Updates from: 01/24/2024 05:08:09
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platform Deep Link Application https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/build-and-test/deep-link-application.md
A dialog deep link is a serialization of the `TaskInfo` object with two other de
* `https://teams.microsoft.com/l/task/APP_ID?card=<TaskInfo.card>&height=<TaskInfo.height>&width=<TaskInfo.width>&title=<TaskInfo.title>&completionBotId=BOT_APP_ID`
-For the data types and allowable values for `<TaskInfo.url>`, `<TaskInfo.card>`, `<TaskInfo.height>`, `<TaskInfo.width>`, and `<TaskInfo.title>`, see [TaskInfo object](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md#the-taskinfo-object).
+For the data types and allowable values for `<TaskInfo.url>`, `<TaskInfo.card>`, `<TaskInfo.height>`, `<TaskInfo.width>`, and `<TaskInfo.title>`, see [TaskInfo object](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md#dialoginfo-object).
> [!TIP] > Encode the deep link URL when using the `card` parameter, for example, JavaScript [`encodeURI()` function](https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_encodeURI.asp).
platform Apps Upload https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/deploy-and-publish/apps-upload.md
You can upload Microsoft Teams apps without having to publish to your organizati
* You built an app for yourself to automate a workflow. * You built an app for a small set of users, such as, your work group.
-> [!NOTE]
-> Uploading your messaging extension app multiple times displays more than one instance for messaging extensions.
- > [!IMPORTANT] > > * Custom app upload is possible only in Government Community Cloud (GCC) and isn't possible in GCC-High and Department of Defense (DOD). > * App installation is supported only on Teams desktop client.
+> * We recommend you to avoid multiple uploads of your message extension app to Teams, as it results in multiple instances of the message extension.
+From January 31 2024, users can't chat with bots that aren't connected to a Microsoft Teams app such as Azure bots created through the Bot Framework or Power Virtual Agents. We recommend you to create a new Teams app connected to the Azure Bot using the [Developer Portal](../build-and-test/manage-your-apps-in-developer-portal.md#configure), publish it to the Teams, and allow users to install the app using the [app permission policies](/microsoftteams/teams-app-permission-policies#edit-an-app-permission-policy).
+If you want to test the app, you can assign users an [app setup policy](/microsoftteams/teams-app-setup-policies#manage-app-setup-policies) that allows uploading custom apps and chat with the Azure bot through a direct link to a chat.
+ ## Prerequisites
You can upload your app to a team, chat, meeting, or for personal use depending
If your app fails to upload or encounters any issues to upload, check the following options:
-1. Ensure that you've followed all the instructions for [creating your app package](../../concepts/build-and-test/apps-package.md).
+1. Ensure that you follow all the instructions for [creating your app package](../../concepts/build-and-test/apps-package.md).
1. [Validate your app package](https://dev.teams.microsoft.com/appvalidation.html). 1. Ensure your app manifest matches with the latest [schema](../../resources/schem).
To remove app from Teams, follow the steps:
1. Select **Remove** to remove your app.
- :::image type="content" source="../../assets/images/publish-app/remove-app-teams.png" alt-text="Screenshot shows the option to select remove for an app from teams.":::
+ :::image type="content" source="../../assets/images/publish-app/remove-app-teams.png" alt-text="Screenshot shows the option to select remove option in teams.":::
> [!NOTE] >
platform Glossary https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/get-started/glossary.md
Common terms and definitions used in Microsoft Teams developer documentation.
| [Tab](../tabs/what-are-tabs.md) | Tabs are client-aware webpages embedded in Microsoft Teams, Outlook, and Microsoft 365 that point to domains declared in app manifest. You can add it as part of a channel inside a team, group chat, or personal app for an individual user. | | [Tab chat](../tabs/how-to/conversational-tabs.md) | A type of tab that lets a user have a focused conversation experience in dynamic tabs. | | [Task modules](../task-modules-and-cards/what-are-task-modules.md) (referred as dialogs in TeamsJS v2.x)| A feature of Teams app to create modal pop-up for completing tasks, displaying videos, or dashboard. <br> **See also**: [Adaptive Card](#a), [Dialogs](#d) |
-| [Task info](../task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md#the-taskinfo-object) | The `TaskInfo` object contains the metadata for a dialogs (referred as task modules in TeamsJS v.1.0).|
+| [Task info](../task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md#dialoginfo-object) | The `TaskInfo` object contains the metadata for a dialogs (referred as task modules in TeamsJS v.1.0).|
| [Thread discussion](../tabs/design/tabs.md#thread-discussion) | A conversation posted on a channel or chat between users. <br>**See also** [Conversation](#c); [Channel](#c) | | [Teams](../overview.md) | Microsoft Teams is the ultimate message app for your organization. It's a workspace for real-time collaboration and communication, meetings, file and app sharing. | | [Teams AI library](../bots/how-to/Teams%20conversational%20AI/teams-conversation-ai-overview.md) | A Teams-centric interface to GPT-based common language models and user intent engines. You can take on complex and expensive tasks of writing and maintaining conversational bot logic to integrate with large language models (LLMs).|
platform Extend M365 Teams Message Extension https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/m365-apps/extend-m365-teams-message-extension.md
Microsoft Entra single sign-on (SSO) for message extensions works the same way i
|--|--| |Teams desktop and mobile |1fec8e78-bce4-4aaf-ab1b-5451cc387264 | |Teams web |5e3ce6c0-2b1f-4285-8d4b-75ee78787346 |
+ |Microsoft 365 web | 4765445b-32c6-49b0-83e6-1d93765276ca |
+ |Microsoft 365 desktop | 0ec893e0-5785-4de6-99da-4ed124e5296c |
+ |Microsoft 365 mobile | d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c |
|Outlook desktop | d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c | |Outlook Web Access | bc59ab01-8403-45c6-8796-ac3ef710b3e3 | |Outlook mobile | 27922004-5251-4030-b22d-91ecd9a37ea4 |
platform Create Extensions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/resources/messaging-extension-v3/create-extensions.md
When a user chooses a command with static parameters, Teams generates a form in
In this method, your service can define a custom Adaptive Card to collect the user input. For this approach, set the `fetchTask` parameter to `true` in the manifest. If you set `fetchTask` to `true`, any static parameters defined for the command are ignored.
-In this method, your service receives a `composeExtensions/fetchTask` event and responds with an Adaptive Card based [task module response](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md#the-taskinfo-object). Following is a sample response with an Adaptive Card:
+In this method, your service receives a `composeExtensions/fetchTask` event and responds with an Adaptive Card based [task module response](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md#dialoginfo-object). Following is a sample response with an Adaptive Card:
```json {
The bot can also respond with an auth/config response if the user needs to authe
In this method, your service can show an `<iframe>` based widget to show any custom UI and collect user input. For this approach, set the `fetchTask` parameter to `true` in the manifest.
-Just like in the Adaptive Card flow, your service sends a `fetchTask` event and responds with a URL based [task module response](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md#the-taskinfo-object). Following is a sample response with an Adaptive card:
+Just like in the Adaptive Card flow, your service sends a `fetchTask` event and responds with a URL based [task module response](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md#dialoginfo-object). Following is a sample response with an Adaptive card:
```json {
platform Manifest Schema Dev Preview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/resources/schema/manifest-schema-dev-preview.md
The object is an array (maximum of only 1 element&mdash;currently only one bot i
|Name| Type| Maximum size | Required | Description| ||||||
-|`team.fetchTask`|Boolean||✔️|A boolean value that indicates if it should fetch task module dynamically. <br>Default value: `false`|
+|`team.fetchTask`|Boolean||✔️|A boolean value that indicates if it should fetch dialog (referred as task module in TeamsJS v1.x) dynamically. <br>Default value: `false`|
|`team.taskInfo.title`|String|64 characters|✔️|Initial dialog title.| |`team.taskInfo.width`|String|16||The dialog width is either a number in pixels or default layout such as `large`, `medium`, or `small`.| |`team.taskInfo.height`|String|16||The dialog height is either a number in pixels or default layout such as `large`, `medium`, or `small`.| |`team.taskInfo.url`|String|2048 characters||Initial webview URL.|
-|`groupChat.fetchTask`|Boolean||✔️|A boolean value that indicates if it should fetch task module dynamically. <br>Default value: `false`|
-|`groupChat.taskInfo`|Object|||Task module to be launched when fetch task set to false.<br>Default value: `false`|
+|`groupChat.fetchTask`|Boolean||✔️|A boolean value that indicates if it should fetch dialog dynamically. <br>Default value: `false`|
+|`groupChat.taskInfo`|Object|||Dialog to be launched when fetch task set to false.<br>Default value: `false`|
|`groupChat.taskInfo.title`|String|64 characters|✔️|Initial dialog title.| |`groupChat.taskInfo.width`|String|16||The dialog width is either a number in pixels or default layout such as `large`, `medium`, or `small`.| |`groupChat.taskInfo.height`|String|16||The dialog height is either a number in pixels or default layout such as `large`, `medium`, or `small`.|
Each command item is an object with the following structure:
|`description`|String|128 characters||The description that appears to users to indicate the purpose of this command.| |`initialRun`|Boolean|||A Boolean value that indicates whether the command runs initially with no parameters. <br>Default value: `false`| |`context`|Array of Strings|3 characters||Defines where the message extension can be invoked from. Any combination of `compose`, `commandBox`, `message`. <br>Default values: `compose, commandBox`|
-|`fetchTask`|Boolean|||A Boolean value that indicates if it must fetch the task module dynamically.|
-|`taskInfo`|Object|||Specify the task module to preload when using a message extension command.|
+|`fetchTask`|Boolean|||A Boolean value that indicates if it must fetch the dialog dynamically.|
+|`taskInfo`|Object|||Specify the dialog to preload when using a message extension command.|
|`taskInfo.title`|String|64 characters||Initial dialog title.| |`taskInfo.width`|String|||Dialog width - either a number in pixels or default layout such as `large`, `medium`, or `small`.| |`taskInfo.height`|String|||Dialog height - either a number in pixels or default layout such as `large`, `medium`, or `small`.|
Each command item is an object with the following structure:
|`parameter.name`|String|64 characters|✔️|The name of the parameter as it appears in the client. This is included in the user request. </br> For Api-based message extension, The name must map to the `parameters.name` in the OpenAPI Description. If you're referencing a property in the request body schema, then the name must map to `properties.name` or query parameters. | |`parameter.title`|String|32 characters|✔️|User-friendly title for the parameter.| |`parameter.description`|String|128 characters||User-friendly string that describes this parameter’s purpose.|
-|`parameter.inputType`|String|||Defines the type of control displayed on a task module for `fetchTask: false`. One of `text`, `textarea`, `number`, `date`, `time`, `toggle`, `choiceset`.|
+|`parameter.inputType`|String|||Defines the type of control displayed on a dialog for `fetchTask: false`. One of `text`, `textarea`, `number`, `date`, `time`, `toggle`, `choiceset`.|
|`parameter.value`|String|512 characters||Initial value for the parameter.| |`parameter.choices`|Array of objects|10||The choice options for the `choiceset`. Use only when `parameter.inputType` is `choiceset`.| |`parameter.choices.title`|String|128 characters||Title of the choice.|
Specify the app's Graph connector configuration. If this is present, then [webAp
Indicates whether to show the loading indicator when an app or tab is loading. <br>Default value: `false` > [!NOTE] >
-> * If you select `showLoadingIndicator` as true in your app manifest, to load the page correctly, modify the content pages of your tabs and task modules as described in [Show a native loading indicator](../../tabs/how-to/create-tab-pages/content-page.md#show-a-native-loading-indicator) document.
+> * If you select `showLoadingIndicator` as true in your app manifest, to load the page correctly, modify the content pages of your tabs and dialogs as described in [Show a native loading indicator](../../tabs/how-to/create-tab-pages/content-page.md#show-a-native-loading-indicator) document.
> * If you don't modify the content pages of your tab, the tab app doesn't load and shows the error `There was a problem reaching this app`. ## isFullScreen
platform Manifest Schema https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/resources/schema/manifest-schema.md
Each command item is an object with the following structure:
|`description`|String|128 characters||The description that appears to users to indicate the purpose of this command.| |`initialRun`|Boolean|||A Boolean value indicates whether the command runs initially with no parameters. Default is **false**.| |`context`|Array of strings|3||Defines where the message extension can be invoked from. Any combination of`compose`,`commandBox`,`message`. Default is `["compose","commandBox"]`.|
-|`fetchTask`|Boolean|||A Boolean value that indicates if it must fetch the task module dynamically. Default is **false**.|
-|`taskInfo`|Object|||Specify the task module to pre-load when using a message extension command.|
+|`fetchTask`|Boolean|||A Boolean value that indicates if it must fetch the dialog (referred as task module in TeamsJS v1.x) dynamically. Default is **false**.|
+|`taskInfo`|Object|||Specify the dialog to pre-load when using a message extension command.|
|`taskInfo.title`|String|64 characters||Initial dialog title.| |`taskInfo.width`|String|||Dialog width - either a number in pixels or default layout such as 'large', 'medium', or 'small'.| |`taskInfo.height`|String|||Dialog height - either a number in pixels or default layout such as 'large', 'medium', or 'small'.|
Each command item is an object with the following structure:
|`parameters.title`|String|32 characters|✔️|User-friendly title for the parameter.| |`parameters.description`|String|128 characters||User-friendly string that describes this parameter’s purpose.| |`parameters.value`|String|512 characters||Initial value for the parameter. Currently the value isn't supported|
-|`parameters.inputType`|String|||Defines the type of control displayed on a task module for`fetchTask: false` . Input value can only be one of `text, textarea, number, date, time, toggle, choiceset` .|
+|`parameters.inputType`|String|||Defines the type of control displayed on a dialog for`fetchTask: false` . Input value can only be one of `text, textarea, number, date, time, toggle, choiceset` .|
|`parameters.choices`|Array of objects|10 items||The choice options for the`choiceset`. Use only when`parameter.inputType` is `choiceset`.| |`parameters.choices.title`|String|128 characters|✔️|Title of the choice.| |`parameters.choices.value`|String|512 characters|✔️|Value of the choice.|
Specify the app's Graph connector configuration. If this is present, then [webAp
Indicates if or not to show the loading indicator when an app or tab is loading. Default is **false**. >[!NOTE] >
-> * If you select `showLoadingIndicator` as true in your app manifest, to load the page correctly, modify the content pages of your tabs and task modules as described in [Show a native loading indicator](../../tabs/how-to/create-tab-pages/content-page.md#show-a-native-loading-indicator) document.
+> * If you select `showLoadingIndicator` as true in your app manifest, to load the page correctly, modify the content pages of your tabs and dialogs as described in [Show a native loading indicator](../../tabs/how-to/create-tab-pages/content-page.md#show-a-native-loading-indicator) document.
> * If you don't modify the content pages of your tab, the tab app doesn't load and shows the error `There was a problem reaching this app`. ## isFullScreen
platform Using Teams Client Library https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/tabs/how-to/using-teams-client-library.md
The `pages` namespace includes functionality for running and navigating webpages
| `registerAppButtonClickHandler` | `pages.appButton.onClick` (renamed) | `registerAppButtonHoverEnterHandler` | `pages.appButton.onHoverEnter` (renamed) | `registerAppButtonHoverLeaveEnter` | `pages.appButton.onHoverLeave` (renamed)
-| `FrameContext` interface | `pages.appButton.FrameInfo` (renamed)) |
+| `FrameContext` interface | `pages.appButton.FrameInfo` (renamed) |
##### *dialog* namespace
platform Invoking Task Modules https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md
Last updated 01/29/2023
# Invoke and dismiss dialogs
-Dialogs (referred as task modules in TeamsJS v1.x) can be invoked from tabs, bots, or deep links. The response can be either in HTML, JavaScript, or as an Adaptive Card. There's a numerous flexibilities in terms of how dialogs are invoked and how to deal with the response of the user's interaction. The following table summarizes how this works:
+Dialogs (referred as task modules in TeamsJS v1.x) can be invoked from tabs, bots, or deep links. The response can be either in HTML, JavaScript, or as an Adaptive Card. There's a numerous flexibilities in terms of how dialogs are invoked and how to deal with the response of the user's interaction. The following table summarizes how this works.
+> [!NOTE]
+> The `task` capability is replaced with `dialog` capability in both HTML-based dialogs (starting with TeamsJS v.2.0.0) and Adaptive Card-based dialogs (starting with TeamsJS v.2.8.0). For more information, see [dialog](./../../m365-apps/teamsjs-support-m365.md#dialog).
| Invoked using | Dialog with HTML or JavaScript | Dialog with Adaptive Card | | | | |
-| JavaScript in a tab | 1. Use the Teams client SDK function `tasks.startTask()` with an optional `submitHandler(err, result)` callback function. <br/><br/> 2. In the dialog code, when the user has performed the actions, call the Teams SDK function `tasks.submitTask()` with a `result` object as a parameter. If a `submitHandler` callback was specified in `tasks.startTask()`, Teams calls it with `result` as a parameter. If there was an error when invoking `tasks.startTask()`, the `submitHandler` function is called with an `err` string instead. <br/><br/> 3. You can also specify a `completionBotId` when calling `teams.startTask()`. Then the `result` is sent to the bot instead. | 1. Call the Teams client SDK function `tasks.startTask()` with a [TaskInfo object](#the-taskinfo-object) and `TaskInfo.card` containing the JSON for the Adaptive Card to show in the dialog pop-up. <br/><br/> 2. If a `submitHandler` callback was specified in `tasks.startTask()`, Teams calls it with an `err` string, if there was an error when invoking `tasks.startTask()` or if the user closes the dialog pop-up using the X at the upper right. <br/><br/> 3. If the user presses an `Action.Submit` button then its `data` object is returned as the value of `result`. |
-| Bot card button | 1. Bot card buttons, depending on the type of button, can invoke dialogs in two ways, a deep link URL or by sending a `task/fetch` message. <br/><br/> 2. If the button's action `type` is `task/fetch` that is `Action.Submit` button type for Adaptive Cards, a `task/fetch invoke` event that is an HTTP POST is sent to the bot. The bot responds to the POST with HTTP 200 and the response body containing a wrapper around the [TaskInfo object](#the-taskinfo-object). For more information, see [invoking a dialog using `task/fetch`](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/task-modules-bots.md#invoke-a-dialog-using-taskfetch). Teams displays the dialog. <br/><br/> 3. After the user has performed the actions, call the Teams SDK function `tasks.submitTask()` with a `result` object as a parameter. The bot receives a `task/submit invoke` message that contains the `result` object. <br/><br/> 4. You have three different ways to respond to the `task/submit` message, by doing nothing that is the task completed successfully, by displaying a message to the user in a pop-up window, or by invoking another dialog window. For more information, see [detailed discussion on `task/submit`](task-modules-bots.md#responds-to-the-tasksubmit-messages). | 1. Like buttons on Bot Framework cards, buttons on Adaptive Cards support two ways of invoking dialogs, deep link URLs with `Action.openUrl` buttons, and `task/fetch` using `Action.Submit` buttons. <br/><br/> 2. dialogs with Adaptive Cards work similarly to the HTML or JavaScript case. The major difference is that since there's no JavaScript when you're using Adaptive Cards, there's no way to call `tasks.submitTask()`. Instead, Teams takes the `data` object from `Action.Submit` and returns it as the payload of the `task/submit` event. For more information, see [responds to the `task/submit`messages](task-modules-bots.md#responds-to-the-tasksubmit-messages). |
-| Deep link URL <br/>[URL syntax](../../concepts/build-and-test/deep-link-application.md#deep-link-to-open-a-dialog) | 1. Teams invokes the dialog that is the URL that appears inside the `<iframe>` specified in the `url` parameter of the deep link. There's no `submitHandler` callback. <br/><br/> 2. Within the JavaScript of the page in the dialog, call `tasks.submitTask()` to close it with a `result` object as a parameter, the same as when invoking it from a tab or a bot card button. However, completion logic is slightly different. If your completion logic resides on the client that is if there's no bot, there's no `submitHandler` callback, so any completion logic must be in the code preceding the call to `tasks.submitTask()`. Invocation errors are only reported through the console. If you have a bot, then you can specify a `completionBotId` parameter in the deep link to send the `result` object through a `task/submit` event. | 1. Teams invokes the dialog that is the JSON card body of the Adaptive Card that is specified as a URL-encoded value of the `card` parameter of the deep link. <br/><br/> 2. The user closes the dialog by selecting the X at the upper right of the dialog or by pressing an `Action.Submit` button on the card. Since there's no `submitHandler` to call, the user must have a bot to send the value of the Adaptive Card fields. The user must use the `completionBotId` parameter in the deep link to specify the bot to send the data to using a `task/submit invoke` event. |
+| JavaScript in a tab | 1. Use the Teams client library function `dialog.url.open()` with optional `submitHandler(err, result)` and `messageFromChildHandler(postMessageChannel)` callback functions. <br/><br/> 2. In the dialog code, when the user has performed the actions, call the TeamsJS library function `dialog.url.submit()` with (optionally) a `result` object as a parameter. If a `submitHandler` callback was specified in `dialog.open()`, Teams calls it with `result` as a parameter. If there was an error when invoking `dialog.open()`, the `submitHandler` function is called with an `err` string instead. | 1. Call the Teams client library function `dialog.adaptiveCard.open()` with a [AdaptiveCardDialogInfo object](#adaptivecarddialoginfo-object) specifying the JSON for the Adaptive Card (`AdaptiveCardDialogInfo.card`) to show in the modal dialog. <br/><br/> 2. If a `submitHandler` callback was specified in `dialog.adaptiveCard.open()`, Teams calls it with an `err` string if there was an error when invoking the dialog or if the user closes the modal dialog. <br/><br/> 3. If the user presses an `Action.Submit` button then its `data` object is returned as the value of `result`. |
+| Bot card button | 1. Bot card buttons, depending on the type of button, can invoke dialogs from either a deep link URL, or by sending a `task/fetch` message. <br/><br/> 2. If the button's action `type` is [`task/fetch`](task-modules-bots.md#invoke-a-dialog-using-taskfetch) or `Action.Submit` button type for Adaptive Cards, a `task/fetch invoke` event that is an HTTP POST is sent to the bot. The bot responds to the POST with HTTP 200 and the response body containing a wrapper around the [DialogInfo object](#dialoginfo-object). Teams displays the dialog. <br/><br/> 3. After the user has performed the actions, call the `Actions.Submit` Adaptive Card action with the result. The bot receives a `task/submit invoke` message that contains the result. <br/><br/> 4. You have three different ways to respond to the `task/submit` message: do nothing (if the task completed successfully), display a message to the user in the dialog, or invoke another dialog. For more information, see [detailed discussion on `task/submit`](task-modules-bots.md#responds-to-the-tasksubmit-messages). | <ul><li> Like buttons on Bot Framework cards, buttons on Adaptive Cards support two ways of invoking dialogs: deep link URLs with `Action.openUrl` buttons, and `task/fetch` using `Action.Submit` buttons. </li></ul> <br/><br/> <ul><li> Dialogs with Adaptive Cards work similarly to the HTML or JavaScript case. The major difference is that, because there's no JavaScript when you're using Adaptive Cards, there's no way to call *submit()*. Instead, Teams takes the `data` object from `Action.Submit` and returns it as the payload of the `task/submit` event. For more information, see [Responds to the `task/submit` messages](task-modules-bots.md#responds-to-the-tasksubmit-messages). </li></ul> |
+| Deep link URL*<br/><br/>*\*Deprecated; supported for backwards compability*| 1. Teams invokes the dialog that is the URL that appears inside the `<iframe>` specified in the `url` parameter of the deep link. There's no `submitHandler` callback. <br/><br/> 2. Within the JavaScript of the page in the dialog, call `tasks.submitTask()` to close it with a `result` object as a parameter, the same as when invoking it from a tab or a bot card button. However, completion logic is slightly different. If your completion logic resides on the client that is if there's no bot, there's no `submitHandler` callback, so any completion logic must be in the code preceding the call to `tasks.submitTask()`. Invocation errors are only reported through the console. If you have a bot, then you can specify a `completionBotId` parameter in the deep link to send the `result` object through a `task/submit` event. | 1. Teams invokes the dialog that is the JSON card body of the Adaptive Card that is specified as a URL-encoded value of the `card` parameter of the deep link. <br/><br/> 2. The user closes the dialog by selecting the X at the upper right of the dialog or by pressing an `Action.Submit` button on the card. Since there's no `submitHandler` to call, the user must have a bot to send the value of the Adaptive Card fields. The user must use the `completionBotId` parameter in the deep link to specify the bot to send the data to using a `task/submit invoke` event. |
-The next section specifies the `TaskInfo` object that defines certain attributes for a dialog.
+The next section specifies the `DialogInfo` object that defines certain attributes for a dialog.
-## The TaskInfo object
+## DialogInfo object
-The `TaskInfo` object contains the metadata for a dialog. Define the `url` for an embedded iFrame or `card` for an Adaptive Card. The following table provides the object definition:
+The base `DialogInfo` object contains basic metadata for a dialog:
| Attribute | Type | Description | | | | | | `title` | string | This attribute appears below the app name and to the right of the app icon. |
-| `height` | number or string | This attribute can be a number representing the dialog's height in pixels, or `small`, `medium`, or `large`. For more information, see [dialog sizing](#dialog-sizing). |
-| `width` | number or string | This attribute can be a number representing the dialog's width in pixels, or `small`, `medium`, or `large`. For more information, see [dialog sizing](#dialog-sizing). |
-| `url` | string | This attribute is the URL of the page loaded as an `<iframe>` inside the dialog. The URL's domain must be in the app's [validDomains array](~/resources/schem#validdomains) in your app's manifest. |
+| `height` | number or string | This attribute can be a number representing the dialog's height in pixels, or `small`, `medium`, or `large`. |
+| `width` | number or string | This attribute can be a number representing the dialog's width in pixels, or `small`, `medium`, or `large`. |
+### UrlDialogInfo object
+The `UrlDialogInfo` object for HTML-based dialogs extends the `DialogInfo` object and also includes:
+| Attribute | Type | Description |
+| | | |
+| `url` | string | This attribute is the URL of the page loaded as an `<iframe>` inside the dialog. The URLs domain must be in the app's [validDomains array](~/resources/schem#validdomains) in your app's manifest. |
+### AdaptiveCardDialogInfo object
+The `AdaptiveCardDialogInfo` object for Adaptive Card-based dialogs extends the *DialogInfo* object and also includes:
+| Attribute | Type | Description |
+| | | |
| `card` | Adaptive Card or Adaptive Card bot card attachment | This attribute is the JSON for the Adaptive Card to appear in the dialog. If the user is invoking from a bot, use the Adaptive Card JSON in a Bot Framework `attachment` object. From a tab, the user must use an Adaptive Card. For more information, see [Adaptive Card or Adaptive Card bot card attachment](#adaptive-card-or-adaptive-card-bot-card-attachment) |
-| `fallbackUrl` | string | This attribute opens the URL in a browser tab, if a client doesn't support the dialog feature. |
+### BotAdaptiveCardDialogInfo object
+The `BotAdaptiveCardDialogInfo` object for bot-based Adaptive Card dialogs extends the *AdaptiveCardDialogInfo* object and also includes:
+| Attribute | Type | Description |
+| | | |
| `completionBotId` | string | This attribute specifies a bot App ID to send the result of the user's interaction with the dialog. If specified, the bot receives a `task/submit invoke` event with a JSON object in the event payload. | > [!NOTE]
The next section specifies dialog sizing that enables the user to set the height
## Dialog sizing
-Using integers for `TaskInfo.width` and `TaskInfo.height`, sets the height and width of the dialog in pixels. However, depending on the size of the Team's window and screen resolution they're reduced proportionally while maintaining the aspect ratio that is width or height.
+The values of `DialogInfo.width` and `DialogInfo.height` set the height and width of the dialog in pixels. Depending on the size of the Teams window and screen resolution, these values might be reduced proportionally while maintaining aspect ratio.
-If `TaskInfo.width` and `TaskInfo.height` are `"small"`, `"medium"`, or `"large"`, the size of the red rectangle in the following image is a proportion of the available space, 20%, 50%, and 60% for `width` and 20%, 50%, and 66% for `height`:
+If `DialogInfo.width` and `DialogInfo.height` are `"small"`, `"medium"`, or `"large"`, the size of the red rectangle in the following image is a proportion of the available space, 20%, 50%, and 60% for `width` and 20%, 50%, and 66% for `height`:
-Dialogs invoked from a tab can be dynamically resized. After calling `tasks.startTask()` you can call `tasks.updateTask(newSize)` where height and width properties on the newSize object conform to the TaskInfo specification, for example `{ height: 'medium', width: 'medium' }`.
+Dialogs invoked from a tab can be dynamically resized. After calling `dialog.*.open()` you can call `dialog.update.resize(newSize)` where height and width properties on the newSize object conform to the [DialogSize](/javascript/api/@microsoft/teams-js/dialogsize) specification, for example `{ height: 'medium', width: 'medium' }`.
The next section provides examples of embedding dialogs in a YouTube video and a PowerApp.
-## Dialog CSS for HTML or JavaScript dialogs
+## CSS for HTML or JavaScript dialogs
-HTML or JavaScript-based dialogs have access to the entire area of the dialog below the header. While that offers a great deal of flexibility, if you want padding around the edges to align with the header elements and avoid unnecessary scroll bars, the user must provide the right CSS. The next sections provide some examples for a few use cases.
+HTML or JavaScript-based dialogs have access to the entire area of the dialog below the header. While that offers a great deal of flexibility, if you want padding around the edges to align with the header elements and avoid unnecessary scroll bars, you must specify the CSS. The next sections provide examples for common use cases.
### Example 1: YouTube video
The following code provides an example of the CSS:
### Example 2: PowerApp
-The user can use the same approach to embed a PowerApp as well. As the height or width of any individual PowerApp is customizable, the user can adjust the height, and width to achieve the desired presentation.
+You can use the same approach to embed a PowerApp. As the height or width of any individual PowerApp is customizable, you can adjust the height, and width to achieve the desired presentation.
:::image type="content" source="../../assets/images/task-module/powerapp-example.png" alt-text="powerapp":::
The next section provides details on invoking your card using Adaptive Card or A
## Adaptive Card or Adaptive Card bot card attachment
-Depending on how you're invoking your `card`, you must use either an Adaptive Card or an Adaptive Card bot card attachment, which is an Adaptive Card wrapped in an attachment object.
-When you're invoking from a tab, the user must use an Adaptive Card.
+Depending on how you're invoking your card, you'll need to use either an Adaptive Card or an Adaptive Card bot card attachment (an Adaptive Card wrapped in an `attachment` object).
-The following code provides an example of an Adaptive Card:
+If you're invoking from a tab, use an Adaptive Card:
```json {
The following code provides an example of an Adaptive Card:
} ```
-The following code provides an example of an Adaptive Card bot card attachment when you're invoking from a bot:
+If you're invoking from a bot, use an Adaptive Card bot card attachment:
```json {
The following code provides an example of an Adaptive Card bot card attachment w
} ```
-The next section provides details on using a keyboard with your app's dialog.
+The next section provides details on dialog accessibility.
## Keyboard and accessibility guidelines
-With HTML or JavaScript-based dialogs, you must ensure your app's dialog can be used with a keyboard. Screen reader programs also depend on the ability to navigate using the keyboard. This includes the following two things:
+With HTML or JavaScript-based dialogs, you must ensure that users can interact with your dialog with a keyboard. Screen reader programs also depend on the ability to navigate using the keyboard. Following are the important considerations:
* Using the [tabindex attribute](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/tabindex) in your HTML tags to control which elements can be focused. Also, use tabindex attribute to identify where it participates in sequential keyboard navigation usually with the <kbd>Tab</kbd> and <kbd>Shift-Tab</kbd> keys. * Handling the <kbd>Esc</kbd> key in the JavaScript for your dialog. The following code provides an example of how to handle the <kbd>Esc</kbd> key:
platform Task Modules Bots https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/task-modules-bots.md
The next section provides details on invoking a dialog using `task/fetch`.
## Invoke a dialog using `task/fetch`
-When the `value` object of the `invoke` card action or `Action.Submit` is initialized and when a user selects the button, an `invoke` message is sent to the bot. In the HTTP response to the `invoke` message, there's a [TaskInfo object](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md#the-taskinfo-object) embedded in a wrapper object, which Teams uses to display the dialog (referred as task module in TeamsJS v1.x).
+When the `value` object of the `invoke` card action or `Action.Submit` is initialized and when a user selects the button, an `invoke` message is sent to the bot. In the HTTP response to the `invoke` message, there's a [TaskInfo object](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md#dialoginfo-object) embedded in a wrapper object, which Teams uses to display the dialog (referred as task module in TeamsJS v1.x).
:::image type="content" source="../../assets/images/task-module/task-module-invoke-request-response.png" alt-text="task/fetch request or response":::
The following steps provide the invoke dialog (referred as task module in TeamsJ
1. This image shows a Bot Framework hero card with a **Buy** `invoke` [card action](~/task-modules-and-cards/cards/cards-actions.md#action-type-invoke). The value of the `type` property is `task/fetch` and the rest of the `value` object can be of your choice. 1. The bot receives the `invoke` HTTP POST message.
-1. The bot creates a response object and returns it in the body of the POST response with an HTTP 200 response code. For more information on schema for responses, see the [discussion on task/submit](#responds-to-the-tasksubmit-messages). The following code provides an example of body of the HTTP response that contains a [TaskInfo object](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md#the-taskinfo-object) embedded in a wrapper object:
+1. The bot creates a response object and returns it in the body of the POST response with an HTTP 200 response code. For more information on schema for responses, see the [discussion on task/submit](#responds-to-the-tasksubmit-messages). The following code provides an example of body of the HTTP response that contains a [TaskInfo object](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md#dialoginfo-object) embedded in a wrapper object:
```json {
platform What Are Task Modules https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/task-modules-and-cards/what-are-task-modules.md
A dialog includes the following as shown in the previous image:
1. Your app's [`color` icon](~/resources/schem#icons). 2. Your app's [`short` name](~/resources/schem#name).
-3. The dialog's title specified in the `title` property of the [TaskInfo object](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md#the-taskinfo-object).
+3. The dialog's title specified in the `title` property of the [DialogInfo object](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md#dialoginfo-object).
4. The dialog's close or cancel button. If the user selects this button, your app receives an `err` event. For more information, see [example for submitting the result of a dialog](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/task-modules-tabs.md#example-of-submitting-the-result-of-a-dialog). > [!NOTE] > It is currently not possible to detect the `err` event when a dialog is invoked from a bot.
-5. The blue rectangle is where your web page appears if you're loading your own web page using the `url` property of the [TaskInfo object](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md#the-taskinfo-object). For more information, see [dialog sizing](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md#dialog-sizing).
-6. If you're displaying an Adaptive Card using the `card` property of the [TaskInfo object](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md#the-taskinfo-object) the padding is added for you. For more information, see [dialog CSS for HTML or JavaScript dialogs](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md#dialog-css-for-html-or-javascript-dialogs).
+5. The blue rectangle is where your web page appears if you're loading your own web page using the `url` property of the [TaskInfo object](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md#dialoginfo-object). For more information, see [Invoke and dismiss dialogs](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md).
+6. If you're displaying an Adaptive Card using the `card` property of the [TaskInfo object](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md#dialoginfo-object) the padding is added for you. For more information, see [CSS for HTML or JavaScript dialogs](~/task-modules-and-cards/task-modules/invoking-task-modules.md#css-for-html-or-javascript-dialogs).
7. Adaptive Card buttons render after you select **Sign up**. When using your own page, create your own buttons. By design, the primary button style (solid) is applied to the last root action in an Adaptive Card. For all other actions, the default button style is applied. ## Next step