Updates from: 04/14/2023 02:05:37
Service Microsoft Docs article Related commit history on GitHub Change details
platform Bots https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/bots/design/bots.md
Bots are conversational apps that perform a specific set of tasks. Based on the <a href="https://dev.botframework.com/" target="_blank">Microsoft Bot Framework</a>, bots communicate with users, respond to their questions, and proactively notify them about changes and other events. They're a great way to reach out. > [!IMPORTANT]
-> Bots are available in Government Community Cloud (GCC) and GCC High environments but not in Department of Defense (DoD) environments.
+> Bots are available in [Government Community Cloud (GCC), GCC-High, and Department of Defense (DOD)](~/concepts/app-fundamentals-overview.md#government-community-cloud) environments.
To guide your app design, the following information describes and illustrates how people can add, use, and manage bots in Teams.
platform Conversation Messages https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/bots/how-to/conversations/conversation-messages.md
The general retry guidance for each status code is listed in the following table
| Sample name | Description | Node.js | .NETCore | Python | .NET | Manifest |-|--|--|-|--|--|--|
-| Teams conversation bot | This sample app shows how to use different bot conversation events available in bot framework v4. | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/bot-conversation/nodejs) | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp) | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/bot-conversation/python) | NA |
-| Teams app localization | This sample shows Teams app localization using bot and tab. | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/app-localization/nodejs) | NA | NA | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/app-localization/csharp) |
-| Update and delete message | This sample shows how to capture events for updated and delete messages in chat using bot. | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/bot-conversation/nodejs) | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp) | NA | NA |[View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/demo-manifest/bot-conversation.zip)
+| Teams conversation bot | This sample app shows how to use different bot conversation events available in Bot Framework v4. | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/bot-conversation/nodejs) | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp) | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/bot-conversation/python) | NA |[View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/demo-manifest/bot-conversation.zip) |
+| Teams app localization | This sample shows Teams app localization using bot and tab. | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/app-localization/nodejs) | NA | NA | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/app-localization/csharp) | NA |
## Next step
platform Subscribe To Conversation Events https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/bots/how-to/conversations/subscribe-to-conversation-events.md
The following code shows an example of channel created event:
# [C#](#tab/dotnet)
-* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/Bots/TeamsConversationBot.cs#L314)
* [SDK reference](/dotnet/api/microsoft.bot.builder.teams.teamsactivityhandler.onteamschannelcreatedasync?view=botbuilder-dotnet-stable&preserve-view=true)
+* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/Bots/TeamsConversationBot.cs#L335)
```csharp protected override async Task OnTeamsChannelCreatedAsync(ChannelInfo channelInfo, TeamInfo teamInfo, ITurnContext<IConversationUpdateActivity> turnContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
The following code shows an example of channel renamed event:
# [C#](#tab/dotnet) * [SDK reference](/dotnet/api/microsoft.bot.builder.teams.teamsactivityhandler.onteamschannelrenamedasync?view=botbuilder-dotnet-stable&preserve-view=true)
-* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/Bots/TeamsConversationBot.cs#L320)
+* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/Bots/TeamsConversationBot.cs#L341)
```csharp protected override async Task OnTeamsChannelRenamedAsync(ChannelInfo channelInfo, TeamInfo teamInfo, ITurnContext<IConversationUpdateActivity> turnContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
The following code shows an example of channel deleted event:
# [C#](#tab/dotnet) * [SDK reference](/dotnet/api/microsoft.bot.builder.teams.teamsactivityhandler.onteamschanneldeletedasync?view=botbuilder-dotnet-stable&preserve-view=true)
-* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/Bots/TeamsConversationBot.cs#L326)
+* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/Bots/TeamsConversationBot.cs#L347)
```csharp protected override async Task OnTeamsChannelDeletedAsync(ChannelInfo channelInfo, TeamInfo teamInfo, ITurnContext<IConversationUpdateActivity> turnContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
The following code shows an example of team renamed event:
# [C#](#tab/dotnet) * [SDK reference](/dotnet/api/microsoft.bot.builder.teams.teamsactivityhandler.onteamsteamrenamedasync?view=botbuilder-dotnet-stable#definition&preserve-view=true)
-* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/Bots/TeamsConversationBot.cs#L349)
-* [SDK reference](/dotnet/api/microsoft.bot.builder.teams.teamsactivityhandler.onteamsteamrenamedasync?view=botbuilder-dotnet-stable#definition&preserve-view=true)
-* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/Bots/TeamsConversationBot.cs#L320)
+* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/Bots/TeamsConversationBot.cs#L370)
```csharp protected override async Task OnTeamsTeamRenamedAsync(TeamInfo teamInfo, ITurnContext<IConversationUpdateActivity> turnContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
In this example, the `conversation.id` of the `conversationUpdate` and `installa
# [C#](#tab/dotnet) * [SDK reference](/dotnet/api/microsoft.bot.builder.activityhandler.oninstallationupdateactivityasync?view=botbuilder-dotnet-stable#microsoft-bot-builder-activityhandler-oninstallationupdateactivityasync(microsoft-bot-builder-iturncontext((microsoft-bot-schema-iinstallationupdateactivity))-system-threading-cancellationtoken)&preserve-view=true)
-* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/Bots/TeamsConversationBot.cs#L70-L80)
-* [SDK reference](/dotnet/api/microsoft.bot.builder.cloudadapterbase.continueconversationasync?view=botbuilder-dotnet-stable#microsoft-bot-builder-cloudadapterbase-continueconversationasync(system-string-microsoft-bot-schema-activity-microsoft-bot-builder-botcallbackhandler-system-threading-cancellationtoken)&preserve-view=true)
-* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/Bots/TeamsConversationBot.cs#L70-L80)
+* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/Bots/TeamsConversationBot.cs#L73)
```csharp protected override async Task OnInstallationUpdateActivityAsync(ITurnContext<IInstallationUpdateActivity> turnContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
In the development phase, it's always helpful to send meaningful messages in con
| **Sample Name** | **Description** | **.NET** | **Node.js** | **Python** | **Manifest** ||--|--|-|--|--|
-| Conversation bot | This sample shows how to use different bot conversation events available in bot framework v4 for personal and teams scope. | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp) | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/bot-conversation/nodejs) | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/bot-conversation/python) | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/demo-manifest/bot-conversation.zip)
+| Conversation bot | This sample shows how to use different bot conversation events available in Bot Framework v4 for personal and teams scope. | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp) | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/bot-conversation/nodejs) | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/bot-conversation/python) | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/demo-manifest/bot-conversation.zip)
## Next step
platform Update And Delete Bot Messages https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/bots/how-to/update-and-delete-bot-messages.md
It is not necessary for the new message to match the original in type. For examp
# [C#](#tab/dotnet)
-* [SDK reference](/dotnet/api/microsoft.bot.builder.turncontext.updateactivityasync?view=botbuilder-dotnet-stable#microsoft-bot-builder-turncontext-updateactivityasync(microsoft-bot-schema-iactivity-system-threading-cancellationtoken)&preserve-view=true)
-* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/Bots/TeamsConversationBot.cs#L257)
+* [SDK reference](/dotnet/api/microsoft.bot.builder.turncontext.updateactivityasync)
+* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/Bots/TeamsConversationBot.cs#L266)
-* [SDK reference](/dotnet/api/microsoft.bot.builder.botadapter.updateactivityasync?view=botbuilder-dotnet-stable#microsoft-bot-builder-botadapter-updateactivityasync(microsoft-bot-builder-iturncontext-microsoft-bot-schema-activity-system-threading-cancellationtoken)&preserve-view=true)
-* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/Bots/TeamsConversationBot.cs#L257)
-To update an existing message, pass a new `Activity` object with the existing activity ID to the `UpdateActivityAsync` method of the `TurnContext` class. For more information, see [TurnContextClass](/dotnet/api/microsoft.bot.builder.turncontext?view=botbuilder-dotnet-stable&preserve-view=true).
+To update an existing message, pass a new `Activity` object with the existing activity ID to the `UpdateActivityAsync` method of the `TurnContext` class.
```csharp // MessageFactory.Text(): Specifies the type of text data in a message attachment.
await turnContext.UpdateActivityAsync(newActivity, cancellationToken);
# [TypeScript](#tab/typescript)
-* [SDK reference](/javascript/api/botbuilder-core/turncontext?view=botbuilder-ts-latest#botbuilder-core-turncontext-updateactivity&preserve-view=true)
+* [SDK reference](/javascript/api/botbuilder-core/turncontext#botbuilder-core-turncontext-updateactivity)
+* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/nodejs/bots/teamsConversationBot.js#L162)
-To update an existing message, pass a new `Activity` object with the existing activity ID to the `updateActivity` method of the `TurnContext` object. For more information, see [updateActivity](/javascript/api/botbuilder-core/turncontext?view=botbuilder-ts-latest#updateactivity-partial-activity--&preserve-view=true).
+To update an existing message, pass a new `Activity` object with the existing activity ID to the `updateActivity` method of the `TurnContext` object.
```typescript // MessageFactory.Text(): Specifies the type of text data in a message attachment.
await turnContext.updateActivity(newActivity);
# [Python](#tab/python)
-* [SDK reference](/python/api/botbuilder-core/botbuilder.core.turncontext?view=botbuilder-py-latest#botbuilder-core-turncontext-update-activity&preserve-view=true)
+* [SDK reference](/python/api/botbuilder-core/botbuilder.core.turncontext#botbuilder-core-turncontext-update-activity)
+* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/python/bots/teams_conversation_bot.py#L156)
-To update an existing message, pass a new `Activity` object with the existing activity ID to the `update_activity` method of the `TurnContext` class. See [TurnContextClass](/python/api/botbuilder-core/botbuilder.core.turncontext?view=botbuilder-py-latest&preserve-view=true).
+To update an existing message, pass a new `Activity` object with the existing activity ID to the `update_activity` method of the `TurnContext` class.
```python # MessageFactory.Text(): Specifies the type of text data in a message attachment.
Now that you have updated messages, update the existing card on button selection
To update the existing card on button selection, you can use `ReplyToId` of incoming activity.
-# [C#/.NET](#tab/dotnet)
+# [C#](#tab/dotnet)
+* [SDK reference](/dotnet/api/microsoft.bot.builder.turncontext.updateactivityasync#microsoft-bot-builder-turncontext-updateactivityasync(microsoft-bot-schema-iactivity-system-threading-cancellationtoken))
+* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/Bots/TeamsConversationBot.cs#L266)
-To update existing card on a button selection, pass a new `Activity` object with updated card and `ReplyToId` as activity ID to the `UpdateActivityAsync` method of the `TurnContext` class. See [TurnContextClass](/dotnet/api/microsoft.bot.builder.turncontext?view=botbuilder-dotnet-stable&preserve-view=true).
+To update existing card on a button selection, pass a new `Activity` object with updated card and `ReplyToId` as activity ID to the `UpdateActivityAsync` method of the `TurnContext` class.
```csharp // Returns a message activity that contains an attachment.
await turnContext.UpdateActivityAsync(activity, cancellationToken);
# [TypeScript](#tab/typescript)
-* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/nodejs/bots/teamsConversationBot.js#L133)
+* [SDK reference](/javascript/api/botbuilder-core/turncontext#botbuilder-core-turncontext-updateactivity)
+* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/nodejs/bots/teamsConversationBot.js#L162)
-To update existing card on a button selection, pass a new `Activity` object with updated card and `replyToId` as activity ID to the `updateActivity` method of the `TurnContext` object. See [updateActivity](/javascript/api/botbuilder-core/turncontext?view=botbuilder-ts-latest#updateactivity-partial-activity--&preserve-view=true).
+To update existing card on a button selection, pass a new `Activity` object with updated card and `replyToId` as activity ID to the `updateActivity` method of the `TurnContext` object.
```typescript // MessageFactory.attachment(): Returns a message activity that contains an attachment.
await context.updateActivity(message);
# [Python](#tab/python)
-* [SDK reference](/python/api/botbuilder-core/botbuilder.core.turncontext?view=botbuilder-py-latest#botbuilder-core-turncontext-update-activity&preserve-view=true)
+* [SDK reference](/python/api/botbuilder-core/botbuilder.core.turncontext?view=botbuilder-py-latest&preserve-view=true#botbuilder-core-turncontext-update-activity)
+* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/python/bots/teams_conversation_bot.py#L156)
-To update existing card on a button click, pass a new `Activity` object with updated card and `reply_to_id` as activity ID to the `update_activity` method of the `TurnContext` class. See [TurnContextClass](/python/api/botbuilder-core/botbuilder.core.turncontext?view=botbuilder-py-latest&preserve-view=true).
+To update existing card on a button click, pass a new `Activity` object with updated card and `reply_to_id` as activity ID to the `update_activity` method of the `TurnContext` class.
```python # MessageFactory.attachment(): Returns a message activity that contains an attachment.
In the Bot Framework, every message has its unique activity identifier. Messages
# [C#](#tab/dotnet)
-* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/Bots/TeamsConversationBot.cs#L156)
-* [SDK reference](/dotnet/api/microsoft.bot.builder.botadapter.deleteactivityasync?view=botbuilder-dotnet-stable#microsoft-bot-builder-botadapter-deleteactivityasync(microsoft-bot-builder-iturncontext-microsoft-bot-schema-conversationreference-system-threading-cancellationtoken)&preserve-view=true)
-* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/Bots/TeamsConversationBot.cs#L156)
-* [SDK reference](/dotnet/api/microsoft.bot.builder.botadapter.deleteactivityasync?view=botbuilder-dotnet-stable#microsoft-bot-builder-botadapter-deleteactivityasync(microsoft-bot-builder-iturncontext-microsoft-bot-schema-conversationreference-system-threading-cancellationtoken)&preserve-view=true)
-* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/Bots/TeamsConversationBot.cs#L156)
+* [SDK reference](/dotnet/api/microsoft.bot.builder.botadapter.deleteactivityasync#microsoft-bot-builder-botadapter-deleteactivityasync(microsoft-bot-builder-iturncontext-microsoft-bot-schema-conversationreference-system-threading-cancellationtoken)&preserve-view=true)
+* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/csharp/Bots/TeamsConversationBot.cs#L165)
-To delete a message, pass that activity's ID to the `DeleteActivityAsync` method of the `TurnContext` class. For more information, see [TurnContext.DeleteActivityAsync Method](/dotnet/api/microsoft.bot.builder.turncontext.deleteactivityasync?view=botbuilder-dotnet-stable&preserve-view=true).
+To delete a message, pass that activity's ID to the `DeleteActivityAsync` method of the `TurnContext` class.
```csharp foreach (var activityId in _list)
foreach (var activityId in _list)
# [TypeScript](#tab/typescript)
-* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/nodejs/bots/teamsConversationBot.js#L218)
+* [SDK reference](/javascript/api/botbuilder-core/turncontext#botbuilder-core-turncontext-deleteactivity)
+* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/nodejs/bots/teamsConversationBot.js#L255)
-To delete a message, pass that activity's ID to the `deleteActivity` method of the `TurnContext` object. For more information, see [deleteActivity](/javascript/api/botbuilder-core/turncontext?view=botbuilder-ts-latest#deleteactivity-stringpartial-conversationreference--&preserve-view=true).
+To delete a message, pass that activity's ID to the `deleteActivity` method of the `TurnContext` object.
```typescript for (let i = 0; i < activityIds.length; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < activityIds.length; i++) {
# [Python](#tab/python)
-* [SDK reference](/python/api/botbuilder-core/botbuilder.core.turncontext?view=botbuilder-py-latest#botbuilder-core-turncontext-delete-activity&preserve-view=true)
+* [SDK reference](/python/api/botbuilder-core/botbuilder.core.turncontext#botbuilder-core-turncontext-delete-activity)
+* [Sample code reference](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/bot-conversation/python/bots/teams_conversation_bot.py#L227)
-To delete that message, pass that activity's ID to the `delete_activity` method of the `TurnContext` object. For more information, see [activity-update-and-delete](https://github.com/microsoft/botbuilder-python/blob/c04ecacb22c1f4b43a671fe2f1e4782218391975/tests/teams/scenarios/activity-update-and-delete/bots/activity_update_and_delete_bot.py).
+To delete that message, pass that activity's ID to the `delete_activity` method of the `TurnContext` object.
```python for each activity_id in _list:
platform Deep Links https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/build-and-test/deep-links.md
ms.localizationpriority: high
Deep links are a navigation mechanism that helps users to connect with features and information within Teams and Teams app. Some scenarios where creating deep links can be useful are as follows:
-* Navigating the user to the content within one of your app's tabs. For instance, your app can have a bot that sends messages notifying the user of an important activity. When the user taps on the notification, the deep link navigates to the tab so that the user can view more details about the activity.
+* Navigating the user to the content within one of your app's tabs. For instance, your app can have a bot that sends messages notifying the user of an important activity. When the user selects an action button on the Adaptive Card sent by the bot, the deep link navigates to the tab to show more details about the activity.
* Your app automates or simplifies certain user tasks. You can create a chat or schedule a meeting by pre-populating the deep links with required parameters. Avoids the need for users to manually enter information. The Microsoft Teams JavaScript client library (TeamsJS) simplifies the process of navigation. For many scenarios, such as navigating to content and information within your tab or launching a chat dialog. TeamsJS provides typed APIs that provide improved experience and can replace the usage of deep links. These APIs are recommended for Teams apps that might be run in other hosts (Outlook, Microsoft 365 app), as they also provide a way to check that the capability being used is supported by that host.
platform Design Teams App Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/design/design-teams-app-overview.md
Whether you're a designer, product manager, developer, or maker using low-code t
Designing a Teams app is like designing a conventional web appΓÇöbut also a little different. An effective design highlights your app's unique attributes while fitting naturally with Teams features and contexts.
-These guidelines and resources can help you strike that balance. You'll know what to do and what to avoid when designing your Teams app (such as multi-level navigation in a tab).
+These guidelines and resources can help you strike that balance. You'll know what to do and what to avoid when designing your Teams app (such as multilevel navigation in a tab).
## Teams app design principles
platform Design Teams App Process https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/design/design-teams-app-process.md
Microsoft provides tools to make it easier to design your Teams app. At minimum,
The Microsoft Teams UI Kit can help you develop an effective Teams app in the shortest amount of time. The UI kit has everything you see in these docs related to Teams app design and much more, including extensive examples and variations.
-The UI kit also has pre-built templates and components that you can copy and modify as needed, so you can spend more time designing the best user experience instead worrying about what a button should look like.
+The UI kit also has prebuilt templates and components that you can copy and modify as needed, so you can spend more time designing the best user experience instead worrying about what a button should look like.
> [!TIP] > **Is the UI kit for me?** If you have any part in creating a Teams app, yes. Understanding how to craft a Teams app is not only helpful to designers but product managers, developers using IDEs, and makers building with low-code tools (such as the Microsoft Power Platform).
Read in depth about or at least familiarize yourself with the [fundamentals of T
After the planning phase, you can determine which Teams capabilities fit your appΓÇÖs use cases. For example, if you want to proactively notify people, a bot might be the right capability.
-The UI kit has pre built designs that show you how people typically add, set up, use, and manage each capability. For quick reference, this information is also in these docs, but with the UI kit you can copy and paste any of these designs into your appΓÇÖs design.
+The UI kit has prebuilt designs that show you how people typically add, set up, use, and manage each capability. For quick reference, this information is also in these docs, but with the UI kit you can copy and paste any of these designs into your appΓÇÖs design.
1. In the UI kitΓÇÖs left nav, go to **App capabilities** and select the capability you want for your app. 1. Copy what you need from that page to design your app.<br />
Currently, not all templates listed in the UI kit are available in the library.
### Build with basic UI components
-Not unlike the design phase, you can use these Fluent UI components in your app project if a UI template is missing something you need, or you just want to build the app from scratch.
+Not unlike the design phase, you can use these Fluent UI components in your app project if a UI template is missing something you need, or you just want to build the app from scratch.
-(Note: If you notice something missing or have an idea for a template, consider contributing to the Teams UI Library repo.)
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you notice something missing or have an idea for a template, consider contributing to the Teams UI Library repo.
> [!div class="nextstepaction"] > [Get the library (Fluent UI)](https://fluentsite.z22.web.core.windows.net/)
platform Personal Apps https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/design/personal-apps.md
With a private workspace, users can view app content that's meaningful to them i
#### **Configure and add multiple actions in NavBar**
-You can add multiple actions to the upper right NavBar and build an overflow menu for extra actions in an app. A maximum of five actions can be added in the NavBar, including the overflow menu.
+You can add multiple actions to the upper-right NavBar and build an overflow menu for extra actions in an app. A maximum of five actions can be added in the NavBar, including the overflow menu.
:::image type="content" source="../../assets/images/overflow-menu-and-multiple-actionsoptions.png" alt-text="The screenshot is an example thats describes the NavBar and Overflow menu.":::
microsoftTeams.menus.setNavBarMenu(menuItems, (id: string) => {
|Counter|Description| |-|--| |A|**Tabs**: Provides navigation for your personal app.|
-|1|**webview**: Displays your app content.|
+|1|**Webview**: Displays your app content.|
#### Desktop
Your content should progress in a logical order that helps users make sense of i
#### Do: Include a first-run experience
-There should be at least a welcome screen the first time you use a personal app. For bots, describe what your bot can do and provide quick actions, such as a sign-in button.
+There should be at least a welcome screen the first time you use a personal app. For bots, describe what your bot can do and provide quick actions, such as a sign in.
:::image type="content" source="../../assets/images/personal-apps/personal-tab-fre-do.png" alt-text="Example shows what to do during a personal app first-run experience.":::
Unless you created your app specifically for Teams, you probably have features t
## Code sample
-|Sample name | Description | Typescript|
+|Sample name | Description | TypeScript|
|-|--|--| | Meeting app | Sample to show navbar-menu in personal tab app. | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/tab-navbar-menu/ts) |
platform Respond To Task Module Submit https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/messaging-extensions/how-to/action-commands/respond-to-task-module-submit.md
You have the following options to respond:
If the app doesn't respond within five seconds, the Teams client will retry the request twice before it sends an error message **Unable to reach the app**. If the bot replies after the timeout, the response is ignored. > [!NOTE]
-> The app must defer any long-running actions after the bot replies to the invoke request. The long-running action results can be delivered as a message.
+>* The app must defer any long-running actions after the bot replies to the invoke request. The long-running action results can be delivered as a message.
+>* Your app has five seconds to respond to the invoke message.
For authentication or configuration, after the user completes the process, the original invoke is resent to your web service. The following table shows which types of responses are available, based on the invoke location `commandContext` of the message extension:
class TeamsMessagingExtensionsActionPreview extends TeamsActivityHandler {
# [JSON](#tab/json)
-This is an example of the JSON object that you receive. The `commandContext` parameter indicates where your message extension was triggered from. The `data` object contains the fields on the form as parameters, and the values the user submitted. The JSON object highlights the most relevant fields.
+The following example is a JSON object that you receive. The `commandContext` parameter indicates where your message extension was triggered from. The `data` object contains the fields on the form as parameters, and the values the user submitted. The JSON object highlights the most relevant fields:
```json {
class TeamsMessagingExtensionsActionPreview extends TeamsActivityHandler {
## Respond with another task module
-You can select to respond to the `submitAction` event with an additional task module. This is useful when you need to:
+You can select to respond to the `submitAction` event with an additional task module. It's useful in the following scenarios:
* Collect large amounts of information. * Dynamically change the information collection based on user input.
The method for response is the same as [responding to the initial `fetchTask` ev
> [!NOTE] > The prerequisite to get the bot response with an Adaptive card is that you must add the `bot` object to your app manifest, and define the required scope for the bot. Use the same ID as your message extension for your bot.
-You can also respond to the `submitAction` by inserting a message with an Adaptive Card into the channel with a bot. The user can preview the message before submitting it. This is useful in scenarios where you gather information from the users before creating an Adaptive Card response, or when you update the card after someone interacts with it.
+You can also respond to the `submitAction` by inserting a message with an Adaptive Card into the channel with a bot. The user can preview the message before submitting it. It's useful in scenarios where you gather information from the users before creating an Adaptive Card response, or when you update the card after someone interacts with it.
The following scenario shows how the app Polly configures a poll without including the configuration steps in the channel conversation:
class TeamsMessagingExtensionsActionPreview extends TeamsActivityHandler {
### Respond to botMessagePreview edit
-If the user edits the card before sending, by selecting **Edit**, you receive a `composeExtension/submitAction` invoke with `value.botMessagePreviewAction = edit`. Respond by returning the task module you sent, in response to the initial `composeExtension/fetchTask` invoke that began the interaction. This allows the user to start the process by reentering the original information. Use the available information to update the task module so that the user need not fill out all information from scratch.
+If the user edits the card before sending, by selecting **Edit**, you receive a `composeExtension/submitAction` invoke with `value.botMessagePreviewAction = edit`. Respond by returning the task module you sent, in response to the initial `composeExtension/fetchTask` invoke that began the interaction. The user can start the process by reentering the original information. Use the available information to update the task module so that the user doesn't need to fill out all information from scratch.
For more information on responding to the initial `fetchTask` event, see [responding to the initial `fetchTask` event](~/messaging-extensions/how-to/action-commands/create-task-module.md). ### Respond to botMessagePreview send
platform Bots Conv Proactive https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/resources/bot-v3/bot-conversations/bots-conv-proactive.md
Alternatively, you can use the REST API and issue a POST request to [`/conversat
### Examples for creating a channel conversation
-# [HTTP](#tab/http)
-POST {Service URL of your bot}/v3/conversations
- "activity": {
- "type": "message",
- "text": "new conversation"
- },
- "bot": {
- "id": "{{botID}}",
- "name": "{{botName}}"
- },
- "channelData":{
- "teamsChannelId":"{{teamID}}",
- "teamsTeamId":"{{teamID}}",
- "channel":{"id":"{{teamID}}"},
- "team":{"id":"{{teamID}}"},
- "tenant":{"id": "{{tenantID}}"}
- },
- "isGroup": true,
- "tenantId": "{{tenantID}}"
-You can get the `{Service URL of your bot}` from `TurnContext` object like `turnContext.Activity.ServiceURL` parameter.
-You can get the `channelData` from `TurnContext` object like `turnContext.Activity.TeamsChannelData` parameter.
-Provide `id` as your bot app ID and `name` as your bot name. Similarly, `id` of tenant, from your bots `TurnContext` object such as `turnContext.Activity.ChannelData.Tenant.Id`.
-Similarly, you can provide the `teamID` for `teamsChannelId`, `teamsTeamId`, `channel`, `team` in `channelData` section which sends the message to general channel of team.
-If the call succeeds, the API returns with the following response object:
- "id": "{{conversationID}}",
- "activityId": "{{activityID}}"
- # [C#](#tab/csharp)
-The .NET example is from [this sample](https://github.com/OfficeDev/microsoft-teams-sample-complete-csharp/blob/32c39268d60078ef54f21fb3c6f42d122b97da22/template-bot-master-csharp/src/dialogs/examples/teams/ProactiveMsgTo1to1Dialog.cs)
+The .NET example is from [this sample](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/blob/main/samples/app-complete-sample/csharp/src/dialogs/examples/teams/ProactiveMsgTo1to1Dialog.cs)
```csharp using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs;
namespace Microsoft.Teams.TemplateBotCSharp.Dialogs
} ```
+# [Node.js](#tab/nodejs)
+export async function startReplyChain(chatConnector: builder.ChatConnector, message: builder.Message, channelId: string): Promise<builder.IChatConnectorAddress> {
+ let activity = message.toMessage();
+ // Build request
+ let options: request.Options = {
+ method: "POST",
+ // We use urlJoin to concatenate urls. url.resolve should not be used here,
+ // since it resolves urls as hrefs are resolved, which could result in losing
+ // the last fragment of the serviceUrl
+ url: urlJoin((activity.address as any).serviceUrl, "/v3/conversations"),
+ body: {
+ isGroup: true,
+ activity: activity,
+ channelData: {
+ teamsChannelId: channelId,
+ },
+ },
+ json: true,
+ };
+ let response = await sendRequestWithAccessToken(chatConnector, options);
+ if (response && response.hasOwnProperty("id")) {
+ let address = createAddressFromResponse(activity.address, response) as any;
+ if (address.user) {
+ delete address.user;
+ }
+ if (address.correlationId) {
+ delete address.correlationId;
+ }
+ return address;
+ } else {
+ throw new Error("Failed to start reply chain: no conversation ID returned.");
+ }
+# [HTTP](#tab/http)
+POST {Service URL of your bot}/v3/conversations
+ "activity": {
+ "type": "message",
+ "text": "new conversation"
+ },
+ "bot": {
+ "id": "{{botID}}",
+ "name": "{{botName}}"
+ },
+ "channelData":{
+ "teamsChannelId":"{{teamID}}",
+ "teamsTeamId":"{{teamID}}",
+ "channel":{"id":"{{teamID}}"},
+ "team":{"id":"{{teamID}}"},
+ "tenant":{"id": "{{tenantID}}"}
+ },
+ "isGroup": true,
+ "tenantId": "{{tenantID}}"
+You can get the `{Service URL of your bot}` from `TurnContext` object like `turnContext.Activity.ServiceURL` parameter.
+You can get the `channelData` from `TurnContext` object like `turnContext.Activity.TeamsChannelData` parameter.
+Provide `id` as your bot app ID and `name` as your bot name. Similarly, `id` of tenant, from your bots `TurnContext` object such as `turnContext.Activity.ChannelData.Tenant.Id`.
+Similarly, you can provide the `teamID` for `teamsChannelId`, `teamsTeamId`, `channel`, `team` in `channelData` section which sends the message to general channel of team.
+If the call succeeds, the API returns with the following response object:
+ "id": "{{conversationID}}",
+ "activityId": "{{activityID}}"
+ ## See also
platform Bots Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/resources/bot-v3/bots-overview.md
Last updated 05/20/2018
Build and connect intelligent bots to interact with Microsoft Teams users naturally through chat. Or provide a simple commands-based bot, to be used as your "command-line" interface for your broader Teams app experience. You can make a notification-only bot, which can push information relevant to your users directly to them in a channel or direct message. You can even bring your existing Bot Framework-based bot and add Teams-specific support to make your experience shine. > [!IMPORTANT]
-> Currently, bots are available in Government Community Cloud (GCC) and GCC-High but not available in Department of Defense (DOD).
+> Bots are available in [Government Community Cloud (GCC), GCC-High, and Department of Defense (DOD)](~/concepts/app-fundamentals-overview.md#government-community-cloud) environments.
:::image type="content" source="../../assets/images/bot_example.png" alt-text="Example of a bot assisting a user":::
platform Cards Actions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/task-modules-and-cards/cards/cards-actions.md
You can also modify the Adaptive Card `Action.Submit` payload to support existin
> [!NOTE] >
->* Adding `msteams` to data with a Bot Framework action does not work with an Adaptive Card task module.
+>* Adding `msteams` to data with a Bot Framework action doesn't work with an Adaptive Card task module.
->* Primary or desctuctive `ActionStyle` is not supported in Microsoft Teams.
+>* Primary or destructive `ActionStyle` isn't supported in Microsoft Teams.
+>* Your app has five seconds to respond to the invoke message.
### Adaptive Cards with messageBack action
platform Add Incoming Webhook https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/webhooks-and-connectors/how-to/add-incoming-webhook.md
To remove an Incoming Webhook from a Teams channel, follow these steps:
## Code sample
-| Sample Name | Description | .NET | Node.js |Manifest |
-|Task module sample bots-V4 | This sample shows how to create task modules using bot framework v4 and teams tabs. |[View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/bot-task-module/csharp)|[View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/bot-task-module/nodejs)|[View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/bot-task-module/csharp/demo-manifest/bot-task-module.zip)|
+| Sample Name | Description | .NET | Node.js |
+| Incoming Webhook |This sample shows how to implement and use Incoming Webhook. |[View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/incoming-webhook/csharp)|[View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/incoming-webhook/nodejs)|
## See also