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SharePoint How To Change The Text That Is Displayed In The Search Box Web Part https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointServer/search/how-to-change-the-text-that-is-displayed-in-the-search-box-web-part.md
This article will be short and sweet, so let's get right to it.
## How to change the text that is displayed in the Search Box Web Part
-The following screen shot shows the default text that is displayed in the Search Box Web Part.
+The following screenshot shows the default text that is displayed in the Search Box Web Part.
![Default Text in Search Box](../media/OTCSP_DefaultText.png)
Here are the steps to change this text:
1. In your mapped network drive, go to **Display Templates** --> **Search**, and open the file *Control_SearchBox* . For details about mapping your network drive, see [Stage 6: Upload and apply a new master page to a publishing site in SharePoint Server](../administration/stage-6-upload-and-apply-a-new-master-page-to-a-publishing-site.md).
-2. Replace the value for the *promt* variable with the text you want to display. Enclose the text in quotation marks.
+2. Replace the value for the *prompt* variable with the text you want to display. Enclose the text in quotation marks.
- The following screen shot shows how we changed this in our Search Center scenario.
+ The following screenshot shows how we changed this in our Search Center scenario.
![Replace the Prompt Text](../media/OTCSP_NewText.png)