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SharePoint Hub To Hub Association https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/hub-to-hub-association.md
Associate a [SharePoint hub](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-a-shar
> > - You must have administrator editing privileges to associate hubs to each other in the SharePoint admin center. > - Hub level associations do not change site permissions.
+> - Web parts configured to show content from all sites in the hub will continue to show data from the original parent hub only.
## How hub to hub associations work
SharePoint Sync Health https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/sync-health.md
Before getting started, be sure that you're familiar with the requirements neede
- OneDrive sync app version 22.232 or later for Windows and macOS. -- OneDrive sync apps on the Insiders or Production ring. Users on Deferred rings can access the dashboard once 22.232 has rolled out to the ring. [Set the sync app update ring](use-group-policy.md#set-the-sync-app-update-ring).
+- OneDrive sync apps on the Insiders, Production, or Deferred ring. [Set the sync app update ring](use-group-policy.md#set-the-sync-app-update-ring).
- [Global Administrator](/microsoft-365/admin/add-users/about-admin-roles), Office Apps Administrator or Microsoft 365 Administrator role access is required to enable and set up the dashboard for your organization. After the feature is enabled by one of these roles, one can also view the dashboard using [Global reader](/microsoft-365/admin/add-users/about-admin-roles) or Reports reader access. To learn more about administrator roles and permissions in Microsoft 365, visit [About Admin Roles](/microsoft-365/admin/add-users/about-admin-roles).
This section describes known limitations and considerations in sync reporting.
**Sync app version: Mac App Store edition** For devices using the Mac App Store edition of the sync app, the version installed on each device is displayed in the **Devices** tab. The dashboard doesn't currently track whether or not the Mac App Store edition is the latest version of the sync app available in the Mac App Store. If any devices use this edition, they'll be excluded from the **Sync app version** section of the **Overview** tab and the number of excluded devices is displayed. This is the expected result.
+**Minimum time device is on for eligibility:** Devices need to be turned on for a minimum of five hours to be eligible for the report. Devices that are turned off frequently and not on for that amount of time might be missing from the dashboard, even if the group policy is set.
+ **Considerations:** **Network Impact** *How is my network impacted when my organization enables Sync Reports?*
Use this section to troubleshoot if the OneDrive sync reports don't appear after
> [!IMPORTANT] > If you enable the EnableSyncAdminReports setting on devices that don't meet the [requirements](#requirements), it will have no effect. The app won't send reports.
-1. Confirm that the sync app is on the Insiders or Production ring.
- Confirm with Command Prompt:
- Windows users should open Command Prompt as an administrator, then run the following command:
- ```PowerShell
- reg.exe query HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\OneDrive /v GPOSetUpdateRing
- ```
-If the output from the script is **not** `dword:00000000`, your device is on the Insiders or Production ring.
-2. Confirm that the EnableSyncAdminReports setting is applied to the device. Run Command Prompt as an administrator, and then run the following command:
+Confirm that the EnableSyncAdminReports setting is applied to the device. Run Command Prompt as an administrator, and then run the following command:
- ```PowerShell
- reg.exe query HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\OneDrive /v EnableSyncAdminReports
- ```
+ ```PowerShell
+ reg.exe query HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\OneDrive /v EnableSyncAdminReports
+ ```
- The output should look like this:
+ The output should look like this:
- :::image type="content" source="media/syncregkeyquery.png" alt-text="Screenshot of expected command prompt output":::
- If the EnableSyncAdminReports setting wasn't applied, go back and follow the steps under [Set up the OneDrive sync health dashboard](#set-up-the-onedrive-sync-health-dashboard).
+If the EnableSyncAdminReports setting wasn't applied, go back and follow the steps under [Set up the OneDrive sync health dashboard](#set-up-the-onedrive-sync-health-dashboard).
-If the device is on the Insiders or Production ring and the setting was applied correctly, wait for 36 hours with the device turned on and signed in to OneDrive. If the device still doesn't appear on the dashboard, open a support ticket with Microsoft. For more information, see the next section, [Report a problem](#report-a-problem).
+If the setting was applied correctly, wait for 36 hours with the device turned on and signed in to OneDrive. If the device still doesn't appear on the dashboard, open a support ticket with Microsoft. For more information, see the next section, [Report a problem](#report-a-problem).
## Report a problem
SharePoint Reset Certificate Generation Key Sharepoint Workflow Manager https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointServer/governance/reset-certificate-generation-key-sharepoint-workflow-manager.md
+ Title: "Reset Certificate Generation Key for SharePoint Workflow Manager"
++++ Last updated : 4/18/2023
+audience: ITPro
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+description: "Learn how to generate key for SharePoint Workflow Manger."
+# Reset Certificate Generation Key for SharePoint Workflow Manager
+The SharePoint Workflow Manager (SPWFM) Certificate Generation Key is similar to the SharePoint farm passphrase in that you need it to join an SPWFM farm. When joining an existing SPWFM farm, for example during an upgrade or migration, the workflow configuration wizard prompts you for it.
+If you didn't document this key when first configuring the workflow farm, and don't know what it is, you should reset it before you leave the workflow farm.
+> [!Important]
+> Resetting the Certificate Generation Key will also result in new Workflow and Service Bus certificates being generated. You will need to take extra steps to make sure the SharePoint servers trust these new certificates. Failure to do so will result in all 2013-platform workflows failing.
+## Reset the Key
+You can use the following PowerShell script to reset the key, but you must run it on an SPWFM server still joined to the workflow farm. If you have multiple nodes / hosts in the workflow farm, itΓÇÖs recommended that you simplify the process by having the other nodes leave the farm, with only one remaining.
+ ```
+ # Just provide the new certificate key here, for example P@ssWord1
+$CertKey = convertto-securestring "[YourPassword]" -asplaintext -force
+### You should NOT have to change anything below this line ###
+# Set the key for WF
+$WFdb = (get-wffarm).wffarmdbconnectionstring
+Set-WFCertificateAutoGenerationKey -WFFarmDBConnectionString $WFdb -key $CertKey -Verbose
+# Force the Update on the WF side
+Update-WFHost -CertificateAutoGenerationKey $CertKey
+"Starting Workflow Farm. This could take a few minutes..."
+# Set the key for SB
+$SBdb = (get-sbfarm).SBFarmDBConnectionString
+Set-SBCertificateAutogenerationKey -SBFarmDBConnectionString $SBdb -key $CertKey -Verbose
+# Force the Update on the SB side
+Update-SBHost -CertificateAutoGenerationKey $CertKey
+Write-host "Starting Service Bus Farm. This could take a few minutes..."
+# Some steps you need to take on the SharePoint side
+Write-host -ForegroundColor yellow "Exporting the new WF endpoint cert to the current directory. You MUST install this cert on all SharePoint servers."
+Write-host "$PWD\WFsslCert.cer"
+Get-WFAutoGeneratedCA -CACertificateFileName WFsslCert.cer
+Write-host -ForegroundColor yellow "AFTER you have installed $PWD\WFsslCert.cer on your SharePoint servers, you must also run the ""Refresh Trusted Security Token Services Metadata feed"" timer job on the SharePoint side to update the Workflow Outbound certificate."
+## Trust the new certs on the SharePoint side
+As mentioned above, resetting the Certificate Generation Key results in new certificates being generated. These are self-signed certificates that your SharePoint servers won't trust. You must take the following steps to make sure your SharePoint servers trust the new certificates.
+ 1. Trust the new workflow endpoint certificate on all SharePoint servers. You may have noticed that the PowerShell script above exported this certificate to the current directory as ΓÇ£WFsslCert.cerΓÇ¥. ThatΓÇÖs the one your SharePoint servers need to trust. Copy it to each SharePoint server and install it to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store. See [Install Workflow Manager certificates in SharePoint](/sharepoint/governance/install-workflow-manager-certificates-in-sharepoint-server) for detailed steps.
+ 2. Refresh the SPTrustedSecurityTokenIssuer by running the RefreshMetadataFeed timer job on any SharePoint server. You can do that with this PowerShell:
+ ```
+ $tj = Get-SPTimerJob | ? {$_.name -match "RefreshMetadataFeed"}
+ Start-SPTimerJob $tj
+ ```
SharePoint Video Series Install And Configure Workflow In Sharepoint Server 2013 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointServer/governance/video-series-install-and-configure-workflow-in-sharepoint-server-2013.md
description: "Videos that demonstrate the installation and configuration of work
[!INCLUDE[appliesto-2013-2016-2019-SUB-xxx-md](../includes/appliesto-2013-2016-2019-SUB-xxx-md.md)] This six-part video series walks through the installation and configuration of the SharePoint 2013 Workflow Platform where communication between the SharePoint farm and the Workflow farm is using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). These videos show the process in SharePoint Server 2013. The process is the same in SharePoint Server 2016.
+> This video series is created for Microsoft Workflow Manager, aka: "Classic WFM". While many of the same concepts apply to SharePoint Workflow Manager, aka: "SPWFM", some of them do not. For example, any steps about installation using the Web Platform Installer (WebPI) should be ignored as its no longer available. For more information about installation steps and download links, see [Install and configure workflow for SharePoint Server](install-and-configure-workflow-for-sharepoint-server.md).
+ ## Episode 1: Installation overview <a name="episode1"> </a>