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platform Build Tabs For Meeting https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/apps-in-teams-meetings/build-tabs-for-meeting.md
Before creating a meeting tab, it's important to learn about the surfaces that a
1. In the app gallery, select the app that you want to add and follow the steps as required. The tab is added to the meeting details page.
-# [Desktop](#tab/desktop)
+ # [Desktop](#tab/desktop)
+ The following image shows a tab added to the meeting details page in the Teams desktop client:
+ :::image type="content" source="~/assets/images/apps-in-meetings/premeetingtab.png" alt-text="The screenshot shows desktop Teams tabs in the meeting details view in the Teams meeting.":::
+ # [Mobile](#tab/mobile)
+ The following image shows a tab added to the meeting details page in the Teams mobile client:
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/mobile-tab.png" alt-text="Screenshot shows mobile Teams tabs in the meeting details view in the Teams meeting.":::
+### Meeting chat view
-The following image shows a tab added to the meeting details page in the Teams desktop client:
+1. From the Teams chat panel, select the meeting chat view.
- :::image type="content" source="~/assets/images/apps-in-meetings/premeetingtab.png" alt-text="The screenshot shows desktop Teams tabs in the meeting details view in the Teams meeting.":::
+1. Select :::image type="icon" source="../assets/icons/add-icon.png" Border = "false"::: and the app gallery appears.
-# [Mobile](#tab/mobile)
+1. In the app gallery, select the app that you want to add and follow the steps as required. The tab is added to the meeting chat.
-The following image shows a tab added to the meeting details page in the Teams mobile client:
+ # [Meeting chat view desktop](#tab/meeting-chat-view-desktop)
+ The following image shows an app added to the meeting chat in the Teams desktop client:
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/apps-in-meetings/meeting-chat-view.png" alt-text="The screenshot shows the meeting chat view in a meeting chat in Teams desktop.":::
+ # [Meeting chat view mobile](#tab/meeting-chat-view-mobile)
+ The following image shows an app added to the meeting chat in the Teams mobile client:
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/apps-in-meetings/meeting-chat-view-mobile.png" alt-text="The screenshot shows the meeting chat view in a meeting chat in Teams mobile.":::
- :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/mobile-tab.png" alt-text="Screenshot shows mobile Teams tabs in the meeting details view in the Teams meeting.":::
+### Meeting side panel view
-### Meeting chat view
+1. During a meeting, you can select :::image type="icon" source="../assets/icons/add-icon.png" Border = "false"::: **Apps** from Teams meeting window to add apps to the meeting.
-1. From the Teams chat panel, select the meeting chat view.
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/apps-in-meetings/add-app.png" alt-text="Screenshot shows how to add an app in Teams meeting window.":::
-1. Select :::image type="icon" source="../assets/icons/add-icon.png" Border = "false"::: and the app gallery appears.
+1. In the app gallery, select the app that you want to add and follow the steps as required. The app is added to the meeting side panel.
-1. In the app gallery, select the app that you want to add and follow the steps as required. The tab is added to the meeting chat.
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/side-panel-view.png" alt-text="Screenshot shows side panel view with the list of apps.":::
-# [Meeting chat view desktop](#tab/meeting-chat-view-desktop)
+#### Deep link to meeting side panel
- The following image shows an app added to the meeting chat in the Teams desktop client:
+> [!NOTE]
+> * Deep link to meeting side panel in Teams desktop client is available only in [public developer preview](~/resources/dev-preview/developer-preview-intro.md).
+> * Deep link to meeting side panel in Teams mobile client is generally available.
- :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/apps-in-meetings/meeting-chat-view.png" alt-text="The screenshot shows the meeting chat view in a meeting chat in Teams desktop.":::
+You can create a deep link to your tab app that can open in the meeting side panel. When users in a meeting select the deep link, it opens the meeting side panel in the meeting stage. If a user selects the deep link before or after the meeting, the deep link opens in a pre or a post-meeting tab respectively.
-# [Meeting chat view mobile](#tab/meeting-chat-view-mobile)
+# [Meeting side panel](#tab/meeting-side-panel)
- The following image shows an app added to the meeting chat in the Teams mobile client:
+* The following shows a deep link in meeting side panel in the Teams desktop client:
- :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/apps-in-meetings/meeting-chat-view-mobile.png" alt-text="The screenshot shows the meeting chat view in a meeting chat in Teams mobile.":::
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/sidepanel-deeplink.gif" alt-text="Screenshot shows side panel view when deep link is selected.":::
+* The following shows a deep link in meeting side panel in the Teams mobile client:
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/mobile-in-meeting-deeplink.gif" alt-text="Screenshot shows side panel view when deep link is selected in mobile.":::
+# [Pre or post-meeting tab](#tab/pre-or-post-meeting-tab)
-### Meeting side panel view
+* The following shows a deep link in a pre or a post-meeting tab in the Teams desktop client:
-1. During a meeting, you can select :::image type="icon" source="../assets/icons/add-icon.png" Border = "false"::: **Apps** from Teams meeting window to add apps to the meeting.
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/pre-post-meeting.gif" alt-text="Screenshot shows a pre or post-meeting tab when deep link is selected.":::
+* The following shows a deep link in a pre or a post-meeting tab in the Teams mobile client:
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/mobile-post-meeting-deeplink.gif" alt-text="Screenshot shows a pre or post-meeting tab when deep link is selected in mobile.":::
+Pre or post-meeting tab behavior isn't supported in channel meetings.
- :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/apps-in-meetings/add-app.png" alt-text="Screenshot shows how to add an app in Teams meeting window.":::
-1. In the app gallery, select the app that you want to add and follow the steps as required. The app is added to the meeting side panel.
+For deep link format, see [deep links](~/concepts/build-and-test/deep-link-workflow.md#deep-link-to-meeting-side-panel).
- :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/side-panel-view.png" alt-text="Screenshot shows side panel view with the list of apps.":::
### Meeting stage view
platform Apps Package https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/build-and-test/apps-package.md
# Create Teams app package
-You need an app package, however, you plan to distribute your Microsoft Teams app. A valid package is a ZIP file that contains the following:
+You need an app package, however, you plan to distribute your Microsoft Teams app. A valid package is a ZIP file (compressed zip file) that contains the following:
* **App manifest**: Describes how your app is configured, including its capabilities, required resources, and other important attributes. * **App icons**: Each package requires a color and outline icon for your app.
platform Deep Link Application https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/build-and-test/deep-link-application.md
While it's recommended to use `shareDeepLink()` to generate a deep link to your
Use the following format for a deep link that you can use in a bot, connector, or message extension card:
> [!NOTE] >
The query parameters are:
| `context.channelId`&emsp; | Microsoft Teams channel ID that is available from the tab [context](~/tabs/how-to/access-teams-context.md). This property is only available in configurable tabs with a scope of **team**. It isn't available in static tabs, which have a scope of **personal**.| 19:cbe3683f25094106b826c9cada3afbe0@thread.skype | | `context.chatId`&emsp; | Chat ID that is available from the tab [context](~/tabs/how-to/access-teams-context.md) for group and meeting chat. | 17:b42de192376346a7906a7dd5cb84b673@thread.v2 | | `context.contextType`&emsp; | Chat is the only supported contextType for meetings. | chat |
+| `openInMeeting`&emsp; | `openInMeeting` is used to control the user experience when the target tab is associated with a meeting. If user interacts with the deep link in an ongoing meeting experience, by default Teams opens the app in the in-meeting side panel. Set this value to `false` to always open the app in the meeting chat tab rather than the side panel, regardless of the meeting status. Teams ignore any value other than `false`. | `false` |
platform Deep Link Workflow https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/build-and-test/deep-link-workflow.md
For deep links to share content to stage, see [deep link to share content to sta
> [!NOTE] >
-> * Currently, generating a deep link to share content to stage in meetings is available only in [public developer preview](~/resources/dev-preview/developer-preview-intro.md).
+> * Generating a deep link to share content to stage in meetings is available only in [public developer preview](~/resources/dev-preview/developer-preview-intro.md).
> * Deep link to share content to stage in meeting is supported in Teams desktop client only.
+## Deep link to meeting side panel
+You can generate a deep link to the [meeting side panel](~/apps-in-teams-meetings/build-tabs-for-meeting.md#deep-link-to-meeting-side-panel) in a meeting. Use the following format for a deep link to the meeting side panel:
+`https://teams.microsoft.com/l/entity/fe4a8eba-2a31-4737-8e33-e5fae6fee194/tasklist123?webUrl=https://tasklist.example.com/123/456&label=Task 456&context={"chatId": "17:b42de192376346a7906a7dd5cb84b673@thread.v2","contextType":"chat"}`
+By default, a deep link opens in a meeting side panel. To open a deep link directly in an app rather than the meeting side panel, add `openInMeeting=false` in the deep link format:
+For more information, see [deep link to a tab](~/concepts/build-and-test/deep-link-application.md#generate-a-deep-link-to-your-tab).
+Deep link doesn't open in the meeting side panel in the following scenarios:
+* If there is no active meeting.
+* If the app doesn't have `sidePanel` context declared in the app manifest.
+* If `openInMeeting=false` is set in the deep link.
+* If deep link is selected outside of the meeting window or component.
+* If deep link doesn't match the current meeting for example, deep link is created from another meeting.
+ ## Deep link to join a meeting Application can read, join a meeting URL through Graph APIs. This deep link brings up the UI for the user to join that meeting.
platform Tab Sso Code https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/tabs/how-to/authentication/tab-sso-code.md
### Validate the access token
-Web APIs on your server must decode the access token, and verify if it's sent from the client. The token is a JSON Web Token (JWT), which means that validation works just like token validation in most standard OAuth flows. The web APIs must decode access token. Optionally, you can copy and paste access token manually into a tool, such as jwt.ms.
-There are a number of libraries available that can handle JWT validation. Basic validation includes:
--- Checking that the token is well-formed-- Checking that the token was issued by the intended authority-- Checking that the token is targeted to the web API-
-Keep in mind the following guidelines when validating the token:
--- Valid SSO tokens are issued by Azure AD. The `iss` claim in the token should start with this value.-- The token's `aud1` parameter will be set to the app ID generated during Azure AD app registration.-- The token's `scp` parameter will be set to `access_as_user`.
+For more information on validating the access token, see [validate tokens](/azure/active-directory/develop/access-tokens#validate-tokens).
#### Example access token
platform Dynamic Search https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/task-modules-and-cards/cards/dynamic-search.md
The following properties are the new additions to the [`Input.ChoiceSet`](https:
|--||-|-| | style | Compact <br/> Expanded <br/> Filtered | No | Adds filtered style to the list of supported validations for static typeahead.| | choices.data | Data.Query | No | Enables dynamic typeahead as the user types, by fetching a remote set of choices from a backend. |
+| value | String | No | The initial choice (or set of choices) that must be selected. For multi-select, specify a comma-separated string of values. |
### Data.Query definition
The example payload which contains static and dynamic typeahead search with sing
"value": "static_option_3" } ],
+ "value": "Static_option_2",
"isMultiSelect": true, "style": "filtered", "choices.data": {
platform Whats New https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/whats-new.md
Discover Microsoft Teams platform features that are generally available (GA). Yo
| **Date** | **Update** | **Find here** | | -- | | -|
+| 25/05/2023 | Deep link to meeting side panel in Teams moble client. | Build apps for Teams meetings and calls > Enable and configure apps for Teams meeting > [Build tabs for meeting](apps-in-teams-meetings/build-tabs-for-meeting.md#deep-link-to-meeting-side-panel) |
|23/05/2023 | Live Share SDK is now generally available. | Build apps for Teams meetings and calls > Enhanced collaboration with Live Share > [Live Share SDK](apps-in-teams-meetings/teams-live-share-overview.md)| |23/05/2023 | Design your app for new Teams. | Design your app > [Overview](concepts/design/design-teams-app-overview.md)| |17/05/2023 | Distribute your app to specific countries. | Distribute your app > Publish to the Teams store > Prepare your Teams store submission > [Distribute your app to specific countries](concepts/deploy-and-publish/appsource/prepare/submission-checklist.md#distribute-your-app-to-specific-countries)|
Discover Microsoft Teams platform features that are generally available (GA). Yo
Teams platform features that are available to all app developers.
-**2023 April**
+**2023 May**
* ***April 24, 2023***: [Develop your apps with Teams Toolkit](concepts/build-and-test/develop-your-apps-with-teams-toolkit.md)
Teams platform features that are available to all app developers.
| **Date** | **Update** | **Find here** | | -- | | -|
+| 24/04/2023 | Develop your apps with Teams Toolkit | Tools and SDKs > Developer Portal for Teams > [Develop your apps with Teams Toolkit](concepts/build-and-test/develop-your-apps-with-teams-toolkit.md) |
+| 14/04/2023 | Contextless app update | Distribute your app > [Upload your app in Teams](concepts/deploy-and-publish/apps-upload.md#update-your-app) |
+| 06/04/2023 | Set up Microsoft license management | Monetize your app > [Set up Microsoft license management](~/concepts/deploy-and-publish/appsource/prepare/manage-third-party-apps-license.md) |
+| 04/04/2023 | Tab apps in shared channels are available in DOD | Build tabs > [Build apps for shared channels](~/concepts/build-and-test/shared-channels.md) |
| 23/03/2023 | Apps are available for scheduled public channel meetings | Build apps for Teams meetings and calls > [Overview](apps-in-teams-meetings/teams-apps-in-meetings.md) | | 20/03/2023 | Bots are available in DOD | Build bots > [Overview](bots/what-are-bots.md)| | 20/03/2023 | Message extensions are available in DOD | Build message extensions > [Overview](messaging-extensions/what-are-messaging-extensions.md)|
Discover Microsoft Teams platform features that are in developer preview. You ca
| **Date** | **Update** | **Find here** | | -- | | -|
+| 25/05/2023 | Deep link to meeting side panel in Teams desktop client. | Build apps for Teams meetings and calls > Enable and configure apps for Teams meeting > [Build tabs for meeting](apps-in-teams-meetings/build-tabs-for-meeting.md#deep-link-to-meeting-side-panel) |
|23/05/2023 | Introduced Teams AI library to help build AI-powered Teams apps. | Build Bots > [Teams AI library](bots/how-to/Teams%20conversational%20AI/teams-conversation-ai-overview.md)| |23/05/2023| Extend Microsoft 365 Copilot| [Extend Microsoft 365 Copilot](copilot/how-to-extend-copilot.md)|