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SharePoint Change Site Address https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/change-site-address.md
Previously updated : 02/22/2023 Last updated : 03/28/2024 Title: "Change a site address"
Before you change the address of a site, it's important to communicate the chang
3. Run the following command to verify that the site address can be changed: ```PowerShell
- Start-SPOSiteRename -Identity <SiteURL> -NewSiteUrl <NewSiteURl> -ValidationOnly
+ Start-SPOSiteRename -Identity https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/project-x -NewSiteUrl https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/project-y -ValidationOnly
``` 4. Run the following command to change the site address: ```PowerShell
- Start-SPOSiteRename -Identity <SiteURL> -NewSiteUrl <NewSiteURl>
+ Start-SPOSiteRename -Identity https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/project-x -NewSiteUrl https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/project-y
``` For more info about this cmdlet, see [Start-SPOSiteRename](/powershell/module/sharepoint-online/start-spositerename?view=sharepoint-ps&preserve-view=true).
When the site address change is complete, users are able to access their SharePo
If you need to change the address of a site that was previously changed, we recommend not renaming the site again. This can cause issues if you later want to use the current address for another site. Instead, we recommend returning the site back to its original address. To do so, you use an additional site rename and delete certain redirect sites. [Learn how to delete redirect sites](manage-site-redirects.md). For a case where you changed https://<i></i>contoso.sharepoint.<i></i>com/sites/*project-x* to https://<i></i>contoso.sharepoint.<i></i>com/sites/*project-y* and want to revert back, the steps to follow are:
-1. Delete the redirect from *project-x* to *project-y* by using the Remove-SPOSite cmdlet on the *project-x* address.
+1. Delete the redirect from *project-x* to *project-y* by using the [Remove-SPOSite cmdlet](/powershell/module/sharepoint-online/remove-sposite) on the *project-x* address.
2. Initiate a new site address change from *project-y* to *project-x*.
-3. Delete the redirect from *project-y* to *project-x* by using the Remove-SPOSite cmdlet on the *project-y* address.
+3. Delete the redirect from *project-y* to *project-x* by using the [Remove-SPOSite cmdlet](/powershell/module/sharepoint-online/remove-sposite) on the *project-y* address.
After following these steps, you should be back to the original state before the site address change.
SharePoint Deploy File Collaboration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/deploy-file-collaboration.md
search.appverid: MET150 description: In this article, you'll learn about planning and deploying a secure and productive file collaboration environment in SharePoint in Microsoft 365. - # Plan and deploy a file collaboration environment - SharePoint With Microsoft 365 services, you can create a secure and productive file collaboration environment for your users. SharePoint powers much of this, but the capabilities of file collaboration in Microsoft 365 reach beyond the traditional SharePoint site. Teams, OneDrive, and a variety of governance and security options all play a role in creating a rich environment where users can collaborate easily and where your organization's sensitive content remains secure.
You can also use data loss prevention to restrict *Anyone* link access to files
***People in your organization* links**
-*People in your organization* links are a great way to share information within your organization. *People in your organization* links work for anyone in your organization, so users can share files and folders with people who aren't part of a team or members of a site. The link gives them access to the particular file or folder and can be passed around inside the organization. This allows for easy collaboration with stakeholders from groups that may have separate teams or sites ΓÇô such as design, marketing, and support groups.
+*People in your organization* links are a great way to share information within your organization. *People in your organization* links work for anyone in your organization, so users can share files and folders with people who aren't part of a team or members of a site. The link when redeemed, gives access to the particular file or folder and can be passed around inside the organization. This allows for easy collaboration with stakeholders from groups that may have separate teams or sites ΓÇô such as design, marketing, and support groups.
-Creating a *People in your organization* link does not cause the file or folder to show up in search or give everyone direct access to the file or folder. Users must have the link in order to access the file or folder. The link does not work for guests or other people outside your organization.
+Creating a *People in your organization* link will not make the associated file or folder appear in search results, be accessible via Copilot, or grant access to everyone within the organization. Simply creating this link does not provide organizational-wide access to the content. For individuals to access the file or folder, they must possess the link and it needs to be activated through redemption. A user can redeem the link by clicking on it, or in some instances, the link may be automatically redeemed when sent to someone via email, chat, or other communication methods. The link does not work for guests or other people outside your organization.
***Specific people* links**
SharePoint Organization Assets Library https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/organization-assets-library.md
Previously updated : 05/22/2019 Last updated : 03/28/2024 Title: "Create an organization assets library"
If your organization needs to store and manage files for all your users to use,
> [!NOTE] > All organization asset libraries must be on the same site.
-2. **Set the permissions on the site**. Add the people you want to be able to upload files as members or owners of the site or Microsoft 365 Group. Add "Everyone except external users" as visitors. If necessary, [customize the permissions for the library](https://support.office.com/article/02d770f3-59eb-4910-a608-5f84cc297782). You can customize the permissions of up to 100 files and folders in the library.
+2. **Set the permissions on the site**. Add the people you want to be able to upload files as members or owners of the site or Microsoft 365 Group.
+ >[!NOTE]
+ > Add "Everyone except external users" as visitors. If necessary, [customize the permissions for the library](https://support.office.com/article/02d770f3-59eb-4910-a608-5f84cc297782). You can customize the permissions of up to 100 files and folders in the library.
3. Upload the images or Office templates to a document library.
SharePoint Pre Provision Accounts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/pre-provision-accounts.md
Previously updated : 03/05/2024 Last updated : 03/28/2024 Title: "Pre-provision OneDrive for users in your organization"-+
SharePoint Shareable Links Anyone Specific People Organization https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/shareable-links-anyone-specific-people-organization.md
description: Learn about how shareable links work in OneDrive and SharePoint in
When users share files and folders in Microsoft 365, a shareable link is created which has permissions to the item. There are three primary link types:
- - *Anyone* links give access to the item to anyone who has the link. People using an *Anyone* link don't have to authenticate, and their access can't be audited.
- ![Diagram showing how anyone links can be passed from user to user.](media/DMC_SharePointSharingLinks_Anyone.png)
+- *Anyone* links give access to the item to anyone who has the link. People using an *Anyone* link don't have to authenticate, and their access can't be audited.
+ ![Diagram showing how anyone links can be passed from user to user.](media/DMC_SharePointSharingLinks_Anyone.png)
- An *anyone* link is a transferrable, revocable secret key. It's transferrable because it can be forwarded to others. It's revocable because by deleting the link, you can revoke the access of everyone who got it through the link. It's secret because it can't be guessed or derived. The only way to get access is to get the link, and the only way to get the link is for somebody to give it to you. *Anyone* links can't be used with files in a Teams shared channel site.
+ An *anyone* link is a transferrable, revocable secret key. It's transferrable because it can be forwarded to others. It's revocable because by deleting the link, you can revoke the access of everyone who got it through the link. It's secret because it can't be guessed or derived. The only way to get access is to get the link, and the only way to get the link is for somebody to give it to you. *Anyone* links can't be used with files in a Teams shared channel site.
- - *People in your organization* links work for only people inside your Microsoft 365 organization. (They don't work for guests in the directory, only members).
- ![Diagram showing how people in my organization links can be passed from user to user inside the company.](media/DMC_SharePointSharingLinks_PeopleInYourOrganization.png)
- Like an *anyone* link, a *people in my organization* link is a transferrable, revocable secret key. Unlike an *anyone* link, these links only work for people inside your Microsoft 365 organization. When somebody opens a *people in my organization* link, they need to be authenticated as a member in your directory. If they're not currently signed-in, they're prompted to sign in.
+- *People in your organization* links work for only people inside your Microsoft 365 organization. (They don't work for guests in the directory, only members).
- - *Specific people* links only work for the people that users specify when they share the item.
+ ![Diagram showing how people in my organization links can be passed from user to user inside the company.](media/DMC_SharePointSharingLinks_PeopleInYourOrganization.png)
+ Like an *anyone* link, a *people in my organization* link is a transferrable, revocable secret key. Unlike an *anyone* link, these links only work for people inside your Microsoft 365 organization. When somebody opens a *people in my organization* link, they need to be authenticated as a member in your directory. If they're not currently signed-in, they're prompted to sign in.
- ![Diagram showing how specific people links only work for the people specified.](media/DMC_SharePointSharingLinks_Specific.png)
- A *specific people* link is a nontransferable, revocable secret key. Unlike *anyone* and *people in my organization* links, a *specific people* link don't work if they're opened by anybody other than the person specified by the sender.
- *Specific people* links can be used to share with users in the organization and people outside the organization. In both cases, the recipient needs to authenticate as the user specified in the link. For files in a Teams shared channel site, *specific people* links can only be sent to others in the channel.
+ Creating a *People in your organization* link doesn't make the associated file or folder appear in search results, be accessible via Copilot, or grant access to everyone within the organization. Simply creating this link doesn't provide organizational-wide access to the content. For individuals to access the file or folder, they must possess the link and it needs to be activated through redemption. A user can redeem the link by clicking on it, or in some instances, the link can be automatically redeemed when sent to someone via email, chat, or other communication methods. The link doesn't work for guests or other people outside your organization.
+- *Specific people* links only work for the people that users specify when they share the item.
+ ![Diagram showing how specific people links only work for the people specified.](media/DMC_SharePointSharingLinks_Specific.png)
+ A *specific people* link is a nontransferable, revocable secret key. Unlike *anyone* and *people in my organization* links, a *specific people* link don't work if they're opened by anybody other than the person specified by the sender.
+ *Specific people* links can be used to share with users in the organization and people outside the organization. In both cases, the recipient needs to authenticate as the user specified in the link. For files in a Teams shared channel site, *specific people* links can only be sent to others in the channel.
It's important to educate your users in how these sharing links work and which they should use to best maintain the security of your data. Send your users links to [Share OneDrive files and folders](https://support.office.com/article/9fcc2f7d-de0c-4cec-93b0-a82024800c07) and [Share SharePoint files or folders](https://support.office.com/article/1fe37332-0f9a-4719-970e-d2578da4941c), and include information about your organization's policies for sharing information.
-## Related topics
+## Related articles
[Change the default link type for a site](change-default-sharing-link.md)
SharePoint Sharepoint Copilot Best Practices https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/sharepoint-copilot-best-practices.md
You can then lock down permissions on these sites via the Restricted Access Cont
A SharePoint admin can run reports in the SharePoint Admin Center to discover broad sharing activity happening over the last month. [SharePoint Advanced ManagementΓÇÖs](/sharepoint/advanced-management) new [data access governance reports](/sharepoint/data-access-governance-reports) can help here. A SharePoint admin can run reports on: - Usage of "Everyone Except External Users" in the last 28 days-- Usage of broad org-wide "People in \<your organization\>" sharing in the last 28 days
+- Usage of broad org-wide ["People in your organization" sharing links](/sharepoint/shareable-links-anyone-specific-people-organization) in the last 28 days
- Usage of "Anyone" sharing links in the last 28 days These reports can be downloaded as CSV files. You can also build your own report by using [Microsoft Graph Data Connect for SharePoint](/graph/data-connect-datasets#onedrive-and-sharepoint-online).
SharePoint Use Group Policy https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/use-group-policy.md
- ODB150 - MET150 ms.assetid: 0ecb2cf5-8882-42b3-a6e9-be6bda30899c
-description: "Learn how admins can use OneDrive policies to configure the OneDrive sync app by using Group Policy."
+description: Learn how admins can use OneDrive policies to configure the OneDrive sync app settings by using Group Policy.
# IT Admins - Use OneDrive policies to control sync settings