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Microsoft.PowerShell.Core About WQL (5.1) https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/5.1/Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_WQL.md
--- description: Describes WMI Query Language (WQL), which can be used to get WMI objects in Windows PowerShell. Locale: en-US Previously updated : 01/03/2018 Last updated : 03/04/2022 online version: https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_wql?view=powershell-5.1&WT.mc_id=ps-gethelp schema: 2.0.0 Title: about WQL
Sort-Object -Property Name
#### EXAMPLE 4: Any characters -- or none (%) The following commands get processes that have names that begin with "calc".
-The % symbol in WQL is equivalent to the asterisk (\*) symbol in regular
+The % symbol in WQL is equivalent to the asterisk (`*`) symbol in regular
expressions. ```powershell
Get-CimInstance -Query $q
-WQL uses the backslash (\) as its escape character. This is different from
-Windows PowerShell, which uses the backtick character (`).
+WQL uses the backslash (`\`) as its escape character. This is different from
+Windows PowerShell, which uses the backtick character (`` ` ``).
Quotation marks, and the characters used for quotation marks, often need to be escaped so that they are not misinterpreted.
dev-cross-plat Resolving Dependency Conflicts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/docs-conceptual/dev-cross-plat/resolving-dependency-conflicts.md
Circumstances where pinning to a common dependency version won't work include:
- The other dependency version is likely to change often, so settling on a common version is only a short-term fix.
-### Add an AssemblyResolve event handler to create a dynamic binding redirect
-Sometimes changing your own dependency version isn't possible or is too difficult. Another option is
-to set up a dynamic binding redirect by registering an event handler for the `AssemblyResolve`
-As with a static binding redirect, the point is to force all consumers of a dependency to use the
-same actual assembly. You intercept calls to load the dependency and always redirect them to the
-version you want.
-This looks something like this:
-// Register the event handler as early as you can in your code.
-// A good option is to use the IModuleAssemblyInitializer interface
-// that PowerShell provides to run code early on when your module is loaded.
-// This class will be instantiated on module import and the OnImport() method run.
-// Make sure that:
-// - the class is public
-// - the class has a public, parameterless constructor
-// - the class implements IModuleAssemblyInitializer
-public class MyModuleInitializer : IModuleAssemblyInitializer
- public void OnImport()
- {
- AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += DependencyResolution.ResolveNewtonsoftJson;
- }
-// Clean up the event handler when the the module is removed
-// to prevent memory leaks.
-// Like IModuleAssemblyInitializer, IModuleAssemblyCleanup allows
-// you to register code to run when a module is removed (with Remove-Module).
-// Make sure it is also public with a public parameterless contructor
-// and implements IModuleAssemblyCleanup.
-public class MyModuleCleanup : IModuleAssemblyCleanup
- public void OnRemove(PSModuleInfo psModuleInfo)
- {
- AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve -= DependencyResolution.ResolveNewtonsoftJson;
- }
-internal static class DependencyResolution
- private static readonly string s_modulePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(
- Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
- public static Assembly ResolveNewtonsoftJson(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args)
- {
- // Parse the assembly name
- var assemblyName = new AssemblyName(args.Name);
- // We only want to handle the dependency we care about.
- // In this example it's Newtonsoft.Json.
- if (!assemblyName.Name.Equals("Newtonsoft.Json"))
- {
- return null;
- }
- // Generally the version of the dependency you want to load is the higher one,
- // since it's the most likely to be compatible with all dependent assemblies.
- // The logic here assumes our module always has the version we want to load.
- // Also note the use of Assembly.LoadFrom() here rather than Assembly.LoadFile().
- return Assembly.LoadFrom(Path.Combine(s_modulePath, "Newtonsoft.Json.dll"));
- }
-You can technically register a scriptblock within PowerShell to handle an `AssemblyResolve` event,
--- An `AssemblyResolve` event may be triggered on any thread, something that PowerShell will be
- unable to handle.
-- Even when events are handled on the right thread, PowerShell's scoping concepts mean that the
- event handler scriptblock must be written carefully to not depend on variables defined outside it.
-There are situations where redirecting to a common version won't work:
--- When the dependency has made breaking changes between versions, or when dependent code relies on a
- functionality otherwise not available in the version you redirect to.
-- When your module isn't loaded before the conflicting dependency. If you register an
- `AssemblyResolve` event handler after the dependency has been loaded, it will never be fired. If
- you're trying to prevent dependency conflicts with another module, this may be an issue, since the
- other module may be loaded first.
- ### Use the dependency out of process This solution is more for module users than module authors. This is a solution to use when
dependencies that remains robust over time as more dependencies are added.
For a more detailed example, go to this [GitHub repository](https://github.com/rjmholt/ModuleDependencyIsolationExample). This example demonstrates how to migrate a module to use an ALC, while keeping that module working in .NET
-Framework. It also show how to use .NET Standard and PowerShell Standard to simplify the core
+Framework. It also shows how to use .NET Standard and PowerShell Standard to simplify the core
-### Assembly resolve handler for side-by-side loading with `Assembly.LoadFile()`
-Another, possibly simpler, way to achieve side-by-side assembly loading is to hook up an
-`AssemblyResolve` event to `Assembly.LoadFile()`. Using `Assembly.LoadFile()` has the advantage of
-being the simplest solution to implement and works with both .NET Core and .NET Framework.
-To show this, let's take a look at a quick example of an implementation that combines ideas from our
-dynamic binding redirect example, and the Assembly Load Context example above.
-We'll call this module **LoadFileModule**, which has a trivial command
-`Test-LoadFile [-Path] <path>`. This module takes a dependency on the `CsvHelper` assembly (version
-As with the ALC module, we must first split up the module into two pieces.
-The first part does the actual implementation, `LoadFileModule.Engine`:
-using CsvHelper;
-namespace LoadFileModule.Engine
- public class Runner
- {
- public void Use(string path)
- {
- // Here's where we use the CsvHelper dependency
- using (var reader = new StreamReader(path))
- using (var csvReader = new CsvReader(reader, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
- {
- // Imagine we do something useful here...
- }
- }
- }
-The second part is what PowerShell loads directly, `LoadFileModule.Cmdlets`. We use a strategy
-similar to the ALC module, where we isolate dependencies in a separate directory. But this time, we
-load all assemblies in with a resolve event rather than just `LoadFileModule.Engine.dll`.
-using LoadFileModule.Engine;
-namespace LoadFileModule.Cmdlets
- // Actual cmdlet definition
- [Cmdlet(VerbsDiagnostic.Test, "LoadFile")]
- public class TestLoadFileCommand : Cmdlet
- {
- [Parameter(Mandatory = true)]
- public string Path { get; set; }
- protected override void EndProcessing()
- {
- // Here's where we use LoadFileModule.Engine
- new Runner().Use(Path);
- }
- }
- // This class controls our dependency resolution
- public class ModuleContextHandler : IModuleAssemblyInitializer, IModuleAssemblyCleanup
- {
- // We catalog our dependencies here to ensure we don't load anything else
- private static IReadOnlyDictionary<string, int> s_dependencies = new Dictionary<string, int>
- {
- { "CsvHelper", 15 },
- };
- // Set up the path to our dependency directory within the module
- private static string s_dependenciesDirPath = Path.GetFullPath(
- Path.Combine(
- Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location),
- "Dependencies"));
- // This makes sure we only try to resolve dependencies when the module is loaded
- private static bool s_engineLoaded = false;
- public void OnImport()
- {
- // Set up our event when the module is loaded
- AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += HandleResolveEvent;
- }
- public void OnRemove(PSModuleInfo psModuleInfo)
- {
- // Unset the event when the module is unloaded
- AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve -= HandleResolveEvent;
- }
- private static Assembly HandleResolveEvent(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args)
- {
- var asmName = new AssemblyName(args.Name);
- // First we want to know if this is the top-level assembly
- if (asmName.Name.Equals("LoadFileModule.Engine"))
- {
- s_engineLoaded = true;
- return Assembly.LoadFile(Path.Combine(s_dependenciesDirPath, "Unrelated.Engine.dll"));
- }
+This solution is also used by the [Bicep PowerShell module](https://github.com/PSBicep/PSBicep),
+and the blog post [Resolving PowerShell Module Conflicts](https://pipe.how/get-assemblyloadcontext/)
+is another good read about this solution.
- // Otherwise, if that assembly has been loaded, we must try to resolve its dependencies too
- if (s_engineLoaded
- && s_dependencies.TryGetValue(asmName.Name, out int requiredMajorVersion)
- && asmName.Version.Major == requiredMajorVersion)
- {
- string asmPath = Path.Combine(s_dependenciesDirPath, $"{asmName.Name}.dll");
- return Assembly.LoadFile(asmPath);
- }
+### Assembly resolving handler for side-by-side loading
- return null;
- }
- }
+Although being robust, the solution described above requires the module assembly to not directly reference the dependency assemblies,
+but instead, to reference a wrapper assembly which then references the dependency assemblies.
+The wrapper assembly acts like a bridge, forwarding the calls from the module assembly to the dependency assemblies.
+This makes it usually a non-trivial amount of work to adopt this solution:
-Finally, the layout of the module is also similar to the ALC module:
+- For a new module, this would add additional complexity to the design and implementaion
+- For an existing module, this would require significant refactoring
- + LoadFileModule.Cmdlets.dll
- + LoadFileModule.psd1
- + Dependencies/
- | + LoadFileModule.Engine.dll
- | + CsvHelper.dll
+There is a simplified solution to achieve side-by-side assembly loading, by
+- Hooking up a `Resolving` event to a custom Assembly Load Context
+- Or, hooking up a `Resolving` event to `Assembly.LoadFile()`
-With this structure in place, **LoadFileModule** now supports being loaded alongside other modules
-with a dependency on **CsvHelper**.
-Because our handler applies to **all** `AssemblyResolve` events across the Application Domain,
-we need to make some specific design choices here:
--- To narrow the window in which our event may interfere with other loading, we only start handling
- general dependency loading after `LoadFileModule.Engine.dll` has been loaded.
-- We push `LoadFileModule.Engine.dll` out into the Dependencies directory, so that it's loaded by a
- `LoadFile()` call rather than by PowerShell. This means its own dependency loads always raise an
- `AssemblyResolve` event, even if another `CsvHelper.dll` (for example) is loaded in PowerShell.
- This gives us the opportunity to find the correct dependency.
-- Since we must only resolve the specific dependencies for our module, we're forced to code a
- dictionary of dependency names and versions into our handler. In our particular case, it would be
- possible to use the `ResolveEventArgs.RequestingAssembly` property to work out whether `CsvHelper`
- is being requested by our module. But this doesn't work for dependencies of dependencies; for example, if `CsvHelper` itself raised an `AssemblyResolve` event. There are other, harder ways to
- do this, such as comparing requested assemblies to the metadata of assemblies in the
- `Dependencies` directory. But, in this example, we've made this checking more explicit to both
- highlight the issue and simplify the example.
-This is the key difference between the `LoadFile()` strategy and the ALC strategy: the
-`AssemblyResolve` event must service all loads in the Application Domain, making it much harder to
-keep our dependency resolution from being tangled with other modules. However, the lack of ALCs in
-.NET Framework makes this option worth understanding.
+It comes with two limitations comparing to the above solution but requires much more less effort from the module author.
+Check out the [PowerShell-ALC-Samples](https://github.com/daxian-dbw/PowerShell-ALC-Samples/tree/main/Resolving-Event-with-ALC)
+repository for the sample code and the detailed scenario analysis regarding this solution.
### Custom Application Domains
learn Experimental Features https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/docs-conceptual/learn/experimental-features.md
--- description: Lists the currently available experimental features and how to use them. Previously updated : 02/09/2022 Last updated : 03/04/2022 Title: Using Experimental Features in PowerShell --- # Using Experimental Features in PowerShell
| PSExec | | | | &#x2714;&#xfe0f; | | PSNativeCommandErrorActionPreference | | | | &#x2714;&#xfe0f; | | PSStrictModeAssignment | | | | &#x2714;&#xfe0f; |
+| PSAMSIMethodInvocationLogging | | | | &#x2714;&#xfe0f; |
## Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility.PSManageBreakpointsInRunspace
In this example, a job is started and a breakpoint is set to break when the `Set
run. The runspace is stored in a variable and passed to the `Get-PSBreakPoint` command with the **Runspace** parameter. You can then inspect the breakpoint in the `$breakpoint` variable.
+## PSAMSIMethodInvocationLogging
+The Windows Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) is an API that allows applications to pass actions to
+an antimalware scanner, such as Windows Defender, for detecting malicious payloads. Beginning with
+PowerShell 5.1, PowerShell running on Windows 10 (and higher) passes all script blocks to AMSI.
+This experimental feature extends the data that is sent to AMSI for inspection. With this feature
+enabled, PowerShell adds all invocations of .NET method members.
+This experiment was added in PowerShell 7.3.
+For more information about AMSI, see [How AMSI helps](/windows/win32/amsi/how-amsi-helps).
+ ## PSAnsiRenderingFileInfo This experiment was added in PowerShell 7.2. This feature adds the $PSStyle.FileInfo member and
For more information, see
[about_Automatic_Variables](/powershell/module/Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_Automatic_Variables). > [!NOTE]
-> You must have the **PSAnsiRendering** experimental feature enabled to use this feature.
+> This feature is dependent on the **PSAnsiRendering** feature that is now a standard feature.
## PSCleanBlock
script cmdlet. Resource cleanup is enforced for the following scenarios:
1. when the pipeline is being stopped by <kbd>Ctrl+c</kbd> or `StopProcessing()`
-> [!CAUTON]
> Adding the `clean` block is a breaking change. Because `clean` is parsed as a > keyword, it prevents users from directly calling a command named `clean` as > the first statement in a script block. However, it's likely a non-issue in
learn Security Features https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/docs-conceptual/learn/security-features.md
--- description: PowerShell has several features designed to improve the security of your scripting environment. Previously updated : 11/10/2021 Last updated : 03/04/2022 Title: PowerShell security features --- # PowerShell security features
For more information, see the following articles:
- [about_Logging_Windows][log-win] - [about_Logging_Non-Windows][log-unix]
+## AMSI Support
+The Windows Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) is an API that allows application actions to be passed
+to an antimalware scanner, such as Windows Defender, to be scanned for malicious payloads. Beginning
+with PowerShell 5.1, PowerShell running on Windows 10 (and higher) passes all script blocks to AMSI.
+For more information about AMSI, see [How AMSI helps](/windows/win32/amsi/how-amsi-helps).
+ ## Constrained language mode **ConstrainedLanguage** mode protects your system by limiting the cmdlets and .NET types that can be