Updates from: 09/22/2022 08:45:04
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SharePoint Info Barriers Report https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/info-barriers-report.md
- BSA160 - GSP150 - MET150+
+- tier2
+- m365-security-compliance
+- M365-collaboration
# Create an information barriers policy compliance report
SharePoint Information Barriers Compliance Assistant https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/information-barriers-compliance-assistant.md
- BSA160 - GSP150 - MET150+
+- tier2
+- m365-security-compliance
+- M365-collaboration
# Information barriers compliance assistant (preview)
SharePoint Information Barriers https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/information-barriers.md
- BSA160 - GSP150 - MET150+
+- tier2
+- m365-security-compliance
+- M365-collaboration
# Use information barriers with SharePoint
SharePoint Manage Search Schema https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/manage-search-schema.md
If you need a property of a different type, or one that has different characteri
<a name="DefaultUnusedMPs"> </a> The following table provides an overview of the default unused managed properties that you can reuse and rename using an Alias.
-| **Managed property type** | **Count** | **Managed property characteristics** | **Managed property name range** |
-| : | :-- | :- | : |
-| Date | 10 | Queryable | Date00 to Date09 |
-| Date | 20 | Multivalued, Queryable, Refinable, Sortable, Retrievable | RefinableDate00 to RefinableDate19 |
-| Date | 2 | Queryable, Refinable, Sortable, Retrievable | RefinableDateInvariant00 to RefinableDateInvariant01 |
-| Date | 5 | Queryable, Refinable, Sortable, Retrievable | RefinableDateSingle00 to RefinableDateSingle04 |
-| Decimal | 10 | Queryable | Decimal00 to Decimal09 |
-| Decimal | 10 | Multivalued, Queryable, Refinable, Sortable, Retrievable | RefinableDecimal00 to RefinableDecimal09 |
-| Double | 10 | Queryable | Double00 to Double09 |
-| Double | 10 | Multivalued, Queryable, Refinable, Sortable, Retrievable | RefinableDouble00 to RefinableDouble09 |
-| Integer | 50 | Queryable | Int00 to Int49 |
-| Integer | 50 | Multivalued, Queryable, Refinable, Sortable, Retrievable | RefinableInt00 to RefinableInt49 |
-| String | 200 | Multivalued, Queryable, Refinable, Sortable, Retrievable | RefinableString00 to RefinableString199 |
+| **Managed property type** | **Count** | **Multi** | **Query** | **Search** | **Retrieve** | **Refine** | **Sort** | **Managed property name range** | **Notes** |
+| : | :-- | :-- | :-- | : | :-- | : | :- |:- | : |
+| Date | 10 | - | Query | - | - | - | - | Date00 to Date09 | |
+| Date | 20 | Multi | Query | - | Retrieve | Refine | Sort | RefinableDate00 to RefinableDate19 | |
+| Date | 2 | - | Query | - | Retrieve | Refine | Sort | RefinableDateInvariant00 to RefinableDateInvariant01 | \* |
+| Date | 5 | - | Query | - | Retrieve | Refine | Sort | RefinableDateSingle00 to RefinableDateSingle04 | |
+| Decimal | 10 | - | Query | - | - | - | - | Decimal00 to Decimal09 | |
+| Decimal | 10 | Multi | Query | - | Retrieve | Refine | Sort | RefinableDecimal00 to RefinableDecimal09 | |
+| Double | 10 | - | Query | - | - | - | - | Double00 to Double09 | |
+| Double | 10 | Multi | Query | - | Retrieve | Refine | Sort | RefinableDouble00 to RefinableDouble09 | |
+| Integer | 50 | - | Query | - | - | - | - | Int00 to Int49 | |
+| Integer | 50 | Multi | Query | - | Retrieve | Refine | Sort | RefinableInt00 to RefinableInt49 | |
+| String | 200 | Multi | Query | - | Retrieve | Refine | Sort | RefinableString00 to RefinableString199 | |
+| String | 40 | Multi | Query | - | Retrieve | Refine | Sort | RefinableStringFirst00 to RefinableStringFirst39 | \* |
+| String | 10 | Multi | Query | - | Retrieve | Refine | Sort | RefinableStringLn00 to RefinableStringLn09 | \*\* |
+| String | 50 | - | Query | - | Retrieve | Refine | Sort | RefinableStringWbOff00 to RefinableStringWbOff49 | \*\*\* |
+| String | 50 | Multi | Query | - | Retrieve | Refine | Sort | RefinableStringWbOffFirst00 to RefinableStringWbOffFirst49 | \*, \*\*\* |
+\* Mappings to crawled properties - Include content from the first crawled property that is not empty, based on the specified order.
+\*\* Language neutral word breaker
+\*\*\* Complete Matching
+ ## Hide documents from Delve+ <a name="BKMK_HideFromDelveSteps"> </a> If you don't want a document to show up in Delve, you can create a HideFromDelve site column of the type **Yes/No**. This site column creates a new crawled property, ows_HideFromDelve, which is automatically mapped to the HideFromDelve managed property.
After the next scheduled crawl, or after you [Request re-indexing of a document
[Overview of the search schema in SharePoint Server](../SharePointServer/search/search-schema-overview.md)
-[Manually request crawling and re-indexing of a site](crawl-site-content.md)
+[Manually request crawling and re-indexing of a site](crawl-site-content.md)
SharePoint What S New In Admin Center https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/what-s-new-in-admin-center.md
audience: Admin
f1.keywords: - CSH + ms.localizationpriority: medium
SharePoint Add Content To A Case And Place Sources On Hold In The Ediscovery Center https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointServer/governance/add-content-to-a-case-and-place-sources-on-hold-in-the-ediscovery-center.md
Title: "Add content to a case and place sources on hold in the eDiscovery Center"
+description: "Content that is part of an eDiscovery case - such as potential evidence for litigation, audits and investigations -can be managed in an eDiscovery Set. Each case can have multiple eDiscovery Sets. You can also filter the source content you include, such as by author or sender, by a date range, or by search keywords."
-+ Last updated audience: ITPro f1.keywords:
ms.prod: sharepoint-server-itpro ms.localizationpriority: medium-
-description: "Content that is part of an eDiscovery case - such as potential evidence for litigation, audits and investigations -can be managed in an eDiscovery Set. Each case can have multiple eDiscovery Sets. You can also filter the source content you include, such as by author or sender, by a date range, or by search keywords."
+- tier1
+- M365-security-compliance
+- M365-collaboration
+- ediscovery
# Add content to a case and place sources on hold in the eDiscovery Center
SharePoint Create And Run Queries In The Ediscovery Center https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointServer/governance/create-and-run-queries-in-the-ediscovery-center.md
Title: "Create and run queries in the eDiscovery Center"
+description: "Once you have defined your sources, and placed them on hold if necessary, you can run queries to narrow down and extract exactly the content you need for a particular case."
-+ Last updated 2/12/2018 audience: ITPro f1.keywords:
ms.prod: sharepoint-server-itpro ms.localizationpriority: medium-
-description: "Once you have defined your sources, and placed them on hold if necessary, you can run queries to narrow down and extract exactly the content you need for a particular case."
+- tier1
+- M365-security-compliance
+- M365-collaboration
+- ediscovery
# Create and run queries in the eDiscovery Center
SharePoint Export Content And Create Reports In The Ediscovery Center https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointServer/governance/export-content-and-create-reports-in-the-ediscovery-center.md
Title: "Export content and create reports in the eDiscovery Center"
+description: "You export content from a case when you are ready to deliver it to an authority or want to work on it with another legal program. You can also create reports to identify the contents of and any search indexing issues with the export. The export includes a load file based on the Electronic Discovery Reference Model standard."
-+ Last updated 2/12/2018 audience: ITPro f1.keywords:
ms.prod: sharepoint-server-itpro ms.localizationpriority: medium-
-description: "You export content from a case when you are ready to deliver it to an authority or want to work on it with another legal program. You can also create reports to identify the contents of and any search indexing issues with the export. The export includes a load file based on the Electronic Discovery Reference Model standard."
+- tier1
+- M365-security-compliance
+- M365-collaboration
+- ediscovery
# Export content and create reports in the eDiscovery Center
SharePoint Plan And Manage Cases In The Ediscovery Center https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointServer/governance/plan-and-manage-cases-in-the-ediscovery-center.md
Title: "Plan and manage cases in the eDiscovery Center"
+description: "Electronic Discovery, or eDiscovery, is the discovery of content in electronic format for litigation or investigation. This typically requires identifying content spread across laptops, email servers, file servers, and many other sources."
-+ audience: ITPro f1.keywords: - NOCSH ms.prod: office-online-server ms.localizationpriority: medium-
-description: "Electronic Discovery, or eDiscovery, is the discovery of content in electronic format for litigation or investigation. This typically requires identifying content spread across laptops, email servers, file servers, and many other sources."
+- tier1
+- M365-security-compliance
+- M365-collaboration
+- ediscovery
# Plan and manage cases in the eDiscovery Center
SharePoint Searching And Using Keywords In The Ediscovery Center https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointServer/governance/searching-and-using-keywords-in-the-ediscovery-center.md
Title: "Searching and using keywords in the eDiscovery Center"
+description: "Keywords help you narrow down the specific content that you produce through export for an eDiscovery case. By creating focused searches, you increase the likelihood that content is applicable to a case, and reduce the amount of content that you need to manage."
-+ Last updated 2/12/2018 audience: ITPro f1.keywords:
- WSSEndUser_DiscoverySearchSyntaxTips ms.prod: sharepoint-server-itpro ms.localizationpriority: medium-
-description: "Keywords help you narrow down the specific content that you produce through export for an eDiscovery case. By creating focused searches, you increase the likelihood that content is applicable to a case, and reduce the amount of content that you need to manage."
+- tier1
+- M365-security-compliance
+- M365-collaboration
+- ediscovery
# Searching and using keywords in the eDiscovery Center