Updates from: 09/13/2022 03:13:29
Service Microsoft Docs article Related commit history on GitHub Change details
SharePoint Allow Or Prevent Custom Script https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/allow-or-prevent-custom-script.md
To allow custom script on a particular site (previously called "site collection"
or by means of the PnP.PowerShell cmdlet [Set-PnPSite](https://pnp.github.io/powershell/cmdlets/Set-PnPSite.html) ```PowerShell
- Set-PnPSite <SiteURL> -NoScriptSite $false
+ Set-PnPSite -Identity <SiteURL> -NoScriptSite $false
``` If you change this setting for a classic team site, it will be overridden by the Custom Script setting in the admin center within 24 hours.
SharePoint Change Default List And Library Experience https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/change-default-list-and-library-experience.md
description: "How to select the new or classic list and library experience for a
The new SharePoint list and library experience is faster, simpler, and responsive on mobile devices. It also supports many new capabilities that are not available in the classic experience, including Power Apps and Power Automate integration, the Filters pane, and column formatting. Many sites that have features or customizations that don't work in the new experience will automatically switch back to the classic experience. For more information about this behavior, see [Differences between the new and classic experiences for lists and libraries](https://support.office.com/article/30e1aab0-a5cc-4363-b7f2-09e2ae07d4dc). To detect lists that won't work well with the new experience, run the [SharePoint Modernization scanner](/sharepoint/dev/transform/modernize-scanner).
-It's no longer possible to select the classic experience as the default for all sites in your organization. Instead, we recommend setting it for only the specific sites that need it. To learn how to turn off the new list and library experience for a site collection, see [Enable or disable site collection features](https://support.office.com/article/a2f2a5c2-093d-4897-8b7f-37f86d83df04). For info about changing this setting using PowerShell, see [Opting out of the modern list and library experience](/sharepoint/dev/transform/modernize-userinterface-lists-and-libraries-optout).)
+It's no longer possible to select the classic experience as the default for all sites in your organization. Instead, we recommend setting it for only the specific sites that need it. You can activate the site collection feature _SharePoint Lists and Libraries experience_ to turn off the new list and library experience for a site collection. To learn how, see [Enable or disable site collection features](https://support.office.com/article/a2f2a5c2-093d-4897-8b7f-37f86d83df04). For info about changing this setting using PowerShell, see [Opting out of the modern list and library experience](/sharepoint/dev/transform/modernize-userinterface-lists-and-libraries-optout).
> [!NOTE]
-> Users can select the default experience for an individual list or library, overriding what you set. For info, see [Switch the default experience for lists or document libraries from new or classic](https://support.office.com/article/66dac24b-4177-4775-bf50-3d267318caa9).
+> Users can select the default experience for an individual list or library, overriding what you set. For info, see [Switch the default experience for lists or document libraries from new or classic](https://support.office.com/article/66dac24b-4177-4775-bf50-3d267318caa9).
SharePoint Create B2b Extranet https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/create-b2b-extranet.md
Depending on your collaboration needs, you can include Microsoft 365 groups or M
**Seamless collaboration:** Collaborate with your partner users as if they are part of your organization, including allowing them chat and conferencing through Teams.
- **Auditing and reporting**. Microsoft 365 B2B extranet offers visibility into the access of your content by external partner users. One of the key IT benefits is to be able to audit usage, including being able to see who is inviting whom and when a guest logs in to access the content. See [Search the audit log in the Security & Compliance Center](/microsoft-365/compliance/search-the-audit-log-in-security-and-compliance) for more information.
+ **Auditing and reporting**. Microsoft 365 B2B extranet offers visibility into the access of your content by external partner users. One of the key IT benefits is to be able to audit usage, including being able to see who is inviting whom and when a guest logs in to access the content. See [Search the audit log in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](/microsoft-365/compliance/search-the-audit-log-in-security-and-compliance) for more information.
- **Security and governance**. Microsoft 365 features such as [Microsoft Purview data loss prevention](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-learn-about-dlp) and [Microsoft Cloud App Security](/cloud-app-security/what-is-cloud-app-security) provide a robust feature set to help you create a secure guest sharing environment.
+ **Security and governance**. Microsoft 365 features such as [Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-learn-about-dlp) and [Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps](/cloud-app-security/what-is-cloud-app-security) provide a robust feature set to help you create a secure guest sharing environment.
## Compare Microsoft 365 extranet with a traditional SharePoint on-premises extranet
SharePoint Hispanic Erg Template https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/hispanic-erg-template.md
+ Title: Add the Hispanic Heritage Employee Resource Group site template
+recommendations: true
+audience: Admin
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+- Strat_SP_modern
+- M365-collaboration
+- SPO160
+- MET150
+description: "Provision and customize the Hispanic Heritage Employee resource group site template"
+# Overview of the Hispanic Heritage Employee Resource Group site template
+ ![Image of the Hispanic Heritage employee resource group landing page](media/HispanicERGSiteTemplate_overview.png)
+Use the Hispanic Heritage Employee Resource Group site template to quickly create a communication site from the [SharePoint look book](https://lookbook.microsoft.com/) to uplift employee resource groups, support the career growth of people in your organization, and to help advance equality and allyship for all.
+This template features content focused on a Hispanic and Latinx employee resource group but can be adapted to fit a variety of other employee groups at your organization.
+**The Hispanic Heritage Employee Resource Group site features:**
+- **Home page with a unique theme:** The siteΓÇÖs landing page features Hispanic heritage branding, inclusive content, and example news posts and events.
+- **Page template:** Use the page template to create news posts and additional pages for the site.
+- **Pre-populated content and web parts:** Includes inspirational and inclusive content to make customizing the site easier.
+- **Easy provisioning:** Provision the Hispanic Heritage Employee Resource Group site from the SharePoint lookbook with just a few steps.
+- **Mobile ready:** The Employee Resource Group site can be easily accessed [on a mobile device when you get the SharePoint mobile app](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/sharepoint/mobile-app?wt.mc_id=AID686708_QSG_228389&ocid=AID686708_QSG_228389&rtc=1).
+## How to get the Hispanic Heritage Employee Resource Group site:
+| Step 1: Provision | Step 2: Customize | Step 3: Share |
+| :: | :: |::|
+| [Provision the site from the SharePoint look book](/sharepoint/add-sample-site) | Follow guidance on this page to customize the site | Share the site with the rest of your organization |
+## Step 1: Provision the site
+1. Go to the Hispanic Heritage Employee Resource Group template page.
+2. Select **Add to your tenant**. If you are not signed into to your tenant, the SharePoint look book will ask for your site collection admin credentials.
+3. From the permissions requested dialog box, select **Consent on behalf of your organization** and then select **Accept.**
+ >[!NOTE]
+ > The provisioning service requires these permissions to provision the site template. There is no overall impact on your tenant, and these permissions are used for the solution installation. You must accept these permissions to proceed with the installation.
+4. Complete the fields on the provisioning information page as appropriate for your installation. At a minimum, enter the email address where you wish to get notifications about the provisioning process and the URL prefix for your site to be provisioned to.
+5. Select **Provision** when ready to install the site into your tenant environment.
+ - The provisioning process will take up to 20 minutes.
+ - You will be notified via email (to the notification email address you entered on the Provisioning page) when the site is ready for access.
+### Next, add owners to the site
+As the site collection admin, you may not be the person customizing the site, so you'll need to assign a few site owners. Owners have administrative privileges on the site so they can modify site pages, content, and branding.
+1. Select **Share** in the right-hand corner of the site.
+2. Add users, Office 365 Groups, or security groups to give them access to the site.
+3. Assign users as a Site owner to allow permission to customize the site.
+4. Include the site URL in the Share message, and then select **Share.**
+## Step 2: Customize the site
+After the site has been provisioned and site owners have been added, it's time to customize the site to make it your own. Customize the siteΓÇÖs look, navigation, and content like news posts and events.
+#### Start by signing into Microsoft 365 and navigating to the site
+1. Open your web browser and navigate to [office.com](https://www.office.com/) or your organizationΓÇÖs sign-in location.
+2. Sign in with your username and password.
+3. Navigate to the site's location using the URL supplied by your site collection admin, or select SharePoint from the Microsoft 365 home page, and then select the site.
+#### Next, explore pre-populated content:
+ ![Image of the page template with a theme that matches the site.](media/HispanicERGSiteTemplate_news_overview.png)
+- **Home page ΓÇô** The landing page features a unique theme, colorful images, and more inspirational content that is relevant and engaging. Content here is inspired by Hispanic and Latinx employee resource groups but can be adapted to other types of groups. Customize the Text, News, Events, and Quick Links web parts to make this site your own.
+- **Page template ΓÇô** A page template with a unique theme can be found in the siteΓÇÖs contents to help create news posts and pages for the site more quickly.
+- **News web part ΓÇô** Pre-populated news posts were created using the page template.
+- **Events web part ΓÇô** Pre-populated events from different employee resource groups highlight more opportunities to learn and practice allyship.
+#### Then, customize the site
+1. **Add your organizationΓÇÖs logo and review more site design details:** Edit the look of your SharePoint sites to align with your organization's brand. Customize the site display name, logo, header layout, navigation style, and more in the [Change the look panel](https://support.microsoft.com/office/customize-your-sharepoint-site-320b43e5-b047-4fda-8381-f61e8ac7f59b).
+2. **Customize the siteΓÇÖs navigation:** Edit site navigation to include links to other relevant resources. [Learn how to edit site navigation](https://support.microsoft.com/office/customize-the-navigation-on-your-sharepoint-site-3cd61ae7-a9ed-4e1e-bf6d-4655f0bf25ca). Start by selecting **Edit** next to the navigation panel to start editing labels and links.
+3. **Edit web part content:** Select **Edit** in the right-hand corner to begin customizing web parts and content. Select the **Edit** (pencil icon) next to each web part to customize the layout and to edit content.
+ ![Image of the news web part with prepopulated content focused on Hispanic Heritage topics.](media/HispanicERGSiteTemplate_news.png)
+ - [Text web part](https://support.microsoft.com/office/add-text-tables-and-images-to-your-page-with-the-text-web-part-729c0aa1-bc0d-41e3-9cde-c60533f2c801) ΓÇô Replace pre-populated content with your own.
+ - [News web part](https://support.microsoft.com/office/use-the-news-web-part-on-a-sharepoint-page-c2dcee50-f5d7-434b-8cb9-a7feefd9f165) - Use the Page template that can be found in **Settings > Site content > Pages > Templates** to create branded news posts that will populate the News web part. Delete the pre-populated news posts before sharing the site with others.
+ - [Events web part](https://support.microsoft.com/office/use-the-events-web-part-5fe4da93-5fa9-4695-b1ee-b0ae4c981909) - Edit events in the Events web part to include events from your organization's employee resource groups. Delete the pre-populated events before sharing with others.
+ - [Quick Links web part](https://support.microsoft.com/office/use-the-quick-links-web-part-e1df7561-209d-4362-96d4-469f85ab2a82) ΓÇô Edit links to connect to more resources and employee resource groups sites.
+## Step 3: Share the site
+Once you are done customizing and proof-reading the site you are ready to share it with others. [Run a health check](https://support.microsoft.com/office/use-the-sharepoint-site-performance-page-38a1f782-2e73-4ec8-b55e-827611bc3632) before sharing and consider using the [Portal launch scheduler tool](/microsoft-365/enterprise/portallaunchscheduler) if you expect a high amount of site traffic (10k individual visits per day or higher) to ensure a high-quality viewing experience.
+1. Select **Share** from the right-hand corner.
+2. In the Share site pane, enter the names of people to add to the site. The permission level will be read only.
+3. Enter an optional message to send to the person or clear the Send email box if you don't want to send an email.
+4. Select **Share.**
+### More resources
+[Add a page to a communication site](https://support.microsoft.com/office/create-and-use-modern-pages-on-a-sharepoint-site-b3d46deb-27a6-4b1e-87b8-df851e503dec#bkmk_addpage)
+[Using web parts on SharePoint pages](https://support.microsoft.com/office/using-web-parts-on-sharepoint-pages-336e8e92-3e2d-4298-ae01-d404bbe751e0)
+[Customize your SharePoint site](https://support.microsoft.com/office/customize-your-sharepoint-site-320b43e5-b047-4fda-8381-f61e8ac7f59b)
SharePoint Intranet Governance https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/intranet-governance.md
Each organization will have its own set of policies and guidelines. General topi
#### Steps to ensure success: -- Verify that your intranet policies and guidelines do not conflict with broader organizational polices and your overall governance decisions for Microsoft 365.
+- Verify that your intranet policies and guidelines do not conflict with broader organizational policies and your overall governance decisions for Microsoft 365.
- Publish policies and guidelines where users can easily find and follow them. Some policies may need to be published for ΓÇ£all users,ΓÇ¥ while others may need to be secured to protect the integrity of the application. Consider creating a governance site rather than a document to facilitate publishing and ΓÇ£consumingΓÇ¥ governance policies and guidelines. - Leverage capabilities to automatically apply policies and guidelines wherever you can. For example, you can enforce content management and retention policies with [information protection capabilities](/microsoft-365/compliance/protect-information) in Microsoft 365. You can encourage following design guidelines by using [site designs](/sharepoint/dev/declarative-customization/site-design-overview) to embed best practices in sites as they are created. The best way to ensure that your policies are followed is to ensure that site owners and authors donΓÇÖt have to think about them. Try to automate as much as you can and where you canΓÇÖt automate, plan to provide training to ensure that site owners and content authors clearly understand governance expectations. - Regularly review and revise policies and guidelines to keep them aligned to organizational needs.
Your intranet governance plan should incorporate a mechanism to collect feedback
### Training and support Your intranet will not be successful if you donΓÇÖt incorporate a way to provide training and support for all users, but most especially, Site Owners. The best way to reinforce your governance policies and guidelines is to build them in to your training. In other words, donΓÇÖt provide training that only shows ΓÇ£how toΓÇ¥ ΓÇô make sure that your training also includes your policies and guidelines ΓÇô the ΓÇ£how shouldΓÇ¥ aspect of your governance plan.
-It is helpful to provide a dedicated site where Site Owners and other intranet users can find training and governance information. You can create your own ΓÇ£user resource centerΓÇ¥ as described earlier or leverage a third-party or Microsoft-provided training environment. To ensure that your training content is always current, you can link to content at MicrosoftΓÇÖs training platforms such as support.office.com and docs.microsoft.com. You can also embed the support.office.com training into your own environment by deploying [Microsoft 365 Learning Pathways](/office365/customlearning/) in your tenant and adapting the content to include your governance policies and guidelines.
+It is helpful to provide a dedicated site where Site Owners and other intranet users can find training and governance information. You can create your own ΓÇ£user resource centerΓÇ¥ as described earlier or leverage a third-party or Microsoft-provided training environment. To ensure that your training content is always current, you can link to content at MicrosoftΓÇÖs training platforms such as [Microsoft Office Help and Training](https://support.office.com) and [Microsoft Docs](/). You can also embed the support.office.com training into your own environment by deploying [Microsoft 365 Learning Pathways](/office365/customlearning/) in your tenant and adapting the content to include your governance policies and guidelines.
You can help your intranet users find your training content by [adding a custom tile](/microsoft-365/admin/manage/customize-the-app-launcher) to your Organization Profile or adding a [custom help link](/microsoft-365/admin/misc/customize-help-desk) directly in Microsoft 365.
SharePoint Onboard Employees https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/onboard-employees.md
Help orient new employees by providing them with the most important company info
<br> #### Integrate multiple Viva modules to create a rich onboarding experience
-In the image above, Viva Connections is being used to display cards that integrate with other Viva experiences. Create a card that links to Viva Insights to help new team members understand how to spend time productively and help managers provide better guidance on time management. [Learn more about Viva Insights and how it helps protect and organize work/life balance](/viv).
+In the image above, Viva Connections is being used to display cards that integrate with other Viva experiences. Create a card that links to Viva Insights to help new team members understand how to spend time productively and help managers provide better guidance on time management. [Learn more about Viva Insights and how it helps protect and organize work/life balance](/viva/solutions/viva-work-life-balance).
A separate card integrates with Viva Topics, which helps to address a key business issue in many companies ΓÇö providing the information to users when they need it. For example, new employees need to learn a lot of new information quickly, and encounter terms they know nothing about when reading through company information. [Learn more about how Viva Topics can help with knowledge management](/viva/topics/topic-experiences-overview).
SharePoint Review Communication Apps https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/review-communication-apps.md
Build communities of interest, gather ideas, request feedback, and keep everyone
| Logo | Details | | :: | :- |
-| ![Yammer logo.](medi)
+| ![Yammer logo.](mediIAnUrWBA) until the conversation picks up naturally over time <br><br> **Analytics:** <br> - View [insights about questions and answers](https://support.microsoft.com/office/view-insights-about-questions-and-answers-in-yammer-fcde33cf-ee3f-4cc8-aa47-c6d0f3fc5dc0) in Yammer <br> - View insights about [Yammer community or group activity](https://support.microsoft.com/office/view-community-or-group-insights-in-yammer-06c5494a-d77c-410c-9464-98bc0b9dad84) <br> - [Determine how many people have seen a Yammer conversation](/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/yammer-activity-report)
Microsoft Viva is made up of several apps that focus on specific employee experi
<br> <br>-
SharePoint Viva Connections Desktop https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/viva-connections-desktop.md
Microsoft [Viva Connections desktop](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/micr
> - The [Viva Connections desktop PowerShell script](https://www.microsoft.com/download/confirmation.aspx?id=102888) is available now in the [Microsoft download center](https://www.microsoft.com/download/default.aspx). > - The vanity domain is only supported if the home site has the same domain as the [root site](modern-root-site.md). > - Viva Connections is not supported on the Linux operating system.
+> - The [Viva Connections dashboard web part](/viva/connections/use-dashboard-web-part-on-home-site) is not supported with the Viva Connections (desktop only) app.
## Watch how to create the app package and then upload it to Teams
SharePoint Monitoring Planning https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointServer/administration/monitoring-planning.md
The following table shows some factors that you should consider when you develop
|Resolutions|Resolutions of the problem.| |Contacts|People who should be contacted when this problem occurs.| |Escalation|People or teams that should be contacted if the resolutions did not successfully resolve the problem.|
-|Related resources|Any resources that may help resolve the problem, such as articles on docs.microsoft.com for SharePoint Server.|
+|Related resources|Any resources that may help resolve the problem, such as articles on Microsoft Docs for SharePoint Server.|
|Note|Any issues that you want to highlight.| ## See also
The following table shows some factors that you should consider when you develop
[Monitor cache performance in SharePoint Server 2016](monitor-cache-performance.md) #### Other Resources
-[Microsoft Network Monitor](https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=4865)
+[Microsoft Network Monitor](https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=4865)
SharePoint Storage And Sql Server Capacity Planning And Configuration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointServer/administration/storage-and-sql-server-capacity-planning-and-configuration.md
We recommend that you break the storage and database tier design process into th
6. [Configure SQL Server](#Section6)
-7. [Validate and monitor storage and SQL Server performance ](#Section7)
+7. [Validate and monitor storage and SQL Server performance](#Section7)
<a name="Section1"> </a> ## Gather storage and SQL Server space and I/O requirements
We recommend that for SharePoint Server Subscription Edition, 2019, or 2016 you
- SQL Server 2014 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) (SharePoint Server 2016 only)
-For more information about the benefits of these versions, see [Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2014](/sql/sql-server/sql-server-2014-release-notes?view=sql-server-2016&preserve-view=true), [Editions and supported features of SQL Server 2016](/sql/sql-server/editions-and-components-of-sql-server-2016), [Editions and supported features of SQL Server 2017](/sql/sql-server/editions-and-components-of-sql-server-2017), and [https://docs.microsoft.com/sql/sql-server/editions-and-components-of-sql-server-version-15?view=sql-server-ver15](/sql/sql-server/editions-and-components-of-sql-server-version-15?view=sql-server-ver15&preserve-view=true)).
+For more information about the benefits of these versions, see [Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2014](/sql/sql-server/sql-server-2014-release-notes?view=sql-server-2016&preserve-view=true), [Editions and supported features of SQL Server 2016](/sql/sql-server/editions-and-components-of-sql-server-2016), [Editions and supported features of SQL Server 2017](/sql/sql-server/editions-and-components-of-sql-server-2017), and [Editions and supported features of SQL Server 2019 (15.x)](/sql/sql-server/editions-and-components-of-sql-server-version-15?view=sql-server-ver15&preserve-view=true)).
We recommend that for SharePoint Server 2013 you consider running your environment on the Enterprise Edition of SQL Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), SQL Server 2012, or SQL Server 2014 to take advantage of the other performance, availability, security, and management capabilities that these versions provide. For more information about the benefits of SQL Server 2008 R2 with SP1, SQL Server 2012, and SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition, see [Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2014](/sql/sql-server/sql-server-2014-release-notes?view=sql-server-2016&preserve-view=true), [Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2012](/previous-versions/sql/sql-server-2012/cc645993(v=sql.110)), and [Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2008 R2](/previous-versions/sql/sql-server-2008-r2/cc645993(v=sql.105)).
Thanks to Bill Baer, Microsoft Senior Product Marketing Manager and Brian Alderm
[Capacity planning for SharePoint Server 2013](capacity-planning.md) #### Other Resources
-[Overview of SQL Server in a SharePoint Server 2013 environment](overview-of-sql-server-in-a-sharepoint-server-2013-environment.md)
+[Overview of SQL Server in a SharePoint Server 2013 environment](overview-of-sql-server-in-a-sharepoint-server-2013-environment.md)
SharePoint The Security Token Service Is Not Available https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointServer/technical-reference/the-security-token-service-is-not-available.md
description: "Learn how to resolve the SharePoint Health Analyzer rule: The Secu
**Resolution: Update the STS certificate**
- Confirm whether the STS certificate has expired by looking for Windows Application event log Event ID 8311 for source "SharePoint Foundation", category Topology, and with "NotTimeValid" in the message. This indicates an expired STS certificate. For more information on updating the STS certificate, please see [Replace the STS certificate for SharePoint Server](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/blob/live/SharePoint/SharePointServer/administration/replace-the-sts-certificate.md).
+ Confirm whether the STS certificate has expired by looking for Windows Application event log Event ID 8311 for source "SharePoint Foundation", category Topology, and with "NotTimeValid" in the message. This indicates an expired STS certificate. For more information on updating the STS certificate, please see [Replace the STS certificate for SharePoint Server](/SharePoint/administration/replace-the-sts-certificate).
SharePoint Video Demo Of Zero Downtime Patching In Sharepoint Server 2016 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointServer/upgrade-and-update/video-demo-of-zero-downtime-patching-in-sharepoint-server-2016.md
One of the new features in SharePoint Server 2016 is Zero Downtime patching.
Zero Downtime patching doesn't demand any server downtime while patching a SharePoint Server 2016 farm, but does require that your farm be set up in a Highly Available (HA) configuration (so that SharePoint roles are hosted on more than one server). That way, patching can be done in batches where certain of the redundant servers are taken out of load balancing, patched, replaced, and tested for soundness before the other servers follow through the same process.
-There is a two-step process to patch a server in a SharePoint Server 2016 farm. First, you install the binaries of the patch to each server, this is called the patch phase. Second, after you finish the patch phase, you must complete the update installation by starting the build-to-build upgrade phase.
+There's a two-step process to patch a server in a SharePoint Server 2016 farm. First, you install the binaries of the patch to each server, this is called the patch phase. Second, after you finish the patch phase, you must complete the update installation by starting the build-to-build upgrade phase.
-During Zero downtime patching, users can add and edit files and use search just as at any other time, accessing the servers still handled by the load balancer. Likewise, though the database schemas may differ between the patched and unpatched sides of the farm, SharePoint Server 2016 operates in a backward-compatible mode, and its databases are able to properly function, until patching completes.
+During Zero downtime patching, users can add and edit files and use search as at any other time, accessing the servers still handled by the load balancer. Likewise, though the database schemas may differ between the patched and unpatched sides of the farm, SharePoint Server 2016 operates in a backward-compatible mode, and its databases are able to properly function, until patching completes.
This SharePoint tutorial explains how to patch a SharePoint Server 2016 HA farm from beginning to end, including the installation of the binary files on all servers, and the build-to-build (B2B) upgrade itself.
This SharePoint tutorial explains how to patch a SharePoint Server 2016 HA farm
> [!IMPORTANT] > During the demonstration, the graceful shut down of Distributed Cache Service was discussed and demonstrated. The environment depicted is a test farm and the process shown is NOT how a customer should do this in a live environment.
- **Important**: If you are actively using areas such as Microblogs, Newsfeeds etc. you will instead need to use the following steps to gracefully shut down the Distributed Cache Service on each Distributed Cache Server during the patch and upgrade sequence:
+ **Important**: If you're actively using areas such as Microblogs, Newsfeeds etc. you'll instead need to use the following steps to gracefully shut down the Distributed Cache Service on each Distributed Cache Server during the patch and upgrade sequence:
**Gracefully STOP Distributed Cache Service**
$serviceInstance = Get-SPServiceInstance | ? {($_.service.tostring()) -eq $insta
-For reference, here is an overview of the steps, however for further detail on SharePoint patching please watch the video.
+For reference, here's an overview of the steps, however for further detail on SharePoint patching watch the video.
1. Remove the Front-end web server (SPWEB01) from the Load balancer.
For reference, here is an overview of the steps, however for further detail on S
> [!NOTE] > We recommend to test pages throughout to ensure patching and upgrading of servers is complete.
-During the video the following Microsoft PowerShell script was used to take Servers out of the Azure Service Management Internal Load Balancer.
+During the video, the following Microsoft PowerShell script was used to take Servers out of the Azure Service Management Internal Load Balancer.
``` #Remove the SPWEB01 Azure Load Balanced EndPoint
Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $svc -Name $vmname | Add-AzureEndpoint -Name $epname -L
-For additional information about the Microsoft PowerShell for Azure cmdlets, see [Get-AzureVM](/previous-versions/azure/mt126007(v=azure.100)) and [Add-AzureEndpoint](https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/mt589127.aspx)
+For more information about the Microsoft PowerShell for Azure cmdlets, see [Get-AzureVM](/previous-versions/azure/mt126007(v=azure.100)) and [Add-AzureEndpoint](https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/mt589127.aspx)
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