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dev-cross-plat Create Cmdline Predictor https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/docs-conceptual/dev-cross-plat/create-cmdline-predictor.md
--- description: This article describes how to create a command-line predictor to help with command completion in PowerShell. Previously updated : 03/28/2022 Last updated : 04/06/2022 Title: How to create a command-line predictor --- # How to create a command-line predictor
Create a new PowerShell module project by following these steps:
} ```
- The following example code returns the string "HELLO WORLD" for the prediction result for all user
- input. Since the sample predictor doesn't process any feedback, the code does not implement the
- feedback methods from the interface. Change the prediction and feedback code to meet the needs of
- your predictor.
+ The following example code returns the string "HELLO WORLD" for the prediction result for all
+ user input. Since the sample predictor doesn't process any feedback, the code does not implement
+ the feedback methods from the interface. Change the prediction and feedback code to meet the
+ needs of your predictor.
1. Run `dotnet build` to produce the assembly. You can find the compiled assembly in the `bin/Debug/net6.0` location of your project folder.
Kind SubsystemType IsRegistered Implementations
---- ------------- ------------ --------------- CommandPredictor ICommandPredictor True {SamplePredictor} ```+
+> [!NOTE]
+> `Get-PSSubsystem` is an experimental cmdlet that was introduced in PowerShell 7.1 You must enable
+> the `PSSubsystemPluginModel` experimental feature to use this cmdlet. For more information, see
+> [Using Experimental Features](../learn/experimental-features.md#pssubsystempluginmodel).