:-|
+| `--env` | No | Select an environment for the project. |
+| `--env-file` | No | Select an .env file that defines the variables for the app manifest template file.|
+| `--teams-manifest-file` | No | Select the path for the input app manifest file. Defaults to `${folder}/appPackage/manifest.json`.|
+|`--package-file` | No | Select the path for the Teams app package zip file.|
+|`--output-package-file` | No | Select the path for the output Teams app package zip file. Defaults to `${folder}/appPackage/build/appPackage.${env}.zip`.|
+|`--output-manifest-file` | No | Select the path for the output in the app manifest file. Defaults to `${folder}/appPackage/build/manifest.${env}.json`. |
+| `--folder -f` | No |Select the root folder of the project. Defaults to `./`. |
+ ## `teamsapp preview` The `teamsapp preview` command allows you to preview your Teams app during development. This command provides a real-time view of your app, helping you identify and fix issues before deployment.
The following list provides the common scenarios for `teamsapp preview`:
> [!NOTE] > The logs of the background services, such as React is saved in `~/.fx/cli-log/local-preview/`.
-## `teamsapp publish`
+## `teamsapp update`
-The `teamsapp publish` command runs the publish stage in `teamsapp.yml`.
+Update the app manifest to Teams Developer Portal.
-### `teamsapp publish` parameters
+### `teamsapp update` parameters
-The following table lists the parameters available for `teamsapp publish`:
+The following table lists the parameters available for `teamsapp update`:
| Parameter | Required | Description | |:- |:-|:-|
-| `--env` | No | Select an environment for the project. |
-| `--env-file` | No | Select an .env file that defines the variables for the app manifest template file.|
-| `--teams-manifest-file` | No | Select the path for the input app manifest file. Defaults to `${folder}/appPackage/manifest.json`.|
-|`--package-file` | No | Select the path for the Teams app package zip file.|
-|`--output-package-file` | No | Select the path for the output Teams app package zip file. Defaults to `${folder}/appPackage/build/appPackage.${env}.zip`.|
-|`--output-manifest-file` | No | Select the path for the output in the app manifest file. Defaults to `${folder}/appPackage/build/manifest.${env}.json`. |
-| `--folder -f` | No |Select the root folder of the project. Defaults to `./`. |
+| `--env-file` | | Select an .env file that defines the variables to replace in the app manifest template file. |
+| `--folder -f` | | Select root folder of the project. Defaults to `./` |
+| `--teams-manifest-file` | | Specifies the app manifest file path. The default value is `./appPackage/manifest.json`. |
+| `--package-file` | | Specifies the zipped Teams app package file path. |
+| `--output-package-file` | | Specifies the output zipped Teams app package file path. The default value is `./appPackage/build/appPackage.${env}.zip`. |
+| `--output-manifest-file` | | Specifies the final output in the app manifest file path. The default value is `./appPackage/build/manifest.${env}.json`. |
+## `teamsapp upgrade`
+Upgrade the project to work with the latest version of Teams Toolkit.
+### `teamsapp upgrade` parameters
+The following table lists the parameters available for `teamsapp upgrade`:
+|Parameter | Required | Description |
+|:- |:-|:-|
+| `--force -f` | No | Force upgrade the project to work with the latest version of Teams Toolkit. The defaults value is `false`. |
## `teamsapp collaborator`
The following table lists the parameters available for `teamsapp collaborator gr
teamsapp collaborator status --env dev --list-all-collaborators ```
-## `teamsapp update`
-Update the app manifest to Teams Developer Portal.
-### `teamsapp update` parameters
-The following table lists the parameters available for `teamsapp update`:
-| Parameter | Required | Description |
-|:- |:-|:-|
-| `--env-file` | | Select an .env file that defines the variables to replace in the app manifest template file. |
-| `--folder -f` | | Select root folder of the project. Defaults to `./` |
-| `--teams-manifest-file` | | Specifies the app manifest file path. The default value is `./appPackage/manifest.json`. |
-| `--package-file` | | Specifies the zipped Teams app package file path. |
-| `--output-package-file` | | Specifies the output zipped Teams app package file path. The default value is `./appPackage/build/appPackage.${env}.zip`. |
-| `--output-manifest-file` | | Specifies the final output in the app manifest file path. The default value is `./appPackage/build/manifest.${env}.json`. |
-## `teamsapp upgrade`
-Upgrade the project to work with the latest version of Teams Toolkit.
-### `teamsapp upgrade` parameters
-The following table lists the parameters available for `teamsapp upgrade`:
-|Parameter | Required | Description |
-|:- |:-|:-|
-| `--force -f` | No | Force upgrade the project to work with the latest version of Teams Toolkit. The defaults value is `false`. |
-## `teamsapp install`
+## `teamsapp uninstall`
-Sideload an application package into Teams.
+Remove an acquired Microsoft 365 app.
-### `teamsapp install` parameters
+### `teamsapp uninstall` parameters
-The following table lists the parameters available for `teamsapp install`:
+The following table lists the parameters available for `teamsapp uninstall`:
| Command | Description | |:- |:-|
-| `--file-path` | Specifies the path to the app manifest zip package. |
-| `--xml-path` | Specifies the path to the Teams XML app manifest file. |
-### `teamsapp install` scenarios
-Sideload the application package with json based app manifest to Teams, Outlook, and the Microsoft 365 app.
-teamsapp install --file-path appPackage.zip
-Sideload the Outlook add-in application package with XML based manifest to Outlook.
-teamsapp install --xml-path manifest.xml
+| `--title-id` | Specifies the title ID of the installed Microsoft 365 app. |
+| `--manifest-id` | Specifies the manifest ID of the installed Microsoft 365 app. |
### `teamsapp uninstall` scenarios
Remove the acquired Microsoft 365 app by manifest ID.
teamsapp uninstall --manifest-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx ```
-## `teamsapp launchinfo`
-Get launch information of an acquired Microsoft 365 app.
-### `teamsapp launchinfo -h` parameters
-The following table lists the parameters available for `teamsapp launchinfo -h`:
-| Command | Description |
-|:- |:-|
-| `--title-id` | Specifies the title ID of the acquired Microsoft 365 app. |
-| `--manifest-id` | Specifies the manifest ID of the acquired Microsoft 365 app. |
-### `teamsapp launchinfo` scenarios
-Get launch information of the acquired Microsoft 365 app by title ID.
-teamsapp launchinfo --title-id U_xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
-Get launch information of the acquired Microsoft 365 app by manifest ID.
-teamsapp launchinfo --manifest-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
-## `teamsapp uninstall`
-Remove an acquired Microsoft 365 app.
-### `teamsapp uninstall` parameters
-The following table lists the parameters available for `teamsapp uninstall`:
-| Command | Description |
-|:- |:-|
-| `--title-id` | Specifies the title ID of the installed Microsoft 365 app. |
-| `--manifest-id` | Specifies the manifest ID of the installed Microsoft 365 app. |
- ::: zone-end ::: zone pivot="version-two"
Preview the current application.
The following list provides the common scenarios for `teamsfx preview`:
-`teamsfx preview` expects users have already ran `teamsfx provision` and `teamsfx deploy`.
+`teamsfx preview` expects users have run `teamsfx provision` and `teamsfx deploy`.
* Local Preview
Manage Microsoft 365 app.
|:- |:-| | `sideloading [options]` | Sideloading a Microsoft 365 App with corresponding information specified in the given app manifest package. | | `unacquire [options]` | Remove an acquired Microsoft 365 App. |
-| `launchinfo [options]` | Get launch information of an acquired M365 App. |
+| `launchinfo [options]` | Get launch information of an acquired Microsoft 365 App. |
## `teamsfx permission`
The `teamsfx deploy` command is used to deploy the current application. By defau
| Parameter | Required | Description | |:- |:-|:-| |`--env`| Yes| Select an existing environment for the project. |
-|`--open-api-document`| No | Applicable when there's APIM resource in the project. The open API document file path. |
+|`--open-api-document`| No | Applicable when there's APIM resource in the project. The OpenAPI document file path. |
|`--api-prefix`| No | Applicable when there's APIM resource in the project. The API name prefix. The default unique name of the API is `{api-prefix}-{resource-suffix}-{api-version}`. | |`--api-version`| No | Applicable when there's APIM resource in the project. The API version. | |`--include-app-manifest`| No | Whether to deploy app manifest to Teams platform. Options are `yes` and `not`. The default value is `no`. |