Updates from: 07/10/2024 02:04:29
Service Microsoft Docs article Related commit history on GitHub Change details
platform How Conversation Ai Get Started https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/bots/how-to/Teams conversational AI/how-conversation-ai-get-started.md
Actions handle events triggered by AI components.
[Sample code reference](https://github.com/microsoft/teams-ai/blob/main/js/samples/04.ai-apps/a.teamsChefBot/src/index.ts#L132)
// Register other AI actions app.ai.action( AI.FlaggedInputActionName,
platform Create Extensions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/resources/messaging-extension-v3/create-extensions.md
Action-based message extensions allow your users to trigger actions in external
To initiate actions from a message extension, set the `type` parameter to `action`. A single message extension can have up to 10 different commands and include multiple search-based and action-based commands.
- > [!NOTE]
- >`justInTimeInstall` functions when you upload an app to the app catalog but fails when you upload a custom app.
- ### Complete app manifest example The following code is an example of a manifest with a search and a create command:
platform Manifest Schema https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/resources/schema/manifest-schema.md
The ID stored in Teams Admin Center is the **External App ID** and it's visible
Specifies information about your company. For apps submitted to the Teams Store, these values must match the information in your Teams Store listing. For more information, see the [Teams Store publishing guidelines](~/concepts/deploy-and-publish/appsource/publish.md). Developer name helps improve your app discoverability in the Teams Store.
-|Name| Maximum size | Required | Description|
-|`name`|32 characters|✔️|The display name for the developer.|
-|`websiteUrl`|2048 characters|✔️|The https:// URL to the developer's website. This link must take users to your company or product-specific landing page.|
-|`privacyUrl`|2048 characters|✔️|The https:// URL to the developer's privacy policy.|
-|`termsOfUseUrl`|2048 characters|✔️|The https:// URL to the developer's terms of use.|
-|`mpnId`|10 characters| |**Optional** The Microsoft Partner Network ID that identifies the partner organization building the app.|
+|Name|Type| Maximum size | Required | Description|
+|`name`|String|32 characters|✔️|The display name for the developer.|
+|`websiteUrl`|String|2048 characters|✔️|The https:// URL to the developer's website. This link must take users to your company or product-specific landing page.|
+|`privacyUrl`|String|2048 characters|✔️|The https:// URL to the developer's privacy policy.|
+|`termsOfUseUrl`|String|2048 characters|✔️|The https:// URL to the developer's terms of use.|
+|`mpnId`|String|10 characters| |**Optional** The Microsoft Partner Network ID that identifies the partner organization building the app.|
## name
Specifies information about your company. For apps submitted to the Teams Store,
The name of your app experience, displayed to users in the Teams experience. For apps submitted to AppSource, these values must match the information in your AppSource entry. The values of `short` and `full` must be different. App name helps improve your app discoverability in the Teams Store.
-|Name| Maximum size | Required | Description|
-|`short`|30 characters|✔️|The short display name for the app. Use `short` property where the space is limited, such as the app header.|
-|`full`|100 characters|✔️|The full name of the app, used if the full app name exceeds 30 characters. Use `full` property where there's more space, such as the app catalog or the app details page.|
+|Name|Type| Maximum size | Required | Description|
+|`short`|String|30 characters|✔️|The short display name for the app. Use `short` property where the space is limited, such as the app header.|
+|`full`|String|100 characters|✔️|The full name of the app, used if the full app name exceeds 30 characters. Use `full` property where there's more space, such as the app catalog or the app details page.|
> [!NOTE] >
Describes your app to users. For apps submitted to AppSource, these values must
Ensure that your description describes your experience and helps potential customers understand what your experience does. You must note in the full description, if an external account is required for use. The values of `short` and `full` must be different. Your short description can't be repeated within the long description and must not include any other app name.
-|Name| Maximum size | Required | Description|
-|`short`|80 characters|✔️|A short description of your app experience, used when space is limited.|
-|`full`|4000 characters|✔️|The full description of your app.|
+|Name| Type | Maximum size | Required | Description|
+|`short`|String|80 characters|✔️|A short description of your app experience, used when space is limited.|
+|`full`|String|4000 characters|✔️|The full description of your app.|
## localizationInfo
Allows the specification of a default language and provides pointers to more lan
An array of objects specifying more language translations.
-|Name| Maximum size | Required | Description|
-|`languageTag`||✔️|The language tag of the strings in the provided file.|
-|`file`|2048 characters|✔️|A relative file path to the .json file containing the translated strings.|
+|Name| Type | Maximum size | Required | Description|
+|`languageTag`|String||✔️|The language tag of the strings in the provided file.|
+|`file`|String|2048 characters|✔️|A relative file path to the .json file containing the translated strings.|
## icons
An array of objects specifying more language translations.
Icons used within the Teams app. The icon files must be included as part of the upload package. For more information, see [Icons](../../concepts/build-and-test/apps-package.md#app-icons).
-|Name| Maximum size | Required | Description|
-|`outline`|32 x 32 pixels|✔️|A relative file path to a transparent 32x32 PNG outline icon. The border color must be white.|
-|`color`|192 x 192 pixels|✔️|A relative file path to a full color 192x192 PNG icon.|
+|Name| Type | Maximum size | Required | Description|
+|`outline`|String|32 x 32 pixels|✔️|A relative file path to a transparent 32x32 PNG outline icon. The border color must be white.|
+|`color`|String|192 x 192 pixels|✔️|A relative file path to a full color 192x192 PNG icon.|
## accentColor
Used when your app experience has a team channel tab experience that requires ex
|||||| |`configurationUrl`|String|2048 characters|✔️|The https:// URL to use when configuring the tab.| |`scopes`|Array of enums|2|✔️|The configurable tabs support only the `team` and `groupChat` scopes. |
-|`canUpdateConfiguration`|Boolean|||A value indicating whether an instance of the tab's configuration can be updated by the user after creation. Default: **true**.|
-|`meetingSurfaces`|Array of enums|2||The set of `meetingSurfaceItem` scopes where a [tab is supported](../../tabs/how-to/access-teams-context.md). Default: **[sidepanel, stage]**. |
+|`canUpdateConfiguration`|Boolean|||A value indicating whether an instance of the tab's configuration can be updated by the user after creation. <br>Default value: `true` |
+|`meetingSurfaces`|Array of enums|2||The set of `meetingSurfaceItem` scopes where a [tab is supported](../../tabs/how-to/access-teams-context.md). <br>Default values: `sidePanel`, `stage` |
|`context` |Array of enums|8||The set of `contextItem` scopes where a [tab is supported](../../tabs/how-to/access-teams-context.md). Accepted value: **[personalTab, channelTab, privateChatTab, meetingChatTab, meetingDetailsTab, meetingSidePanel, meetingStage]**.|
-|`sharePointPreviewImage`|String|2048||A relative file path to a tab preview image for use in SharePoint. Size 1024x768. |
+|`sharePointPreviewImage`|String|2048 characters||A relative file path to a tab preview image for use in SharePoint. Size 1024x768. |
|`supportedSharePointHosts`|Array of enums|2||Defines how your tab is made available in SharePoint. Options are `sharePointFullPage` and `sharePointWebPart`. | ## staticTabs
This item is an array (maximum of 16 elements) with all elements of the type `ob
|`contentBotId`|String|128 characters||The Microsoft app ID specified for the bot in the [Bot Framework portal](https://dev.botframework.com/bots).| |`websiteUrl`|String|2048 characters||The https:// URL to point to if a user opts to view in a browser.| |`searchUrl`|String|2048 characters||The https:// URL to point to for a user's search queries.|
-|`scopes`|Array of enums|3|✔️|Accepted values: `team`, `personal`, `groupChat`|
+|`scopes`|Array of enums|3|✔️|Specifies whether the tab offers an experience in the context of a channel in a team, or an experience scoped to an individual user or group chat. The static tabs support `personal` scope only.|
|`context` | Array of enums| 8|| The set of `contextItem` contexts where a [tab is supported](../../tabs/how-to/access-teams-context.md). </br> Accepted values: `personalTab`, `channelTab`, `privateChatTab`, `meetingChatTab`, `meetingDetailsTab`, `meetingStage`, `meetingSidepanel`, `teamLevelApp`. </br> Default values: `personalTab`, `channelTab`, `privateChatTab`, `meetingChatTab`, `meetingDetailsTab`. | > [!NOTE]
The item is an array (maximum of only one element&mdash; only one bot is allowed
|||||| |`botId`|String||✔️|The unique Microsoft app ID for the bot as registered with the Bot Framework. The ID can be the same as the overall [app ID](#id).| |`scopes`|Array of enums|3|✔️|Specifies whether the bot offers an experience in the context of a channel in a `team`, in a group chat (`groupChat`), or an experience scoped to an individual user alone (`personal`). These options are non-exclusive.|
-|`needsChannelSelector`|Boolean|||Describes whether or not the bot uses a user hint to add the bot to a specific channel. Default: **`false`**|
-|`isNotificationOnly`|Boolean|||Indicates whether a bot is a one-way, notification-only bot, as opposed to a conversational bot. Default: **`false`**|
-|`supportsFiles`|Boolean|||Indicates whether the bot supports the ability to upload/download files in personal chat. Default: **`false`**|
-|`supportsCalling`|Boolean|||A value indicating where a bot supports audio calling. **IMPORTANT**: This property is experimental. Experimental properties might be incomplete and might undergo changes before they're fully available. The property is provided for testing and exploration purposes only and must not be used in production applications. Default: **`false`**|
-|`supportsVideo`|Boolean|||A value indicating where a bot supports video calling. **IMPORTANT**: This property is experimental. Experimental properties might be incomplete and might undergo changes before they're fully available. The property is provided for testing and exploration purposes only and must not be used in production applications. Default: **`false`**|
+|`needsChannelSelector`|Boolean|||Describes whether or not the bot uses a user hint to add the bot to a specific channel. <br>Default value: `false` |
+|`isNotificationOnly`|Boolean|||Indicates whether a bot is a one-way, notification-only bot, as opposed to a conversational bot. <br>Default value: `false` |
+|`supportsFiles`|Boolean|||Indicates whether the bot supports the ability to upload/download files in personal chat. <br>Default value: `false`|
+|`supportsCalling`|Boolean|||A value indicating where a bot supports audio calling. **IMPORTANT**: This property is experimental. Experimental properties might be incomplete and might undergo changes before they're fully available. The property is provided for testing and exploration purposes only and must not be used in production applications. <br>Default value: `false`|
+|`supportsVideo`|Boolean|||A value indicating where a bot supports video calling. **IMPORTANT**: This property is experimental. Experimental properties might be incomplete and might undergo changes before they're fully available. The property is provided for testing and exploration purposes only and must not be used in production applications. <br>Default value: `false`|
### bots.configuration
+**Optional** &ndash; Object
+ |Name| Type| Maximum size | Required | Description| |||||| |`team.fetchTask`|Boolean||✔️|A boolean value that indicates if it should fetch dialog (referred as task module in TeamsJS v1.x) dynamically. <br>Default value: `false`|
+|`team.taskInfo`|Object||✔️|The dialog to preload when you use a bot |
|`team.taskInfo.title`|String|64 characters|✔️|Initial dialog title.|
-|`team.taskInfo.width`|String|16||The dialog width is either a number in pixels or default layout such as `large`, `medium`, or `small`.|
-|`team.taskInfo.height`|String|16||The dialog height is either a number in pixels or default layout such as `large`, `medium`, or `small`.|
+|`team.taskInfo.width`|String|16 characters||The dialog width is either a number in pixels or default layout such as `large`, `medium`, or `small`.|
+|`team.taskInfo.height`|String|16 characters||The dialog height is either a number in pixels or default layout such as `large`, `medium`, or `small`.|
|`team.taskInfo.url`|String|2048 characters||Initial webview URL.| |`groupChat.fetchTask`|Boolean||✔️|A boolean value that indicates if it should fetch dialog dynamically. <br>Default value: `false`| |`groupChat.taskInfo`|Object|||Dialog to be launched when fetch task set to false.<br>Default value: `false`|
The item is an array (maximum of only one element&mdash; only one bot is allowed
### bots.commandLists
-A list of commands that your bot can recommend to users. The object is an array (maximum of two elements) with all elements of type `object`; you must define a separate command list for each scope that your bot supports. For more information, see [Bot menus](~/bots/how-to/create-a-bot-commands-menu.md).
+**Optional** &ndash; Array
+A list of commands that your bot can recommend to users. The object is an array (maximum of three elements) with all elements of type `object`; you must define a separate command list for each scope that your bot supports. For more information, see [Bot menus](~/bots/how-to/create-a-bot-commands-menu.md).
|Name| Type| Maximum size | Required | Description| ||||||
-|`items.scopes`|Array of enums|3|✔️|Specifies the scope for which the command list is valid. Options are `team`, `personal`, and `groupChat`.|
-|`items.commands`|Array of objects|10|✔️|An array of commands the bot supports:<br>`title`: the bot command name (string, 32)<br>`description`: a simple description or example of the command syntax and its argument (string, 128).|
+|`scopes`|Array of enums|3|✔️|Specifies the scope for which the command list is valid. Options are `team`, `personal`, and `groupChat`.|
+|`commands`|Array of objects|10|✔️|An array of commands the bot supports.|
> [!NOTE] > Teams mobile client doesn't support the bot app when there is no value in the `commandLists` property. ### bots.commandLists.commands
+**Required** &ndash; Array
+ |Name| Type| Maximum size | Required | Description| ||||||
-|title|String|32|✔️|The bot command name.|
-|description|String|128 characters|✔️|A simple text description or an example of the command syntax and its arguments.|
+|`title`|String|32|✔️|The bot command name.|
+|`description`|String|128 characters|✔️|A simple text description or an example of the command syntax and its arguments.|
## connectors
The item is an array (maximum of one element) with all elements of type `object`
|||||| |`botId`|String|||The unique Microsoft app ID for the bot that backs the message extension, as registered with the Bot Framework. The ID can be the same as the overall App ID.| |`composeExtensionType`|String||✔️|Type of the compose extension. Enum values are `botBased` and `apiBased`.|
-|`authorization`|Object|2||Authorization related information for the API-based message extension|
+|`authorization`|Object|2||Authorization related information for the API-based message extension.|
|`authorization.authType`|String|||Enum of possible authorization types. Supported values are `none`, `apiSecretServiceAuth`, and `microsoftEntra`.| |`authorization.microsoftEntraConfiguration`|Object|||Object capturing details needed to do microsoftEntra auth flow. Applicable only when auth type is `microsoftEntra`.|
-|`authorization.microsoftEntraConfiguration.supportsSingleSignOn`|boolean|||A value indicating whether single sign-on is configured for the app.|
+|`authorization.microsoftEntraConfiguration.supportsSingleSignOn`|Boolean|||A value indicating whether single sign-on is configured for the app.|
|`authorization.apiSecretServiceAuthConfiguration`|Object|||Object capturing details needed to do service auth. Applicable only when auth type is `apiSecretServiceAuth`.| |`authorization.apiSecretServiceAuthConfiguration.apiSecretRegistrationId`|String|128 characters||Registration ID returned when developer submits the API key through Developer Portal.| |`apiSpecificationFile`|String|2048 characters||A relative file path to the API specification file in the manifest package.|
-|`canUpdateConfiguration`|Boolean|||A value indicating whether the configuration of a message extension can be updated by the user. <br>Default value: `true`|
+|`canUpdateConfiguration`|Boolean|||A value indicating whether the configuration of a message extension can be updated by the user. <br>Default value: `false`|
|`commands`|Array of objects|10|✔️|Array of commands the message extension supports.|
-|`canUpdateConfiguration`|Boolean|||A value indicating whether the configuration of a message extension can be updated by the user. Default: **false**.|
|`messageHandlers`|Array of objects|5||A list of handlers that allow apps to be invoked when certain conditions are met.|
-|`messageHandlers.type`|String|||The type of message handler. Must be `"link"`.|
+|`messageHandlers.type`|String|||The type of message handler. Must be `link`.|
|`messageHandlers.value.domains`|Array of strings|2048 characters||Array of domains that the link message handler can register for.|
-|`messageHandlers.value.supportsAnonymizedPayloads`|Boolean||| A boolean value that indicates whether the app's link message handler supports anonymous invoke flow. Default is false.
+|`messageHandlers.value.supportsAnonymizedPayloads`|Boolean||| A boolean value that indicates whether the app's link message handler supports anonymous invoke flow. <br>Default value: `false`|
### composeExtensions.commands
Each command item is an object with the following structure:
|Name| Type| Maximum size | Required | Description| |||||| |`id`|String|64 characters|✔️|The ID for the command.|
-|`type`|String|||Type of the command. One of `query` or `action`. Default: **query**.|
-|`samplePrompts`|array|5 |No|Property used by Copilot to display prompts supported by the plugin to the user.|
-|`samplePrompts.text`|string|128 characters|✔️|Content of the sample prompt.|
+|`type`|String|||Type of the command. One of `query` or `action`. <br>Default value: `query` |
+|`samplePrompts`|Array|5 ||Property used by Copilot to display prompts supported by the plugin to the user.|
+|`samplePrompts.text`|String|128 characters|✔️|Content of the sample prompt.|
|`apiResponseRenderingTemplateFile`|String|2048 characters||A relative file path for api [response rendering template](https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/teams/vDevPreview/MicrosoftTeams.ResponseRenderingTemplate.schema.json) file used to format the JSON response from developerΓÇÖs API to Adaptive Card response.|
-|`context`|Array of Strings|3 characters||Defines where the message extension can be invoked from. Any combination of `compose`, `commandBox`, `message`. <br>Default values: `compose, commandBox`|
+|`context`|Array of strings|3 ||Defines where the message extension can be invoked from. Any combination of `compose`, `commandBox`, `message`. <br>Default values: `compose, commandBox`|
|`title`|String|32 characters|✔️|The user-friendly command name.| |`description`|String|128 characters||The description that appears to users to indicate the purpose of this command.| |`semanticDescription`|String|5000 characters||Semantic description of the command for consumption by Copilot using Large Language Models (LLMs).|
-|`initialRun`|Boolean|||A Boolean value indicates whether the command runs initially with no parameters. Default is **false**.|
-|`fetchTask`|Boolean|||A Boolean value that indicates if it must fetch the dialog (referred as task module in TeamsJS v1.x) dynamically. Default is **false**.|
-|`taskInfo`|Object|||Specify the dialog to pre-load when using a message extension command.|
+|`initialRun`|Boolean|||A Boolean value indicates whether the command runs initially with no parameters. <br>Default value: `false` |
+|`fetchTask`|Boolean|||A Boolean value that indicates if it must fetch the dialog (referred as task module in TeamsJS v1.x) dynamically. <br>Default value: `false` |
+|`taskInfo`|Object|||Specify the dialog to preload when using a message extension command.|
|`taskInfo.title`|String|64 characters||Initial dialog title.|
-|`taskInfo.width`|String|||Dialog width - either a number in pixels or default layout such as 'large', 'medium', or 'small'.|
-|`taskInfo.height`|String|||Dialog height - either a number in pixels or default layout such as 'large', 'medium', or 'small'.|
+|`taskInfo.width`|String|||Dialog width - either a number in pixels or default layout values such as `large`, `medium`, or `small`.|
+|`taskInfo.height`|String|||Dialog height - either a number in pixels or default layout values such as `large`, `medium`, or `small`.|
|`taskInfo.url`|String|||Initial webview URL.|
-|`parameters`|Array of object|5 items||The list of parameters the command takes. Minimum: 1; maximum: 5.|
-|`parameter.name`|String|64 characters|✔️|The name of the parameter as it appears in the client. The parameter name is included in the user request.|
-|`parameter.title`|String|32 characters|✔️|User-friendly title for the parameter.|
-|`parameter.description`|String|128 characters||User-friendly string that describes this parameterΓÇÖs purpose.|
-|`parameter.semanticDescription`|String|2000 characters||Semantic description of the parameter for consumption by Copilot using Large Language Models (LLMs).|
-|`parameter.value`|String|512 characters||Initial value for the parameter. The value isn't supported|
-|`parameter.inputType`|String|||Defines the type of control displayed on a dialog for`fetchTask: false` . Input value can only be one of `text, textarea, number, date, time, toggle, choiceset` .|
-|`parameter.choices`|Array of objects|10 items||The choice options for the`choiceset`. Use only when`parameter.inputType` is `choiceset`.|
-|`parameter.choices.title`|String|128 characters|✔️|Title of the choice.|
-|`parameter.choices.value`|String|512 characters|✔️|Value of the choice.|
+|`parameters`|Array of objects|5 ||The list of parameters the command takes.|
+|`parameters.name`|String|64 characters|✔️|The name of the parameter as it appears in the client. The parameter name is included in the user request.|
+|`parameters.title`|String|32 characters|✔️|User-friendly title for the parameter.|
+|`parameters.description`|String|128 characters||User-friendly string that describes this parameterΓÇÖs purpose.|
+|`parameters.semanticDescription`|String|2000 characters||Semantic description of the parameter for consumption by Copilot using Large Language Models (LLMs).|
+|`parameters.value`|String|512 characters||Initial value for the parameter. The value isn't supported.|
+|`parameters.inputType`|String|||Defines the type of control displayed on a dialog for `fetchTask: false`. Input value can only be one of `text`, `textarea`, `number`, `date`, `time`, `toggle`, `choiceset`. <br>Default value: `text` |
+|`parameters.choices`|Array of objects|10 items||The choice options for the `choiceset`. Use only when `parameters.inputType` is `choiceset`.|
+|`parameters.choices.title`|String|128 characters|✔️|Title of the choice.|
+|`parameters.choices.value`|String|512 characters|✔️|Value of the choice.|
## permissions
Provides the native features on a user's device that your app requests access to
## validDomains
-**Optional**, except **Required** where noted.
+**Optional** (except **Required** where noted) &ndash; Array of strings
A list of valid domains for websites the app expects to load within the Teams client. Domain listings can include wildcards, for example, `*.example.com`. The valid domain matches exactly one segment of the domain; if you need to match `a.b.example.com` then use `*.*.example.com`. If your tab configuration or content UI navigates to any other domain other than tab configuration, that domain must be specified here.
Indicates if or not to show the loading indicator when an app or tab is loading.
**Optional** &ndash; Boolean
-Indicates if a personal app is rendered without a tab header bar (signifying full screen mode). Default is **false**.
+Indicates if a personal app is rendered without a tab header bar (signifying full screen mode). Default value: `false`
> [!NOTE] >
Define the properties your app uses to post a user activity feed.
|Name| Type| Maximum size | Required | Description| ||||||
-|`type`|String|32 characters|✔️|The notification type. *See below*.|
-|`description`|String|128 characters|✔️|A brief description of the notification. *See below*.|
+|`type`|String|64 characters|✔️|The notification type.|
+|`description`|String|128 characters|✔️|A brief description of the notification.|
|`templateText`|String|128 characters|✔️|Ex: "{actor} created task {taskId} for you"| ```json
Specifies the install scope defined for this app by default. The defined scope i
**Optional** &ndash; Object
-When a group install scope is selected, it defines the default capability when the user installs the app. Options are:
-* `team`
-* `groupChat`
-* `meetings`
+When a group install scope is selected, it defines the default capability when the user installs the app.
|Name| Type| Maximum size | Required | Description| ||||||
Specifies the SaaS offer associated with your app.
|Name| Type|Maximum size|Required|Description| ||||||
-|`offerId`| string | 2,048 characters | ✔️ | A unique identifier that includes your Publisher ID and Offer ID, which you can find in [Partner Center](https://partner.microsoft.com/dashboard). You must format the string as `publisherId.offerId`.|
+|`offerId`| String | 2048 characters | ✔️ | A unique identifier that includes your Publisher ID and Offer ID, which you can find in [Partner Center](https://partner.microsoft.com/dashboard). You must format the string as `publisherId.offerId`.|
## meetingExtensionDefinition
Specify meeting extension definition. For more information, see [custom Together
|Name| Type| Maximum size | Required | Description| ||||||
-|`scenes`|array of objects| 5 items||Meeting supported scenes.|
-|`supportsStreaming`|Boolean|||A value that indicates whether an app can stream the meeting's audio and video content to a real-time meeting protocol (RTMP) endpoint. The default value is **false**.|
-|`supportsAnonymousGuestUsers`|Boolean|||A value that indicates whether an app supports access for anonymous users. The default value is **false**.|
+|`scenes`|Array of objects| 5 items||Meeting supported scenes.|
+|`supportsStreaming`|Boolean|||A value that indicates whether an app can stream the meeting's audio and video content to a real-time meeting protocol (RTMP) endpoint. <br>Default value: `false` |
+|`supportsAnonymousGuestUsers`|Boolean|||A value that indicates whether an app supports access for anonymous users. <br>Default value: `false` |
> [!NOTE] > The `supportsAnonymousGuestUsers` property in the app manifest schema v1.16 is supported only in [new Teams client](~/resources/teams-updates.md).
The `extensions` property specifies Outlook Add-ins within an app manifest and s
|Name| Type| Maximum size | Required | Description| |||||| |`requirements`| Object | | | Specifies the set of client or host requirements for the extension. |
-|`runtimes`| Array | | | Configures the set of runtimes and actions that can be used by each extension point. For more information, see [runtimes in Office Add-ins](/office/dev/add-ins/testing/runtimes). |
-|`ribbons`| Array | | | Defines the ribbons extension point. |
-|`autoRunEvents`| Array | | | Defines the event-based activation extension point. |
-|`alternates`| Array | | | Specifies the relationship to alternate existing Microsoft 365 solutions. It's used to hide or prioritize add-ins from the same publisher with overlapping functionality. |
+|`runtimes`| Array | 20 | | Configures the set of runtimes and actions that can be used by each extension point. For more information, see [runtimes in Office Add-ins](/office/dev/add-ins/testing/runtimes). |
+|`ribbons`| Array | 20 | | Defines the ribbons extension point. |
+|`autoRunEvents`| Array | 10 | | Defines the event-based activation extension point. |
+|`alternates`| Array | | 10 | Specifies the relationship to alternate existing Microsoft 365 solutions. It's used to hide or prioritize add-ins from the same publisher with overlapping functionality. |
|`audienceClaimUrl`| String | 2048 characters | | Specifies the URL for your extension and is used to validate Exchange user identity tokens. For more information, see [inside the Exchange identity token](/office/dev/add-ins/outlook/inside-the-identity-token)| For more information, see [Office Add-ins manifest for Microsoft 365](/office/dev/add-ins/develop/unified-manifest-overview).
The `extensions.requirements` object specifies the scopes, form factors, and Off
|Name| Type| Maximum size | Required | Description| ||||||
-|`requirements.capabilities`| Array | | | Identifies the requirement sets. <br>Options: `name` (required), `minVersion`, `maxVersion`|
-|`requirements.capabilities.name`| String | | ✔️ | Identifies the name of the requirement set. |
-|`requirements.capabilities.minVersion`| String | | | Identifies the minimum version for the requirement set. |
-|`requirements.capabilities.maxVersion`| String | | | Identifies the maximum version for the requirement set. |
-|`requirements.scopes`| Array of enums | 1 | | Identifies the scopes in which the add-in can run and defines the Microsoft 365 applications in which the extension can run. For example, `mail` (Outlook). <br>Supported value: `mail` |
-|`requirements.formFactors`| Array of enums | | | Identifies the form factors that support the add-in. <br>Supported values: `mobile`, `desktop`|
+|`capabilities`| Array | 100 | | Identifies the requirement sets.|
+|`capabilities.name`| String | | ✔️ | Identifies the name of the requirement set. |
+|`capabilities.minVersion`| String | | | Identifies the minimum version for the requirement set. |
+|`capabilities.maxVersion`| String | | | Identifies the maximum version for the requirement set. |
+|`scopes`| Array of enums | 1 | | Identifies the scopes in which the add-in can run and defines the Microsoft 365 applications in which the extension can run. For example, `mail` (Outlook). <br>Supported value: `mail` |
+|`formFactors`| Array of enums | | | Identifies the form factors that support the add-in. <br>Supported values: `mobile`, `desktop`|
### extensions.runtimes
+**Optional** &ndash; Array
+ The `extensions.runtimes` array configures the sets of runtimes and actions that each extension point can use. |Name| Type| Maximum size | Required | Description|
The `extensions.runtimes` array configures the sets of runtimes and actions that
|`id`| String | 64 characters | ✔️ | Specifies the ID for runtime. | |`type`| String enum | | ✔️ | Specifies the type of runtime. The supported enum value for [browser-based runtime](/office/dev/add-ins/testing/runtimes#browser-runtime) is `general`. | |`code`| Object | | ✔️ | Specifies the location of code for the runtime. Based on `runtime.type`, add-ins can use either a JavaScript file or an HTML page with an embedded `script` tag that specifies the URL of a JavaScript file. Both URLs are necessary in situations where the `runtime.type` is uncertain. |
-|`code.page`| URL | | ✔️ | Specifies the URL of the web page that contains an embedded `script` tag, which specifies the URL of a JavaScript file (to be loaded in a [browser-based runtime](/office/dev/add-ins/testing/runtimes#browser-runtime)). |
-|`code.script`| URL | | | Specifies the URL of the JavaScript file to be loaded in [JavaScript-only runtime](/office/dev/add-ins/testing/runtimes#javascript-only-runtime). |
-|`lifetime`| String enum | | | Specifies the lifetime of the runtime. Runtimes with a `short` lifetime donΓÇÖt preserve state across executions while runtimes with a `long` lifetime do. For more information, see [Runtimes in Office Add-ins](/office/dev/add-ins/testing/runtimes).|
-|`actions`| Array | | | Specifies the set of actions supported by the runtime. An action is either running a JavaScript function or opening a view such as a task pane.|
+|`code.page`| String | 2048 characters| ✔️ | Specifies the URL of the web page that contains an embedded `script` tag, which specifies the URL of a JavaScript file (to be loaded in a [browser-based runtime](/office/dev/add-ins/testing/runtimes#browser-runtime)). |
+|`code.script`| String | 2048 characters | | Specifies the URL of the JavaScript file to be loaded in [JavaScript-only runtime](/office/dev/add-ins/testing/runtimes#javascript-only-runtime). |
+|`lifetime`| String enum | | | Specifies the lifetime of the runtime. Runtimes with a `short` lifetime donΓÇÖt preserve state across executions while runtimes with a `long` lifetime do. For more information, see [Runtimes in Office Add-ins](/office/dev/add-ins/testing/runtimes). <br>Default value: `short` |
+|`actions`| Array | 20 | | Specifies the set of actions supported by the runtime. An action is either running a JavaScript function or opening a view such as a task pane.|
|`actions.id`| String | 64 characters | ✔️ | Specifies the ID for the action, which is passed to the code file. | |`actions.type`| String | | ✔️ | Specifies the type of action. The `executeFunction` type runs a JavaScript function without waiting for it to finish and the `openPage` type opens a page in a given view. | |`actions.displayName`| String | 64 characters | | Specifies the display name of the action and it isn't the label of a button or a menu item that invokes the action (which is configured with `tabs.groups.controls.label`).|
-|`actions.pinnable`| Boolean | | | Specifies that a task pane supports pinning, which keeps the task pane open when the user changes the selection. <br>Default value: `false`|
+|`actions.pinnable`| Boolean | | | Specifies that a task pane supports pinning, which keeps the task pane open when the user changes the selection. <br>Default value: `false` |
|`actions.view`| String | 64 characters | | Specifies the view where the page must be opened. It's used only when `actions.type` is `openPage`. |
-|`actions.multiselect`| Boolean | | | Specifies whether the end user can select multiple items, such as multiple email messages, and apply the action to all of them.|
-|`actions.supportsNoItemContext`| Boolean | | | Allows task pane add-ins to activate without the Reading Pane enabled or a message selected. |
+|`actions.multiselect`| Boolean | | | Specifies whether the end user can select multiple items, such as multiple email messages, and apply the action to all of them. <br>Default value: `false` |
+|`actions.supportsNoItemContext`| Boolean | | | Allows task pane add-ins to activate without the reading pane enabled or a message selected. <br>Default value: `false` |
|`requirements`| Object | | | Specifies the scopes, formFactors, and Office JavaScript Library requirement sets that must be supported on the Office client in order for the runtime to be included in the add-in. For more information, see [Specify Office Add-in requirements in the unified manifest for Microsoft 365](/office/dev/add-ins/develop/requirements-property-unified-manifest).| |`requirements.capabilities`| Array | | | Identifies the requirement sets. <br>Options: `name` (required), `minVersion`, `maxVersion`| |`requirements.capabilities.name`| String | | ✔️ | Identifies the name of the requirement set. |
To use `extensions.runtimes`, see [create add-in commands](/office/dev/add-ins/d
### extensions.ribbons
+**Optional** &ndash; Array
+ The `extensions.ribbons` property provides the ability to add [add-in commands](/office/dev/add-ins/design/add-in-commands) (buttons and menu items) to the Microsoft 365 application's ribbon. The ribbon definition is selected from the array based on the requirements and first-of order. |Name| Type| Maximum size | Required | Description|
The `extensions.ribbons` property provides the ability to add [add-in commands](
|`requirements.capabilities.maxVersion`| String | | | Identifies the maximum version for the requirement set. | |`requirements.scopes`| Array of enums | 1 | | Identifies the scopes in which the add-in can run and defines the Microsoft 365 applications in which the extension can run. For example, `mail` (Outlook). <br>Supported value: `mail` | |`requirements.formFactors`| Array of enums | | | Identifies the form factors that support the add-in. <br>Supported values: `mobile`, `desktop`|
-|`tabs`| Array | |✔️| Configures the custom tabs on the Microsoft 365 application ribbon. |
+|`tabs`| Array | 20 |✔️| Configures the custom tabs on the Microsoft 365 application ribbon. |
|`tabs.id`| String | 64 characters | | Specifies the ID for the tab within the app.| |`tabs.builtinTabId`| String | 64 characters | | Specifies the ID of a built-in Office ribbon tab. The possible values vary by Office host application. Outlook add-ins are only supported and the allowed value for Outlook is "TabDefault". The default tab depends on where the Outlook add-in is surfaced, as determined in the "extensions.ribbons.contexts" property. In the main Outlook window, it is the **Home** tab, in a message window, it is the **Message** tab, and in a meeting window, it is the **Meeting** tab. | |`tabs.label`| String | 64 characters | | Specifies the text displayed for the tab.| |`tabs.position`| Object | | | Configures the position of the custom tab relative to other tabs on the ribbon.| |`tabs.position.builtinTabId`| String | 64 characters | ✔️ | Specifies the ID of the built-in tab that the custom tab should be positioned next to. For more information, see [find the IDs of controls and control groups](/office/dev/add-ins/design/built-in-button-integration#find-the-ids-of-controls-and-control-groups).| |`tabs.position.align`| String enum | | ✔️ | Defines the alignment of custom tab relative to the specified built-in tab. <br>Supported values: `after`, `before`|
-|`tabs.groups`| Array | | | Defines groups of controls on a ribbon tab on a non-mobile device. For mobile devices, see `tabs.customMobileRibbonGroups` below.|
+|`tabs.groups`| Array | 10 | | Defines groups of controls on a ribbon tab on a non-mobile device. For mobile devices, see `tabs.customMobileRibbonGroups` below.|
|`tabs.groups.id`| String |64 characters | | Specifies the ID for the tab group within the app. It must be different from any built-in group ID in the Microsoft 365 application and any other custom group.| |`tabs.groups.label`| String | 64 characters | | Specifies the text displayed for the group. |
-|`tabs.groups.icons`| Array | | | Specifies the icons displayed for the group. |
+|`tabs.groups.icons`| Array | 3 | | Specifies the icons displayed for the group. |
|`tabs.groups.icons.size`| Number | |✔️| Specifies the size of the icon in pixels, enumerated as `16`,`20`,`24`,`32`,`40`,`48`,`64`,`80`. <br>Required image sizes: `16`, `32`, `80`. |
-|`tabs.groups.icons.url`| URL| | ✔️| Specifies the absolute URL of the icon.|
+|`tabs.groups.icons.url`| String | 2048 characters | ✔️| Specifies the absolute URL of the icon.|
|`tabs.groups.controls`| Array | | | Configures the buttons and menus in the group. | |`tabs.groups.controls.id`| String | 64 characters| ✔️ | Specifies the ID for the control within the app. It must be different from any built-in control ID in the Microsoft 365 application and any other custom control. | |`tabs.groups.controls.items`| Array | | | Configures the items for a menu control. |
The `extensions.ribbons` property provides the ability to add [add-in commands](
|`tabs.groups.controls.items.label`| String | 64 characters| ✔️ | Specifies the text displayed for the items. | |`tabs.groups.controls.items.icons`| Array | | | Configures the icons for the custom item.| |`tabs.groups.controls.items.icons.size`| Number | |✔️| Specifies the size of the icon in pixels, enumerated as `16`,`20`,`24`,`32`,`40`,`48`,`64`,`80`. <br>Required image sizes: `16`, `32`, `80`. |
-|`tabs.groups.controls.items.icons.url`| URL| | ✔️ | Specifies the absolute URL of the icon.|
+|`tabs.groups.controls.items.icons.url`| String | 2048 charcters | ✔️ | Specifies the absolute URL of the icon.|
|`tabs.groups.controls.items.supertip`| | |✔️| Configures a supertip for the custom item. A supertip is a UI feature that displays a brief box of help information about a control when the cursor hovers over it. The box may contain multiple lines of text. | |`tabs.groups.controls.items.supertip.title`| String | 64 characters | ✔️ | Specifies the title text of the supertip.|
-|`tabs.groups.controls.items.supertip.description`| String | 128 characters | ✔️ | Specifies the description of the supertip.|
+|`tabs.groups.controls.items.supertip.description`| String | 250 characters | ✔️ | Specifies the description of the supertip.|
|`tabs.groups.controls.items.actionId`| String | 64 characters | ✔️ | Specifies the ID of the action that is taken when a user selects the control or menu item. The `actionId` must match with `runtime.actions.id`. | |`tabs.groups.controls.items.enabled`| Boolean | | | Indicates whether the control is initially enabled. <br>Default value: `true`| |`tabs.groups.controls.items.overriddenByRibbonApi`| Boolean | | | Specifies whether a group, button, menu, or menu item hidden on application and platform combinations, which support the API ([Office.ribbon.requestCreateControls](/javascript/api/office/office.ribbon#office-office-ribbon-requestcreatecontrols-member(1))) that installs custom contextual tabs on the ribbon. <br>Default value: `false`|
The `extensions.ribbons` property provides the ability to add [add-in commands](
|`tabs.groups.controls.label`| String | 64 characters | ✔️ | Specifies the text displayed for the control.| |`tabs.groups.controls.icons`| Array | | ✔️ | Defines the icons for the control. There must be at least three child objects; one each with `size` properties of `16`, `32`, and `80` pixels. | |`tabs.groups.controls.icons.size`| Number | | ✔️ | Specifies the size of the icon in pixels, enumerated as `16`,`20`,`24`,`32`,`40`,`48`,`64`,`80`. <br> Required image size: `16`, `32`, `80`|
-|`tabs.groups.controls.icons.url`| URL| | | Specifies the absolute URL to the icon.|
+|`tabs.groups.controls.icons.url`| String | 2048 characters | | Specifies the absolute URL to the icon.|
|`tabs.groups.controls.supertip`| Object | | ✔️ | Configures a supertip for the control. | |`tabs.groups.controls.supertip.title`| String | 64 characters | ✔️ |Specifies the title text of the supertip.| |`tabs.groups.controls.supertip.description`| String | 128 characters | ✔️ | Specifies the description of the supertip.|
The `extensions.ribbons` property provides the ability to add [add-in commands](
|`tabs.customMobileRibbonGroups.id` | String | 250 characters | ✔️ | Specifies the ID of the group. It must be different from any built-in group ID in the Microsoft 365 application and any other custom group.| |`tabs.customMobileRibbonGroups.label` | String | 32 characters | ✔️ | Specifies the label on the group. | |`tabs.customMobileRibbonGroups.controls` | Array | 20 | ✔️ | Defines the controls in the group. Only mobile buttons are supported.|
-|`tabs.customMobileRibbonGroups.controls.id` | String | 250 characters | ✔️ | Specifies the ID of the control such as "msgReadFunctionButton".|
-|`tabs.customMobileRibbonGroups.controls.type` | String enum | | ✔️ | Specifies the type of control. "MobileButton" is only supported.|
+|`tabs.customMobileRibbonGroups.controls.id` | String | 250 characters | ✔️ | Specifies the ID of the control such as `msgReadFunctionButton`.|
+|`tabs.customMobileRibbonGroups.controls.type` | String enum | | ✔️ | Specifies the type of control. <br>Supported value: `MobileButton`|
|`tabs.customMobileRibbonGroups.controls.label` | String | 32 characters | ✔️ | Specifies the label on the control.| |`tabs.customMobileRibbonGroups.controls.actionId` | String | 64 characters |✔️ | Specifies the ID of the action that is taken when a user selects the control. The `actionId` must match the `runtime.actions.id` property of an action in the `runtimes` object.| |`tabs.customMobileRibbonGroups.controls.icons` | Array | 9 | ✔️ | Specifies the icons that appear on the control depending on the dimensions and DPI of the mobile device screen. There must be exactly 9 icons.|
-|`tabs.customMobileRibbonGroups.controls.icons.size` | Number enum | | ✔️ | Size in pixels of the icon. The possible sizes are 25, 32, and 48. There must be exactly one of each size for each possible value of the icons `scale` property. |
+|`tabs.customMobileRibbonGroups.controls.icons.size` | Number enum | | ✔️ | Size in pixels of the icon. The required sizes are 25, 32, and 48. There must be exactly one of each size for each possible value of the icons' `scale` property. |
|`tabs.customMobileRibbonGroups.controls.icons.url` | String | 2048 characters | ✔️ | The full, absolute URL of the icon's image file. |
-|`tabs.customMobileRibbonGroups.controls.icons.scale` | Number enum | | ✔️ | Specifies the UIScreen.scale property for iOS devices. The possible values are 1, 2, and 3. There must be exactly one of each value for each possible value of the icons `size` property. |
+|`tabs.customMobileRibbonGroups.controls.icons.scale` | Number enum | | ✔️ | Specifies the UIScreen.scale property for iOS devices. The possible values are 1, 2, and 3. There must be exactly one of each value for each possible value of the icons's `size` property. |
To use `extensions.ribbons`, see [create add-in commands](/office/dev/add-ins/develop/create-addin-commands-unified-manifest), [configure the UI for the task pane command](/office/dev/add-ins/develop/create-addin-commands-unified-manifest#configure-the-ui-for-the-task-pane-command), and [configure the UI for the function command](/office/dev/add-ins/develop/create-addin-commands-unified-manifest#configure-the-ui-for-the-function-command). ### extensions.autoRunEvents
+**Optional** &ndash; Array
+ The `extensions.autoRunEvents` property defines event-based activation extension points. |Name| Type| Maximum size | Required | Description| |||||| |`events`| Array |20 | ✔️ | Configures the event that cause actions in an Outlook Add-in to run automatically. For example, see [use smart alerts and the `OnMessageSend` and `OnAppointmentSend` events in your Outlook Add-ins](/office/dev/add-ins/outlook/smart-alerts-onmessagesend-walkthrough?tabs=jsonmanifest).|
-|`events.type`| String | 64 characters | | Specifies the type of event. For supported types, see [supported events](/office/dev/add-ins/outlook/autolaunch?tabs=xmlmanifest#supported-events).|
-|`events.actionId`| String | 64 characters | | Identifies the action that is taken when the event fires. The `actionId` must match with `runtime.actions.id`. |
+|`events.type`| String | 64 characters | ✔️ | Specifies the type of event. For supported types, see [supported events](/office/dev/add-ins/outlook/autolaunch?tabs=xmlmanifest#supported-events).|
+|`events.actionId`| String | 64 characters | ✔️ | Identifies the action that is taken when the event fires. The `actionId` must match with `runtime.actions.id`. |
|`events.options`| Object | | | Configures how Outlook responds to the event.| |`events.options.sendMode`| String | | ✔️ | Specifies the actions to take during a mail send action. <br>Supported values: `promptUser`, `softBlock`, `block`. For more information, see [available send mode options](/office/dev/add-ins/outlook/smart-alerts-onmessagesend-walkthrough?tabs=jsonmanifest#available-send-mode-options).| |`requirements`| Object | | | Specifies the scopes, formFactors, and Office JavaScript Library requirement sets that must be supported on the Office client in order for the event handling code to run. For more information, see [Specify Office Add-in requirements in the unified manifest for Microsoft 365](/office/dev/add-ins/develop/requirements-property-unified-manifest).|
The `extensions.autoRunEvents` property defines event-based activation extension
### extensions.alternates
+**Optional** &ndash; Array
+ The `extensions.alternates` property is used to hide or prioritize specific in-market add-ins when you've published multiple add-ins with overlapping functionality. |Name| Type| Maximum size | Required | Description|
The `extensions.alternates` property is used to hide or prioritize specific in-m
|`requirements.formFactors`| Array of enums | | | Identifies the form factors that support the add-in. <br>Supported values: `mobile`, `desktop`| |`alternateIcons`| Object | | | Specifies the main icons that are used to represent the add-in on older versions of Office. This property is **required** if the Office add-in is to be installable in Office on Mac, perpetual Office licenses, and Microsoft 365 subscription versions of Office on Windows earlier than 2304 (Build 16320.00000).| |`alternateIcons.icon`| Object | | ✔️ | Specifies properties of the image file used to represent the add-in. |
-|`alternateIcons.icon.size`| Number enum | | ✔️ | This property is reserved for future use. The value must be 64.|
+|`alternateIcons.icon.size`| Number enum | | ✔️ | Specifies the size of the icon in pixels, enumerated as `16`,`20`,`24`,`32`,`40`,`48`,`64`,`80`. <br>Required image sizes: `16`, `32`, `80`. |
|`alternateIcons.icon.url`| String | 2048 characters | ✔️ | Specifies the full, absolute URL of the image file that is used to represent the add-in. Icon image must be 64 x 64 pixels and use one of the following file formats: GIF, JPG, PNG, EXIF, BMP, TIFF.| |`alternateIcons.highResolutionIcon`| Object | | ✔️ | Specifies properties of the image file used to represent the add-in on high DPI screens. |
-|`alternateIcons.highResolutionIcon.size`| Number enum | | ✔️ | This property is reserved for future use. The value must be 64 (not 128). |
+|`alternateIcons.highResolutionIcon.size`| Number enum | | ✔️ | Specifies the size of the icon in pixels, enumerated as `16`,`20`,`24`,`32`,`40`,`48`,`64`,`80`. <br>Required image sizes: `16`, `32`, `80`. |
|`alternateIcons.highResolutionIcon.url`| String | 2048 characters | ✔️ | Specifies the full, absolute URL of the image file that is used to represent the add-in on high DPI screens. Icon image must be 128 x 128 pixels and use one of the following file formats: GIF, JPG, PNG, EXIF, BMP, TIFF.| ## dashboardCards
Defines the icon properties of a given dashboard card.
|Name| Type| Maximum size | Required | Description| |||||| |`iconUrl`| String | 2048 characters | | Location of the icon for the card, to be displayed in the toolbox and card bar. |
-|`officeUIFabricIconName`| String | 255 characters | | Office UI Fabric or Fluent UI icon friendly name for the card. This value is used if *iconUrl* isn't specified. |
+|`officeUIFabricIconName`| String | 255 characters | | Office UI Fabric or Fluent UI icon's friendly name for the card. This value is used if `iconUrl` is not specified. |
-### dashboardCards.dashboardCard.contentSource
+### dashboardCards.dashboardCard.contentSource
Defines the content source of a given dashboard card. |Name| Type| Maximum size | Required | Description| ||||||
-|`sourceType`| String | | | Represents the source of a card's content. Options: `bot`.|
-|`botConfiguration`| Object | | | The configuration for the bot source. Required if the *sourceType* is set to `bot`.|
+|`sourceType`| String | | | Represents the source of a card's content. Option: `bot`.|
+|`botConfiguration`| Object | | | The configuration for the bot source. Required if the `sourceType` is set to `bot`.|
#### dashboardCards.dashboardCard.contentSource.botConfiguration