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SharePoint Manage Teams Sharepoint Experiences https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/manage-teams-sharepoint-experiences.md
- MET150 description: Manage settings and permissions when SharePoint and Teams are integrated + # Manage settings and permissions when SharePoint and Teams are integrated In this article, learn how to manage settings and permissions when Teams and SharePoint are integrated together. Learn more about [integrations between SharePoint and Teams, basic terminology, and structure.](teams-connected-sites.md)
In the site, the **Go to channel** link is available in the command bar when vie
In the parent team site, the **Go to channel** link will be available in the command bar when viewing document libraries. <br>
-![Image of the link to the SharePoint site form Teams settings](media/Teams-open-in-sp-2.png)
+![Image of the link to the SharePoint site from Teams settings](media/Teams-open-in-sp-2.png)
Additionally, from teams and channels in Microsoft Teams, you can select the ellipsis (…) at the top-right of the channel and then **Open in SharePoint** to navigate to the Teams connected team site or channel site in SharePoint. - ## Manage settings and permissions When SharePoint sites and Teams are integrated, certain setting and classifications need to be managed in the [settings in Microsoft Teams](https://support.microsoft.com/office/manage-team-settings-and-permissions-in-teams-ce053b04-1b8e-4796-baa8-90dc427b3acc). You’ll notice that when you navigate to **Settings** in SharePoint site, certain options are not editable, like **Permissions**. Learn more about [viewing and managing settings in Microsoft Teams](https://support.microsoft.com/office/manage-team-settings-and-permissions-in-teams-ce053b04-1b8e-4796-baa8-90dc427b3acc). <br>
When SharePoint sites and Teams are integrated, certain setting and classificati
| :- | :- | | - Site name <br> - Site description <br> - Hub association | - Site permissions <br> - Sensitivity classification <br> - Private channel membership|
+## Channel site home page layout
+For private and shared channel sites, you will find a unique home page layout that is designed to encourage and guide usage of typical SharePoint tasks. You'll find easy access to the [News web part](https://support.microsoft.com/office/use-the-news-web-part-on-a-sharepoint-page-c2dcee50-f5d7-434b-8cb9-a7feefd9f165), [Documents web part](https://support.microsoft.com/office/use-the-document-library-web-part-a9dfecc3-2050-4528-9f00-2c5afc5731b0), and links to documentation for creating lists, automating tasks, and changing the look of your site.
+![Image of the channel site home page layout](media/channel-site-layout.jpg)
+## Channel sites and hub associations
+Just like typical SharePoint sites, [channel sites](teams-connected-sites.md) can be associated to a [SharePoint hub sites](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-a-sharepoint-hub-site-fe26ae84-14b7-45b6-a6d1-948b3966427f) from the parent team site. Upon associating the parent team to the hub, all channel sites (private and shared) will also be associated to the hub.
+When channel sites gets associated to a hub, the hub navigation gets inherited across the parent team and channel sites. The entire Team (parent team and channels) are treated as one entity.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Channel sites will not display hub site association in the Site information panel. These settings are managed from the parent team site.
+![Image of the channel site information settings panel](media/channel-site-hub.jpg)
+ ## How to maximize the benefits of SharePoint and Teams integration - **Upload and share files in Teams** - Share a file in a team or channel and the file will become accessible to everyone in the team. The file will also automatically sync to the corresponding SharePoint site document library. Learn more about [file sharing in Teams](https://support.microsoft.com/office/share-files-in-teams-0c4d34ee-5dd8-46d5-ab35-0d227b5e6eb5) and [how to coauthor content with your team](https://support.microsoft.com/office/document-collaboration-and-co-authoring-ee1509b4-1f6e-401e-b04a-782d26f564a4). - **Pin resources from SharePoint as a tab in Teams** - Add published SharePoint pages, lists, and document libraries as individual tabs in a Teams channel. [Learn more](https://support.microsoft.com/office/add-a-sharepoint-page-list-or-document-library-as-a-tab-in-teams-131edef1-455f-4c67-a8ce-efa2ebf25f0b).
When SharePoint sites and Teams are integrated, certain setting and classificati
[Create a Microsoft Team from SharePoint](https://support.microsoft.com/office/create-a-microsoft-team-from-sharepoint-545973b6-c38f-426a-b2b6-16405a561628) [Microsoft Teams can have standard or private channels](https://support.microsoft.com/office/teams-can-have-standard-or-private-channels-de3e20b0-7494-439c-b7e5-75899ebe6a0e)---
SharePoint Sites Usage Guidelines https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/sites-usage-guidelines.md
Using the steps below as a template, create your own custom guidance for SharePo
- Provide detailed information on site access. What are your processes and policies for managing site access? What level of control do your site owners have? If you manage access on behalf of your site owners, let them know that you will be reviewing site permissions regularly to keep them in line with your organization's policies. Explain how you will communicate changes to permissions to them. **Resources:** </br>-- [Secure SharePoint Sites and Files](/office365/securitycompliance/secure-sharepoint-online-sites-and-files)
+- [Secure SharePoint Sites and Files](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/sharepoint-file-access-policies)
**Sample text:** </br> *Plan to review your site's permissions on a regular basis and set the level of access appropriately.*
SharePoint Deploy Custom Features To Upgraded Site Collections In Sharepoint Server 2013 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointServer/upgrade-and-update/deploy-custom-features-to-upgraded-site-collections-in-sharepoint-server-2013.md
For the purposes of this article, you should be familiar with the following Micr
| *[Remove-SPSolution](/powershell/module/sharepoint-server/Remove-SPSolution?view=sharepoint-ps&preserve-view=true)* <br/> |Removes a deployed solution. <br/> | `Remove-SPSolution -Identity contoso_solution.wsp` <br/> | > [!NOTE]
-> For more information about how to use PowerShell and the minimum permissions required to run a PowerShell for SharePoint cmdlet, see [Use Windows Powershell to administer SharePoint 2013](/powershell/module/sharepoint-server/?view=sharepoint-ps&preserve-view=true).
+> For more information about how to use PowerShell and the minimum permissions required to run a PowerShell for SharePoint cmdlet, see [Use Windows PowerShell to administer SharePoint 2013](/powershell/module/sharepoint-server/?view=sharepoint-ps&preserve-view=true).
### Overview of deploying a solution package <a name="Add-OverviewofDeploy"> </a>
To deploy a solution package to a SharePoint 2013 farm, you need to:
> [!NOTE] > For more information about how to deploy a solution package to a SharePoint 2013 farm, see [Install and manage solutions for SharePoint Server](/previous-versions/office/sharepoint-server-2010/cc263205(v=office.14)).
-The **Install-SPSolution** PowerShell cmdlet also includes a compatibility-level parameter to deploy the solution package to locations in the root folder that are designated for either SharePoint 2010 mode or SharePoint 2013 mode site collections. These are the "14" and "15" root folders ( hives), and when you deploy the solution, files such as features, layout files, images, and control templates are added here.
+The **Install-SPSolution** PowerShell cmdlet also includes a compatibility-level parameter to deploy the solution package to locations in the root folder that are designated for either SharePoint 2010 mode or SharePoint 2013 mode site collections. These are the "14" and "15" root folders (hives), and when you deploy the solution, files such as features, layout files, images, and control templates are added here.
**Figure: SharePoint 2010 and 2013 Root folders**
For web application scoped features, if the root site collection has not been up
Regarding branding customizations, custom master pages are reset by default to seattle.master after a site collection upgrade in SharePoint 2013. If you are using the feature masking scenario, you need to reset any custom master pages that you have created for SharePoint 2013 site collections. For details about how to do this, see the MSDN article [Use Feature upgrade to apply new SharePoint Server 2013 master pages when upgrading from SharePoint 2010](/sharepoint/dev/general-development/use-feature-upgrade-to-apply-new-sharepoint-master-pages-when-upgrading-fro). > [!NOTE]
-> For more information about the branding considerations you need to make when you upgrade site collections in SharePoint 2013, see [Branding issues that may occur when upgrading to SharePoint 2013](/upgrade-and-update/upgrade-and-update/branding-issues-that-may-occur-when-upgrading-to-sharepoint-2013.md).
+> For more information about the branding considerations you need to make when you upgrade site collections in SharePoint 2013, see [Branding issues that may occur when upgrading to SharePoint 2013](/SharePoint/upgrade-and-update/branding-issues-that-may-occur-when-upgrading-to-sharepoint-2013).
## See also <a name="Add-OtherConsider"> </a>
Regarding branding customizations, custom master pages are reset by default to s
[SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint in Microsoft 365 solution pack for branding and site provisioning](https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=42030)
-[Branding issues that may occur when upgrading to SharePoint 2013](/upgrade-and-update/upgrade-and-update/branding-issues-that-may-occur-when-upgrading-to-sharepoint-2013.md)
+[Branding issues that may occur when upgrading to SharePoint 2013](/SharePoint/upgrade-and-update/branding-issues-that-may-occur-when-upgrading-to-sharepoint-2013)