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SharePoint Allow Or Prevent Custom Script https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/allow-or-prevent-custom-script.md
As a Global Administrator or SharePoint Administrator in Microsoft 365, you can
> [!NOTE] > For simple ways to change the look and feel of a site, see [Change the look of your SharePoint site](https://support.office.com/article/06bbadc3-6b04-4a60-9d14-894f6a170818).
-By default, script is allowed on most sites that admins create. It is not allowed on OneDrive, on sites users create themselves, on modern team and communication sites, and on the root site for your organization. You'll probably want to limit the amount of script you allow for security reasons. For more info about the security implications of custom script, see [Security considerations of allowing custom script](security-considerations-of-allowing-custom-script.md).
+By default, script is allowed on most sites that admins create using the SharePoint admin center as well as all sites created using the New-SPOSite PowerShell command. It is not allowed on OneDrive, on sites users create themselves, on modern team and communication sites, and on the root site for your organization. You'll probably want to limit the amount of script you allow for security reasons. For more info about the security implications of custom script, see [Security considerations of allowing custom script](security-considerations-of-allowing-custom-script.md).
> [!IMPORTANT] > If SharePoint was set up for your organization before 2015, your custom script settings might still be set to "Not Configured" even though in the SharePoint admin center they appear to be set to prevent users from running custom script. In this case, users won't be able to copy items between SharePoint sites and between OneDrive and SharePoint. On the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2185072" target="_blank">Settings page in the SharePoint admin center</a>, to accept the custom script settings as they appear, select **OK**, and enable cross-site copying. For more info about copying items between OneDrive and SharePoint, see [Copy files and folders between OneDrive and SharePoint sites](https://support.office.com/article/67a6323e-7fd4-4254-99a8-35613492a82f).