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Discover Microsoft Teams platform features that are generally available (GA). Yo
| **Date** | **Update** | **Find here** | | -- | | -|
+| May 22, 2024 | Use Live Share sessions to enable seamless collaboration in Teams meetings, chats, and channels.| Build apps for Teams meetings and calls > Enhanced collaboration with Live Share > [Live Share collaborative contexts](apps-in-teams-meetings/teams-live-share-overview.md#live-share-collaborative-contexts)|
| May 21, 2024 | Introduced Assistants API to create powerful AI assistants capable of performing a variety of tasks. | Build bots > Teams AI library > [Overview](bots/how-to/teams%20conversational%20ai/teams-conversation-ai-overview.md#assistants-api) | | May 21, 2024 | Get started with the process of building apps with the Teams AI library using the LightBot sample. | Build bots > Teams AI library > [Quick start guide](bots/how-to/teams%20conversational%20ai/conversation-ai-quick-start.md)| | May 21, 2024 | Introduced a step-by-step guide to build a custom copilot to chat with your data using the Teams AI library and Teams Toolkit. | Build bots > Teams AI library > Build custom copilot > [Build custom copilot using Teams Toolkit](teams-ai-library-tutorial.yml)|