Updates from: 05/24/2023 01:52:47
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SharePoint Sync Vdi Support https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/sync-vdi-support.md
For all [supported operating systems](https://support.office.com/article/cc0cb2b
> > For Windows Server, the [SMB network file sharing protocol](/windows-server/storage/file-server/file-server-smb-overview) is also required. >
-> The OneDrive sync app is not supported in remote app scenarios.
+> The OneDrive sync app is supported in a remote app scenario hosted as a [Citrix Virtual App](onedrive-in-citrix-virtual-apps-deployment-guide.md).
> > The OneDrive sync app with FSLogix does not support running multiple instances of the same container simultaneously.