Updates from: 01/24/2023 05:04:17
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SharePoint Advanced Management https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/advanced-management.md
With Azure Active Directory authentication context, you can enforce more stringe
When SharePoint is enabled for sensitivity labels, you can configure a default label for document libraries. Then, any new files uploaded to that library, or existing files edited in the library will have that label applied if they don't already have a sensitivity label, or they have a sensitivity label but with lower priority. For details, see [Configure a default sensitivity label for a SharePoint document library](/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-default-label). You can restrict the access of a SharePoint site and its content only to the members of Microsoft 365 group connected to the site. Users who are not in the Microsoft 365 group won't have access even if they previously had site access permissions to a file. For details, see [Restricted Access Control for SharePoint sites](restricted-access-control.md).+
+You can block download of files from SharePoint sites or OneDrive without needing to use Azure Active Directory conditional access policies. Users have browser-only access with no ability to download, print, or sync files. They also won't be able to access content through apps, including the Microsoft Office desktop apps. For details, see [Block the download of files from a SharePoint site or OneDrive](block-download-from-sites.md).
SharePoint Portal Health https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/portal-health.md
Last updated : 01/20/2023 recommendations: true audience: ITPro f1.keywords:
This set of guidance will walk you through best practices and recommendations be
| |![Analytics usage report blue 32](/Office/media/icons/PNGs/analytics-usage-report-blue-32.png "Slow web parts") [Improve performance for slow web parts](/microsoft-365/Enterprise/modern-web-part-optimization)|Follow guidance to remediate common issues| | |![Bill blue](/Office/media/icons/bill-blue.png "Page weight") [Review page weight](/microsoft-365/Enterprise/modern-page-weight-optimization)|Follow guidance to reduce page weight in your site pages| | |![Task list planning blue 32](/Office/media/icons/PNGs/task-list-planning-blue-32.png "Calls on a page") [Limit the number of requests to a page](/Office365/Enterprise/modern-page-call-optimization)|Limit the number of web parts and calls into SharePoint|
+| |![Task list search blue 32](/Office/media/icons/PNGs/task-list-search-blue-32.png "Limit the number of search requests on a page") [Limit the number of search requests on a page](/Office365/Enterprise/modern-search-optimization)|Follow the guidance to limit the number of search requests on a page.|
| |![Picture photo blue 32](/Office/media/icons/PNGs/picture-photo-blue-32.png "Optimize images") [Optimize your images](/microsoft-365/Enterprise/modern-image-optimization)|Follow basic image optimization for the web| | |![Files blue 32](/Office/media/icons/PNGs/files-blue-32.png "iFrames") [Limit and use Iframes carefully](/microsoft-365/Enterprise/modern-iframe-optimization)|Don't use more than two Iframes on a page| | |![Graph 3 blue](/office/media/icons/graph-3-blue.png "Optimize extensions") [Optimize extensions](/microsoft-365/Enterprise/modern-custom-extensions)|Follow the guidance to optimize and limit your custom extensions| |![Task checklist planning blue 32](/office/media/icons/PNGs/task-checklist-planning-blue-32.png "Modern portal limits")|[Modern portal limits](/Office365/Enterprise/modern-portal-limits)|Follow the limits for modern portals to further optimize performance|
-|![Globe Internet](/Office/media/icons/globe-internet.png "Network optimization")|[Network optimization](/microsoft-365/enterprise/urls-and-ip-address-ranges)|Configure your URLs and IP endpoints|
+|![Globe Internet](/Office/media/icons/globe-internet.png "Network optimization")|[Network optimization](/microsoft-365/enterprise/urls-and-ip-address-ranges)|Configure your URLs and IP endpoints|
SharePoint Support For Organization Fonts In Powerpoint For The Web https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/support-for-organization-fonts-in-powerpoint-for-the-web.md
Title: "Support for organization fonts in PowerPoint for the web" --++ recommendations: true Last updated 01/31/2022