Updates from: 02/14/2023 02:18:42
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SharePoint Add Columns Content Type https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/add-columns-content-type.md
Title: "Add columns to a content type"-+
To make a column required, optional, or hidden, follow these steps.
7. Select **Save**.
+> [!NOTE]
+> When you update the column name of an existing site column that is part of a published content type from the content type hub, ensure that the language of the target site and the language of the browser are the same for the latest site column name to appear correctly after the sync completes.
+ ## Related topics [Remove columns from a content type](remove-columns-content-type.md)
To make a column required, optional, or hidden, follow these steps.
[Add a content type to a list or library](https://support.microsoft.com/office/917366ae-f7a2-47ad-87a5-9689a1884e60)
-[Create, change, or delete a view of a list or library](https://support.microsoft.com/office/27ae65b8-bc5b-4949-b29b-4ee87144a9c9)
+[Create, change, or delete a view of a list or library](https://support.microsoft.com/office/27ae65b8-bc5b-4949-b29b-4ee87144a9c9)
SharePoint Enable File Requests https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/enable-file-requests.md
- admindeeplinkSPO - onedrive-toc
+ - SPO160
+ - MET150
ms.assetid: description: Learn how to enable a file request in OneDrive or Sharepoint.
SharePoint Sync Health https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/sync-health.md
This tab provides how-to steps for enabling sync reports on macOS devices.
|| Standalone | Mac App Store | |:--|:--|:--|
-|**.plist location <br/>**|~/Library/Managed Preferences/com.microsoft.OneDrive.plist <br/> |~/Library/Managed Preferences/com.microsoft.OneDrive-mac.plist <br/> |
+|**.plist location <br/>**|~/Library/Preferences/com.microsoft.OneDrive.plist <br/> |~/Library/Containers/com.microsoft.OneDrive-mac/Data/Library/Preferences/com.microsoft.OneDrive-mac.plist <br/> |
|**Domain <br/>**|com.microsoft.OneDrive <br/> |com.microsoft.OneDrive-mac <br/> | 9. Use the Terminal app to deploy the EnableSyncAdminReports setting onto your local computer. Enter the following preference key to enable the setting:
10. Refresh the preferences cache.