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SharePoint Change History Report https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/change-history-report.md
+ Last updated : 05/02/2023
+ Title: "View SharePoint site change history"
+recommendations: true
+audience: Admin
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- M365-collaboration
+- Highpri
+- Tier1
+description: "Learn how to view SharePoint site change history reports in SharePoint admin center."
+# View SharePoint site change history
+You can create change history reports in the [SharePoint admin center](get-started-new-admin-center.md) to review SharePoint site property changes made within the last 180 days.
+Create up to five reports for a given date range and filter by sites and users. You can download the report as a .csv file to view the site property changes.
+> [!TIP]
+> You can export data for up to 180 days with a change history report depending on the user license. The report may contain data for users that go back 180 days as well as data for others that donΓÇÖt. Since the type of user license isnΓÇÖt shown on the report, it may appear as if data is missing for some users.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Admins assigned the [global reader role](/microsoft-365/admin/add-users/about-admin-roles?view=o365-worldwide&preserve-view=true%3Do365-worldwide) do not have the permissions to create or delete a report but can download to review the changes.
+## Requirements
+To access and use this feature, your organization must have the following subscription:
+- [Microsoft Syntex - SharePoint Advanced Management](advanced-management.md)
+## Create a change history report
+1. To create a change history report, go to the **Change history** page and select **Create new report**.
+2. A panel appears on the right where you can specify the type of information you want to include in your change history report. Select **Create report** to generate a new report.
+3. The new report is listed on the change history page. Select the report to open the change history report panel and monitor its status.
+4. Once the report is created, select **Download report** to export the data as a .csv file. The **Create a copy** button allows you to create more reports with similar parameters.
+> [!NOTE]
+> The report will take hours to generate depending on the search criteria selected when creating the report.
+## View a change history report
+To view change history reports, expand **Reports** and select **Change history**.
+You can create new reports, delete, and refresh their statuses from the change history page. This page will only show five reports at a time. The best practice is to delete a previous report before creating a new one.
+## Related articles
+[Microsoft Syntex - SharePoint Advanced Management overview](advanced-management.md)
SharePoint Advanced Management https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/includes/advanced-management.md
-![Information icon](../media/info.png) **Some features in this article require [Microsoft Syntex - SharePoint Advanced Management](/sharepoint/advanced-management)**
SharePoint Restricted Access Control https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/restricted-access-control.md
Previously updated : 03/07/2023 Title: "Restrict access to a SharePoint site by Microsoft 365 group" Last updated : 05/02/2023
+ Title: "Restrict SharePoint site access"
recommendations: true
search.appverid: description: "Learn how to enable restricted access control for SharePoint sites."
-# Restrict access to a SharePoint site by Microsoft 365 group membership
+# Restrict SharePoint site access
[!INCLUDE[Advanced Management](includes/advanced-management.md)]
-With restricted access control, you can manage the access of a SharePoint site and its content. As a [SharePoint administrator](sharepoint-admin-role.md), you'll grant access to users of the Microsoft 365 group associated with a SharePoint site. Users who aren't added to the group membership can't access even if they previously had site access permissions to a file. Restricted access control policy also applies to Microsoft 365 group memberships associated with Microsoft Teams.
+With restricted access control, you can manage the access of a SharePoint site and its content. As a [SharePoint administrator](sharepoint-admin-role.md), you can grant access to specified users in the group associated with a SharePoint site. Users who aren't added to the specified group can't access even if they previously had site access permissions to a file. **The restricted access control policy applies to Microsoft 365 group-connected sites, non-group connected sites and Microsoft Teams.**
-Restricting site access based on group membership reduces the risk of oversharing within your organization. Restricted access control provides an extra layer of security to safeguard site content. By enabling restricted site access, you apply a policy that stops sharing content with people who aren't a member of the Microsoft 365 group. Use and consult [data access governance reports](data-access-governance-reports.md) to see how data is currently being shared.
+Restricting site access based on group membership reduces the risk of oversharing within your organization. To view how data is shared in your organization, use [data access governance reports](data-access-governance-reports.md). Restricted access control provides an extra layer of security to safeguard site content. By enabling restricted site access, you apply a policy that prevents access of content by users who aren't a member of the specified group.
-For example, the research department has a Microsoft 365 group containing all of their department members. They donΓÇÖt want anyone outside of the department to have access to the research department site or its contents. To restrict site access to the research department's Microsoft 365 group, you enable restricted access control using PowerShell.
+For example, the Contoso tenant's research department has a Microsoft 365 group containing all their department members. The department doesn't want anyone outside of the department to access the research team site or its content. They enable restricted access control on the site to restrict access to the research department's Microsoft 365 group. Only users who are members of the Microsoft 365 group can access the site and its content.
-[PowerShell](/powershell/sharepoint/sharepoint-online/introduction-sharepoint-online-management-shell) is required to enable restricted access control.
+[SharePoint PowerShell](/powershell/sharepoint/sharepoint-online/introduction-sharepoint-online-management-shell) module is required to enable restricted access control.
## Requirements
-To access and use this feature, your organization must have the following subscription:
+To access and use this feature, your organization must do as follows:
-- [Microsoft Syntex - SharePoint Advanced Management](advanced-management.md)
+- subscribe to **[Microsoft Syntex - SharePoint Advanced Management](advanced-management.md)** before following these instructions.
+- download the latest **[SharePoint PowerShell module](/powershell/sharepoint/sharepoint-online/introduction-sharepoint-online-management-shell)**
+- enable **restricted access control for your organization**:
+ 1. Run the following command:
+ ```Powershell
+ Set-SPOTenant -EnableRestrictedAccessControl $true
+ ```
-## Enable restricted access control for your organization
-To enable restricted access control in SharePoint, run the following command:
-Set-SPOTenant -EnableRestrictedAccessControl $true
-Then, wait for approximately 1 hour before managing restricted access control for that site.
+ 2. Wait for approximately 1 hour.
+ 3. Manage restricted access control for that site.
> [!NOTE] > If you have Microsoft 365 Multi-Geo, you must run this command for each geo-location you want to use restricted access control.
-## Enable restricted access control for your SharePoint site
+## Teams and Microsoft 365 group-connected sites
-You can enable restricted access control on a group-connected or Teams-connected site by running the following command:
+You can enable restricted access control for your group-connected or Teams-connected sites using Microsoft 365 group membership. Restricted access control grants access to members of the Microsoft 365 group connected to the site. Users who aren't ***members of the Microsoft 365 group*** can't access the site and its content.
+### Enable restricted access control for group-connected sites
+To apply restricted access control to a group-connected or Teams-connected site, use the following command:
Set-SPOSite -Identity <siteurl> -RestrictedAccessControl $true ```
Set-SPOSite -Identity <siteurl> -RestrictedAccessControl $true
`Set-SPOSite -Identity https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/ResearchTeamSite -RestrictedAccessControl $true`
-## View restricted access control for site
+### View restricted access control for group-connected sites
To view the restricted access control configuration for a site, run the following command:
Get-SPOSite -Identity <siteurl> | Select RestrictedAccessControl ```
-## Remove restricted access control for site
+### Remove restricted access control for group-connected sites
To remove restricted access control from a site, run the following command:
Set-SPOSite -Identity <siteurl> -RestrictedAccessControl $false ```
Set-SPOSite -Identity <siteurl> -RestrictedAccessControl $false
`Set-SPOSite -Identity https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/ResearchTeamSite -RestrictedAccessControl $false`
+## Sites not connected to Teams or Microsoft 365 groups
+With restricted access control, you can ***restrict site access to members of specified [Azure AD security groups](/windows-server/identity/ad-ds/manage/understand-security-groups)*** using [SharePoint PowerShell](/powershell/sharepoint/sharepoint-online/introduction-sharepoint-online-management-shell). Users who aren't members of the specified security groups can't access even if they previously had site access permissions to the site or its content. **You can apply restricted access control on a site with up to 10 security groups.**
+### Enable restricted access control for non-group connected sites
+To enable restricted access control for a non-group connected site, run the following command:
+Set-SPOSite -Identity <siteurl> -RestrictedAccessControl $true
+Set-SPOSite -Identity <siteurl> -AddRestrictedAccessControlGroups <comma separated group GUIDS>
+> [!NOTE]
+> - For restricted access control to be enforced on the site, you must add at least one security group whose members are allowed site access.
+> - You can add up to 10 Security Groups for a given site.
+> - The users in the security group will automatically have access to the site.
+**For example:**
+Set-SPOSite -Identity https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/marketingdepartment -RestrictedAccessControl $true
+Set-SPOSite -Identity https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/marketingdepartment -AddRestrictedAccessControlGroups AFD516B5-C350-4C2A-8339-600B93C56791
+After running the commands, you have restricted site access to members of the specified security group (Employees_MarketingDepartment).
+> [!TIP]
+> To identify corresponding GUID for a given security group (say Employees_MarketingDepartment), run the following commands:
+> ```Powershell
+> Install-Module -Name MSOnline
+> Import-Module -Name MSOnline
+> Connect- MsolService
+> $group = Get-MsolGroup | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq " Employees_MarketingDepartment "}
+> $group.ObjectId
+> ```
+### Manage restricted access control groups for a non-group site
+You can add up to 10 Azure AD security groups whose members will be allowed access to the site. The specified security groups can be managed as **restricted access control groups** when the setting is applied. Restricted access control will now limit the site access to members of the specified security groups.
+To edit a restricted access control group for a non-group site, run the following command:
+Set-SPOSite -Identity <siteurl> -RestrictedAccessControlGroups <comma separated group GUIDS>
+**For example:**
+Set-SPOSite -Identity https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/LegalDepartmentSite -RestrictedAccessControlGroups afd516b5-c350-4c2a-8339-600b93c56791,053e8286-f18a-40d6-a12a-a323b89c5d63
+> [!NOTE]
+> - The security groups specified will automatically get access to the site permissions.
+> - The policy is enforced only when it is enabled on the site and has at least one security group added.
+### Remove restricted access control groups for a non-group site
+You can remove the specified security group from restricted access control configuration. Members of
+the security group will no longer be able to access site content while the policy is enforced on the site.
+To remove a security group from a restricted access control configuration for the non-group site, run the following command:
+Set-SPOSite -Identity <siteurl> -RemoveRestrictedAccessControlGroups <comma separated group GUIDS>
+**For example:**
+Set-SPOSite -Identity https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/LegalDepartmentSite -RemoveRestrictedAccessControlGroups afd516b5-c350-4c2a-8339-600b93c56791
+> [!TIP]
+> The security groups removed from the restricted access control list will continue to have site permissions. We recommend SPO admin to review site permissions and remove users who should no longer have site access permissions.
+### View restricted access control for a non-group site
+To view the restricted access control configuration for a site, run the following command:
+Get-SPOSite -Identity <siteurl> | Select RestrictedAccessControl, RestrictedAccessControlGroups
+To view the complete list of security groups added in the restricted access control configuration for a site, run the following command:
+Get-SPOSite -Identity <siteurl> | Select -EXPAND RestrictedAccessControlGroups
+> [!NOTE]
+> The security groups added for this setting are also added to the ***SharePoint members group*** for the site. When disabling the setting, it is recommended to review site permissions and remove users who no longer need access to the site.
+## Shared channel sites
+For [shared channel sites](/microsoftteams/shared-channels), only internal users in the resource tenant are subject to restricted access control. External users are excluded from restricted access control policy and only evaluated per the siteΓÇÖs existing [site permissions](/microsoftteams/shared-channels).
+**For example:**
+The Contoso tenant has set up a manual trust relation with another Azure AD organization Fabrikam, via [B2B direct connect](/microsoftteams/shared-channels). When restricted access control is enabled for a shared channel site in Contoso tenant, only users in Contoso will be subjected to restricted access control policy. Fabrikam users will continue to be evaluated for site permissions only.
+> Site permissions for a shared channel site canΓÇÖt be managed independently through SharePoint and must be done in Microsoft Teams.
+ ## Auditing
-Audit events are available in Microsoft Purview compliance portal to help you monitor restricted access control activities. Audit events are logged for the following activities:
+Audit events are available in [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](/microsoft-365/compliance/microsoft-365-compliance-center) to help you monitor restricted access control activities. Audit events are logged for the following activities:
-1. Applying Restricted Access Control for site
-2. Removing Restricted Access Control for site
+1. Applying restricted access control for site
+2. Removing restricted access control for site
+3. Changing restricted access control groups for site
## Related articles [Microsoft Syntex - SharePoint Advanced Management overview](advanced-management.md)
-[Conditional access policy for sites and OneDrives](authentication-context-example.md)
+[Restrict OneDrive access by security group](limit-access.md)
+[Conditional access policy for SharePoint sites and OneDrive](authentication-context-example.md)
[Data Access Governance reports](data-access-governance-reports.md)