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SharePoint Brand Center Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/brand-center-overview.md
description: "Learn what SharePoint Brand Center is, how to set it up and manage
# SharePoint brand center
+> [!NOTE]
+> The SharePoint brand center is currently in preview.
The SharePoint brand center offers a centralized branding management application that empowers your brand managers or designated brand owners to help your organization to customize the look and feel of their experiences.
SharePoint Manage Search Schema https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/manage-search-schema.md
Previously updated : 03/13/2024 Last updated : 05/17/2024 Title: "Manage the search schema in SharePoint"
Some managed properties are generated automatically. One example is when you add
The search schema displays the name of auto-generated managed properties and their mappings to crawled properties in grey in the search schema. The search schema doesn't hold the settings of the managed auto-generated managed properties. The settings exist, but they're hidden from the search schema. You can add mappings to other managed properties for the crawled properties, but if you change any other setting, you override the other (hidden) settings and the auto-generated managed property is converted to a regular managed property. If you decide to **change** an auto-generated managed property, review **all** the settings carefully, just as you would when you create a new property manually.
->Auto-generated managed properties are case-sensitive. When accessing auto-generated managed properties, such as through a REST query, verify the casing is correct. If the casing is incorrect, no value will be returned.
+> Auto-generated managed properties are case-sensitive. When accessing auto-generated managed properties, such as through a REST query, verify that the casing is correct. If the casing is incorrect, no value will be returned.
+> When the implicit mapping between an auto-generated crawled property and its corresponding auto-generated managed property is modified, such as when the auto-generated crawled property is mapped to another explicit managed property or the auto-generated managed property is mapped to another explicit crawled property, the implicit mapping is disrupted. Following a reindex, both the auto-generated crawled property and auto-generated managed property will be removed.
### Refine on managed properties <a name="__toc351360838"> </a>
SharePoint Shareable Links Anyone Specific People Organization https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/shareable-links-anyone-specific-people-organization.md
When users share files and folders in Microsoft 365, a shareable link is created
![Diagram showing how specific people links only work for the people specified.](media/DMC_SharePointSharingLinks_Specific.png)
- A *specific people* link is a nontransferable, revocable secret key. Unlike *anyone* and *people in my organization* links, a *specific people* link don't work if they're opened by anybody other than the person specified by the sender.
+ A *specific people* link is a nontransferable, revocable secret key. Unlike *anyone* and *people in my organization* links, *specific people* links don't work if they're opened by anybody other than the person specified by the sender. In addition, unlike *anyone* or *people in my organization* links, *specific people* links makes the associated file or folder appear in search results and is accessible via Copilot for all user and security group members added to the sharing link.
*Specific people* links can be used to share with users in the organization and people outside the organization. In both cases, the recipient needs to authenticate as the user specified in the link. For files in a Teams shared channel site, *specific people* links can only be sent to others in the channel.
SharePoint Sharepoint Admin Role https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/sharepoint-admin-role.md
Previously updated : 08/02/2023 Last updated : 05/17/2024 Title: "About the SharePoint Administrator role in Microsoft 365"