Updates from: 05/24/2022 01:08:22
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platform Enable And Configure Your App For Teams Meetings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/apps-in-teams-meetings/enable-and-configure-your-app-for-teams-meetings.md
The meetings app capabilities are declared in your app manifest using the `confi
> [!NOTE] >
-> * You must update your app manifest with the [manifest schema](../resources/schem).
> * Apps in meetings require `groupchat` scope. The `team` scope works for tabs in channels only.
+> * Apps in meetings can use the following contexts: `meetingChatTab`, `meetingDetailsTab`, `meetingSidePanel` and `meetingStage`.
-The app manifest must include the following code snippet:
+The following code snippet is an example of a configurable tab used in an app for Teams meetings:
platform Link Unfurling https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/messaging-extensions/how-to/link-unfurling.md
-This document guides you on how to add link unfurling to your app manifest using App studio and manually. With link unfurling, your app can register to receive an `invoke` activity when URLs with a particular domain are pasted into the compose message area. The `invoke` contains the full URL that was pasted into the compose message area, and you can respond with a card that the user can unfurl, providing additional information or actions. This works similar to a search command with the URL serving as the search term.
+This document guides you on how to add link unfurling to your app manifest using App studio or manually. With link unfurling, your app can register to receive an `invoke` activity when URLs with a particular domain are pasted into the compose message area. The `invoke` contains the full URL that was pasted into the compose message area. You can respond with a card that the user can unfurl for additional information or actions. This works as a search command with the URL as the search term.
> [!NOTE] > > * Currently, link unfurling is not supported on Mobile clients. > * The link unfurling result is cached for 30 minutes.
-The Azure DevOps message extension uses link unfurling to look for URLs pasted into the compose message area pointing to a work item. In the following image, a user has pasted a URL for a work item in Azure DevOps, which the message extension has resolved into a card:
+The Azure DevOps message extension uses link unfurling to look for URLs pasted into the compose message area pointing to a work item. In the following image, a user pasted a URL for an item in Azure DevOps that the message extension has resolved into a card:
:::image type="content" source="~/assets/images/compose-extensions/messagingextensions_linkunfurling.png" alt-text="Example of link unfurling"::: ## Add link unfurling to your app manifest
-To add link unfurling to your app manifest, add a new `messageHandlers` array to the `composeExtensions` section of your app manifest JSON. You can add the array either with the help of App Studio or manually. Domain listings can include wildcards, for example `*.example.com`. This matches exactly one segment of the domain; if you need to match `a.b.example.com` then use `*.*.example.com`.
+To add link unfurling to your app manifest, add a new `messageHandlers` array to the `composeExtensions` section of your app manifest JSON. You can add the array with the help of App Studio or manually. Domain listings can include wildcards, for example `*.example.com`. This matches exactly one segment of the domain; if you need to match `a.b.example.com` then use `*.*.example.com`.
> [!NOTE]
-> Don't add domains that are not in your control, either directly or through wildcards. For example, `yourapp.onmicrosoft.com` is valid, but `*.onmicrosoft.com` is not valid. Also, the top-level domains are prohibited. For example, `*.com`, `*.org`.
+> Don't add domains that are not in your control, either directly, or through wildcards. For example, `yourapp.onmicrosoft.com` is valid, but `*.onmicrosoft.com` is not valid. The top-level domains are prohibited, for example, `*.com`, `*.org`.
### Add link unfurling using App Studio
Follow the [step-by-step guide](../../sbs-botbuilder-linkunfurling.yml) to unfur
## See also * [Cards](~/task-modules-and-cards/what-are-cards.md)
-* [Tabs link unfurling and Stage View](~/tabs/tabs-link-unfurling.md)
+* [Tabs link unfurling and Stage View](~/tabs/tabs-link-unfurling.md)