Updates from: 03/10/2023 03:56:13
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platform Deep Link Application https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/build-and-test/deep-link-application.md
While it's recommended to use `shareDeepLink()` to generate a deep link to your
> [!NOTE] > > * Personal tabs have a `personal` scope, while channel and group tabs use `team` or `group` scopes. The two tab types have a slightly different syntax since only the configurable tab has a `channel` property associated with its context object. For more information on tab scopes, see the [manifest](~/resources/schem) reference.
-> * Deep links work properly only if the tab was configured using the v0.4 or later library as it has an entity ID. Deep links to tabs without entity IDs still go to the tab but cannot provide the subentity ID to the tab.
+> * Deep links work properly only if the tab was configured using the v0.4 or later library as it has an entity ID. Deep links to tabs without entity IDs still go to the tab but can't provide the subentity ID to the tab.
Use the following format for a deep link that you can use in a bot, connector, or message extension card:
The query parameters are:
>`https://teams.microsoft.com/l/entity/fe4a8eba-2a31-4737-8e33-e5fae6fee194/tasklist123?webUrl=https://tasklist.example.com/123/456&label=Task 456?context={"chatId": "17:b42de192376346a7906a7dd5cb84b673@thread.v2","contextType":"chat"}` > [!IMPORTANT]
-> Ensure that all the query parameters are properly URI encoded. You must follow the preceding examples using the last example:
+> Ensure that all the query parameters and the white spaces are properly URI encoded. You must follow the preceding examples using the last example:
> > ```javascript > var encodedWebUrl = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify('https://tasklist.example.com/123/456&label=Task 456'));
platform Understand Use Cases https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/design/understand-use-cases.md
If you're going to meet user requirements with your app, you first need to under
* Recognize user issues and identify the solutions to some common problems the users face. * Build your Teams app by finding the right combination of Teams features to meet your user's needs. * Understand use cases to know how an end-user interacts with your app.
- * It's recommended to go through the lean module [how to publish your app to Teams app store](/training/modules/microsoft-teams-publish-app-to-store/) to help with your app to pass the Microsoft Teams store submission process.
+ * It's recommended to go through the learn module [how to publish your app to Teams app store](/training/modules/microsoft-teams-publish-app-to-store/) to help with your app to pass the Microsoft Teams store submission process.
* **Understand the problem**: Work out the core problem your app must solve.