Updates from: 11/08/2022 02:45:18
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SharePoint Api Access https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/api-access.md
The API access page shows pending and approved requests. It also shows which req
After you approve a request, it moves to the Approved requests list. > [!NOTE]
+ > Permissions of type delegated are added to the _SharePoint Online Client Extensibility Web Application Principal_ in Azure AD.
+ >
> If you try to approve a permission request for a resource that already has some permissions granted (for example, granting additional permissions to the Microsoft Graph), the requested scopes are added to the previously granted permissions. ## Reject a pending request
SharePoint Change Your Sharepoint Domain Name https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/change-your-sharepoint-domain-name.md
If your organization has gone through a rebranding, merger, or acquisition and n
> - This feature isn't available for organizations that have set up multi-geo. > - If your organization uses special clouds or government clouds (GCC, GCC High, DoD, etc.), your domain name can't be changed. > - When you rename your SharePoint domain, we create a redirect at the previous address which will expire 1 year after the rename.
-> - You can only rename your SharePoint domain once.
+> - You can only rename your SharePoint domain once. If you need additional renames, submit a support request by selecting [Rename a SharePoint Tenant more than once](https://admin.microsoft.com/AdminPortal/?searchSolutions=Rename%20a%20SharePoint%20Tenant%20more%20than%20once).
> - Changing your SharePoint domain name back to the original name after you rename it isn't supported. For example, if you change your SharePoint domain from `contoso.sharepoint.com` to `fabrikam.sharepoint.com`, changing it back to `contoso.sharepoint.com` isn't supported. ## Limitations
If your organization has gone through a rebranding, merger, or acquisition and n
| SharePoint 2013 workflows | URLs embedded in workflows aren't changed. For example, if a workflow contains the embedded URL `contoso.sharepoint.com`, it isn't changed. This might impact the functionality of the workflow. | Workflows that contain URLs referring to the original domain name might need to be updated to the new name. | | SharePoint add-ins | Add-ins might not function as expected. | The add-ins might need to be republished. <br>Review the App configuration settings in Azure AD for the add-in and update any URLs to the new domain name. <br> For SPFx applications, in Azure AD update the Authentication URLs to the new domain for the SharePoint Online Client Extensibility Web Application Principal. | | SharePoint hub sites | Sites registered as hub sites won't work. | Unregister and register the affected sites as hub sites in the SharePoint admin center after the rename. |
+| SharePoint web parts | Some web parts may not function as expected. | The web parts may rely on direct URL references. Update the web parts with the new URLs. |
| Site customizations and embedded code | Absolute URLs embedded in SharePoint customizations aren't updated. | Edit customizations that contain absolute URLs and if necessary, change the URLs to the new domain name. | | Teams on the web and Teams desktop app | The first time someone tries to access the Files tab for a team or private channel, they'll receive an error. The tab will work for all users after that. | None | | Teams on the web and Teams desktop app | It can take 72 hours for meeting notes to work (for both current and previous meetings). | None |
If your organization has gone through a rebranding, merger, or acquisition and n
|App/feature |Limitation |Action required | ||||
-| Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS) sites | If your tenant still has Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS) sites remaining in it, your domain name can't be changed. | No action available. |
+| Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS) sites | If your tenant still has Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS) sites remaining in it, your domain name can't be changed. | BPOS sites and its configuration need to be removed before scheduling of tenant renaming can be attempted. Submit a support request by selecting [Rename a SharePoint Tenant with BPOS sites](https://admin.microsoft.com/AdminPortal/?searchSolutions=Rename%20a%20SharePoint%20Tenant%20with%20BPOS%20sites). |
| Deleted sites | Any sites that have been deleted can't be restored after the change. | Before changing your domain name, review the Deleted sites page in the SharePoint admin center and restore any sites that you might want to keep. | | Locked sites and OneDrive accounts | Any site or OneDrive that has been locked (the LockState is NoAccess) can't be renamed. | Before changing your domain name, review any sites and OneDrive accounts that have been locked to determine if the lock should be removed. [Lock and unlock sites](manage-lock-status.md)| | Multi-Geo configurations | Your SharePoint domain name can't be changed if your organization is currently set up for Microsoft 365 Multi-Geo or was previously set up for it. | No action available. | | Point-in-time restoration | Restoring a site to a previous time before the domain name change isn't possible. | No action available.| | Root site replacement | Your [root site](modern-root-site.md) can't be replaced (using either the SharePoint admin center or the PowerShell cmdlet Invoke-SPOSiteSwap) between the time you schedule your domain name change and when it completes. | Replace your root site before you schedule the domain name change or after it completes. |
-| SharePoint public sites | If your tenant contains old SharePoint public sites, your SharePoint domain name change will not be allowed.| SharePoint public sites are not supported anymore. Delete the public sites and try again. See [SharePoint Online Public Websites to be discontinued](/sharepoint/troubleshoot/sites/public-websites-be-discontinued)|
+| SharePoint public sites | If your tenant contains old SharePoint public sites, your SharePoint domain name change will not be allowed.| Public sites on the tenant need to be removed before scheduling of tenant renaming can be attempted. Submit a support request by selecting [Rename a SharePoint Tenant with Public site](https://admin.microsoft.com/AdminPortal/?searchSolutions=Rename%20a%20SharePoint%20Tenant%20with%20Public%20site). |
| Special and government clouds | If your organization uses special clouds or government clouds (GCC, GCC High, DoD, etc.), your domain name can't be changed. | No action available. | | Vanity domain configurations | If your SharePoint domain is, for example, teams.contoso.com (versus contoso.sharepoint.com), your domain name can't be changed. | No action available. |
If your organization has gone through a rebranding, merger, or acquisition and n
> > Make sure you review the System Requirements and Install Instructions. The app isn't supported on Mac.
- > [!NOTE]
- > Make sure the version is 16.0.22810.12000 or earlier. You might receive an error `Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ResourceNotFoundException` for later versions.
- >
- > You can install a specific version from Windows PowerShell using the `Install-Module` command, for example `Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell -RequiredVersion 16.0.22810.12000`.
- 2. Connect to SharePoint as a [Global Administrator or SharePoint Administrator](./sharepoint-admin-role.md) in Microsoft 365. To learn how, see [Getting started with SharePoint Online Management Shell](/powershell/sharepoint/sharepoint-online/connect-sharepoint-online). Example:
SharePoint Manage User Profiles https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/manage-user-profiles.md
Follow these steps to transfer ownership of a OneDrive to a different user, or g
For info about automatically transferring ownership of OneDrive to a user's manager when the user account is marked for deletion, see [Set up access delegation](/onedrive/retention-and-deletion).
-## Manage audiences
+## Manage audiences (classic experience)
<a name="manageaudiences"> </a> Audiences let you customize content on pages so that it appears only to particular people based on their:
Audiences let you customize content on pages so that it appears only to particul
- Location in the reporting structure or public info in the user profile
-For example, you can display a navigational link to only people in a particular geographic location. For info about using audiences, see [Target content to specific audiences](https://support.office.com/article/33d84cb6-14ed-4e53-a426-74c38ea32293).
+For example, you can display a navigational link to only people in a particular geographic location. For info about using audiences and information about using audience targeting in the modern experience, see [Target content to specific audiences](https://support.office.com/article/33d84cb6-14ed-4e53-a426-74c38ea32293).
> [!NOTE] > Only sites that use classic templates can be customized based on audience. <br>Audiences are not a security feature. They help you deliver relevant content to specific groups of people, but don't prevent content from being available to anyone with the appropriate permissions.