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SharePoint Support For Organization Fonts In Powerpoint For The Web https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/support-for-organization-fonts-in-powerpoint-for-the-web.md
The following diagram outlines the key steps in making our solution work:
For example:
- `Add-SPOOrgAssetsLibary -LibraryUrl https://constosofonts.sharepoint.com/FontLibrary -OrgAssetType OfficeFontLibrary -CdnType Public`
+ `Add-SPOOrgAssetsLibrary -LibraryUrl https://constosofonts.sharepoint.com/FontLibrary -OrgAssetType OfficeFontLibrary -CdnType Public`
> [!NOTE] > - Only include the direct path of your font library. The trailing `/AllItems.aspx` should not be included in your Library URL.
The following diagram outlines the key steps in making our solution work:
> > These newly created files can be deleted by you. If deleted, the feature will not work as expected. >
-> Do not use this feature if your fonts contain proprietary information, or if they have license usage restrictions, such as restrictions on cloud hosting, or your organization isn't comfortable making the fonts publicly available.
+> Do not use this feature if your fonts contain proprietary information, or if they have license usage restrictions, such as restrictions on cloud hosting, or your organization isn't comfortable making the fonts publicly available.