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SharePoint Teams Connected Sites https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/teams-connected-sites.md
These are the basic parts of Teams and SharePoint and how they relate to each ot
Each team is connected to a Microsoft 365 group in Azure AD where the team membership is stored. The files you see on the **Files** tab in a team are stored in a SharePoint site. All standard channels in a team share the same SharePoint site, but each private channel has its own site.
+> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RE4Txae?autoplay=false]
+ ## When do Teams and SharePoint get connected? Teams and SharePoint are connected in the following scenarios:
The standard channels display as folders in the parent site. The private channel
## Teams-connected sites and channel types
-Teams-connected sites are a specialized type of SharePoint site that have been optimized for a Teams connection. These include the parent site that is created when you create the team, and any channel sites that are created when you create a private channel.
+Teams-connected sites are a specialized type of SharePoint site that's been optimized for a Teams connection. These include the parent site that is created when you create the team, and any channel sites that are created when you create a private channel.
This table describes how site, file, and folder sharing work for each type of channel in Teams.