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SharePoint Sharepoint Admin Role https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/sharepoint-admin-role.md
Site admins are users that have permission to manage sites, including any subsit
> Global Administrators, SharePoint Administrators, and site admins all need to be assigned a SharePoint license. If you have a standalone OneDrive for Business plan, admins can access the SharePoint admin center without a SharePoint license. > > There is a separate role within SharePoint called the **Term Store administrator**. Users assigned this role can add or change terms in the term store (a directory of common terms you want to use across your organization). To learn more, see [Assign roles and permissions to manage term sets](assign-roles-and-permissions-to-manage-term-sets.md).
+> To manage API access in the SharePoint admin center, the application administrator role or the Global administrator role might be required. For more information, see [Manage access to Azure AD-secured APIs](api-access.md).
## Key tasks of the SharePoint admin <a name="BK_KeyTasks"> </a>