Updates from: 01/18/2023 05:05:08
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SharePoint Control Lists https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/commits/public/SharePoint/SharePointOnline/control-lists.md
Where the template ID is:
- Expense tracker: '96D6DBE5-D7C3-430A-867A-0B72EB4065AB' To re-enable a built-in template, use the parameter `EnableModernListTemplateIds`.+
+## Disable additional features on a built-in template
+Some built-in list templates include additional features such as automations and custom formatting. If you wish to keep only the base schema of a built-in list template but not the rest of its features included in that template:
+1. Create a list from the built-in list template.
+2. [Create a custom list template](lists-custom-template.md) based off of that list. The custom list template will not include any additional features by default.
+3. [Disable the original built-in list template](#disable-built-in-list-templates).
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > Users in your organization will see the custom list template on the **From your organization** tab rather than on the **From Microsoft** tab.