Updates from: 03/26/2022 02:40:04
Service Microsoft Docs article Related commit history on GitHub Change details
platform Bot Basics https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/bots/bot-basics.md
The bot logic processes incoming activities from one or more of your bot channel
#### Core Bot Framework handlers >[!NOTE]
-> Except for the **added** and **removed** members' activities, all the activity handlers described in this section continue to work as they do with a non-Teams bot.
+>* Except for the **added** and **removed** members' activities, all the activity handlers described in this section continue to work as they do with a non-Teams bot.
+>* `onInstallationUpdateActivityAsync()` method is used to get Teams Locale while adding the bot to Teams.
Activity handlers are different in context of a team, where a new member is added to the team instead of a message thread.
platform Bot Features https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/bots/bot-features.md
The [Bot Framework](https://dev.botframework.com/) is a rich SDK used to create
## Bots with webhooks and connectors
-Webhooks and connectors connect your bot to your web services. Using webhooks and connectors, you can create a simple bot for basic interaction, such as creating a workflow or other simple commands. They are available only in the team where you create them and are intended for simple processes specific to your company's workflow. For more information, see [what are webhooks and connectors](~/webhooks-and-connectors/what-are-webhooks-and-connectors.md).
+Webhooks and connectors connect your bot to your web services. Using webhooks and connectors, you can create a bot for basic interaction, such as creating a workflow or other simple commands. They are available only in the team where you create them and are intended for simple processes specific to your company's workflow. For more information, see [what are webhooks and connectors](~/webhooks-and-connectors/what-are-webhooks-and-connectors.md).
## Advantages of bots
this.onMessage(async (context, next) => {
|Sample name | Description | .NETCore | Node.js | |-|--|--|-| | Teams conversation bot | Messaging and conversation event handling. |[View](https://github.com/microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/tree/master/samples/csharp_dotnetcore/57.teams-conversation-bot)|[View](https://github.com/microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/tree/master/samples/javascript_nodejs/57.teams-conversation-bot)|
+| Bot samples | Set of bot samples | [View](https://github.com/microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/tree/main/samples/csharp_dotnetcore) | |
## Next step
platform Add Authentication https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/bots/how-to/authentication/add-authentication.md
description: How to add OAuth authentication to a bot in Microsoft Teams using A
ms.localizationpriority: medium
-keywords: resource group bot registration Azure emulator bot manifest
+keywords: resource group bot registration Azure emulator bot manifest deploy
# Add authentication to your Teams bot
platform Teams Developer Portal https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/build-and-test/teams-developer-portal.md
From the Developer Portal, use the **Distribute** button to download an app pack
For more information, see [distribute your Teams app](~/concepts/deploy-and-publish/apps-publish-overview.md).
-## Analyze your app's usage
-On the **Overview** page, you can see the total number of active users for your app. These metrics are available for apps published to the Teams store or an org's app catalog through Developer Portal and scoped to the app ID.
-| Metric | Definition |
-| :--| :|
-| *Monthly R30* | The default usage metric. It shows you the count of unique active users that used your app within that rolling 30-day window in UTC. |
-| *Daily* | Shows you the count of unique active users that used your app in a given day in UTC. |
-Monthly and daily usage is shown for the past seven, 30 days, and 60 days. You should see usage reflected for a given day within 24-48 hours. Usage for new apps can take up to 3-5 days to display.
- ## Use tools to create app features The Developer Portal also includes tools to help you build some key features of Teams apps. Some of these tools include:
platform Apps Upload https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/deploy-and-publish/apps-upload.md
You can sideload your app to a team, chat, meeting, or for personal use dependin
1. Select **Add** to add your app to Teams.
- > [!NOTE]
- > `onInstallationUpdateActivityAsync()` method is used to get Microsoft Teams Locale while adding the bot to Microsoft Teams.
- ## Troubleshooting If your app fails to sideload or any issues to upload, check the following options:
platform Extend M365 Teams Personal Tab https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/m365-apps/extend-m365-teams-personal-tab.md
If your app makes use of [Content Security Policy](https://developer.mozilla.org
|--|--| | Teams | `teams.microsoft.com` | | Office | `*.office.com` |
-| Outlook | `outlook.office.com`, `outlook.office365.com` |
+| Outlook | `outlook.office.com`, `outlook.office365.com`, `outlook-sdf.office.com`, `outlook-sdf.office365.com` |
## Update Azure AD app registration for SSO
platform Using Teams Client Sdk Preview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/m365-apps/using-teams-client-sdk-preview.md
You can also visualize the changes by reviewing the [`transformLegacyContextToA
## Next steps
-You can also learn more about breaking changes in the [TeamsJS SDK v2 Preview changelog](https://github.com/OfficeDev/microsoft-teams-library-js/blob/2.0-preview/CHANGELOG.md) and the [TeamsJS SDK v2 Preview API Reference](/javascript/api/overview/msteams-client?view=msteams-client-js-beta&preserve-view=true).
+You can also learn more about breaking changes in the [TeamsJS SDK v2 Preview changelog](https://github.com/OfficeDev/microsoft-teams-library-js/blob/2.0-preview/packages/teams-js/CHANGELOG.md) and the [TeamsJS SDK v2 Preview API Reference](/javascript/api/overview/msteams-client?view=msteams-client-js-beta&preserve-view=true).
When you're ready to test your Teams apps running in Outlook and Office, see:
platform Auth Aad Sso https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/tabs/how-to/authentication/auth-aad-sso.md
Users sign in to Microsoft Teams through their work, school, or Microsoft accoun
> > Γ£öTeams for iOS (_Version_: 2.0.18 and later) >
-> Γ£öTeams JavaScript SDK (_Version_: 1.10 and later) for SSO to work in meeting side panel.
+> Γ£öTeams JavaScript SDK (_Version_: 1.11 and later) for SSO to work in meeting side panel.
> > For the best experience with Teams, use the latest version of iOS and Android. > [!NOTE]
platform Auth Flow Tab https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/tabs/how-to/authentication/auth-flow-tab.md
Similar to other application auth flows in Teams, the start page must be on a do
8. Teams closes the pop-up window. 9. The tab either displays configuration UI, refreshes, or reloads the tabs content, depending on where the user started from.
+> [!NOTE]
+> If the application supports SAML SSO, then tab SSO generated JWT token cannot be used as it isn't supported.
+ ## Treat tab context as hints Although the tab context provides helpful information regarding the user, do not use this information to authenticate the user. Do authenticate the user even if you get the information as URL parameters to your tab content URL or by calling the `microsoftTeams.getContext()` function in the Microsoft Teams client SDK. A malicious actor can invoke your tab content URL with its own parameters. The actor can also invoke a web page impersonating Microsoft Teams to load your tab content URL in an iframe and return its own data to the `getContext()` function. You must treat the identity-related information in the tab context as a hint and validate it before using. Refer to the notes in [navigate to the authorization page from your pop-up page](~/tabs/how-to/authentication/auth-tab-aad.md#navigate-to-the-authorization-page-from-your-pop-up-page).