Updates from: 03/23/2022 02:37:32
Service Microsoft Docs article Related commit history on GitHub Change details
platform Enable And Configure Your App For Teams Meetings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/apps-in-teams-meetings/enable-and-configure-your-app-for-teams-meetings.md
Participants can share specific parts of the app to the collaborative meeting st
To share specific parts of the app to stage, you must invoke the related APIs in the Teams client SDK library. For more information, see [API reference](API-references.md).
+> [!NOTE]
+> * To share specific parts of the app to stage, use Teams manifest version 1.12 or later.
+> * Share specific parts of the app to stage is supported for Teams desktop clients only.
+ ### After a meeting The configurations of after and [before meetings](#before-a-meeting) are the same.
platform Calls Meetings Bots Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/bots/calls-and-meetings/calls-meetings-bots-overview.md
Real-time media refers to scenarios where media must be processed in real-time,
| **Sample name** | **Description** | **Graph** | ||-|--| | Graph communication | Graph communications to interact with Microsoft's communications platform. | [View](https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-comms-samples) |
-| Calling and meeting bot | The sample app demonstartes how Bot can create call, join meeting and transfer call. | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/bot-calling-meeting/csharp) |
## Next step
platform Registering Calling Bot https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/bots/calls-and-meetings/registering-calling-bot.md
You can rely on an administrator to grant the permissions your app needs at the
> [!IMPORTANT] > Anytime you make a change to your application's permissions, you must also repeat the Admin consent process. Changes made in the app registration portal are not reflected until the consent has been reapplied by the tenant's administrator.
+## Code sample
+| **Sample name** | **Description** | **Graph** |
+| Calling and meeting bot | The sample app demonstartes how Bot can create call, join meeting and transfer call. | [View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/bot-calling-meeting/csharp) |
+ ## Step-by-step guide Follow the [step-by-step guide](../../sbs-calling-and-meeting.yml) to set up calling and meeting in a bot.
platform Channel And Group Conversations https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/bots/how-to/conversations/channel-and-group-conversations.md
Bots in a group or channel only receive messages when they are mentioned @botnam
> This feature is currently available in [public developer preview](../../../resources/dev-preview/developer-preview-intro.md) only. > > Using resource-specific consent (RSC), bots can receive all channel messages in teams that it is installed in without being @mentioned. For more information, see [receive all channel messages with RSC](channel-messages-with-rsc.md).
+> Posting a message or Adaptive Card to a private channel is currently not supported.
## Design guidelines
platform Get Started Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/get-started/get-started-overview.md
If you are already familiar with Yeoman workflow, you may prefer using [YoTeams
Now, let's build your first Teams app. But first, pick your language (or framework) and prepare your development environment.
+> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
+> [Build a Teams app with Blazor](../sbs-gs-blazorapp.yml)
> [!div class="nextstepaction"] > [Build a Teams app with JavaScript using React](../sbs-gs-javascript.yml) > [!div class="nextstepaction"]
platform Azure Provisioning Instructions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/includes/get-started/azure-provisioning-instructions.md
Once the provisioning and deployment steps are complete:
:::image type="content" source="~/assets/images/teams-toolkit-v2/deploy-azure/launch-remote.png" alt-text="Screenshot showing the launch app remotely." border="false"::: 1. Select **Add**.+ :::image type="content" source="~/assets/images/teams-toolkit-v2/deploy-azure/remote-app-client.png" alt-text="Screenshot showing the app being installed." border="false"::: Your app is loaded on the Azure site.
platform What Are Tabs https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/tabs/what-are-tabs.md
You can have multiple channels or group tabs, and up to 16 personal tabs per app
## See also
+* [Custom tabs in Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/built-in-custom-tabs#develop-custom-tabs)
* [Request device permissions](../concepts/device-capabilities/native-device-permissions.md) * [Integrate media capabilities](../concepts/device-capabilities/mobile-camera-image-permissions.md) * [Integrate a QR or barcode scanner](../concepts/device-capabilities/qr-barcode-scanner-capability.md)
platform Cards Format https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/task-modules-and-cards/cards/cards-format.md
You can test formatting in your own cards by modifying this code.
* [Use task modules from bots](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/task-modules-bots.md) * [Task modules](~/task-modules-and-cards/cards/cards-format.md) * [Format your bot messages](~/bots/how-to/format-your-bot-messages.md)
+* [Schema explorer for Adaptive Cards](https://adaptivecards.io/explorer/TextBlock.html)
platform Debug Background Process https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/toolkit/debug-background-process.md
+ Title: Debug background processes
+description: Function of Visual studio code and Teams Toolkit during local debug
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ Last updated : 03/03/2022++
+# Debug background process
+The local debug workflow involves the `.vscode/launch.json` and `.vscode/tasks.json` files to configure the debugger in Visual Studio Code, then the Visual Studio Code launches the debuggers, and Microsoft Edge or Chrome debugger launches a new browser instance as follows:
+1. The `launch.json` file configures the debugger in Visual Studio Code.
+2. Visual Studio Code runs the compound `preLaunchTask`, `Pre Debug Check & Start All` in `.vscode/tasks.json` file.
+3. Visual Studio Code then launches the debuggers specified in the compound configurations, such as **Attach to Bot**, **Attach to Backend**, **Attach to Frontend**, and **Launch Bot**.
+4. Microsoft Edge or Chrome debugger launches a new browser instance and opens a web page to load Teams client.
+## Prerequisites
+Teams Toolkit checks the following prerequisites during the debug process:
+* Node.js, applicable for the following project types:
+ |Project type|Node.js LTS version|
+ |-|--|
+ |Tab without Azure Functions | 10, 12, **14 (recommended)**, 16 |
+ |Tab with Azure Functions | 10, 12, **14 (recommended)**|
+ |Bot | 10, 12, **14 (recommended)**, 16|
+ |Messaging extension | 10, 12, **14 (recommended)**, 16 |
+* Microsoft 365 account with valid credentials, the Teams toolkit prompts you to sign in to Microsoft 365 account, if you haven't signed in.
+* Custom app uploading or sideloading for your developer tenant is turned on. If not, the local debug terminates.
+* Ngrok binary version 2.3, applicable for bot and messaging extension. If Ngrok is not installed or the version doesn't match the requirement, the Teams toolkit installs Ngrok NPM package `ngrok@4.2.2` in `~/.fx/bin/ngrok`. The Ngrok binary is managed by Ngrok NPM package in `/.fx/bin/ngrok/node modules/ngrok/bin`.
+* Azure Functions Core Tools version 3. If Azure Functions Core Tools is not installed or the version doesn't match the requirement, the Teams toolkit installs Azure Functions Core Tools NPM package, azure-functions-core-tools@3 for **Windows** and for **macOs** in `~/.fx/bin/func`. The Azure Functions Core Tools NPM package in `~/.fx/bin/func/node_modules/azure-functions-core-tools/bin` manages Azure Functions Core Tools binary. For Linux, the local debug terminates.
+* .NET Core SDK version, applicable for Azure Functions. If .NET Core SDK is not installed or the version doesn't match the requirement, the Teams Toolkit installs .NET Core SDK for Windows and MacOS in `~/.fx/bin/dotnet`. For Linux, the local debug terminates.
+ The following table lists the .NET Core versions:
+ | Platform | Software|
+ | | |
+ |Windows, macOs (x64), and Linux | **3.1 (recommended)**, 5.0, 6.0 |
+ |macOs (arm64) |6.0 |
+* Development certificate, if the development certificate for localhost is not installed for tab in Windows or macOS, the Teams toolkit prompts you to install it.
+* Azure Functions binding extensions defined in `api/extensions.csproj`. If Azure Functions binding extensions is not installed, the Teams Toolkit installs Azure Functions binding extensions.
+* NPM packages, applicable for tab app, bot app, messaging extension app, and Azure Functions. If NPM is not installed, the Teams Toolkit installs all NPM packages.
+* Bot and messaging extension. The Teams Toolkit starts Ngrok to create a HTTP tunnel for bot and messaging extension.
+* Ports available, if tab, bot, messaging extension, and Azure Functions ports are unavailable, the local debug terminates.
+ The following table lists the ports available for components:
+ | Component | Port |
+ | | |
+ | Tab | 53000 |
+ | Bot or messaging extension | 3978 |
+ | Node inspector for bot or messaging extension | 9239 |
+ | Azure Functions | 7071 |
+ | Node inspector for Azure Functions | 9229 |
+<!-- The following table lists the limitations if the required software is unavailable for debugging:
+|Project type|Installation| Limitation|
+|Tab without Azure functions | Node.js LTS versions 10, 12, **14 (recommended)**, 16 | The local debug terminates, if Node.js is not installed or the version doesn't match the requirement.|
+|Tab with Azure functions | Node.js LTS versions 10, 12, **14 (recommended)** |The local debug terminates, if Node.js is not installed or the version doesn't match the requirement.|
+|Bot | Node.js LTS versions 10, 12, **14 (recommended)**, 16|The local debug terminates, if Node.js is not installed or the version doesn't match the requirement.|
+|Messaging extension | Node.js LTS versions 10, 12, **14 (recommended)**, 16 |The local debug terminates, if Node.js is not installed or the version doesn't match the requirement.|
+|Sign in to Microsoft 365 account | Microsoft 365 credentials |Teams toolkit prompts you to sign in to Microsoft 365 account, if you haven't signed in. |
+|Bot, messaging extension | Ngrok version 2.3| ΓÇó If Ngrok is not installed or the version doesn't match the requirement, the Teams toolkit installs Ngrok NPM package `ngrok@4.2.2` in `~/.fx/bin/ngrok`. </br> ΓÇó The Ngrok binary is managed by Ngrok NPM package in `/.fx/bin/ngrok/node modules/ngrok/bin`.|
+|Azure functions | Azure Functions Core Tools version 3| ΓÇó If Azure Functions Core Tools is not installed or the version doesn't match the requirement, the Teams toolkit installs Azure Functions Core Tools NPM package, azure-functions-core-tools@3 for **Windows** and for **macOs** in `~/.fx/bin/func`. </br> ΓÇó The Azure Functions Core Tools NPM package in `~/.fx/bin/func/node_modules/azure-functions-core-tools/bin` manages Azure Functions Core Tools binary. For Linux, the local debug terminates.|
+|Azure functions |.NET Core SDK version|ΓÇó If .NET Core SDK is not installed or the version doesn't match the requirement, the toolkit installs .NET Core SDK for Windows and macOS in `~/.fx/bin/dotnet`.</br> ΓÇó For Linux, the local debug terminates.|
+|Azure functions | Azure functions binding extensions defined in `api/extensions.csproj`| If Azure functions binding extensions is not installed, the toolkit installs Azure functions binding extensions.|
+|NPM packages| NPM packages for tab app, bot app, messaging extension app, and Azure functions|If NPM is not installed, the toolkit installs all NPM packages.|
+|Bot and messaging extension | Ngrok |Toolkit starts Ngrok to create a HTTP tunnel for bot and messaging extension. |
+> [!NOTE]
+> If tab, bot, messaging extension, and Azure functions ports are unavailable, the local debug terminates.
+Use the following .NET Core versions:
+| Platform | Software|
+| | |
+|Windows, macOs (x64), Linux | **3.1 (recommended)**, 5.0, 6.0 |
+|macOs (arm64) |6.0 |
+> [!NOTE]
+> If the development certificate for localhost is not installed for tab in Windows or macOS, the Teams toolkit prompts you to install it.</br> -->
+When you select **Start Debugging (F5)**, the Teams Toolkit output channel displays the progress and result after checking the prerequisites.
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/teams-toolkit-v2/debug/prerequisites-debugcheck.png" alt-text="prerequisites":::
+## Register and configure your Teams app
+In the set up process, Teams Toolkit prepares the following registrations and configurations for your Teams app:
+1. [Registers and configures Azure AD application](#registers-and-configures-azure-ad-application): Teams Toolkit registers and configures your Azure AD application.
+1. [Registers and configures bot](#registers-and-configures-bot): Teams Toolkit registers and configures your bot for tab or messaging extension app.
+1. [Registers and configures Teams app](#registers-and-configures-teams-app): Teams Toolkit registers and configures your Teams app.
+### Registers and configures Azure AD application
+1. Registers an Azure AD application.
+1. Creates a Client Secret.
+1. Exposes an API.
+ a. Configures Application ID URI. For tab, `api://localhost/{appId}`. For bot or messaging extension, `api://botid-{botid}`.
+ b. Adds a scope named `access_as_user`. Enables it for **Admin and users**.
+The following table lists the configurations of Microsoft 365 client application with the client Ids:
+ | Microsoft 365 client application | Client ID |
+ | | |
+ | Teams desktop, mobile | 1fec8e78-bce4-4aaf-ab1b-5451cc387264 |
+ | Teams web | 5e3ce6c0-2b1f-4285-8d4b-75ee78787346 |
+ | Office.com | 4345a7b9-9a63-4910-a426-35363201d503 |
+ | Office.com | 4765445b-32c6-49b0-83e6-1d93765276ca |
+ | Office desktop | 0ec893e0-5785-4de6-99da-4ed124e5296c |
+ | Outlook desktop | d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c |
+ | Outlook Web Access | 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000 |
+ | Outlook Web Access | bc59ab01-8403-45c6-8796-ac3ef710b3e3 |
+4. Configures API permissions. Adds Microsoft Graph permission to **User.Read**.
+The following table lists the configuration of the authentication as follows:
+ | Project type | Redirect URIs for web | Redirect URIs for single-page application |
+ | | | |
+ | Tab | `https://localhost:53000/auth-end.html` | `https://localhost:53000/auth-end.html?clientId={appId>}` |
+ | Bot or messaging extension | `https://ngrok.io/auth-end.html` | NA |
+### Registers and configures bot
+For tab app or messaging extension app:
+1. Registers an Azure AD application.
+1. Creates a Client Secret for the Azure AD application.
+1. Registers a bot in [Microsoft Bot Framework](https://dev.botframework.com/) using the Azure AD application.
+1. Adds Microsoft Teams channel.
+1. Configures messaging endpoint as `https://{ngrokTunnelId}.ngrok.io/api/messages`.
+### Registers and configures Teams app
+Registers a Teams app in [Developer](https://dev.teams.microsoft.com/home) using the manifest template in `templates/appPackage/manifest.local.template.json`.
+After registering and configuring the app, local debug files get generated.
+## Take a tour of your app source code
+You can view the project folders and files in the Explorer area of Visual Studio Code after the Teams Toolkit registers and configures your app. The following table lists the local debug files and the configuration types:
+| Folder name| Contents| Debug configuration type |
+| | | |
+| `.fx/configs/localSettings.json` | Local debug configuration file | The values of each configuration generates and saves during local debug. |
+| `templates/appPackage/manifest.local.template.json` | Teams app manifest template file for local debug | The placeholders in the file resolves during local debug. |
+| `tabs/.env.teams.local` | Environment variables file for tab | The values of each environment variable generates and saves during local debug. |
+| `bot/.env.teamsfx.local` | Environment variables file for bot and messaging extension| The values of each environment variable generates and saves during local debug. |
+| `api/.env.teamsfx.local` | Environment variables file for Azure Functions | The values of each environment variable generates and saves during local debug. |
+## See also
+[Debug your Teams app using Teams Toolkit](debug-local.md)
platform Debug Local https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/toolkit/debug-local.md
+ Title: Debug your Teams app
+description: Debug your Teams app locally in Teams Toolkit
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ Last updated : 03/21/2022++
+# Debug your Teams app locally
+Teams Toolkit helps you to debug and preview your Teams app locally. Debug is the process of checking, detecting, and correcting issues or bugs to ensure the program runs successfully. Visual Studio Code allows you to debug tab, bot, messaging extension, and Azure Functions. Teams Toolkit supports the following debug features:
+* [Start debugging](#start-debugging)
+* [Multi-target debugging](#multi-target-debugging)
+* [Toggle breakpoints](#toggle-breakpoints)
+* [Hot reload](#hot-reload)
+* [Stop debugging](#stop-debugging)
+During the debug process, Teams Toolkit automatically starts app services, launches debuggers, and sideloads the Teams app. The Teams app is available for preview in Teams web client locally after debugging. You can also customize debug settings to use your bot endpoints, development certificate, or debug partial component to load your configured app.
+## Prerequisite
+Install the [latest version of Teams Toolkit](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=TeamsDevApp.ms-teams-vscode-extension).
+## Key features of Teams Toolkit
+#### Start debugging
+You can perform single operation, select **F5** to start debugging. The Teams Toolkit starts checking prerequisites, registering Azure Active Directory app, registering Teams app, registering bot, starting services, and launching browser.
+#### Multi-target debugging
+Teams Toolkit utilizes multi-target debugging feature to debug tab, bot, messaging extension, and Azure Functions at the same time.
+#### Toggle breakpoints
+You can toggle breakpoints on the source codes of tabs, bots, messaging extensions, and Azure Functions. The breakpoints execute when you interact with the Teams app in a web browser. The following image shows the toggle breakpoints:
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/teams-toolkit-v2/debug/toggle-points.png" alt-text="toggle breakpoints":::
+#### Hot reload
+You can update and save the source codes of tab, bot, messaging extension, and Azure Functions at the same time when you are debugging the Teams app. The app reloads and the debugger reattaches to the programming languages.
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/teams-toolkit-v2/debug/hot-reload.png" alt-text="hot-reload for source codes":::
+#### Stop debugging
+When you complete local debug, you can select **Stop** or **Disconnect** from the floating debugging toolbar to stop all debug sessions and terminate tasks. The following image shows the stop debug action:
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/teams-toolkit-v2/debug/stop-debug.png" alt-text="stop debugging":::
+## Debug your Teams app locally
+#### 1. Set up your Teams Toolkit
+Complete the following steps to debug your app after creating a new app using the Teams Toolkit:
+1. Select **Debug Edge** or **Debug Chrome** from the **Run and Debug** in the activity bar.
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/teams-toolkit-v2/debug/debug-run.png" alt-text="Browser option" border="false":::
+1. Select **Start Debugging (F5)** or **Run** to run your Teams app in debug mode.
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/teams-toolkit-v2/debug/start-debugging.png" alt-text="Start debugging" border="false":::
+3. Select **Sign in** to Microsoft 365 account.
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/teams-toolkit-v2/debug/microsoft365-signin.png" alt-text="Sign in" border="true":::
+ > [!TIP]
+ > You can select **Read more** to learn about Microsoft 365 Developer Program. Your default web browser opens to let you sign in to your Microsoft 365 account using your credentials.
+4. Select **Install** for installing the development certificate for localhost.
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/teams-toolkit-v2/debug/install-certificate.png" alt-text="certificate" border="true":::
+ > [!TIP]
+ > You can select **Learn More** to know about the development certificate.
+5. Select **Yes** if the following dialog appears:
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/teams-toolkit-v2/debug/development-certificate.png" alt-text="certification authority" border="true":::
+Toolkit launches a new Edge or Chrome browser instance depending on your selection and opens a web page to load Teams client.
+1. Select **Debug Edge** or **Debug Chrome** from the **Run and Debug** in the activity bar.
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/teams-toolkit-v2/debug/debug-run.png" alt-text="Browser lists" border="false":::
+1. Select **Start Debugging (F5)** or **Run** to run your Teams app in debug mode.
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/teams-toolkit-v2/debug/start-debugging.png" alt-text="Debug your app" border="false":::
+3. Select **Sign in** to Microsoft 365 account.
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/teams-toolkit-v2/debug/microsoft365-signin.png" alt-text="Sign into M365 account" border="true":::
+ > [!TIP]
+ > You can select **Read more** to learn about Microsoft 365 Developer Program. Your default web browser opens to let you sign in to your Microsoft 365 account using your credentials.
+4. Select **Install** to install the development certificate for localhost.
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/teams-toolkit-v2/debug/install-certificate.png" alt-text="certificate" border="true":::
+ > [!TIP]
+ > You can select **Learn More** to know about the development certificate.
+5. Enter your **User Name** and **Password**, then select **Update Settings** in the following dialog box:
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/teams-toolkit-v2/debug/mac-settings.png" alt-text="mac sign in" border="true":::
+Toolkit launches a new Edge or Chrome browser instance depending on your selection and opens a web page to load Teams client.
+#### 2. Debug your app
+After the initial set up process, the Teams Toolkit starts the following processes:
+ a. [Starts app services](#starts-app-services) </br>
+ b. [Launches debuggers](#launches-debuggers) </br>
+ c. [Sideloads the Teams app](#sideloads-the-teams-app)
+#### Starts app services
+Runs the tasks defined in `.vscode/tasks.json` as follows:
+| Component | Task name | Folder |
+| | | |
+| Tab | **Start Frontend** | tabs |
+| Bot or messaging extensions | **Start Bot** | bot |
+| Azure Functions | **Start Backend** | api |
+The following image displays task names on the **Output** **Terminal** tab of the Visual Studio Code while running tab, bot or messaging extension, and Azure Functions.
+#### Launches debuggers
+Launches the debug configurations defined in `.vscode/launch.json` as follows:
+The following table lists the debug configuration names and types for project with tab app and bot app:
+| Component | Debug configuration name | Debug configuration type |
+| | | |
+| Tab | **Attach to Frontend (Edge)** or **Attach to Frontend (Chrome)** | pwa-msedge or pwa-chrome |
+| Bot or messaging extensions | **Attach to Bot** | pwa-node |
+| Azure Functions | **Attach to Backend** | pwa-node |
+The following table lists the debug configuration names and types for project with bot app and without tab app:
+| Component | Debug configuration name | Debug configuration type |
+| | | |
+| Bot or messaging extension | **Launch Bot (Edge)** or **Launch Bot (Chrome)** | pwa-msedge or pwa-chrome |
+| Bot or messaging extension | **Attach to Bot** | pwa-node |
+| Azure Functions | **Attach to Backend** | pwa-node |
+#### Sideloads the Teams app
+The configuration **Attach to Frontend** or **Launch Bot** launches a new Edge or Chrome browser instance and opens a web page to load Teams client. After the Teams client is loaded, Teams sideloads the Teams app controlled by the sideloading url defined in the launch configurations [Microsoft Teams](https://teams.microsoft.com/l/app/>${localTeamsAppId}?installAppPackage=true&webjoin=true&${account-hint}). When Teams client loads in the web browser, select **Add** or select one from the dropdown list as per your requirement.
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/teams-toolkit-v2/debug/hello-local-debug.png" alt-text="local debug" border="true":::
+ Your app is added to Teams!
+## Customize debug settings
+Teams Toolkit allows you to customize the debug settings to create your tab or bot by unchecking some prerequisites:
+<summary><b>Use your bot endpoint</b></summary>
+1. In Visual Studio Code settings, clear **Ensure Ngrok is installed and started (ngrok)**.
+1. Set botDomain and botEndpoint configuration in `.fx/configs/localSettings.json` to your domain and endpoint.
+<summary><b>Use your development certificate</b></summary>
+1. In Visual Studio Code settings, clear **Ensure development certificate is trusted (devCert)**.
+1. Set sslCertFile and sslKeyFile configuration in `.fx/configs/localSettings.json` to your certificate file path and key file path.
+<summary><b>Use your start scripts to start app services</b></summary>
+1. For tab, update `dev:teamsfx` script in `tabs/package.json`.
+1. For bot or messaging extension, update `dev:teamsfx` script in `bot/package.json`.
+1. For Azure Functions, update `dev:teamsfx` script in `api/package.json` and for TypeScript update `watch:teamsfx` script.
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > Currently, the tab, bot, messaging extension apps, and Azure Functions ports don't support customization.
+<summary><b>Add environment variables</b></summary>
+You can add environment variables to `.env.teamsfx.local` file for tab, bot, messaging extension, and Azure Functions. Teams Toolkit loads the environment variables you added to start services during local debug.
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > Ensure to start a new local debug after adding new environment variables as the environment variables don't support hot reload.
+<summary><b>Debug partial component</b></summary>
+Teams Toolkit utilizes Visual Studio Code multi-target debugging to debug tab, bot, messaging extension, and Azure Functions at the same time. You can update `.vscode/launch.json` and `.vscode/tasks.json` to debug partial component. If you want to debug tab only in a tab plus bot with Azure Functions project, use the following steps:
+1. Comment **Attach to Bot** and **Attach to Backend** from debug compound in `.vscode/launch.json`
+ ```json
+ {
+ "name": "Debug (Edge)",
+ "configurations": [
+ "Attach to Frontend (Edge)",
+ // "Attach to Bot",
+ // "Attach to Backend""
+ ],
+ "preLaunchTask": "Pre Debug Check & Start All",
+ "presentation": {
+ "group": "all",
+ "order": 1
+ },
+ "stopAll": true
+ }
+ ```
+2. Comment **Start Backend** and Start Bot from Start All task in .vscode/tasks.json
+ ```json
+ {
+ "label": "Start All",
+ "dependsOn": [
+ "Start Frontend",
+ // "Start Backend",
+ // "Start Bot"
+ ]
+ }
+ ```
+## Next step
+> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
+> [Debug background process](debug-background-process.md).
+## See also
+* [Use Teams Toolkit to provision cloud resources](provision.md)
+* [Add capabilities to your Teams apps](add-capability.md)
+* [Deploy to the cloud](deploy.md)
+* [Manage multiple environments in Teams Toolkit](TeamsFx-multi-env.md)
platform Whats New https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/whats-new.md
Discover Microsoft Teams platform features that are generally available (GA) and
| Date | Update | Find here | | | | |
+|03/22/2022| Updated the Get started with Blazor app for Teams | ΓÇó Get started > [Build your first app using Blazor](sbs-gs-blazorapp.yml)|
+|03/22/2022| Added information on debug process| ΓÇó Tools and SDKs> Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code > [Debug your Teams app locally](toolkit/debug-local.md) </br> ΓÇó Tools and SDKs> Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code > [Debug background process](toolkit/debug-background-process.md)|
|03/14/2022| Introduced step-by-step guide to build and test a connector in Microsoft Teams. | Build webhooks and connectors > Create Office 365 Connectors > [Build Teams connectors](sbs-teams-connectors.yml)| |03/10/2022| Added information on Moodle LMS and Microsoft 365 plugins | Integrate with Teams > Moodle LMS > [Moodle learning management system](resources/moodle-overview.md)| |03/03/2022 | How to add authentication using external OAuth provider| Add authentication > Tabs > [Use external OAuth providers](tabs/how-to/authentication/auth-oauth-provider.md) |
Microsoft Teams platform features that are available to all app developers.
| **Date** | **Update** | **Find here** | | -- | | -|
+|03/22/2022| Updated the Get started with Blazor app for Teams| ΓÇó Get started > [Build your first app using Blazor](sbs-gs-blazorapp.yml)|
+|03/22/2022| Added information on debug process| ΓÇó Tools and SDKs> Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code > [Debug your Teams app locally](toolkit/debug-local.md) </br> ΓÇó Tools and SDKs> Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code > [Debug background process](toolkit/debug-background-process.md)|
|03/14/2022| Introduced step-by-step guide to build and test a connector in Microsoft Teams. | Build webhooks and connectors > Create Office 365 Connectors > [Build Teams connectors](sbs-teams-connectors.yml)| |03/10/2022 | Added information on Moodle LMS and Microsoft 365 plugins | Integrate with Teams > Moodle LMS > [Moodle learning management system](resources/moodle-overview.md)| |03/03/2022 | How to add authentication using external OAuth provider| Add authentication > Tabs > [Use external OAuth providers](tabs/how-to/authentication/auth-oauth-provider.md) |