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SharePoint Get Ready Copilot Sharepoint Advanced Management https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/get-ready-copilot-sharepoint-advanced-management.md
When you use either Microsoft Search or Microsoft Copilot, the results come from
#### Restrict access with the Restricted Access Control Policy
-Until the Site Access Review is complete, you as the SharePoint Admin may want to take action to mitigate oversharing risks. To restrict access to a site with overshared content, the SharePoint Admin can set up a Restricted Access Control Policy. As a result, all access to the site is restricted to only the group of users specified in the policy. Accordingly, the content from this site is visible in Copilot for Microsoft 365 *only for this restricted group of users*. This policy can be configured at tenant level or/and an individual site or OneDrive.
+Until the Site Access Review is complete, you as the SharePoint Admin may want to take action to mitigate oversharing risks. To restrict access to a site with overshared content, the SharePoint Admin can set up a Restricted Access Control Policy. As a result, all access to the site is restricted to only the group of users specified in the policy. Accordingly, the content from this site is visible in Copilot for Microsoft 365 *only for this restricted group of users*. This policy can be configured at an individual site or OneDrive.
### Step 5: Take proactive measures on business-critical sites
SharePoint Restricted Access Control https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/restricted-access-control.md
To manage site access restriction for non-group connected sites using PowerShell
After enabling the policy for communication sites, the policy status and all configured control groups are displayed for site owners on the **Site access** panel in addition to the **Site Information** and **Permissions** panels. ## Shared and private channel sites
For shared channel sites, only internal users in the resource tenant are subject
> [!IMPORTANT] > Adding people to the security group or Microsoft 365 group won't give users access to the channel in Teams. It is recommended to add or remove the same users of the teams channel in Teams and the security group or Microsoft 365 group so users have access to both Teams and SharePoint.
+## Sharing of sites with Restricted site access policy
+Sharing of SharePoint sites and its content can be blocked with users and groups who are not allowed as per the Restricted access control policy.
+The sharing control functionality is disabled by default. To enable it, run the following PowerShell command in SharePoint Online Management Shell as an Administrator:
+Set-SPOTenant -AllowSharingOutsideRestrictedAccessControlGroups $false
+### Sharing with users
+Sharing is only allowed with users who are part of restricted access control groups. Sharing will be blocked with anyone outside of the restricted access control groups as shown below:
+![The screenshot of sharing with users.](media/rac-spac/rac-share-with-users.png)
+### Sharing with groups
+Sharing is allowed with Microsoft Entra Security or M365 groups which are part of the restricted access control groups list. Thus, sharing with all other groups including Everyone except external users or SharePoint groups wonΓÇÖt be allowed.
+![The screenshot of sharing with groups.](media/rac-spac/rac-share-with-groups.png)
+> [!NOTE]
+> At present, sharing of a site and its content will not be allowed for the nested security groups that are part of the restricted access control groups. This support will be added in the next release iteration.
+ ## Configure learn more link for access denial error page Configure your learn more link to inform users who were denied access to a SharePoint site due to the restricted site access control policy. With this customizable error link, you can provide more information and guidance to your users.