Updates from: 04/01/2022 01:48:33
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SharePoint Export And Import Search Settings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/export-and-import-search-settings.md
If managed properties or aliases contain any of the listed characters, the impor
## Known issue <a name="__toc351540666"> </a>
-When you import search configuration files into the tenant admin search settings page, you might encounter an issue that the **Search Config List** could not display properly and you might receive a "File not found" error.
+ **Unable to load Search Configuration List**
+When you import search configuration files into the tenant admin search settings page, you might encounter an issue that the **Search Configuration List** could not display properly and you might receive a "File not found" error.
This issue only blocks the UI from displaying the list of search configuration files you imported and would not break the **Import** functionality. Your search configuration will be imported properly.
-Since you are unable to check the status of the search configuration file you imported from the UI, you could choose an alternative way to access the list, like [SharePoint CSOM API](/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/complete-basic-operations-using-sharepoint-client-library-code) or [SharePoint Online REST API](/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/complete-basic-operations-using-sharepoint-rest-endpoints).
+Since you are unable to check the status of the search configuration file you imported from the UI, you could choose an alternative way to access the list, like [SharePoint CSOM API](/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/complete-basic-operations-using-sharepoint-client-library-code) or [SharePoint Online REST API](/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/complete-basic-operations-using-sharepoint-rest-endpoints).
+ **Unable to export stale search configuration XML file**
+If the search configuration file was exported a long time ago, the import might fail.
+If the exported search configuration file is stale, you should export a new search configuration first and then use it to import the list of search configuration files.