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SharePoint Home Site https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/home-site.md
description: "Learn how to set a communication site as the home site for your or
# Set a site as your home site
-A home site is a SharePoint [communication site](https://support.office.com/article/94A33429-E580-45C3-A090-5512A8070732) that you create and set as the main landing site for your intranet. It brings together news, events, embedded video and conversations, and other resources to deliver an engaging experience that reflects your organization's voice, priorities, and brand. You can set the home site in the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2185219" target="_blank">SharePoint admin center</a> or by using PowerShell.
+A home site is a SharePoint [communication site](https://support.office.com/article/94A33429-E580-45C3-A090-5512A8070732) that you create and set as the main landing site for your intranet. It brings together news, events, embedded video and conversations, and other resources to deliver an engaging experience that reflects your organization's voice, priorities, and brand. It also allows your users to search for content (such as sites, news, and files) across your organization. You can set the home site in the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2185219" target="_blank">SharePoint admin center</a> or by using PowerShell.
Before you begin, make sure you've reviewed how to [plan, build, and launch a home site](./home-site-plan.md).
SharePoint Organization Assets Library https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/organization-assets-library.md
If your organization needs to store and manage files for all your users to use,
- **Images such as photos and logos**: When a user adds a web part to any modern page in SharePoint and that web part opens the file picker, the user can select "Your organization" in the left pane to browse the libraries you've specified.
- ![Selecting an image to add to a SharePoint page](media/image-library.png)
+ ![Selecting an image to add to a SharePoint page](media/imagelibrary.png)
- **Office templates**: When a user creates a new Office document, they can select the tab for your organization to see the available templates. The following Office apps are supported: - Word, Excel, or PowerPoint desktop apps. Microsoft 365 Apps Version 2002 or later is also required.
- ![Selecting a template in PowerPoint](media/office-template-library.png)
+ ![Selecting a template in PowerPoint](media/office-templatelibrary.png)
- PowerPoint on the web. Templates aren't available from the **New** menu. Instead, users need to go to the PowerPoint start page and select **Office Template Library**. For the organization assets library to appear to a user in PowerPoint on the web, the user must be assigned a license to Office 365 E3 or E5. > [!NOTE]
- >
+ > - For the organization assets library to appear to a user in PowerPoint on the web, the user must be assigned a license to Office 365 E3 or E5. Users who use the Word, Excel, or PowerPoint desktop app also need Microsoft 365 Apps Version 2002 or later.
> - Allow up to 24 hours for the organization assets library to appear to a user in the desktop apps. > - Uploaded template files must be in the following formats: > - **Excel**: .xltx. [Learn how to save an Excel workbook as a template](https://support.microsoft.com/office/save-a-workbook-as-a-template-58c6625a-2c0b-4446-9689-ad8baec39e1e).
If your organization needs to store and manage files for all your users to use,
> - **PowerPoint**: .potx. [Learn how to save a PowerPoint file in this format](https://support.microsoft.com/office/ee4429ad-2a74-4100-82f7-50f8169c8aca). > - Users need at least read permissions on the root site for your organization for the organization assets library to appear in the desktop apps.
+ Organization fonts are supported on PowerPoint for the web. [Learn more about support for your organization fonts here.](support-for-organization-fonts-in-PowerPoint-for-the-web.md)
+ ## Use Microsoft PowerShell to specify a library as an organization assets library 1. Select an existing site or create a new site for the organization assets. This can be any type of site, such as a communication site, a team site that's connected to a Microsoft 365 Group, or a modern team site that isn't connected to a Microsoft 365 Group.
SharePoint Support For Organization Fonts In Powerpoint For The Web https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/support-for-organization-fonts-in-powerpoint-for-the-web.md
+ Title: "Support for organization fonts in PowerPoint for the web"
+recommendations: true
Last updated : 01/31/2022
+audience: Admin
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- SPO160
+- MET150
+description: "Learn how to add organization fonts to the SharePoint as Organization Asset Libraries."
+# Support for organization fonts in PowerPoint for the web
+Organization fonts allow customers to create a brand for their organizations and encourage consistency in documents and presentations. Earlier, organization users could only see and use organization fonts when they were installed locally on their desktops. Now, customers with E3 or E5 licenses can take advantage of Organization Font Support in PowerPoint for the web to edit and display their fonts. When you upload your font as a SharePoint Organization Asset Library (OAL), you'll see that your organization font now renders properly on PowerPoint for the web. Seamless support for the desktop experiences is coming soon.
+> [!NOTE]
+>- Organization font support on PowerPoint for the web is not available for Office 365 Germany, Office 365 operated by 21Vianet (China), or Microsoft 365 US Government plans.
+## How does this work?
+The following diagram outlines the key steps in making our solution work:
+1. Organization administrator uploads their fonts to their organization's SharePoint site using the **SharePoint Online Management Shell.**
+2. SharePoint stores the assets in a [public Office 365 Content Delivery Network.](/microsoft-365/enterprise/use-microsoft-365-cdn-with-spo?view=o365-worldwide&preserve-view=true)
+3. When a user opens a PowerPoint file on the web platform, PowerPoint for the web will access the Content Delivery Network (CDN) and fetch appropriate fonts.
+## Adding organization fonts to SharePoint as an organization asset library
+1. [Create a new SharePoint site](https://support.microsoft.com/office/create-a-site-in-sharepoint-4d1e11bf-8ddc-499d-b889-2b48d10b1ce8) or use your existing site for Organization Asset Libraries.
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > You cannot customize the permissions of font organization asset libraries as the fonts are hosted in a public CDN. When uploaded, font asset libraries are available across your entire tenant. Currently, sub-group permissioning of font asset libraries are not supported.
+2. Ensure the site permissions for **Everyone except external user** are set to **Read** or **Edit.**
+ :::image type="content" source="media/sitepermissions.png" alt-text="image of sitepermissions" lightbox="media/sitepermissions.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="media/userpermissions.png" alt-text="image of userpermissions":::
+3. Navigate to your siteΓÇÖs home page. From the **New** dropdown menu, select **Create a Document Library** and name your new font library.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/new-dropdown.png" alt-text="New drop-down option" lightbox="media/new-dropdown.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="media/createdocumentlibrary.png" alt-text="Create and name your font library" lightbox="media/createdocumentlibrary.png":::
+4. [Download the latest version of the SharePoint Online Management Shell.](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=255251)
+5. [Connect your SharePoint Management Shell with your administrator username and password.](/powershell/sharepoint/sharepoint-online/connect-sharepoint-online)
+6. Using the **SharePoint Online Management Shell**, run the following command to designate the library as custom fonts asset library.
+ `Add-SPOOrgAssetsLibrary -LibraryUrl <New Document Library SharePoint URL> -OrgAssetType OfficeFontLibrary -CdnType Public`
+ For example:
+ `Add-SPOOrgAssetsLibary -LibraryUrl https://constosofonts.sharepoint.com/FontLibrary -OrgAssetType OfficeFontLibrary -CdnType Public`
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > - Only include the direct path of your font library. The trailing `/AllItems.aspx` should not be included in your Library URL.
+ > - Font asset libraries must be designated with `ΓÇôCdnType Public`.
+7. Using the **SharePoint Online Management Shell**, run the following command to upload your custom font(s) to the document library location.
+ `Set-SPOCustomFontCatalog -FontFolder <Local Font Folder Location> -LibraryUrl <Document Library SharePoint URL>`
+ For example:
+ `Set-SPOCustomFontCatalog -FontFolder ΓÇ£C:\ProgramData\Fonts" -LibraryUrl https://contosofonts.sharepoint.com/FontLibrary`
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > Your font folder should be the directory holding all your font files and should not include any non-font files.
+ Allow 24-hours for the Sharepoint servers to update and for the users in your organization to see their organization fonts when using the **Font** dropdown menu in PowerPoint for the web.
+## Important notes on features and its release
+### Feature notes
+- Updates to organization font asset libraries can take up to 24 hours to propagate and become broadly available.
+- If you need to change your font asset library, you will need to [remove the font asset library](/powershell/module/sharepoint-online/remove-spoorgassetslibrary) using the ```Remove-SPOOrgOrgAssetsLibrary``` command. Repeat the process above to upload your updates in the font files. Changes made to the Document Library on the SharePoint web platform may affect font availability and feature functionality.
+- The uploaded organization fonts will only be usable and viewable within your organization. To share them externally, you need to [embed fonts into your PowerPoint presentations.](https://support.microsoft.com/office/benefits-of-embedding-custom-fonts-cb3982aa-ea76-4323-b008-86670f222dbc)
+- This feature is only available on PowerPoint for the web. Support for Windows, Mac, and Mobile are coming soon. In the meantime, continue to [download and install custom fonts to use with Office.](https://support.microsoft.com/topic/download-and-install-custom-fonts-to-use-with-office-0ee09e74-edc1-480c-81c2-5cf9537c70ce)
+### Licensing considerations
+> By using this feature and publishing font files, a font catalog file will be created. The newly created font catalog files will be publicly stored, along with the fonts, in the cloud and will not respect the site classification guidelines if the Organization Asset Library is hosted in Restricted SharePoint Site. The font catalog files will contain font names and other font related metadata. Please note that the files will be accessible to anyone, including persons external to your organization, who are able to extract the URLs that point to them.
+> These newly created files can be deleted by you. If deleted, the feature will not work as expected.
+> Do not use this feature if your fonts contain proprietary information, or if they have license usage restrictions, such as restrictions on cloud hosting, or your organization isn't comfortable making the fonts publicly available.
SharePoint Configure Server To Server Authentication https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointServer/hybrid/configure-server-to-server-authentication.md
New-MsolServicePrincipalCredential -AppPrincipalId $spoappid -Type asymmetric -U
#### Step 3: Add an SPN for your public domain name to Azure Active Directory <a name="step5"> </a>
-In this step, you add a service principal name (SPN) to your Azure Active Directory tenant. The SPN is comprised of the SharePoint in Microsoft 365 principal object and your company's public DNS namespace.
+In this step, you add a service principal name (SPN) to your Azure Active Directory tenant. The SharePoint in Microsoft 365 principal object and your company's public DNS namespace form the SPN.
Just like SPNs function in Active Directory, creating this SPN registers an object in Azure Active Directory that is used to support mutual authentication between SharePoint Server and SharePoint in Microsoft 365. The basic syntax for the SPN is:
To validate the **New-SPAzureAccessControlServiceApplicationProxy** command:
#### Step 7: Update Hybrid federated search <a name="step9"> </a>
-Starting October 2021, an extra step is required to adjust an existing SharePoint Hybrid configuration to work with and authenticate using the new Microsoft 365 search engine. For more information about this change, see [Message Center post 270671](https://admin.microsoft.com/#/MessageCenter/:/messages/MC270671).
+Starting October 2021, an extra step is required to adjust an existing SharePoint Hybrid configuration to work with and authenticate using the new Microsoft 365 search engine.
The script must be run on a server where SharePoint On-Premises is installed (2013, 2016, or 2019). The script will attempt to install the required module dependencies (MSOnline, AzureAD) on the server where it is run.
The script must be run on a server where SharePoint On-Premises is installed (20
Get-Help .\Update-FederatedHybridSearchForM365.ps1 ```
-3. When prompted, login using Microsoft 365 Global Administrator account.
+3. When prompted, log in using Microsoft 365 Global Administrator account.
4. Wait for script execution to complete; in case there are any issues, contact Microsoft Support.