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SharePoint Restricted Access Control https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/restricted-access-control.md
+ Title: "Restrict site access to members of a Microsoft 365 group"
+recommendations: true
+audience: Admin
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+description: "Learn how to restrict site access to members of Microsoft 365 group."
+# Restrict site access to members of a Microsoft 365 group
+With restricted access control (preview), you can manage the access of a SharePoint site and its content. As a [SharePoint administrator](sharepoint-admin-role.md), you can grant access to users of the Microsoft 365 group associated with a SharePoint site. Users who are not added to the group membership wonΓÇÖt have access even if they previously had site access permissions to a file. Restricted access control policy also applies to Microsoft 365 group memberships associated with Microsoft Teams.
+Restricting access to sites based on group membership lets you reduce the risk of oversharing within your organization and provides an additional layer of security to safeguard site content. By enabling restricted site access, you apply a policy that stops sharing content with people who aren't a member of the Microsoft 365 group. Use and consult [data access governance reports](data-access-governance-reports.md) to see how data is currently being shared.
+For example, the research department has a Microsoft 365 group that contains all of their department members. They donΓÇÖt want anyone outside of the department to have access to the research department site or its contents. As their SharePoint admin, you can restrict site access to only members of the Microsoft 365 group by enabling restricted access control in PowerShell.
+[PowerShell](/powershell/sharepoint/sharepoint-online/introduction-sharepoint-online-management-shell) is required to enable restricted access control.
+## Enable restricted access control for your organization
+To enable restricted access control in SharePoint, run the following command:
+Set-SPOTenant -EnableRestrictedAccessControl $true
+Then, wait for approximately 1 hour before managing restricted access control for that site.
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you have Microsoft 365 Multi-Geo, you must run this command for each geo-location you want to use restricted access control.
+## Enable restricted access control for your SharePoint site
+You can enable restricted access control on a group-connected or Teams-connected site by running the following command:
+Set-SPOSite -Identity <siteurl> -RestrictedAccessControl $true
+**For example:**
+`Set-SPOSite -Identity https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/ResearchTeamSite -RestrictedAccessControl $true`
+## View restricted access control for site
+To view the restricted access control configuration for a site, run the following command:
+Get-SPOSite -Identity <siteurl> | Select RestrictedAccessControl
+## Remove restricted access control for site
+To remove restricted access control from a site, run the following command:
+Set-SPOSite -Identity <siteurl> -RestrictedAccessControl $false
+**For example:**
+`Set-SPOSite -Identity https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/ResearchTeamSite -RestrictedAccessControl $false`
+## Related topics
+[Manage site access based on sensitivity label](authentication-context-example.md)
+[Data Access Governance reports](data-access-governance-reports.md)