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SharePoint Intro To File Collaboration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/intro-to-file-collaboration.md
As a global or SharePoint admin for your organization, you have a couple of opti
- To keep on top of the latest SharePoint features rolling out, refer to the [Message Center](/office365/admin/manage/message-center?view=o365-worldwide&preserve-view=true). -- To vote on feature requests or submit your own idea, visit the [SharePoint UserVoice](https://sharepoint.uservoice.com/).- ## Plan user adoption User adoption is important to the overall success of any rollout. To maximize your investment, you need to maximize your user engagement. To do that, start by focusing on three critical success factors:
SharePoint Introduction https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/introduction.md
The resources on this page are designed to get you started. Depending on the nee
If you're just starting out with SharePoint, learn about the [FastTrack onboarding and adoption services](https://fasttrack.microsoft.com/office), [find a SharePoint certified partner](https://products.office.com/sharepoint/sharepoint-partners-sharepoint-support), or [visit the SharePoint community](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/SharePoint/ct-p/SharePoint).
-Once you're using SharePoint, get the [OneDrive sync app](https://onedrive.live.com/about/download) and the [mobile app](https://products.office.com/sharepoint/mobile-app). You can also [suggest a feature](https://sharepoint.uservoice.com).
+Once you're using SharePoint, get the [OneDrive sync app](https://onedrive.live.com/about/download) and the [mobile app](https://products.office.com/sharepoint/mobile-app).
## Migration
SharePoint provides a wide range of options for customization. We recommend usin
[Microsoft Partner Center](https://partnercenter.microsoft.com/pcv/search)
-[Tips and tricks for navigating Microsoft 365 technical documentation](/microsoft-365/microsoft-365-docs-navigation-guide)
+[Tips and tricks for navigating Microsoft 365 technical documentation](/microsoft-365/microsoft-365-docs-navigation-guide)
SharePoint Notifications https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/notifications.md
Title: "Control notifications"
+ Title: "Control notifications in the SharePoint mobile app"
description: "Allow users to receive notifications about SharePoint site activity."
-# Control notifications
+# Control notifications in the SharePoint mobile app
By default, SharePoint mobile app users can receive notifications about site activity. The service sends these notifications through the Firebase Cloud Messaging service for Android or the Apple Push Notification service for iOS. As a global or SharePoint admin in Microsoft 365, you can turn off these notifications for all users for compliance purposes. If you allow these notifications, users can select to turn them off.
SharePoint Teams Connected Sites https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/teams-connected-sites.md
These are the basic parts of Teams and SharePoint and how they relate to each ot
- **Team** ΓÇô A team is a place in Teams where you can invite others to collaborate. Each team is connected to one or more SharePoint sites. These sites are where the team's files are stored. -- **Channel** ΓÇô A channel is a location in a team where you can collaborate with others on a specific thing. A team can have multiple channels for different purposes. For example, you might have a team for marketing with different channels for different products or events. There are three types of channels in Teams: *standard*, *private*, and *shared*.
+- **Channel** ΓÇô A channel is a location in a team where you can collaborate with others on a specific thing. A team can have multiple channels for different purposes. For example, you might have a team for marketing with different channels for different products or events. There are three types of channels in Teams: *standard* and *private*.
- **Standard channel** ΓÇô A standard channel is a channel that all members of a team have access to. Each team comes with a standard channel called "General." Team owners and members can add additional standard channels.
These are the basic parts of Teams and SharePoint and how they relate to each ot
- **[Private channel](/MicrosoftTeams/private-channels)** ΓÇô A private channel is a channel that only some of the team's members have access to. It is used for private conversations and collaboration. Each private channel has its own SharePoint site for file storage. Only members of the private channel can access this site. -- **Channel site** - The SharePoint site that is created when you create a private or shared channel in a team. Only owners and members of the private or shared channel have access to this site.
+- **Channel site** - The SharePoint site that is created when you create a private channel in a team. Only owners and members of the private channel have access to this site.
- **Public team** - A public team is a team that anyone in the organization can join. Public teams do not require a team owner to invite someone to the team. -- **Private team** - A private team is a team that a person can only join when invited by a team owner. Both public teams and private teams offer the same channel types - standard, private, and shared.
+- **Private team** - A private team is a team that a person can only join when invited by a team owner. Both public teams and private teams offer the same channel types - standard and private.
- **Azure AD** - Azure AD is the directory service where Microsoft 365 user accounts are stored. (You can manage these accounts from Microsoft 365 as well.) Microsoft 365 groups are also stored in Azure AD. Azure AD allows administrators to manage users and groups and to apply business rules to user accounts, such as requiring multi-factor authentication.
Teams and SharePoint are connected in the following scenarios:
- When you create a new team from scratch, a new SharePoint site is created and connected to the team. - When you create a new team from an existing Microsoft 365 group, the team is connected to the SharePoint site associated with the group. - When you add Teams to an existing SharePoint site, that site is connected to the new team.-- When you create a new private or shared channel, a new SharePoint site is created and connected to that channel.
+- When you create a new private channel, a new SharePoint site is created and connected to that channel.
-In Teams, the Files tab on each standard channel is connected to a folder in the parent siteΓÇÖs default document library. The Files tab on each private and shared channel is connected to the default document library in the corresponding channel site. Whenever you add or update a file on the Files tab, you are accessing the SharePoint site.
+In Teams, the Files tab on each standard channel is connected to a folder in the parent siteΓÇÖs default document library. The Files tab on each private channel is connected to the default document library in the corresponding channel site. Whenever you add or update a file on the Files tab, you are accessing the SharePoint site.
## Example of a team with multiple channel types
The standard channels display as folders in the parent site. The private channel
## Teams-connected sites and channel types
-Teams-connected sites are a specialized type of SharePoint site that have been optimized for a Teams connection. These include the parent site that is created when you create the team, and any channel sites that are created when you create a private or shared channel.
+Teams-connected sites are a specialized type of SharePoint site that have been optimized for a Teams connection. These include the parent site that is created when you create the team, and any channel sites that are created when you create a private channel.
This table describes how site, file, and folder sharing work for each type of channel in Teams.
SharePoint Viva Connections Desktop https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/viva-connections-desktop.md
Microsoft [Viva Connections desktop](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/micr
> [!IMPORTANT] > - You need SharePoint admin permissions (or higher) to create the Viva Connections desktop app in PowerShell, and you need Teams admin permissions (or higher) to apply the app in the Teams Admin Center.
-> - Viva Connections desktop is not supported in the Teams mobile app.
-> - Only modern SharePoint sites and pages can be viewed in Teams and all other content will open in a browser.
+> - Viva Connections desktop is not supported in the Teams mobile app.
+> - Only [modern SharePoint sites and pages](/sharepoint/dev/transform/modernize-classic-sites) can be viewed in Teams and all other content will open in a browser.
> - Some functionality will not be available for SharePoint pages viewed in Microsoft Teams such as social gestures like the ability to like, or comment on a page as well as the ability to add an event automatically to an Outlook calendar.
-> - [Global navigation in the SharePoint app bar](sharepoint-app-bar.md) must be enabled in order for SharePoint resources to display in the Microsoft Teams app bar for Viva Connections.
+> - [Global navigation in the SharePoint app bar](sharepoint-app-bar.md) can be enabled to display global SharePoint resources in the Microsoft Teams app bar for Viva Connections desktop.
> - Global navigation menu links can be [audience targeted](https://support.microsoft.com/office/target-content-to-a-specific-audience-on-a-sharepoint-site-68113d1b-be99-4d4c-a61c-73b087f48a81) so that specific content is surfaced to certain groups of people. Audience targeting settings in the SharePoint global navigation menu will carry over to global navigation in Teams. > - Search customizations applied to SharePoint sites will apply to search results in Teams when on the home site. > All SharePoint out-of-the-box site headers are compatible with Viva Connections desktop. However, if you modify your SharePoint site to remove, or significantly change the site header, then these contextual actions may not be available to the user.
Viva Connections desktop can be provisioned through PowerShell and then will be
#### Viva Connections desktop requirements: -- **Global navigation is enabled in SharePoint -** It is recommended that global navigation is enabled and customized in the [SharePoint app bar](sharepoint-app-bar.md) so that SharePoint resources appear in Teams.
+- **Modern SharePoint sites and pages -** Only modern SharePoint sites and pages can be viewed in Teams and all other content will open in a browser. Learn more about how to [modernize classic SharePoint sites and pages](/sharepoint/dev/transform/modernize-userinterface-site-pages).
+ #### Viva Connections desktop recommendations: - **SharePoint home site -** We highly recommend that you use the SharePoint home site as the landing experience for Viva Connections. If you don't already have a SharePoint [home site](home-site-plan.md), learn more about how to [plan home site navigation](information-architecture-modern-experience.md) and review considerations for [planning a global intranet](set-up-global-intranet.md). -- **Modern SharePoint sites and pages -** Only modern SharePoint sites and pages can be viewed in Teams and all other content will open in a browser. Learn more about how to [modernize classic SharePoint sites and pages](/sharepoint/dev/transform/modernize-userinterface-site-pages).
+- **Global navigation is enabled in SharePoint -** It is recommended that global navigation is enabled and customized in the [SharePoint app bar](sharepoint-app-bar.md) so that SharePoint resources appear in Teams.
## Step-by-step guide to setting up Viva Connections (desktop only)
Complete the following steps to enable Viva Connections desktop using [SharePoin
1. **Set up a SharePoint home site:** We highly recommend that you set up a [SharePoint home site](home-site.md) and use that site as the default landing experience for your users in Teams.
-2. **Enable global navigation and customize navigational links:** [Set up and customize global navigation in the SharePoint app bar](sharepoint-app-bar.md). Learn about the different ways you can [set up the home site navigation and global navigation](./sharepoint-app-bar.md#see-all-the-different-ways-you-can-set-up-global-navigation) to surface the right content at the right time.
+2. **Enable global navigation and customize navigational links:** We recommend you [set up and customize global navigation in the SharePoint app bar](sharepoint-app-bar.md). Learn about the different ways you can [set up the home site navigation and global navigation](./sharepoint-app-bar.md#see-all-the-different-ways-you-can-set-up-global-navigation) to surface the right content at the right time.
3. **Create a Viva Connections app package in PowerShell:** The SharePoint admin needs to download and run PowerShell script from the Microsoft download center to create the Viva Connections desktop package. Ensure that you are using the [latest version](https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell/16.0.20912.12000) of the [SharePoint Management Shell](/powershell/sharepoint/sharepoint-online/introduction-sharepoint-online-management-shell) tool before running the script.
Complete the following steps to enable Viva Connections desktop using [SharePoin
**When you create a new package in PowerShell, you will be required to complete the following fields:**
+ - **URL of your SharePoint modern communcations site:** Provide the URL starting with "https://". This site will become the default landing experience for Viva Connections Desktop.
- Provide the following details when requested:
SharePoint Configure Forefront Tmg For A Hybrid Environment https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointServer/hybrid/configure-forefront-tmg-for-a-hybrid-environment.md
If you have not already installed TMG 2010 and configured it for your network, u
**Install TMG 2010**
-1. Install Forefront TMG 2010 if it is not already installed. For more information on installing TMG 2010, see [Forefront TMG Deployment](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=403873).
+1. Install Forefront TMG 2010 if it is not already installed. For more information on installing TMG 2010, see [Forefront TMG Deployment](/previous-versions/tn-archive/cc441585(v=technet.10)).
2. Install all the available service packs and updates for TMG 2010. For more information, see [Installing Forefront TMG Service Packs](/previous-versions/tn-archive/ff717843(v=technet.10)).