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platform Enable And Configure Your App For Teams Meetings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/apps-in-teams-meetings/enable-and-configure-your-app-for-teams-meetings.md
With apps for Teams meetings, you can expand the capabilities of your apps acros
* Adhere to general [Teams tab design guidelines](../tabs/design/tabs.md) for pre- and post-meeting scenarios. For experiences during meetings, refer to the [in-meeting tab design guidelines](../apps-in-teams-meetings/design/designing-apps-in-meetings.md#use-an-in-meeting-tab) and [in-meeting dialog design guidelines](../apps-in-teams-meetings/design/designing-apps-in-meetings.md#use-an-in-meeting-dialog).
-* For your app to update in real time, it must be up-to-date based on event activities in the meeting. These events can be within the in-meeting dialog box and other stages across the meeting lifecycle. For the in-meeting dialog box, see `completionBotId` parameter in [in-meeting notification payload](API-references.md#send-an-in-meeting-notification).
+* For your app to update in real time, it must be up-to-date based on event activities in the meeting. These events can be within the in-meeting dialog and other stages across the meeting lifecycle. For the in-meeting dialog, see `completionBotId` parameter in [in-meeting notification payload](API-references.md#send-an-in-meeting-notification).
## Enable your app for Teams meetings
To add a bot to a meeting:
In a meeting chat, enter the **@** key and select **Get bots**. > [!NOTE]
-> * The content bubble posts an Adaptive Card or a card simultaneously in the meeting chat that users can access. This helps the users when the meeting or the Teams app is minimized.
+> * The in-meeting dialog displays a dialog in a meeting and simultaneously posts an Adaptive Card in the meeting chat that users can access. The Adaptive Card in the meeting chat helps users while attending the meeting or if the Teams app is minimized.
> * The user identity must be confirmed using [Tabs SSO](../tabs/how-to/authentication/auth-aad-sso.md). After authentication, the app can retrieve the user role using the `GetParticipant` API. > * Based on the user role, the app has the capability to provide role specific experiences. For example, a polling app allows only organizers and presenters to create a new poll. > * Role assignments can be changed while a meeting is in progress. For more information, see [roles in a Teams meeting](https://support.microsoft.com/office/roles-in-a-teams-meeting-c16fa7d0-1666-4dde-8686-0a0bfe16e019).
platform Meeting App Extensibility https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/apps-in-teams-meetings/meeting-app-extensibility.md
The in-meeting dialog box is displayed where you can enter your response as feed
> * Apps can leverage the Teams Client SDK to access the `meetingId`, `userMri`, and `frameContext` to render the experience appropriately. > * If the in-meeting dialog box is rendered successfully, it sends a notification that the results are successfully downloaded. > * Your app manifest specifies the places in which you want the apps to appear. This can be done by specifying context field in manifest. It is also the part of a share meeting stage experience, subject to specified [design guidelines](~\apps-in-teams-meetings\design\designing-apps-in-meetings.md).
+> * Meeting stage is not supported for Anonymous users and Teams web client.
The following image illustrates the in-meeting side panel:
The default participant settings are determined by an organization's IT administ
* **Attendee**: An attendee is a user who is invited to attend the meeting. Attendees have limited capabilities during the meeting, such as: * They can interact with other meeting members but can't manage any of the meeting settings or share the content.
- * They can view or interact with the tab app on the meeting stage without installing the app or without any app entitlements.
+ * They can view or interact with the tab app on the meeting stage in Teams desktop client without installing the app or without any app entitlements. They canΓÇÖt view or interact with the app on the meeting stage in a Teams web client.
* They canΓÇÖt view or interact with the app in the side panel without any app entitlements. * They aren't authorized to act as a presenter.
+ * If the attendee joins as an anonymous user, they canΓÇÖt view or interact with the tab app on the meeting stage in both Teams web and desktop clients.
> [!NOTE] > Only an organizer or presenter can add, remove, or uninstall apps.
The following list details the various user types along with their accessibility
> [!IMPORTANT] > Currently, third-party apps are available in Government Community Cloud (GCC) but are not available for GCC-High and Department of Defense (DOD). Third-party apps are turned off by default for GCC. To turn on third-party apps for GCC, see [manage app permission policies](/microsoftteams/teams-app-permission-policies) and [manage apps](/microsoftteams/manage-apps).
-* **Anonymous**: Anonymous users don't have an Azure AD identity and aren't federated with a tenant. The anonymous participants are like external users, but their identity isn't shown in the meeting. Anonymous users can't access apps in a meeting window. An anonymous user can't be an organizer but can be a presenter or attendee.
+* **Anonymous**: Anonymous users don't have an Azure AD identity and aren't federated with a tenant. The anonymous participants are like external users, but their identity isn't shown in the meeting. Anonymous users can't access apps in a meeting window and meeting stage. An anonymous user can't be an organizer but can be a presenter or attendee.
> [!NOTE] > Anonymous users inherit the global default user-level app permission policy. For more information, see [manage Apps](/microsoftteams/non-standard-users#anonymous-user-in-meetings-access).
A guest or anonymous user can't add, remove, or uninstall apps.
The following table provides the user types and lists the features that each user can access:
-| User type | Tabs | Bots | Messaging extensions | Adaptive Cards | Task modules | In-meeting dialog | Meeting Stage | Content bubble |
-| :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- |
-| Anonymous user | Not available | Not available | Not available | Interactions in the meeting chat are allowed. | Interactions in the meeting chat from Adaptive Card are allowed. | Not available | Can view and interact with app on the meeting stage | Not available |
-| Guest, part of the tenant Azure AD | Interaction is allowed. Create, update, and delete aren't allowed. | Not available | Not available | Interactions in the meeting chat are allowed. | Interactions in the meeting chat from Adaptive Card are allowed. | Available | Can start, view, and interact with app on the meeting stage | Available |
-| Federated users, for more information, see [non-standard users](/microsoftteams/non-standard-users). | Interaction is allowed. Create, update, and delete aren't allowed. | Interaction is allowed. Acquire, update, and delete aren't allowed. | Not available | Interactions in the meeting chat are allowed. | Interactions in the meeting chat from Adaptive Card are allowed. | Not available | Can start, view, and interact with app on the meeting stage | Not available |
+| User type | Tabs | Bots | Messaging extensions | Adaptive Cards | Task modules | In-meeting dialog | Meeting stage |
+| :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- |
+| Anonymous user | Not available | Not available | Not available | Interactions in the meeting chat are allowed. | Interactions in the meeting chat from Adaptive Card are allowed. | Not available | Not available |
+| Guest, part of the tenant Azure AD | Interaction is allowed. Create, update, and delete aren't allowed. | Not available | Not available | Interactions in the meeting chat are allowed. | Interactions in the meeting chat from Adaptive Card are allowed. | Available | Can start, view, and interact with app on the meeting stage only on Teams desktop client |
+| Federated users, for more information, see [non-standard users](/microsoftteams/non-standard-users). | Interaction is allowed. Create, update, and delete aren't allowed. | Interaction is allowed. Acquire, update, and delete aren't allowed. | Not available | Interactions in the meeting chat are allowed. | Interactions in the meeting chat from Adaptive Card are allowed. | Not available | Can start, view, and interact with app on the meeting stage only on Teams desktop client. |
## Next step
platform Subscribe To Conversation Events https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/bots/how-to/conversations/subscribe-to-conversation-events.md
When building your conversational bots for Microsoft Teams, you can work with co
* Trigger a welcome message when your bot is added to a team. * Trigger a welcome message when a new team member is added or removed. * Trigger a notification when a channel is created, renamed, or deleted.
-* When a bot message is liked by a user.
+* Trigger a notification when a bot message is liked by a user.
## Conversation update events
platform Teams Store Validation Guidelines https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/deploy-and-publish/appsource/prepare/teams-store-validation-guidelines.md
For more information about cards, see:
Bot experience must be fully responsive on mobile. Bot responses must provide a way forward where applicable. Bot musts be responsive and fail with a graceful error message for failures. Bot messages sent in the personal scope to user's base on triggers in a collaborative scope must provide contextual information (including the messageΓÇÖs origin).
-### Notification only Bots
+### Notification only bots
-Apps that consist of notification only bots provide user value by triggering user notifications based on certain triggers or events in the core app or backend. For example, a new sales lead or prospect is added for the sales team to follow up on.
+Apps that consist of notification only bots provide user value by triggering user notifications based on certain triggers or events in the core app or backend. For example, a new sales lead or prospect is added for the sales team to follow up on. A high-quality notification only bot notifies the users regularly on certain event completions such as workflow completions or alerts.
A notification provides value in Teams if:
platform Auth Oauth Provider https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/tabs/how-to/authentication/auth-oauth-provider.md
The following image provides the flow to add authentication to external browsers
return res.redirect('msteams://teams.microsoft.com/l/auth-callback?authId=${state.authId}&code=${req.query.code}') } else {
- // continue redirecting to a web-page that will call notifySuccsss() ΓÇô usually this method is used in Teams-Web
+ // continue redirecting to a web-page that will call notifySuccess() ΓÇô usually this method is used in Teams-Web
… ```
platform Create Personal Tab https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/tabs/how-to/create-personal-tab.md
zone_pivot_groups: teams-app-environment
# Create a personal tab
-Personal tabs, along with personally-scoped bots, are part of personal apps and are scoped to a single user. They can be pinned to the left pane for easy access. You can also [reorder](#reorder-static-personal-tabs) and add [`registerOnFocused` API](#add-registeronfocused-api-for-tabs-or-personal-apps) for personal tabs.
+Personal tabs, along with personally-scoped bots, are part of personal apps and are scoped to a single user. They can be pinned to the left pane for easy access. You can also [reorder](#reorder-static-personal-tabs) your personal tabs.
Ensure that you have all the [prerequsites](~/tabs/how-to/tab-requirements.md) to build your personal tab.
gulp ngrok-serve
Now you have succesfully created and added your personal tab in Teams.
- As you have your personal tab in Teams, you can also [reorder](#reorder-static-personal-tabs) and add [`registerOnFocused` API](#add-registeronfocused-api-for-tabs-or-personal-apps) for your personal tab.
+ As you have your personal tab in Teams, you can also [reorder](#reorder-static-personal-tabs) your personal tab.
::: zone-end
ngrok http 3978 --host-header=localhost
Now you have succesfully created and added your personal tab in Teams.
- As you have your personal tab in Teams, you can also [reorder](#reorder-static-personal-tabs) and add [`registerOnFocused` API](#add-registeronfocused-api-for-tabs-or-personal-apps) for your personal tab.
+ As you have your personal tab in Teams, you can also [reorder](#reorder-static-personal-tabs) your personal tab.
::: zone-end
ngrok http 3978 --host-header=localhost
Now you have succesfully created and added your personal tab in Teams.
- As you have your personal tab in Teams, you can also [reorder](#reorder-static-personal-tabs) and add [`registerOnFocused` API](#add-registeronfocused-api-for-tabs-or-personal-apps) for your personal tab.
+ As you have your personal tab in Teams, you can also [reorder](#reorder-static-personal-tabs) your personal tab.
::: zone-end
If you create a bot with a **personal** scope, it appears in the first tab posit
-## Add `registerOnFocused` API for tabs or personal apps
-The `registerOnFocused` SDK API allows you to use a keyboard on Teams. You can return to a personal app and maintain focus on a tab or personal app with the help of Ctrl, Shift, and F6 keys. For example, you can move away from the personal app to search for something, and then return to the personal app or use Ctrl+F6 to go around the required places.
-The following code provides an example of handler definition on `registerFocusEnterHandler` SDK when the focus must be returned to the tab or personal app:
-``` C#
-export function registerFocusEnterHandler(handler: (navigateForward: boolean) => void):
-void {
- HandlersPrivate.focusEnterHandler = handler;
- handler && sendMessageToParent('registerHandler', ['focusEnter']);
-function handleFocusEnter(navigateForward: boolean): void
- {
- if (HandlersPrivate.focusEnterHandler)
- {
- HandlersPrivate.focusEnterHandler(navigateForward);
- }
-After the handler is triggered with the keyword `focusEnter`, the handler `registerFocusEnterHandler` is invoked with a callback function `focusEnterHandler` that takes in a parameter called `navigateForward`. The value of `navigateForward` determines the type of events. The `focusEnterHandler` is invoked only by Ctrl+F6 and not by the tab key.
-The keys useful for move events within Teams are as follows:
-* Forward event: Ctrl+F6 keys
-* Backward event: Ctrl+Shift+F6 keys
-``` C#
-case 'focusEnter':
-this.registerFocusEnterHandler((navigateForward: boolean = true) => {
-this.sdkWindowMessageHandler.sendRequestMessage(this.frame, this.constants.SdkMessageTypes.focusEnter, [navigateForward]);
-// Set focus on iframe or webview
-if (this.frame && this.frame.sourceElem) {
- this.frame.sourceElem.focus();
-return true;
-// callback function to be passed to the handler
-private focusEnterHandler: (navigateForward: boolean) => boolean;
-// function that gets invoked after handler is registered.
-private registerFocusEnterHandler(focusEnterHandler: (navigateForward: boolean) => boolean): void {
-this.focusEnterHandler = focusEnterHandler;
-### Personal app
-#### Personal app: Forward event
-#### Personal app: Backward event
-### Tab
-- ## Next step > [!div class="nextstepaction"]
platform Whats New https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/whats-new.md
Explore updates from the previous GA releases listed here.
|11/13/2021| Bots can be enabled to receive all channel messages using resource-specific consent (RSC) | ΓÇó Build bots > Bot conversations > Messages in bot conversations > [Receive all channel messages with RSC](~/bots/how-to/conversations/channel-messages-with-rsc.md) </br> ΓÇó Build bots > Bot conversations > [Bot conversation overview](~/bots/how-to/conversations/conversation-basics.md) </br> ΓÇó Build bots > Bot conversations > [Channel and group conversations](~/bots/how-to/conversations/channel-and-group-conversations.md) | |10/28/2021| Monetize your Teams app with a transactable SaaS offer | Distribute your app > Publish to the Teams store > [Include a SaaS offer with your Teams app](~/concepts/deploy-and-publish/appsource/prepare/include-saas-offer.md) | |10/25/2021| Updated Get started module for Microsoft Teams Developer Documentation with new structure and procedures in a step-by-step guide | Get started > [Get started with your first Teams app](get-started/get-started-overview.md) |
-|10/21/2021| Add a `registerOnFocused` API for tabs or personal apps | Build tabs > Create personal tabs > [Add `registerOnFocused` API for tabs or personal apps](tabs/how-to/create-personal-tab.md#add-registeronfocused-api-for-tabs-or-personal-apps) |
|10/20/2021| Meeting stage is now available in GA | Build apps for Teams meetings > [Enable and configure your apps for Teams meetings](apps-in-teams-meetings/enable-and-configure-your-app-for-teams-meetings.md) | |10/20/2021| Meeting Details API and real-time Teams meeting events | Build apps for Teams meetings > [Get meeting details API](apps-in-teams-meetings/API-references.md#get-meeting-details-api) | |10/18/2021| Tabs link unfurling and stage view | Build tabs > [Tabs link unfurling and stage view](tabs/tabs-link-unfurling.md) |