Updates from: 01/30/2024 05:05:33
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platform Build Apps For Anonymous User https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/apps-in-teams-meetings/build-apps-for-anonymous-user.md
Anonymous users don't have a Microsoft Entra identity and aren't federated with
> [!NOTE] >
-> * Apps for anonymous users are supported in Teams desktop and mobile clients and isn't supported in channel meetings.
+> * Apps for anonymous users are supported in the new Teams desktop and mobile clients for Windows and Mac.
> * Meeting apps for anonymous users are only supported in Microsoft Edge and Chrome. For anonymous users to interact with the apps in Teams meetings, ensure to:
Anonymous users can view and interact with Adaptive Cards in the meeting chat. A
## Known issues and limitations
+* Apps for anonymous users aren't supported on live event, Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), and Linux platforms.
+* Apps for anonymous users aren't supported on Firefox and Safari browsers.
+* Apps for anonymous users aren't supported in Teams channel meetings.
+ * Currently, the `getContext` API doesn't return a user ID for the anonymous user though the bot APIs do and it's not possible to correlate the anonymous user between these two APIs. * Anonymous users see a generic app icon on bot messages and cards, instead of the app's actual icon.