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platform Command Bot In Teams https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/bots/how-to/conversations/command-bot-in-teams.md
Title: Command bot in Teams
description: Learn how a command bot works in Teams, and to add command and responses. -+ ms.localizationpriority: high
Microsoft Teams allows you to automate simple and repetitive tasks in a conversa
The command bot template is built using the TeamsFx SDK, which provides a simple set of functions over the Microsoft Bot Framework to implement the scenario. Command bot can be used in different scenarios such as checking ticket status, and retrieve help information. **Advantages**
You can edit the manifest template file `templates\appPackage\manifest.template.
```JSON "commandLists": [ {
+ "scopes": [
+ "team",
+ "groupchat"
+ ],
"commands": [ { "title": "helloWorld",
TeamsFx SDK provides a convenient class `TeamsFxBotCommandHandler`, to handle wh
``` You can customize the command, including calling an API, processing data, or any other command .- <br> </details>
If you're responding to a command that needs to access Microsoft Graph data of a
If you don't have the required SDK, and need to invoke external APIs in your code. The `Teams: Connect to an API` command in Microsoft Visual Studio Code Teams Toolkit extension, or `teamsfx add api-connection` command in TeamsFx CLI can be used to bootstrap code to call target APIs. For more information, see [connect to existing API](../../../toolkit/add-API-connection.md#steps-to-connect-to-api). ## FAQ- <br> <details>
For more information on how to add workflow bot Adaptive Card actions to command
Follow the [step-by-step](../../../sbs-gs-commandbot.yml) guide to build Teams Command bot.
-## See Also
+## See also
* [Conversation basics](conversation-basics.md) * [Build bots for Teams](../../what-are-bots.md)
platform Access Teams Context https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/tabs/how-to/access-teams-context.md
For example, in your app manifest if you set your tab *configurationUrl* attribu
### Get context by using the Microsoft Teams JavaScript library
-You can also retrieve the information listed above using the [Microsoft Teams JavaScript client library](/javascript/api/overview/msteams-client) by calling `microsoftTeams.getContext(function(context) { /* ... */ })`.
+You can also retrieve the context information using the [Microsoft Teams JavaScript client library](/javascript/api/overview/msteams-client).
+# [TeamsJS v2](#tab/Json-v2)
+ The information can be retrieved by calling `microsoftTeams.app.getContext().then((context) => {/*...*/});`.
+ The following code provides an example of context variable:
+ ```Json
+ {
+ "app": {
+ "host": {
+ "clientType": "The type of host client. Possible values are android, ios, web, desktop, surfaceHub, teamsRoomsAndroid, teamsPhones, teamsDisplays rigel (deprecated, use teamsRoomsWindows instead)",
+ "name": "",
+ "ringId": "The current ring ID",
+ "sessionId": "The unique ID for the current Teams session for use in correlating telemetry data" },
+ "iconPositionVertical": "",
+ "locale": "The current locale of the user formatted as languageId-countryId (for example, en-us)",
+ "osLocaleInfo": "",
+ "parentMessageId": "The parent message ID from which this task module is launched",
+ "sessionId": "The unique ID for the current session used for correlating telemetry data",
+ "theme": "The current UI theme: default | dark | contrast",
+ "userClickTime": "",
+ "userFileOpenPreference": "" },
+ "channel": {
+ "defaultOneNoteSectionId": "The OneNote section ID that is linked to the channel",
+ "displayName": "The name of the current channel",
+ "id": "The channel ID in the format 19:[id]@thread.skype",
+ "membershipType": "",
+ "ownerGroupId": "",
+ "ownerTenantId": "",
+ "relativeUrl": "The relative path to the SharePoint folder associated with the channel" },
+ "chat": { "id": "The chat ID in the format 19:[id]@thread.skype" },
+ "meeting": {
+ "id": "The meeting ID used by tab when running in meeting context" },
+ "page": {
+ "frameContext": "The context where tab URL is loaded (for example, content, task, setting, remove, sidePanel)",
+ "id": "The developer-defined unique ID for the entity this content points to",
+ "isFullScreen": "Indicates if the tab is in full-screen",
+ "isMultiWindow": "The indication whether the tab is in a pop out window",
+ "sourceOrigin": "",
+ "subPageId": "The developer-defined unique ID for the sub-entity this content points to" },
+ "sharepoint": "The SharePoint context is available only when hosted in SharePoint",
+ "sharepointSite": {
+ "domain": "The domain of the root SharePoint site associated with the team",
+ "path": "The relative path to the SharePoint site associated with the team",
+ "url": "The root SharePoint site associated with the team" },
+ "team": {
+ "displayName": "The name of the current team",
+ "groupId": "Guid identifying the current Office 365 Group ID",
+ "internalId": "The Microsoft Teams ID in the format 19:[id]@thread.skype",
+ "isArchived": "Indicates if team is archived",
+ "templateId": "",
+ "type": "The type of team",
+ "userRole": "The user's role in the team" },
+ "user": {
+ "displayName": "",
+ "id": "The Azure AD object id of the current user, in the current tenant",
+ "isCallingAllowed": "Indicates if calling is allowed for the current logged in user",
+ "isPSTNCallingAllowed": "Indicates if PSTN calling is allowed for the current logged in user",
+ "licenseType": "The license type for the current user. Possible values are E1, E3, and E5 enterprise plans",
+ "loginHint": "A value suitable as a login hint for Azure AD. This is usually the login name of the current user, in their home tenant",
+ "tenant": {
+ "id": "The Azure AD tenant ID of the current user",
+ "teamsSku": "The license type for the current user tenant. Possible values are enterprise, free, edu, unknown" },
+ "userPrincipalName": "The principal name of the current user, in the current tenant" }
+# [TeamsJS v1](#tab/Json-v1)
+The information can be retrieved by calling `microsoftTeams.getContext(function(context) { /* ... */ })`.
The following code provides an example of context variable:
{ "teamId": "The Microsoft Teams ID in the format 19:[id]@thread.skype", "teamName": "The name of the current team",
The following code provides an example of context variable:
} ``` ++ # [TeamsJS v2](#tab/teamsjs-v2) ## TypeScript