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SharePoint Add Sample Site https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/add-sample-site.md
Previously updated : 11/15/2019 Last updated : 09/24/2024 Title: Add a sample site to your organization
description: "Learn how to add a sample site to your organization."
# Add a sample site to your organization
-Discover the modern experiences you can build with Microsoft SharePoint. Use the SharePoint [Look Book adoption page](https://adoption.microsoft.com/sharepoint-look-book) to find inspiring samples of communication sites and team sites that look great on the web and on mobile devices. Then, add one or more sample sites to your organization. You can customize the sample to use for your own site or use the site for learning or showing to your colleagues. You can add a sample site by first [browsing and selecting templates](https://adoption.microsoft.com/sharepoint-look-book) then applying [the custom PnP site templates](/sharepoint/dev/solution-guidance/applying-pnp-templates).</br>
+Discover the modern experiences you can build with Microsoft SharePoint.
+Use the SharePoint [Look Book adoption page](https://adoption.microsoft.com/sharepoint-look-book) to find inspiring samples of communication sites and team sites that look great on the web and on mobile devices. Then, add one or more sample sites to your organization. You can customize the sample to use for your own site or use the site for learning or showing to your colleagues. You can add a sample site by first [browsing and selecting templates](https://adoption.microsoft.com/sharepoint-look-book) then applying [the custom PnP site templates](/sharepoint/dev/solution-guidance/applying-pnp-templates).</br>
</br> > [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RE4wDLk]
What's included in a sample? You get:
Browse the samples in the online [SharePoint Look Book adoption page](https://adoption.microsoft.com/sharepoint-look-book).
-Or, navigate to the [custom PnP site templates](/sharepoint/dev/solution-guidance/applying-pnp-templates) and select the template you need. Follow steps mentioned [here](/sharepoint/dev/solution-guidance/applying-pnp-templates#provisioning-a-template) to provision a template.
-To use this service, you need to be signed in as a [SharePoint Administrator](./sharepoint-admin-role.md) in Microsoft 365.
-### Enter your information
-Next, enter your email address (for a notification of when your site is ready to use), the title you want to use for your site, and the site URL you want to use.
-![Prov form1](media/ProvForm.png)
+Or, navigate to the [custom PnP site templates](/sharepoint/dev/solution-guidance/applying-pnp-templates) and select the template you need.
-### Start provisioning
+### Provision a template
-Select **Provision**, and in a short time your site will be ready for you to use. How will you know? You get an email (sent to the email address you provided on the form above) like this:
+Follow steps mentioned [here](/sharepoint/dev/solution-guidance/applying-pnp-templates#provisioning-a-template) to provision a template.
-![PRov form2](media/Prov2.png)
-### Open and explore your site
-Select **Open site**, and you see your sample site and content in your organization!
-![Prov site](media/ProvSite.png)
-From here, you can explore the site and edit the pages and content.
+To use this service, you need to be signed in as a [SharePoint Administrator](./sharepoint-admin-role.md) in Microsoft 365.
**Additional resources**
SharePoint Api Access https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/api-access.md
Previously updated : 06/30/2020 Last updated : 09/25/2024 Title: "Manage access to Microsoft Entra ID-secured APIs - SharePoint"
The API access page shows pending and approved requests. It also shows which req
1. Select the request, and select **Reject**. 2. Select **Reject** again to confirm.
-Rejecting access doesn't remove the app from the Apps site. If the app is used on any sites, it might not work as expected. After you reject the request, it's removed from the page and the developer will need to issue a new request with the same resource and scope.
+ Rejecting access doesn't remove the app from the Apps site. If the app is used on any sites, it might not work as expected. After you reject the request, it's removed from the page and the developer will need to issue a new request with the same resource and scope.
## Remove access to a previously approved request 1. Select the request, and then select **Remove access**. 2. Select **Remove** again to confirm.
-When you remove access, solutions and custom scripts that rely on the permission might not work as expected. After you remove access, the request is removed from the page and the developer will need to issue a new request with the same resource and scope.
+ When you remove access, solutions and custom scripts that rely on the permission might not work as expected. After you remove access, the request is removed from the page and the developer will need to issue a new request with the same resource and scope.
## Manage access by using Microsoft PowerShell
SharePoint Brand Center Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/brand-center-overview.md
description: "Learn what SharePoint Brand Center is, how to set it up and manage
# SharePoint brand center
-> [!NOTE]
-> The SharePoint brand center is currently in preview.
The SharePoint brand center offers a centralized branding management application that empowers your brand managers or designated brand owners to help your organization to customize the look and feel of their experiences.
SharePoint Branding Sharepoint Online Sites Modern Experience https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/branding-sharepoint-online-sites-modern-experience.md
Previously updated : 09/19/2018 Last updated : 09/24/2024 Title: Branding your SharePoint site
SharePoint includes an updated set of default site themes that are responsive an
When you brand a [SharePoint hub site](https://support.office.com/article/fe26ae84-14b7-45b6-a6d1-948b3966427f), you can set it so the site branding is applied to any sites that [associate with it](https://support.office.com/article/ae0009fd-af04-4d3d-917d-88edb43efc05). This includes any site theme or site template used by the hub site. This allows you to apply common navigation and branding across a set of sites and use accent colors to emphasize elements that need to stand out. > [!NOTE]
-> Custom themes and logos in SharePoint *will not* automatically apply to group-connected team sites that are associated to a hub that has a custom theme applied. For group-connected team sites, you need to manually apply the custom theme or logo.
+> Custom themes and logos in SharePoint *does not* automatically apply to group-connected team sites that are associated to a hub that has a custom theme applied. For group-connected team sites, you need to manually apply the custom theme or logo.
## Classic experience vs. modern experience
Some things to consider before branding your classic experience sites in SharePo
Check out the below resources that provide more details about how to use the modern SharePoint experience to brand your site.
-[Branding SharePoint: The New Normal](https://bob1german.com/2018/09/04/branding-sharepoint-the-new-normal/)
[Change the look of your SharePoint site.](https://support.office.com/article/06bbadc3-6b04-4a60-9d14-894f6a170818)
Check out the below resources that provide more details about how to use the mod
[JSON schema](/sharepoint/dev/declarative-customization/site-theming/sharepoint-site-theming-json-schema)
-[Theme generator](https://aka.ms/spthemebuilder)
SharePoint Lists Custom Template https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/lists-custom-template.md
description: "Add and remove custom templates and change who has permission to a
As a [SharePoint Administrator](/sharepoint/sharepoint-admin-role) and [above](/microsoft-365/admin/add-users/about-admin-roles) in Microsoft 365, you can provide custom list templates for users in your organization. When users create new lists, they can select from these templates alongside the built-in templates from Microsoft. This feature enables your organization to create repeatable list solutions (in SharePoint, Teams, and within the Lists app itself). -
-> [!NOTE]
-> Custom list templates are only available in [targeted release](/microsoft-365/admin/manage/release-options-in-office-365).
- You can create and manage custom list templates using Microsoft PowerShell: 1. [Download the latest SharePoint Online Management Shell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=255251).
SharePoint Provision Neo Hub https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/provision-neo-hub.md
Previously updated : 06/25/2020 Last updated : 09/24/2024 Title: Overview of the Microsoft New Employee Onboarding sites
Research has shown preonboarding new hires, after they sign their acceptance let
## Step 1: Provision NEO sites
-The New Employee Onboarding (NEO) sites can be provisioned from the [SharePoint Look Book](https://adoption.microsoft.com/sharepoint-look-book) or by navigating to the [custom PnP site templates](/sharepoint/dev/solution-guidance/applying-pnp-templates) and selecting the template you need. A **site collection administrator** can start the provisioning process with a few steps. Each site takes about 20 minutes to provision. Before starting the provisioning process, make sure you have met the prerequisites for provisioning.
+The New Employee Onboarding (NEO) sites can be provisioned from the [custom PnP site templates](/sharepoint/dev/solution-guidance/applying-pnp-templates#available-templates) and selecting the template you need. A **site collection administrator** can start the provisioning process with a few steps. Each site takes about 20 minutes to provision. Before starting the provisioning process, make sure you have met the prerequisites for provisioning.
### Prerequisites
To successfully provision the NEO sites via the SharePoint look book, the person
### Provision the NEO sites
-1. Navigate to the [custom PnP site templates](/sharepoint/dev/solution-guidance/applying-pnp-templates) and select the template you need. Learn more on how to [apply the PnP templates here](/sharepoint/dev/solution-guidance/applying-pnp-templates).
+1. Navigate to the [custom PnP site templates](/sharepoint/dev/solution-guidance/applying-pnp-templates#available-templates) and select the template you need. Learn more on how to [apply the PnP templates here](/sharepoint/dev/solution-guidance/applying-pnp-templates).
2. Navigate to the site you want to provision and select **Add to your tenant**. If you are not signed into to your tenant, the SharePoint look book will ask for your site collection admin credentials.