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+ Title: "Formatting changes for Microsoft Viva Amplify - Private preview"
+recommendations: true
Last updated : 01/04/2023
+audience: Admin
+- CSH
+localization_priority: Normal
+- SPO160
+- MET150
+ms.assetid: 479cfd6b-900b-46aa-b497-c13787771d3f
+description: Learn about the formatting changes in Microsoft Viva Amplify
+- seo-marvel-apr2020
+- admindeeplinkSPO
+# Formatting changes for Microsoft Viva Amplify - Private preview
+> [!NOTE]
+> Microsoft Viva Amplify is currently in Private preview and, hence, available only to Private preview customers.
+Microsoft Viva Amplify is an internal communication campaign that allows you to create something once and publish it to multiple distribution channels to share throughout the organization. Hence, creating a campaign is the first step in the end-to-end content management process that involves creating content and publishing it.
+Once you create a campaign, you can create the content on the **Main canvas** screen, and then publish the content.
+To create a campaign, perform the following steps:
+1. Go to the Microsoft Viva Amplify portal.
+2. Provide your credentials and sign in to the Microsoft Viva Amplify portal.
+3. Select **+ Create a campaign**.
+ The **Create a new campaign** screen is displayed.
+4. Select **Create a campaign** on the bottom-left corner of the screen.
+5. Enter the details for the text boxes and select **Next**.
+6. From the **Add members to your campaign** text box, choose the person whom you want to add as a member of your campaign.
+7. Select **Add to list**.
+ The chosen person is added as a member of your campaign.
+8. Select **Create a campaign**.
+ The campaign is successfully created and is listed on the **Amplify Hub** screen.
+Once you create content using the created campaign and transpile it to the distribution channels, you'll know and view the formatting changes that occur.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Formatting changes are applicable only to the **Outlook** distribution channel and not to the **SharePoint** distribution channel because the **Main canvas** screen itself is a type of SharePoint site. For more information, see [Formatting changes](#formatting-changes) and [Formatting changes in Outlook distribution channel](#formatting-changes-in-outlook-distribution-channel).
+For example, when you click the "preview" icon under the **Outlook** distribution channel, you're presented with a message that reads as follows:
+**[Some properties like text on images, columns, and medium and large people web parts may have been changed for this distribution channel.](#formatting-changes)**
+When you click the link of the message **Learn more about formatting changes and editing**, you're taken to the screen that displays information about [formatting changes](#formatting-changes).
+## Formatting changes
+Formatting changes can be classified as:
+1. **Modifications to certain web parts**: When you use **Outlook** distribution channel, and then select certain web parts, there may be changes in the properties of the web parts. Such changes result in the web parts displaying a behavior different from its default behavior.
+ For example:
+ - In the **Sections** layout, when you organize content into two or three columns, the same content gets stacked into a single column when being published.
+ - In the **Image** web part, properties such as "text on image" won't be supported.
+1. **Removal of certain web parts**: When you use **Outlook** distribution channel, certain web parts such as the spacer, the large people, and the countdown timer don't appear as they're removed automatically on account of incompatibility with Outlook.
+For detailed information about such other formatting changes in web parts for the **Outlook** distribution channel, see [Formatting changes in Outlook distribution channel](#formatting-changes-in-outlook-distribution-channel).
+### Formatting changes in Outlook distribution channel
+For the **Outlook** distribution channel, there are:
+- [Formatting changes in Image web part](#formatting-changes-in-image-web-part)
+- [Formatting changes in Text web part](#formatting-changes-in-text-web-part)
+- [Formatting changes in People web part](#formatting-changes-in-people-web-part)
+- [Formatting changes in Section layout](#formatting-changes-in-sections-layout)
+#### Formatting changes in Image web part
+1. Text on the image isn't supported (Text will be dropped.).
+ :::image type="content" source="media/text-image-not-supported.png" alt-text="The text on the image not being supported in Outlook.":::
+1. Image Hyperlink isn't supported. Transpiled images aren't clickable to link.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/image-hyperlink-not-supported.png" alt-text="The image hyperlink not being supported in Outlook.":::
+#### Formatting changes in Text web part
+1. Theme colors for table aren't supported (Table style is changed to **default**.).
+ :::image type="content" source="media/theme-colors-not-supported.png" alt-text="The screen depicting the formatting change of theme color not being supported":::
+1. Table Alignment isn't supported. Tables can only be left aligned.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/table-alignment-not-supported.png" alt-text="The table alignment not being supported in Outlook.":::
+#### Formatting changes in People web part
+The **Small**, **Medium**, and **Large** layouts are supported.
+However, even if you transpile the content using the **Medium** and **Large** layouts, the descriptions and links added in these two layouts will be dropped. The content's output defaults to the **Small** layout view.
+#### Formatting changes in Sections layout
+**Sections** is a layout-associated element that presents a template to the content in the **Main canvas** page so that the content is structured properly.
+Each section consists of 1-3 columns.
+For information on the default properties of sections and its columns, see [Add sections and columns on a SharePoint modern page](https://support.microsoft.com/office/add-sections-and-columns-on-a-sharepoint-modern-page-fc491eb4-f733-4825-8fe2-e1ed80bd0899).
+However, the following formatting changes have occurred in the default properties of sections and its columns:
+1. When you use the **Two columns**, **Three columns**, **One-third left**, or the **One-third right** layout options to organize your content, the content gets stacked into a single column like the content published using the **One Column** layout option.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/multi-column-layout-option-not-supported.png" alt-text="The Multi Column layout option not being supported in Outlook.":::
+1. Collapsible sections aren't supported, including section titles (which will be dropped).
+ :::image type="content" source="media/option-make-sections-collapsible.png" alt-text="The option to make sections collapsible.":::
+ :::image type="content" source="media/section-title-being-dropped.png" alt-text="Section title being dropped.":::
+1. Dividers between sections aren't supported.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/dividers-between-sections-not-supported.png" alt-text="Dividers between sections not being supported in Outlook.":::