Updates from: 02/17/2022 02:14:43
Service Microsoft Docs article Related commit history on GitHub Change details
platform API References https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/apps-in-teams-meetings/API-references.md
The following table includes the response codes:
## Get meeting details API
-> [!NOTE]
-> Currently, the feature is available in [public developer preview](../resources/dev-preview/developer-preview-intro.md) only.
- The Meeting Details API enables your app to get a meeting's static metadata. The metadata provides data points that don't change dynamically. The API is available through Bot Services. Currently, both private scheduled or recurring meetings and channel scheduled or recurring meetings support API with different RSC permissions respectively. ### Prerequisite
platform People Picker https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/task-modules-and-cards/cards/people-picker.md
The following image illustrates People Picker in Adaptive Cards with static choi
You can implement People Picker for efficient task management in different scenarios.
+## Code sample
+| Sample Name | Description | C# | Node.js |
+|People picker control in Adaptive Cards| This sample demonstrates how to use the people picker control in Adaptive Cards.|[View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/bot-people-picker-adaptive-card/csharp)|[View](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Samples/tree/main/samples/bot-people-picker-adaptive-card/nodejs) |
++ ## See also [Cards Reference](cards-reference.md)