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SharePoint Enable File Requests https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/enable-file-requests.md
+ Title: "Enable File Requests in SharePoint or OneDrive"
+audience: Admin
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Strat_OD_admin
+- M365-collaboration
+- admindeeplinkSPO
+- onedrive-toc
+description: Learn how to enable a file request in OneDrive or Sharepoint.
+# Enable File Requests in SharePoint or OneDrive
+With the [file request feature](https://support.microsoft.com/office/create-a-file-request-f54aa7f8-2589-4421-b351-d415fc3b83af) in OneDrive, you can choose a folder where others can upload files using a link that you send them. People you request files from can only upload files; they can't see the content of the folder, edit, delete, or download files, or even see who else has uploaded files.
+Admins can use the SharePoint Online Management Shell to disable or enable the **Request files** feature on OneDrive or SharePoint sites. If there's no change on sharing capability for all sites, then the file request feature can be enabled.
+> **Request files** is available only if all of the following statement are true. Please contact your admin if you don't see this feature:
+> - You're using OneDrive for work or school accounts.
+> - Your admin has [enabled **Anyone** links for SharePoint](/sharepoint/turn-external-sharing-on-or-off).
+> - Your admin has configured the **View, edit, and upload** permission for **Anyone** links as described in [Advanced settings for **Anyone** links](/sharepoint/turn-external-sharing-on-or-off#advanced-settings-for-anyone-links).
+> - This feature is not available for Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, OneDrive for home, or Office 365 Germany.
+> [!NOTE]
+> In its current state, if you disable **Anyone** links for SharePoint in the SharePoint Admin Center, the ability to turn on **Request files** feature is also disabled at Site, SharePoint and OneDrive level.
+## Enable or Disable Request Files for SharePoint
+> [!NOTE]
+> This is a newly released feature and may not be available to all tenants yet. 
+1. Check if you have enabled [**Anyone** links at the tenant level for SharePoint sites](/sharepoint/turn-external-sharing-on-or-off#change-the-organization-level-external-sharing-setting).
+2. Ensure folder permissions are set toΓÇ»**View, edit and upload**.
+ ![Screenshot for folder permissions settings.](media/select-folder.png)
+3. Check `CoreRequestFilesLinkEnabled` is set correctly via [SharePoint Online Management Shell](/powershell/sharepoint/sharepoint-online/connect-sharepoint-online).
+ - Run `Get-SPOTenant`.
+ - Check if `CoreRequestFilesLinkEnabled` is set to **True**. If it isn't set to **True**, run `Set-SPOTenant -CoreRequestFIlesLinkEnabled $True`.
+ - If this is set to **True**, **Request files** link on the core partition for all SharePoint sites is enabled (not including OneDrive sites). If this value isn't set, **Request files** will only show for OneDrive with **Anyone** links enabled.
+4. You can also set the `RequestFilesLink` Expiration by using `Set-SPOTenant -CoreRequestFilesLinkExpirationInDays` (Optional).
+## Enable or Disable Request Files for OneDrive
+1. Check if you have enabled [**Anyone** links at the tenant level for SharePoint sites](/sharepoint/turn-external-sharing-on-or-off#change-the-organization-level-external-sharing-setting).
+2. Ensure folder permissions are set toΓÇ»**View, edit and upload**.
+ ![Screenshot for folder permissions settings.](media/select-folder.png)
+3. Configure OneDrive **Anyone** links at tenant level to your desired preference. It's only required that SharePoint **Anyone** links setting are configured to the most permissive (Anyone) at the tenant level.
+4. For example, you can set OneDrive sharing capability to **New and Existing guests** and still allow OneDrive File Requests by following the instructions below as long as SharePoint **Anyone** links are turned on.
+ ![Screenshot for setting OneDrive sharing capability.](media/content.png)
+5. Check `OneDriveRequestFilesLinkEnabled` is set correctly via [SharePoint Online Management Shell](/powershell/sharepoint/sharepoint-online/connect-sharepoint-online).
+ - Run `Get-SPOTenant`.
+ - Check if `OneDriveRequestFilesLinkEnabled` is set to **True**. If it isn't set to **True**, run `Set-SPOTenant -OneDriveRequestFIlesLinkEnabled $True`.
+ - If this is set to **True**, **Request files** link on the OneDrive partition for all OneDrive sites will be available. If this value isn't set, the **Request files** link will be disabled on OneDrive.
+6. You can also set the **Request files** Links to expire by using `Set-SPOTenant ΓÇô OneDriveRequestFilesLinkExpirationInDays` (Optional).
+## Enable or Disable Request Files per site
+1. Check if you have enabled [Anyone links at the tenant level for SharePoint sites](/sharepoint/turn-external-sharing-on-or-off#change-the-organization-level-external-sharing-setting).
+2. Ensure folder permissions are set toΓÇ»**View, edit and upload** at Tenant Level in SharePoint tenant admin.
+ ![Screenshot for folder permissions settings.](media/select-folder.png)
+3. Check if `RequestFilesLinkEnabled` is set correctly via [SharePoint Online Management Shell](/powershell/sharepoint/sharepoint-online/connect-sharepoint-online).
+ - Run `$r=Get-SPOSite -Identity <SiteURL> -Detailed`.
+ - Check if `RequestFilesLinkEnabled` is set to **True**. If it isn't set to **True**, run `Set-SPOSite -Identity <SiteURL> -RequestFIlesLinkEnabled $True` to enable the feature for that site and set it to **False** to disable it.
+4. You can also set the **Request Files** link Expiration by using `Set-SPOSite -RequestFilesLinkExpirationInDays` (Optional).
+For more information on File Requests, see [Create a file request](https://support.microsoft.com/office/create-a-file-request-f54aa7f8-2589-4421-b351-d415fc3b83af).
SharePoint Portal Health https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/portal-health.md
Title: "Creating and launching a healthy SharePoint portal"-+
This set of guidance will walk you through best practices and recommendations be
|![Document 3 blue 32](/office/media/icons/PNGs/document-3-blue-32.png "Look and feel")|[Portal design guidance](https://aka.ms/spdesignguidance)|Review the guidance while designing your sites| |![Page diagnostics tool](media/page-diag-tool.png "Modern diagnostics tool")|[Run the Page Diagnostics for SharePoint tool](/microsoft-365/enterprise/page-diagnostics-for-spo)|Validate your pages and follow the guidance| |![Bandwidth blue 32](/Office/media/icons/PNGs/bandwidth-blue-32.png "Optimize your Performance")|Optimize your Performance|Follow the guidance below and run the Page Diagnostics for SharePoint tool|
-| |![Global hyperlink blue 32](/Office/media/icons/PNGs/globe-hyperlink-blue-32.png "CDN") [Use CDN for better performance](/microsoft-365/Enterprise/office-365-cdn-quickstart)|Implement Public and Private Content Delivery Networks (CDN)|
-| |![Graph 4 blue 32](/Office/media/icons/PNGs/graph-4-blue-32.png "Batch REST calls") [Batch REST API calls to SharePoint](/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/make-batch-requests-with-the-rest-apis)|Combine operations into fewer requests|
-| |![Analytics usage report blue 32](/Office/media/icons/PNGs/analytics-usage-report-blue-32.png "Slow web parts") [Improve performance for slow web parts](/microsoft-365/Enterprise/modern-web-part-optimization)|Follow guidance to remediate common issues|
-| |![Bill blue](/Office/media/icons/bill-blue.png "Page weight") [Review page weight](/microsoft-365/Enterprise/modern-page-weight-optimization)|Follow guidance to reduce page weight in your site pages|
-| |![Task list planning blue 32](/Office/media/icons/PNGs/task-list-planning-blue-32.png "Calls on a page") [Limit the number of requests to a page](/Office365/Enterprise/modern-page-call-optimization)|Limit the number of web parts and calls into SharePoint|
-| |![Task list search blue 32](/Office/media/icons/PNGs/task-list-search-blue-32.png "Limit the number of search requests on a page") [Limit the number of search requests on a page](/Office365/Enterprise/modern-search-optimization)|Follow the guidance to limit the number of search requests on a page.|
-| |![Picture photo blue 32](/Office/media/icons/PNGs/picture-photo-blue-32.png "Optimize images") [Optimize your images](/microsoft-365/Enterprise/modern-image-optimization)|Follow basic image optimization for the web|
-| |![Files blue 32](/Office/media/icons/PNGs/files-blue-32.png "iFrames") [Limit and use Iframes carefully](/microsoft-365/Enterprise/modern-iframe-optimization)|Don't use more than two Iframes on a page|
-| |![Graph 3 blue](/office/media/icons/graph-3-blue.png "Optimize extensions") [Optimize extensions](/microsoft-365/Enterprise/modern-custom-extensions)|Follow the guidance to optimize and limit your custom extensions|
+|![Global hyperlink blue 32](/Office/media/icons/PNGs/globe-hyperlink-blue-32.png "CDN")|[Use CDN for better performance](/microsoft-365/Enterprise/office-365-cdn-quickstart)|Implement Public and Private Content Delivery Networks (CDN)|
+|![Graph 4 blue 32](/Office/media/icons/PNGs/graph-4-blue-32.png "Batch REST calls")|[Batch REST API calls to SharePoint](/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/make-batch-requests-with-the-rest-apis)|Combine operations into fewer requests|
+|![Analytics usage report blue 32](/Office/media/icons/PNGs/analytics-usage-report-blue-32.png "Slow web parts")|[Improve performance for slow web parts](/microsoft-365/Enterprise/modern-web-part-optimization)|Follow guidance to remediate common issues|
+|![Bill blue](/Office/media/icons/bill-blue.png "Page weight")|[Review page weight](/microsoft-365/Enterprise/modern-page-weight-optimization)|Follow guidance to reduce page weight in your site pages|
+|![Task list planning blue 32](/Office/media/icons/PNGs/task-list-planning-blue-32.png "Calls on a page")|[Limit the number of requests to a page](/Office365/Enterprise/modern-page-call-optimization)|Limit the number of web parts and calls into SharePoint|
+|![Search document blue 32](/Office/media/icons/PNGs/search-document-blue-32.png "Limit the number of search requests on a page")|[Limit the number of search requests on a page](/Office365/Enterprise/modern-search-optimization)|Follow the guidance to limit the number of search requests on a page.|
+|![Picture photo blue 32](/Office/media/icons/PNGs/picture-photo-blue-32.png "Optimize images")|[Optimize your images](/microsoft-365/Enterprise/modern-image-optimization)|Follow basic image optimization for the web|
+|![Files blue 32](/Office/media/icons/PNGs/files-blue-32.png "iFrames")|[Limit and use Iframes carefully](/microsoft-365/Enterprise/modern-iframe-optimization)|Don't use more than two Iframes on a page|
+|![Graph 3 blue](/office/media/icons/graph-3-blue.png "Optimize extensions")|[Optimize extensions](/microsoft-365/Enterprise/modern-custom-extensions)|Follow the guidance to optimize and limit your custom extensions|
|![Task checklist planning blue 32](/office/media/icons/PNGs/task-checklist-planning-blue-32.png "Modern portal limits")|[Modern portal limits](/Office365/Enterprise/modern-portal-limits)|Follow the limits for modern portals to further optimize performance|
-|![Globe Internet](/Office/media/icons/globe-internet.png "Network optimization")|[Network optimization](/microsoft-365/enterprise/urls-and-ip-address-ranges)|Configure your URLs and IP endpoints|
+|![Globe Internet](/Office/media/icons/globe-internet.png "Network optimization")|[Network optimization](/microsoft-365/enterprise/urls-and-ip-address-ranges)|Configure your URLs and IP endpoints|