Updates from: 01/12/2023 02:39:08
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platform Teams Apps In Meetings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/apps-in-teams-meetings/teams-apps-in-meetings.md
Teams supports access to apps during meeting for the following meeting types:
* [**Instant meetings**](https://support.microsoft.com/office/start-an-instant-meeting-in-teams-ff95e53f-8231-4739-87fa-00b9723f4ef5): Meetings initiated through **Meet now** button in Teams calendar. * [**Webinar**](https://support.microsoft.com/office/get-started-with-teams-webinars-42f3f874-22dc-4289-b53f-bbc1a69013e3): Webinar initiated through **Webinar** button under **New Meeting** dropdown.
-Learn more about [Teams meetings, expiration and policies](/MicrosoftTeams/meeting-expiration) and [meetings, webinars, and live events](/microsoftteams/quick-start-meetings-live-events).
+Learn more about [Teams meetings, expiration and policies](/microsoftteams/meeting-expiration) and [meetings, webinars, and live events](/microsoftteams/quick-start-meetings-live-events).
> [!NOTE] > > * Apps for scheduled public channel meetings are currently available only in [public developer preview](../resources/dev-preview/developer-preview-intro.md).
platform Calls Meetings Bots Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/bots/calls-and-meetings/calls-meetings-bots-overview.md
Real-time media refers to scenarios where media must be processed in real-time,
* [Enable an event as online meeting in Outlook calendar](/graph/outlook-calendar-online-meetings?tabs=http) * [Requirements and considerations for application-hosted media bots](./requirements-considerations-application-hosted-media-bots.md) * [App manifest schema for Teams](../../resources/schem)
-* [Teams recording policy](/MicrosoftTeams/teams-recording-policy)
+* [Teams recording policy](/microsoftteams/teams-recording-policy)
* [Set up an auto attendant](/microsoftteams/create-a-phone-system-auto-attendant) * [Set up auto answer for Microsoft Teams Rooms on Android and Teams video phone devices](/microsoftteams/set-up-auto-answer-on-teams-android)
platform Registering Calling Bot https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/bots/calls-and-meetings/registering-calling-bot.md
Follow the [step-by-step guide](../../sbs-calling-and-meeting.yml) to set up Tea
* [Build bots for Teams](../what-are-bots.md) * [Calls and online meetings bots](calls-meetings-bots-overview.md) * [Develop calling and online meeting bots on your local PC](~/bots/calls-and-meetings/debugging-local-testing-calling-meeting-bots.md)
-* [View app permission and grant admin consent](/MicrosoftTeams/app-permissions-admin-center)
+* [View app permission and grant admin consent](/microsoftteams/app-permissions-admin-center)
* [Work with the cloud communications API in Microsoft Graph](/graph/api/resources/communications-api-overview) * [Webhooks and connectors](../../webhooks-and-connectors/what-are-webhooks-and-connectors.md)
platform Add Power Virtual Agents Bot To Teams https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/bots/how-to/add-power-virtual-agents-bot-to-teams.md
If [uploading custom apps is enabled](/microsoftteams/admin-settings) in your Te
* [Create a chatbot for Teams with Microsoft Power Virtual Agents](../bot-features.md#bots-with-power-virtual-agents) * [Power Virtual Agents portal](https://powervirtualagents.microsoft.com) * [Publish your Power Virtual Agents bot](/power-virtual-agents/publication-fundamentals-publish-channels)
-* [Security and compliance in Microsoft Teams](/MicrosoftTeams/security-compliance-overview)
+* [Security and compliance in Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/security-compliance-overview)
* [Human resources Power Virtual Agents bot](/power-virtual-agents/teams/fundamentals-get-started-teams) * [Add a chatbot to Microsoft Teams from within the Teams app](/power-virtual-agents/teams/publication-add-bot-to-microsoft-teams-teams)
platform Apps Package https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/build-and-test/apps-package.md
Choose how you plan to distribute your app:
> [!div class="nextstepaction"] > [Sideload your app in Teams](~/concepts/deploy-and-publish/apps-upload.md) > [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> [Publish your app to your org](/MicrosoftTeams/tenant-apps-catalog-teams?toc=/microsoftteams/platform/toc.json&bc=/MicrosoftTeams/breadcrumb/toc.json)
+> [Publish your app to your org](/microsoftteams/tenant-apps-catalog-teams?toc=/microsoftteams/platform/toc.json&bc=/microsoftteams/breadcrumb/toc.json)
> [!div class="nextstepaction"] > [Publish your app to the store](~/concepts/deploy-and-publish/appsource/publish.md)
platform Shared Channels https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/build-and-test/shared-channels.md
Apps must function cross-tenants in installation and usage. The following table
* [Build tabs for Teams](../../tabs/what-are-tabs.md) * [App manifest schema for Teams](../../resources/schem)
-* [Shared channels in Microsoft Teams](/MicrosoftTeams/shared-channels)
+* [Shared channels in Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/shared-channels)
* [Channel resource type](/graph/api/resources/channel) * [Retension policy for Teams locations](/microsoft-365/compliance/create-retention-policies)
platform Test Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/build-and-test/test-data.md
You can test your Microsoft Teams app with sample data with a Microsoft 365 deve
1. [Join the Microsoft 365 Developer Program](/office/developer-program/office-365-developer-program), if you don't have a test tenant. 2. [Set up a Microsoft 365 Developer Subscription](/office/developer-program/office-365-developer-program-get-started). 3. [Use sample data packs with your Microsoft 365 developer subscription to install the Users content pack](/office/developer-program/install-sample-packs).
-4. [Install the Teams PowerShell module](https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/MicrosoftTeams/1.0.2).
+4. [Install the Teams PowerShell module](https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/microsoftteams/1.0.2).
5. [Install the Azure AD PowerShell module](/powershell/azure/active-directory/install-adv2?view=azureadps-2.0#installing-the-azure-ad-module&preserve-view=true). > [!NOTE]
platform Apps Publish Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/deploy-and-publish/apps-publish-overview.md
For more information, see [upload your app in Teams](apps-upload.md).
Make your app available to people in your org. This kind of distribution requires your Teams admin's approval.
-For more information, see [manage your apps in the Teams admin center](/MicrosoftTeams/manage-apps?toc=%2Fmicrosoftteams%2Fplatform%2Ftoc.json&bc=%2FMicrosoftTeams%2Fbreadcrumb%2Ftoc.json).
+For more information, see [manage your apps in the Teams admin center](/microsoftteams/manage-apps?toc=%2Fmicrosoftteams%2Fplatform%2Ftoc.json&bc=%2FMicrosoftTeams%2Fbreadcrumb%2Ftoc.json).
### Government Community Cloud (GCC) organizations
platform Teams Store Ranking Parameters https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/deploy-and-publish/appsource/post-publish/teams-store-ranking-parameters.md
Title: Microsoft Teams store ranking parameters
-description: Understand Microsoft Teams store ranking parameters such as historical usage and user engagement data, app quality and values, audience relevance, app update.
+description: Understand Microsoft Teams store ranking parameters like historical usage and user engagement data. Other parameters include app quality and values, audience relevance, and app update.
ms.localizationpriority: high
# Microsoft Teams store ranking parameters
-The information in this disclosure statement applies to the Microsoft Teams store in which Microsoft makes third-party apps available to users. The Microsoft Teams store ranks app search results in the store using a set of ranking parameters to deliver relevant search results to users. The ranking parameters listed aren't exhaustive and they're intended to provide our publisher community with a high-level understanding of the main parameters that the storefront use in ranking determinations. All defined terms used but not otherwise defined herein will have the meaning ascribed thereto in the Microsoft Publisher Agreement.
+The information in this disclosure statement applies to the Microsoft Teams store in which Microsoft makes third-party apps available to users. The Microsoft Teams store ranks app search results in the store using a set of ranking parameters to deliver relevant search results to users.
-The Microsoft Teams store editorial team determines the prominence and location of an app within the Editorial sections such as promo banner on the Microsoft Teams store based on ranking parameters, and are used as objective criteria applied equally to all apps in the Microsoft Teams store that includes MicrosoftΓÇÖs own apps and all third-party developer apps. Following are the main parameters used to determine app placements:
+The ranking parameters listed in this section aren't exhaustive. They're intended to provide our publisher community with a high-level understanding of the main parameters that the storefront uses in ranking determinations.
-* Historical usage data: Apps with higher volumes of usage in the Teams store tend to rank higher than apps with lower usage.
+> [!NOTE]
+> All defined terms used but not otherwise defined herein will have the meaning ascribed thereto in the Microsoft Publisher Agreement.
-* User engagement data: Apps with higher user engagement in the Teams store tend to rank higher than apps with lower engagement.
+The Microsoft Teams store editorial team determines the prominence and location of an app on the Microsoft Teams store based on ranking parameters. Such parameters may include promo banner within the editorial section. They're used as objective criteria applied equally to all apps in the Microsoft Teams store. It includes MicrosoftΓÇÖs own apps and all third-party developer apps.
-* App quality and value: Apps that have distinct value and provide a high-quality user experience tend to rank higher.
+The main parameters used to determine app placements include:
-* Audience relevance: Apps that are likely to be more relevant to a particular audience (for example, based on their language settings and license type such as, Education, Enterprise, or Small and Medium business) tend to rank higher than apps that are likely to be less relevant.
+- **Historical usage data**: Apps with higher volumes of usage in the Microsoft Teams store tend to rank higher than apps with lower usage.
-* App update or new release: Newly released or updated high-quality apps tend to rank higher than apps that were released or updated on an earlier date.
+- **User engagement data**: Apps with higher user engagement in the Microsoft Teams store tend to rank higher than apps with lower engagement.
+- **App quality and value**: Apps with distinct value and that provide a high-quality user experience tend to rank higher.
+- **Audience relevance**: Apps more relevant to a particular audience tend to rank higher than apps that are less relevant. Such apps can be based on their language settings and license type such as, Education, Enterprise, or Small and Medium business.
+- **App update or new release**: Newly released or updated high-quality apps tend to rank higher than apps that were released or updated on an earlier date.
## See also
platform Include Saas Offer https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/deploy-and-publish/appsource/prepare/include-saas-offer.md
The following example shows how users can purchase subscription plans for a fict
## Admin purchasing experience
-Admins can purchase app subscription plans in the [Teams admin center](/MicrosoftTeams/purchase-third-party-apps).
+Admins can purchase app subscription plans in the [Teams admin center](/microsoftteams/purchase-third-party-apps).
## Remove a SaaS offer from your app
platform Publish https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/deploy-and-publish/appsource/publish.md
If your app is production ready, you can begin the process of getting it listed
* [Publish to Microsoft 365 App Stores](/office/dev/store/) * [Upload your Teams app](~/concepts/deploy-and-publish/apps-upload.md)
-* [Publish your Teams app to your org](/MicrosoftTeams/tenant-apps-catalog-teams?toc=/microsoftteams/platform/toc.json&bc=/MicrosoftTeams/breadcrumb/toc.json)
+* [Publish your Teams app to your org](/microsoftteams/tenant-apps-catalog-teams?toc=/microsoftteams/platform/toc.json&bc=/microsoftteams/breadcrumb/toc.json)
* [Plan onboarding experience for users](../../design/planning-checklist.md#plan-beyond-app-building) * [Distribute tab apps on mobile](../../../tabs/design/tabs-mobile.md#distribution) * [Test preview for monetized apps](prepare/Test-preview-for-monetized-apps.md)
platform Enable App Customization https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/concepts/design/enable-app-customization.md
# Enable app customization and block apps till admin allows
-Microsoft Teams lets admins customize Teams app to enhance store experience and adhere to their organization's branding. An app developer can allow their app to be customized by a Teams admin. For more information, see
-[Customize apps in the Teams admin center](/MicrosoftTeams/customize-apps).
+Microsoft Teams lets admins customize apps to enhance the organization's store experience and to adhere to their organization's branding. This article describes how developers can allow their app to be customized by a Teams admin. For information about how admins customize an app, [Customize apps in the Teams admin center](/microsoftteams/customize-apps).
## Enable customization for your Microsoft Teams app
Some possible examples of this feature include:
* Updating the app name from *Contoso* to *Contoso Agent*, which is the name users in the org will see. (Note: Users adding a connector to a chat or a channel will still see the original app name, *Contoso*.)
-You can enable this feature by defining the app properties that your customers can customize in the [`configurableProperties` section in the Teams app manifest](/microsoftteams/platform/resources/schema/manifest-schema#configurableproperties), starting with version 1.11. That can be done in the [Developer Portal for Teams](https://dev.teams.microsoft.com/home) if you've chosen to use the Developer Portal to edit the manifest of your app.
+You can enable the feature by defining the app properties that your customers can customize in the [`configurableProperties` section in the Teams app manifest](/microsoftteams/platform/resources/schema/manifest-schema#configurableproperties), starting with version 1.11. You can use [Developer Portal for Teams](https://dev.teams.microsoft.com/home) to edit the manifest of your app.
> [!IMPORTANT] > You can't test this feature during development. App customization isn't supported when sideloading or publishing to an org's app catalog. ### User considerations
-Provide guidelines for customers (specifically Teams admins) who want to customize your app. For more information, see [customize apps in Teams](/MicrosoftTeams/customize-apps).
+Provide guidelines for customers (specifically Teams admins) who want to customize your app. For more information, see [customize apps in Teams](/microsoftteams/customize-apps).
## Block apps by default for users until an admin approves
-To enhance Teams app experience, you can hide an app from users by default until admin allows to unhide the app. For example, Contoso Electronics has created a help desk app for Teams. To enable appropriate functioning of the app, Contoso ElectronicsΓÇÖ wants the customers to first set up specific properties of the app. The app is hidden by default and is available to users only after the admin allows it.
+To enhance Teams app experience, you can hide an app from users by default until admin allows to unhide the app. For example, Contoso Electronics has created a help desk app for Teams. To enable appropriate functioning of the app, Contoso ElectronicsΓÇÖ wants the customers to first configure specific properties of the app. The app is hidden by default and is available to users only after the admin allows it.
To hide the app, in the app manifest file, set the `defaultBlockUntilAdminAction` property to `true`. When the property is set to `true`, in Teams admin center > **Manage apps**, **Blocked by publisher** appears in app's **Status**:
If by default, you don't want the app to be hidden, you can update the `defaultB
## See also * [App manifest schema](/microsoftteams/platform/resources/schema/manifest-schema)
-* [Customize apps in the Teams admin center](/MicrosoftTeams/customize-apps)
+* [Customize apps in the Teams admin center](/microsoftteams/customize-apps)
platform Graph Proactive Bots And Messages https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/graph-api/proactive-bots-and-messages/graph-proactive-bots-and-messages.md
server.get('/api/notify', async (req, res) => {
## See also
-* [Manage app setup policies in Microsoft Teams](/MicrosoftTeams/teams-app-setup-policies#create-a-custom-app-setup-policy)
+* [Manage app setup policies in Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/teams-app-setup-policies#create-a-custom-app-setup-policy)
* [Send proactive notifications to users SDK v4](/azure/bot-service/bot-builder-howto-proactive-message?view=azure-bot-service-4.0&tabs=csharp&preserve-view=true) * [Send activity feed notifications to users in Microsoft Teams](/graph/teams-send-activityfeednotifications) * [Add app to team - Microsoft Graph v1.0](/graph/api/team-post-installedapps?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http&preserve-view=true)
platform Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/m365-apps/overview.md
For more information, see [Teams manifest for Office Add-ins (preview)](/office/
Join the growing number of production Teams apps in the [Microsoft commercial marketplace](https://appsource.microsoft.com/) (Microsoft AppSource) store with expanded support for Outlook and Microsoft 365 preview (Targeted Release) audiences. The app [submission process for Teams apps enabled for Outlook and Microsoft 365](../concepts/deploy-and-publish/appsource/publish.md) is the same as for traditional Teams apps. The only difference is that you'll use Teams app manifest [version 1.13](../tabs/how-to/using-teams-client-sdk.md) in your app package, which introduces support for Teams apps that run across Microsoft 365.
-After your app is published as a Microsoft 365-enabled Teams app, your app will be discoverable as an installable app in the Outlook and Microsoft 365 app stores, in addition to the Teams store. When running in Outlook and Microsoft 365 app, your app uses the same permissions granted in Teams. Teams admins can [manage access to Teams apps across Microsoft 365](/MicrosoftTeams/manage-third-party-teams-apps) for users in their organization.
+After your app is published as a Microsoft 365-enabled Teams app, your app will be discoverable as an installable app in the Outlook and Microsoft 365 app stores, in addition to the Teams store. When running in Outlook and Microsoft 365 app, your app uses the same permissions granted in Teams. Teams admins can [manage access to Teams apps across Microsoft 365](/microsoftteams/manage-third-party-teams-apps) for users in their organization.
For more information, see [publish Teams apps for Microsoft 365](publish.md).
platform Publish https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/m365-apps/publish.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
Microsoft Teams supports Microsoft 365-enabled Teams apps for production. You can distribute these apps to users who use the *Targeted Release* (dev preview) versions of Outlook.com and microsoft365.com (formerly office.com), the *Beta Channel* build of Outlook for Windows desktop, and Microsoft 365 Current Channel (dev preview) build of Microsoft 365 app for Android. Distribution options and processes for Microsoft 365-enabled Teams apps are the same as for traditional Teams apps.
-After it's published, your app will be discoverable as an installable app from the Outlook and Microsoft 365 app stores, in addition to the Teams store. Your app uses the permissions defined in Teams across Outlook and Microsoft 365. Teams admins can [manage access to Teams apps across Microsoft 365](/MicrosoftTeams/manage-third-party-teams-apps) for users in their organization.
+After it's published, your app will be discoverable as an installable app from the Outlook and Microsoft 365 app stores, in addition to the Teams store. Your app uses the permissions defined in Teams across Outlook and Microsoft 365. Teams admins can [manage access to Teams apps across Microsoft 365](/microsoftteams/manage-third-party-teams-apps) for users in their organization.
:::image type="content" source="images/outlook-office-app-store.png" alt-text="The screenshot is an example that shows Outlook and microsoft365.com (formerly office.com) install screens for the SurveyMonkey and MURAL Teams apps.":::
Use the [Teams Developer Portal](https://dev.teams.microsoft.com/) to upload and
### Microsoft Teams Admin Center
-As a Teams admin, you can upload and pre-install the app package for your organization's tenant from [Teams admin center](https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/). For more information, see [upload your custom apps in the Microsoft Teams admin center](/MicrosoftTeams/upload-custom-apps).
+As a Teams admin, you can upload and pre-install the app package for your organization's tenant from [Teams admin center](https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/). For more information, see [upload your custom apps in the Microsoft Teams admin center](/microsoftteams/upload-custom-apps).
### Microsoft Admin Center
platform Collaboration Api Reference https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/samples/collaboration-api-reference.md
Title: Collaboration control and Settings REST API references
-description: In this module, learn about Collaboration control and settings REST API reference to manage settings, start, map, and retrieve collaboration activities.
+description: In this module, learn about Collaboration controls and Settings REST API reference to manage settings, start, map, and retrieve collaboration activities.
ms.localizationpriority: medium
# Collaboration control and Settings REST API reference
-Developers can use the Collaboration control and Settings REST API to manage settings, start, map, and retrieve collaboration activities with their own business model entities.
+Developers can use the Collaboration controls and Settings REST API to manage settings, start, map, and retrieve collaboration activities with their own business model entities.
> [!NOTE] > Currently Collaboration controls are available only in [public developer preview](~/resources/dev-preview/developer-preview-intro.md).
-This article provides reference for the Collaboration control solution REST API.
+This article provides reference for the Collaboration controls and Settings REST API reference.
## REST Operations: Collaboration - Custom API |Operation|Description| ||--|
-|[Associate Collaboration Map](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/collaboration-custom-ap-is/associate-collaboration-map)|Associates a collaborative entity to a collaboration session.|
-|[Begin Collaboration Session](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/collaboration-custom-ap-is/begin-collaboration-session)|Creates a collaboration session record linked to a business entity, application context, and optional metadata.|
-|[Disassociate Collaboration Map](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/collaboration-custom-ap-is/disassociate-collaboration-map-custom-api)|Disassociates a mapped entity from the given collaboration session.|
-|[Retrieve Collaboration Maps](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/collaboration-custom-ap-is/retrieve-collaboration-maps-custom-api)|Gets a list of collaboration maps for a session of a specific entity type.|
-|[Retrieve Collaboration Session](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/collaboration-custom-ap-is/retrieve-collaboration-session-custom-api)|Gets a collaboration session record based on the parameters provided.|
-|[Update Collaboration Map](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/collaboration-custom-ap-is/update-collaboration-map-custom-api)|Updates a collaboration map record and its metadata if provided.|
-|[Update Collaboration Session](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/collaboration-custom-ap-is/update-collaboration-session)|Updates a collaboration session record and optionally its metadata.|
+|[Associate Collaboration Map](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/collaboration-custom-apis/associate-collaboration-map)|Associates a collaborative entity to a collaboration session.|
+|[Begin Collaboration Session](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/collaboration-custom-apis/begin-collaboration-session)|Creates a collaboration session record linked to a business entity, application context, and optional metadata.|
+|[Disassociate Collaboration Map](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/collaboration-custom-apis/disassociate-collaboration-map-custom-api)|Disassociates a mapped entity from the given collaboration session.|
+|[Retrieve Collaboration Maps](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/collaboration-custom-apis/retrieve-collaboration-maps-custom-api)|Gets a list of collaboration maps for a session of a specific entity type.|
+|[Retrieve Collaboration Session](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/collaboration-custom-apis/retrieve-collaboration-session-custom-api)|Gets a collaboration session record based on the parameters provided.|
+|[Update Collaboration Map](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/collaboration-custom-apis/update-collaboration-map-custom-api)|Updates a collaboration map record and its metadata if provided.|
+|[Update Collaboration Session](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/collaboration-custom-apis/update-collaboration-session)|Updates a collaboration session record and optionally its metadata.|
## REST Operations: Collaboration - Standard OData APIs |Operation|Description| ||--|
-|[Get Collaboration Map By Id](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/collaboration-standard-o-data-ap-is/get-collaboration-map-by-id)|Gets the details from a collaboration map record.|
-|[Get Collaboration Metadata](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/collaboration-standard-o-data-ap-is/get-collaboration-metadata)|Gets a list of the collaboration metadata records for a given collaboration map or a collaboration root entity name.|
-|[Get Collaboration Root](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/collaboration-standard-o-data-ap-is/get-collaboration-root)|Lists all the collaboration sessions created.|
+|[Get Collaboration Map By Id](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/collaboration-standard-o-data-apis/get-collaboration-map-by-id)|Gets the details from a collaboration map record.|
+|[Get Collaboration Metadata](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/collaboration-standard-o-data-apis/get-collaboration-metadata)|Gets a list of the collaboration metadata records for a given collaboration map or a collaboration root entity name.|
+|[Get Collaboration Root](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/collaboration-standard-o-data-apis/get-collaboration-root)|Lists all the collaboration sessions created.|
## REST Operations: Settings - Custom APIs |Operation|Description| ||--|
-|[Create and Update Settings](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-custom-ap-is/create-update-setting-custom-api)|Creates or updates a setting that matches both the group path and the settings definition name.|
-|[Retrieve Null Settings](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-custom-ap-is/retrieve-null-settings-custom-api)|Returns a list of settings definitions that do not have a value.|
-|[Retrieve Settings](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-custom-ap-is/retrieve-settings-custom-api)|Returns a list of specific settings or settings in groups.|
+|[Create and Update Settings](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-custom-apis/create-update-setting-custom-api)|Creates or updates a setting that matches both the group path and the settings definition name.|
+|[Retrieve Null Settings](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-custom-apis/retrieve-null-settings-custom-api)|Returns a list of settings definitions that do not have a value.|
+|[Retrieve Settings](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-custom-apis/retrieve-settings-custom-api)|Returns a list of specific settings or settings in groups.|
## REST Operations: Settings - Standard OData APIs |Operation|Description| ||--|
-|[Delete Settings Definition](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-ap-is/delete-settings-definition)|Deletes a settings definition.|
-|[Delete Settings Group](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-ap-is/delete-settings-group)|Deletes a settings group.|
-|[Delete Settings Type](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-ap-is/delete-settings-type)|Delete a settings type.|
-|[Delete Settings Value](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-ap-is/delete-settings-value)|Deletes a settings value.|
-|[Get Settings Definitions](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-ap-is/get-settings-definitions)|Lists settings definitions.|
-|[Get Settings Groups](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-ap-is/get-settings-groups)|Lists settings groups.|
-|[Get Settings Types](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-ap-is/get-settings-types)|Lists settings types.|
-|[Get Settings Value](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-ap-is/get-settings-value)|Lists settings values.|
-|[Patch Settings Definition](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-ap-is/patch-settings-definition)|Updates a settings definition.|
-|[Patch Settings Group](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-ap-is/patch-settings-group)|Updates a settings group.|
-|[Patch Settings Type](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-ap-is/patch-settings-type)|Updates a settings type.|
-|[Patch Settings Value](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-ap-is/patch-settings-value)|Updates a setting value.|
-|[Post Settings Definition](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-ap-is/post-settings-definition)|Creates a new settings definition.|
-|[Post Settings Group](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-ap-is/post-settings-group)|Creates a new settings group.|
-|[Post Settings Type](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-ap-is/post-settings-type)|Creates a new settings type.|
-|[Post Settings Value](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-ap-is/post-settings-value)|Creates a new setting value.|
+|[Delete Settings Definition](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-apis/delete-settings-definition)|Deletes a settings definition.|
+|[Delete Settings Group](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-apis/delete-settings-group)|Deletes a settings group.|
+|[Delete Settings Type](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-apis/delete-settings-type)|Delete a settings type.|
+|[Delete Settings Value](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-apis/delete-settings-value)|Deletes a settings value.|
+|[Get Settings Definitions](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-apis/get-settings-definitions)|Lists settings definitions.|
+|[Get Settings Groups](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-apis/get-settings-groups)|Lists settings groups.|
+|[Get Settings Types](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-apis/get-settings-types)|Lists settings types.|
+|[Get Settings Value](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-apis/get-settings-value)|Lists settings values.|
+|[Patch Settings Definition](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-apis/patch-settings-definition)|Updates a settings definition.|
+|[Patch Settings Group](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-apis/patch-settings-group)|Updates a settings group.|
+|[Patch Settings Type](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-apis/patch-settings-type)|Updates a settings type.|
+|[Patch Settings Value](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-apis/patch-settings-value)|Updates a setting value.|
+|[Post Settings Definition](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-apis/post-settings-definition)|Creates a new settings definition.|
+|[Post Settings Group](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-apis/post-settings-group)|Creates a new settings group.|
+|[Post Settings Type](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-apis/post-settings-type)|Creates a new settings type.|
+|[Post Settings Value](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/settings-standard-o-data-apis/post-settings-value)|Creates a new setting value.|
platform Collaboration Control Power Automate https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/samples/collaboration-control-power-automate.md
The following triggers and actions are supported within a flow:
1. Retrieve Collaboration session
- ::image type="content" source="../assets/images/collaboration-control/retrieve-collab-session.png" alt-text="Screenshot is an example that shows how to Retrieve collaboration session.":::
+ :::image type="content" source="../assets/images/collaboration-control/retrieve-collab-session.png" alt-text="Screenshot is an example that shows how to Retrieve collaboration session.":::
This step action returns the collaboration session that matches the provided inputs:
platform Collaboration Controls Limitations https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/samples/collaboration-controls-limitations.md
This would render in the console log as:
Solution: Refresh your browser or if in Teams app, reload the tab.
-If you want to change the app name, icon, or description after uploading it to Teams, see [customize appearance of apps](/MicrosoftTeams/customize-apps#customize-details-of-an-app)
+If you want to change the app name, icon, or description after uploading it to Teams, see [customize appearance of apps](/microsoftteams/customize-apps#customize-details-of-an-app)
## Error logging
platform Virtual Tables For Tasks https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/samples/virtual-tables-for-tasks.md
The `plannerTaskId` property is associated with a planner task, which was create
-To resolve this issue, you must check the error message in the response and if it's set to the message shown above this means the virtual record isn't associated. To create an association for this record, you must call [Associate Collaboration Map - REST API](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/collaboration-custom-ap-is/associate-collaboration-map).
+To resolve this issue, you must check the error message in the response and if it's set to the message shown above this means the virtual record isn't associated. To create an association for this record, you must call [Associate Collaboration Map - REST API](/rest/api/industry/collaboration-controls/collaboration-custom-apis/associate-collaboration-map).
### Attempt to read a virtual record and the Graph resource has been deleted
platform Publish https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/toolkit/publish.md
The following steps help you to approve from Admin Center:
1. Select the status dropdown and change from **Submitted** to **Publish**. After you publish the app, the publishing status changes to published and the status automatically changes to allowed.
- For more information, see [Publish to your org](/MicrosoftTeams/manage-apps?toc=%2Fmicrosoftteams%2Fplatform%2Ftoc.json&bc=%2Fmicrosoftteams%2Fplatform%2Fbreadcrumb%2Ftoc.json)
+ For more information, see [Publish to your org](/microsoftteams/manage-apps?toc=%2Fmicrosoftteams%2Fplatform%2Ftoc.json&bc=%2Fmicrosoftteams%2Fplatform%2Fbreadcrumb%2Ftoc.json)
## Publish to Microsoft Teams store
For more information, see [how to publish to the Teams store](../concepts/deploy
* [Distribute your Microsoft Teams app](../concepts/deploy-and-publish/apps-publish-overview.md) * [Create Teams app package](../concepts/build-and-test/apps-package.md) * [Prepare your Microsoft 365 tenant](../concepts/build-and-test/prepare-your-o365-tenant.md)
-* [Manage Teams app in the Microsoft Teams admin center](/MicrosoftTeams/manage-apps?toc=%2Fmicrosoftteams%2Fplatform%2Ftoc.json&bc=%2Fmicrosoftteams%2Fplatform%2Fbreadcrumb%2Ftoc.json)
+* [Manage Teams app in the Microsoft Teams admin center](/microsoftteams/manage-apps?toc=%2Fmicrosoftteams%2Fplatform%2Ftoc.json&bc=%2Fmicrosoftteams%2Fplatform%2Fbreadcrumb%2Ftoc.json)
platform Connectors Creating https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/commits/main/msteams-platform/webhooks-and-connectors/how-to/connectors-creating.md
Follow the [step-by-step guide](../../sbs-teams-connectors.yml) to build and tes
* [Create Incoming Webhooks](~/webhooks-and-connectors/how-to/add-incoming-webhook.md) * [Create Outgoing Webhooks](add-outgoing-webhook.md) * [Create and send messages](connectors-using.md)
-* [How admins can enable or disable connectors](/MicrosoftTeams/office-365-custom-connectors#enable-or-disable-connectors-in-teams)
-* [How admins can publish custom connectors within their org](/MicrosoftTeams/office-365-custom-connectors)
+* [How admins can enable or disable connectors](/microsoftteams/office-365-custom-connectors#enable-or-disable-connectors-in-teams)
+* [How admins can publish custom connectors within their org](/microsoftteams/office-365-custom-connectors)
* [App manifest schema for Teams](../../resources/schem) * [getConfig](/javascript/api/@microsoft/teamsfx/teamsfxconfiguration?view=msteams-client-js-latest&preserve-view=true)