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Microsoft.PowerShell.Core About Module Manifest (5.1) https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/5.1/Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_Module_Manifest.md
+description: Describes the settings and practices for writing module manifest files.
+Locale: en-US
Last updated : 03/30/2022
+online version: https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_module_manifests?view=powershell-5.1&WT.mc_id=ps-gethelp
+schema: 2.0.0
+ Title: about Module Manifests
+# about_Module_Manifests
+## Short description
+Describes the settings and practices for writing module manifest files.
+## Long description
+A module manifest is a PowerShell data file (`.psd1`) containing a hash table.
+The keys/value pairs in the hash table describe the contents and attributes of
+the module, define the prerequisites, and control how the components are
+Manifests aren't required to load a module but they are required to publish a
+module to the PowerShell Gallery. Manifests also enable you to separate your
+module's implementation from how it loads. With a manifest, you can define
+requirements, compatibility, loading order, and more.
+When you use `New-ModuleManifest` without specifying any parameters for the
+manifest's settings it writes a minimal manifest file. The snippet below shows
+you this default output, snipped of commentary and spacing for brevity:
+# RootModule = ''
+ModuleVersion = '1.0'
+# CompatiblePSEditions = @()
+GUID = 'e7184b71-2527-469f-a50e-166b612dfb3b'
+Author = 'username'
+CompanyName = 'Unknown'
+Copyright = '(c) 2022 username. All rights reserved.'
+# Description = ''
+# PowerShellVersion = ''
+# PowerShellHostName = ''
+# PowerShellHostVersion = ''
+# DotNetFrameworkVersion = ''
+# CLRVersion = ''
+# ProcessorArchitecture = ''
+# RequiredModules = @()
+# RequiredAssemblies = @()
+# ScriptsToProcess = @()
+# TypesToProcess = @()
+# FormatsToProcess = @()
+# NestedModules = @()
+FunctionsToExport = @()
+CmdletsToExport = @()
+VariablesToExport = '*'
+AliasesToExport = @()
+# DscResourcesToExport = @()
+# ModuleList = @()
+# FileList = @()
+PrivateData = @{
+ PSData = @{
+ # Tags = @()
+ # LicenseUri = ''
+ # ProjectUri = ''
+ # IconUri = ''
+ # ReleaseNotes = ''
+ } # End of PSData hashtable
+} # End of PrivateData hashtable
+# HelpInfoURI = ''
+# DefaultCommandPrefix = ''
+You can use `Test-ModuleManifest` to validate a module manifest before you
+publish your module. `Test-ModuleManifest` returns an error if the manifest is
+invalid or the module can't be imported into the current session because the
+session does not meet requirements set in the manifest.
+## Manifest settings
+The following sections detail every available setting in a module manifest and
+how you can use them. They start with a synopsis of the setting and are followed
+by a matrix which lists:
+- **Input type**: The object type that you can specify for this setting in the
+ manifest.
+- **Required**: If this value is `Yes`, the setting is required both to import
+ the module and to publish it to the PowerShell Gallery. If it is `No`, it is
+ required for neither. If it is `PowerShell Gallery`, it is only required for
+ publishing to the PowerShell Gallery.
+- **Value if unset**: The value this setting has when imported and not
+ explicitly set.
+- **Accepts wildcards**: Whether this setting can take a wildcard
+ value or not.
+### RootModule
+This setting specifies the primary or root file of the module. When the module
+is imported, the members exported by the root module file are imported into the
+caller's session state.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value must be the file path to one of the following:
+- a script (`.ps1`)
+- a script module (`.psm1`)
+- a module manifest (`.psd1`)
+- an assembly (`.dll`)
+- a cmdlet definition XML file (`.cdxml`)
+- a Windows PowerShell 5.1 Workflow (`.xaml`)
+The file path should be relative to the module manifest.
+If a module has a manifest file and no root file was designated in the
+**RootModule** key, the manifest becomes the primary file for the module, and
+the module becomes a manifest module (ModuleType = Manifest). When
+**RootModule** is defined, the module's type is determined from the file
+extension used:
+- a `.ps1` or `.psm1` file makes the module type **Script**
+- a `.psd1` file makes the module type **Manifest**
+- a `.dll` file makes the module type **Binary**
+- a `.cdxml` file makes the module type **CIM**
+- a `.xaml` file makes the module type **Workflow**
+By default, all module members in the **RootModule** are exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> Module loading speed differs between **Binary**, **Script**, and **CIM**
+> module types. For more information, see
+> [PowerShell module authoring considerations](/powershell/scripting/dev-cross-plat/performance/module-authoring-considerations)
+For example, this module's **ModuleType** is **Manifest**. The only module
+members this module can export are those defined in the modules specified with
+the **NestedModules** setting.
+ RootModule = ''
+> [!NOTE]
+> This setting may also be specified in module manifests as **ModuleToProcess**.
+> While that name for this setting is valid, it is best practice to use
+> **RootModule** instead.
+### ModuleVersion
+This setting specifies the version of the module. When multiple versions of a
+module exist on a system, the latest version is loaded by default when you run
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | Yes |
+| **Value if unset** | None |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to `System.Version` when you run
+For example, this manifest declares the module's version as `'1.2.3'`.
+ ModuleVersion = '1.2.3'
+When you import the module and inspect the **Version** property, note that it is
+a **System.Version** object and not a string:
+$ExampleModule = Import-Module example.psd1
+Major Minor Build Revision
+----- ----- ----- --------
+1 2 3 -1
+### CompatiblePSEditions
+This setting specifies the module's compatible PSEditions.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Accepted Values** | `Desktop`, `Core` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+If the value of this setting is `$null`, the module can be imported regardless
+of the PSEdition of the session. You can set it to one or more of the accepted
+For information about PSEdition, see:
+- [about_PowerShell_Editions](/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_powershell_editions)
+- [Modules with compatible PowerShell Editions](/powershell/scripting/gallery/concepts/module-psedition-support).
+When this setting is defined, the module can only be imported into a session
+where the `$PSEdition` automatic variable's value is included in the setting.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Because the `$PSEdition` automatic variable was introduced in version 5.1,
+> older versions of Windows PowerShell can't load a module that uses the
+> **CompatiblePSEditions** setting.
+For example, you can import this module manifest in any session:
+ # CompatiblePSEditions = @()
+With the setting specified, this module can only be imported in sessions where
+the `$PSEdition` automatic variable's value is `Core`.
+ CompatiblePSEditions = @('Core')
+### GUID
+This setting specifies a unique identifier for the module. The **GUID** is used
+to distinguish between modules with the same name.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to `System.Guid` when you run
+> While it is not a required setting, not specifying a **GUID** in a manifest
+> has no benefits and may lead to name collisions for modules.
+You can create a new guid to use in your manifest:
+New-Guid | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Guid
+ GUID = '8456b025-2fa5-4034-ae47-e6305f3917ca'
+If there is another module on the machine with the same name, you can still
+import the one you want by specifying the module's fully qualified name:
+Import-Module -FullyQualifiedName @{
+ ModuleName = 'Example'
+ GUID = '8456b025-2fa5-4034-ae47-e6305f3917ca'
+ ModuleVersion = '1.0.0'
+### Author
+This setting identifies the module author.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ------------------ |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | PowerShell Gallery |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This manifest declares that the module's author is the Contoso Developer
+Experience Team.
+ Author = 'Contoso Developer Experience Team'
+### CompanyName
+This setting identifies the company or vendor who created the module.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This manifest declares that the module was created by Contoso, Ltd.
+ CompanyName = 'Contoso, Ltd.'
+### Copyright
+This setting specifies a copyright statement for the module.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This manifest declares a copyright statement reserving all rights to Contoso,
+Ltd. as of 2022.
+ Copyright = '(c) 2022 Contoso, Ltd. All rights reserved.'
+### Description
+This setting describes the module at a high level.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ------------------ |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | PowerShell Gallery |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This manifest includes a short description. You can also use a here-string to
+write a longer or multi-line description.
+ Description = 'Provides example commands to show a valid module manifest'
+### PowerShellVersion
+This setting specifies the minimum version of PowerShell this module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to `System.Version` when you run
+If this setting is not set, PowerShell does not restrict the module's import
+based on the current version.
+For example, this manifest declares that the module is compatible with every
+version of PowerShell and Windows PowerShell.
+ # PowerShellVersion = ''
+With **PowerShellVersion** set to `7.2`, you can only import the module in
+PowerShell 7.2 or higher.
+ PowerShellVersion = '7.2'
+### PowerShellHostName
+This setting specifies the name of the PowerShell host program that the module
+requires, such as **Windows PowerShell ISE Host** or **ConsoleHost**.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+You can find the name of the host for a session with the `$Host.Name` statement.
+For example, you can see that the host for a remote session is
+**ServerRemoteHost** instead of **ConsoleHost**:
+Enter-PSSession -ComputerName localhost
+[localhost]: PS C:\Users\username\Documents> $Host.Name
+This module can be imported into any host.
+ # PowerShellHostName = ''
+With **PowerShellHostName** set to `ServerRemoteHost`, you can only import the
+module in a remote PowerShell session.
+ PowerShellHostName = 'ServerRemoteHost'
+### PowerShellHostVersion
+This setting specifies the minimum version of a PowerShell host program that the
+module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to `System.Version` when you run
+> While this setting can be used without the **PowerShellHostName** setting, it
+> increases the odds of unexpected behavior. Only use this setting when you are
+> also using the **PowerShellHostName** setting.
+For example, this manifest's module can be imported from any PowerShell session
+running in **ConsoleHost**, regardless of the host's version.
+ PowerShellHostName = 'ConsoleHost'
+ # PowerShellHostVersion = ''
+With the **PowerShellHostVersion** set to `5.1`, you can only import the module
+from any PowerShell session running in **ConsoleHost** where the host's version
+is 5.1 or higher.
+ PowerShellHostName = 'ConsoleHost'
+ PowerShellHostVersion = '5.1'
+### DotNetFrameworkVersion
+This setting specifies the minimum version of the Microsoft .NET Framework that
+the module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This setting only applies to Windows PowerShell. The value of this setting must
+be convertible to `System.Version` when you run `Import-Module`.
+For example, this manifest declares that its module can be imported in any
+PowerShell or Windows PowerShell session, regardless of the version of the
+Microsoft .NET Framework.
+ # DotNetFrameworkVersion = ''
+With **DotNetFrameworkVersion** set to `4.0`, you can import this module in any
+session of Windows PowerShell where the latest available version of the
+Microsoft .NET Framework is at least 4.0. You can also import it in any
+PowerShell session.
+ DotNetFrameworkVersion = '4.0'
+### CLRVersion
+This setting specifies the minimum version of the Common Language Runtime (CLR)
+of the Microsoft .NET Framework that the module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This setting only applies to Windows PowerShell. The value of this setting must
+be convertible to `System.Version` when you run `Import-Module`.
+For example, this manifest declares that its module can be imported in any
+PowerShell or Windows PowerShell session, regardless of the version of the
+Microsoft .NET Framework's CLR version.
+ # CLRVersion = ''
+With **CLRVersion** set to `4.0`, you can import this module in any session of
+Windows PowerShell where the latest available version of the CLR is at least
+4.0. You can also import it in any PowerShell session.
+ CLRVersion = '4.0'
+### ProcessorArchitecture
+This setting specifies the processor architecture that the module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Accepted Values** | `None`, `MSIL`, `X86`, `IA64`, `Amd64`, `Arm` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `None` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to
+`System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture` when you run `Import-Module`.
+For example, this manifest declares that its module can be imported in any
+session, regardless of the system's processor architecture.
+ # ProcessorArchitecture = ''
+With **ProcessorArchitecture** set to `Amd64`, you can only import this module
+in a session running on a machine with a matching architecture.
+ ProcessorArchitecture = 'Amd64'
+### RequiredModules
+This setting specifies modules that must be in the global session state. If the
+required modules aren't in the global session state, PowerShell imports them. If
+the required modules aren't available, the `Import-Module` command fails.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]`, `System.Collections.Hashtable[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Entries for this setting can be a module name, a full module specification, or a
+path to a module file.
+When the value is a path, the path can be fully qualified or relative.
+When the value is a name or module specification, PowerShell searches the
+**PSModulePath** for the specified module.
+A module specification is a hash table that has the following keys.
+- `ModuleName` - **Required**. Specifies the module name.
+- `GUID` - **Optional**. Specifies the GUID of the module.
+- It's also **Required** to specify at least one of the three below keys. The
+ `RequiredVersion` key can't be used with the `ModuleVersion` or
+ `MaximumVersion` keys. You can define an acceptable version range for the
+ module by specifying the `ModuleVersion` and `MaximumVersion` keys together.
+ - `ModuleVersion` - Specifies a minimum acceptable version of the module.
+ - `RequiredVersion` - Specifies an exact, required version of the module.
+ - `MaximumVersion` - Specifies the maximum acceptable version of the module.
+> [!NOTE]
+> `RequiredVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
+> `MaximumVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.1.
+For example, this manifest declares that its module does not require any other
+modules for its functionality.
+ # RequiredModules = @()
+This manifest declares that it requires the PSReadLine module. When you run
+`Import-Module` on this manifest, PowerShell imports the latest version of
+PSReadline that is available to the session. If no version is available, the
+import returns an error.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ 'PSReadLine'
+ )
+> [!TIP]
+> In PowerShell 2.0, `Import-Module` doesn't import required modules
+> automatically. It only verifies that the required modules are in the global
+> session state.
+This manifest declares that it requires a version of the PSReadLine module
+vendored in it's own module folder. When you run `Import-Module` on this
+manifest, PowerShell imports the vendored PSReadLine from the specified path.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ 'Vendored\PSReadline\PSReadline.psd1'
+ )
+This manifest declares that it specifically requires version 2.0.0 of the
+PSReadLine module. When you run `Import-Module` on this manifest, PowerShell
+imports version 2.0.0 of PSReadline if it is available. If it is not available,
+`Import-Module` returns an error.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ @{
+ ModuleName = 'PSReadLine'
+ RequiredVersion = '2.0.0'
+ }
+ )
+This manifest declares that it requires the PSReadLine module to be imported at
+version 2.0.0 or higher.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ @{
+ ModuleName = 'PSReadLine'
+ ModuleVersion = '2.0.0'
+ }
+ )
+This manifest declares that it requires the PSReadLine module to be imported at
+version 2.0.0 or lower.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ @{
+ ModuleName = 'PSReadLine'
+ MaximumVersion = '2.0.0'
+ }
+ )
+This manifest declares that it requires the PSDesiredStateConfiguration module
+to be imported at a version equal to or higher than 2.0.0 but no higher than
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ @{
+ ModuleName = 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'
+ ModuleVersion = '2.0.0'
+ MaximumVersion = '2.99.99'
+ }
+ )
+### RequiredAssemblies
+This setting specifies the assembly (`.dll`) files that the module requires.
+PowerShell loads the specified assemblies before updating types or formats,
+importing nested modules, or importing the module file that is specified in the
+value of the **RootModule** key.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Entries for this setting can be the filename of an assembly or the path to one.
+List all required assemblies, even if they are also listed as binary modules in
+the **NestedModules** setting.
+This manifest requires the `example.dll` assembly. Before loading any formatting
+or type files specified in this manifest, PowerShell loads `example.dll` from
+the `Assemblies` folder located in the same directory as the module manifest.
+ RequiredAssemblies = @(
+ 'Assemblies\Example.dll'
+ )
+### ScriptsToProcess
+This setting specifies script (`.ps1`) files that run in the caller's session
+state when the module is imported. You can use these scripts to prepare an
+environment, just as you might use a login script.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+To specify scripts that run in the module's session state, use the
+**NestedModules** key.
+When you import this manifest, PowerShell runs the `Initialize.ps1` in your
+current session.
+ ScriptsToProcess = @(
+ 'Scripts\Initialize.ps1'
+ )
+For example, if `Initialize.ps1` writes informational messages and sets the
+`$ExampleState` variable:
+if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ExampleState)) {
+ Write-Information "Example not initialized."
+ Write-Information "Initializing now..."
+ $ExampleState = 'Initialized'
+} else {
+ Write-Information "Example already initialized."
+When you import the module, the script runs, writing those messages and setting
+`$ExampleState` in your session.
+$InformationPreference = 'Continue'
+"Example State is: $ExampleState"
+Import-Module .\example7x.psd1
+"Example State is: $ExampleState"
+Import-Module .\example7x.psd1 -Force
+Example State is:
+Example not initialized.
+Initializing now...
+Example State is: Initialized
+Example already initialized.
+### TypesToProcess
+This setting specifies the type files (`.ps1xml`) that run when the module is
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+When you import the module, PowerShell runs the `Update-TypeData` cmdlet with
+the specified files. Because type files aren't scoped, they affect all session
+states in the session.
+For more information on type files, see
+For example, when you import this manifest, PowerShell loads the types specified
+in the `Example.ps1xml` file from the `Types` folder located in the same
+directory as the module manifest.
+ TypesToProcess = @(
+ 'Types\Example.ps1xml'
+ )
+### FormatsToProcess
+This setting specifies the formatting files (`.ps1xml`) that run when the module
+is imported.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+When you import a module, PowerShell runs the `Update-FormatData` cmdlet with
+the specified files. Because formatting files aren't scoped, they affect all
+session states in the session.
+For more information on type files, see
+For example, when you import this module, PowerShell loads the formats specified
+in the `Example.ps1xml` file from the `Formats` folder located in the same
+directory as the module manifest.
+ FormatsToProcess = @(
+ 'Formats\Example.ps1xml'
+ )
+### NestedModules
+This setting specifies script modules (`.psm1`) and binary modules (`.dll`) that
+are imported into the module's session state. You can also specify script files
+(`.ps1`). The files in this setting run in the order in which they're listed.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]`, `System.Collections.Hashtable[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Entries for this setting can be a module name, a full module specification, or a
+path to a module or script file.
+When the value is a path, the path can be fully qualified or relative.
+When the value is a module name or specification, PowerShell searches the
+**PSModulePath** for the specified module.
+A module specification is a hash table that has the following keys.
+- `ModuleName` - **Required**. Specifies the module name.
+- `GUID` - **Optional**. Specifies the GUID of the module.
+- It's also **Required** to specify at least one of the three below keys. The
+ `RequiredVersion` key can't be used with the `ModuleVersion` or
+ `MaximumVersion` keys. You can define an acceptable version range for the
+ module by specifying the `ModuleVersion` and `MaximumVersion` keys together.
+ - `ModuleVersion` - Specifies a minimum acceptable version of the module.
+ - `RequiredVersion` - Specifies an exact, required version of the module.
+ - `MaximumVersion` - Specifies the maximum acceptable version of the module.
+> [!NOTE]
+> `RequiredVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
+> `MaximumVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.1.
+Any items that need to be exported from a nested module must exported by the
+nested module using the `Export-ModuleMember` cmdlet or be listed in one of the
+export properties:
+- **FunctionsToExport**
+- **CmdletsToExport**
+- **VariablesToExport**
+- **AliasesToExport**
+Nested modules in the module session state are available to the root module, but
+they aren't returned by a `Get-Module` command in the caller's session state.
+Scripts (`.ps1`) that are listed in this setting are run in the module's session
+state, not in the caller's session state. To run a script in the caller's
+session state, list the script filename in the **ScriptsToProcess** setting.
+For example, when you import this manifest, the `Helpers.psm1` module is loaded
+into the root module's session state. Any cmdlets declared in the nested module
+are exported unless otherwise restricted.
+ NestedModules = @(
+ 'Helpers\Helpers.psm1'
+ )
+### FunctionsToExport
+This setting specifies the functions that the module exports. You can use this
+setting to restrict the functions that are exported by the module. It can remove
+functions from the list of exported functions, but it can't add functions to the
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+You can specify entries in this setting with wildcards. All matching functions
+in the list of exported functions are exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> For performance and discoverability, you should always explicitly list the
+> functions you want your module to export in this setting without using any
+> wildcards.
+For example, when you import a module with the setting commented out, all
+functions in the root module and any nested modules are exported.
+ # FunctionsToExport = @()
+This manifest is functionally identical to not specifying the setting at all.
+ FunctionsToExport = '*'
+With **FunctionsToExport** set as an empty array, when you import this module no
+functions the root module or any nested modules export are available.
+ FunctionsToExport = @()
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you create your module manifest with the `New-ModuleManifest` command and
+> do not specify the **FunctionsToExport** parameter, the created manifest has
+> this setting specified as an empty array. Unless you edit the manifest, no
+> functions from the module are exported.
+With **FunctionsToExport** set to only include the `Get-Example` function, when
+you import this module only the `Get-Example` function is made available, even
+if other functions were exported by the root module or any nested modules.
+ FunctionsToExport = @(
+ 'Get-Example'
+ )
+With **FunctionsToExport** set with a wildcard string, when you import this
+module any function whose name ends with `Example` is made available, even if
+other functions were exported as module members by the root module or any nested
+ FunctionsToExport = @(
+ '*Example'
+ )
+### CmdletsToExport
+This setting specifies the cmdlets that the module exports. You can use this
+setting to restrict the cmdlets that are exported by the module. It can remove
+cmdlets from the list of exported module members, but it can't add cmdlets to
+the list.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+You can specify entries in this setting with wildcards. All matching cmdlets
+in the list of exported cmdlets is exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> For performance and discoverability, you should always explicitly list the
+> cmdlets you want your module to export in this setting without using any
+> wildcards.
+For example, when you import a module with this setting commented out, all
+cmdlets in the root module and any nested modules are exported.
+ # CmdletsToExport = @()
+This manifest is functionally identical to not specifying the setting at all.
+ CmdletsToExport = '*'
+With **CmdletsToExport** set as an empty array, when you import this module no
+cmdlets the root module or any nested modules export are available.
+ CmdletsToExport = @()
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you create your module manifest with the `New-ModuleManifest` command and
+> do not specify the **CmdletsToExport** parameter, the created manifest has
+> this setting specified as an empty array. Unless you edit the manifest, no
+> cmdlets from the module is exported.
+With **CmdletsToExport** set to only include the `Get-Example` cmdlet, when
+you import this module only the `Get-Example` cmdlet is made available, even
+if other cmdlets were exported by the root module or any nested modules.
+ CmdletsToExport = @(
+ 'Get-Example'
+ )
+With **CmdletsToExport** set with a wildcard string, when you import this
+module any cmdlet whose name ends with `Example` is made available, even if
+other cmdlets were exported as module members by the root module or any nested
+ CmdletsToExport = @(
+ '*Example'
+ )
+### VariablesToExport
+This setting specifies the variables that the module exports. You can use this
+setting to restrict the variables that are exported by the module. It can remove
+variables from the list of exported module members, but it can't add variables
+to the list.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+You can specify entries in this setting with wildcards. All matching variables
+in the list of exported module members is exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> For performance and discoverability, you should always explicitly list the
+> variables you want your module to export in this setting without using any
+> wildcards.
+For example, when you import a module with this setting commented out, all
+variables in the root module and any nested modules are exported.
+ # VariablesToExport = @()
+This manifest is functionally identical to not specifying the setting at all.
+ VariablesToExport = '*'
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you create your module manifest with the `New-ModuleManifest` command and
+> do not specify the **VariablesToExport** parameter, the created manifest has
+> this setting specified as `'*'`. Unless you edit the manifest, all variables
+> from the module is exported.
+With **VariablesToExport** set as an empty array, when you import this module no
+variables the root module or any nested modules export are available.
+ VariablesToExport = @()
+With **VariablesToExport** set to only include the `SomeExample` variable, when
+you import this module only the `$SomeExample` variable is made available, even
+if other variables were exported by the root module or any nested modules.
+ VariablesToExport = @(
+ 'SomeExample'
+ )
+With **VariablesToExport** set with a wildcard string, when you import this
+module any variable whose name ends with `Example` is made available, even if
+other variables were exported as module members by the root module or any nested
+ VariablesToExport = @(
+ '*Example'
+ )
+### DscResourcesToExport
+This setting specifies the DSC Resources that the module exports. You can use
+this setting to restrict the class-based DSC Resources that are exported by the
+module. It can remove DSC Resources from the list of exported module members,
+but it can't add DSC Resources to the list.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+You can specify entries in this setting with wildcards. All matching class-based
+DSC Resources in the module are exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> For discoverability, you should always explicitly list all of the DSC
+> Resources your module module exports.
+For more information on authoring and using DSC Resources, see the
+[documentation for DSC](/powershell/dsc/overview).
+This manifest exports all of the class-based and MOF-based DSC Resources defined
+in the root module and any nested modules.
+ # DscResourcesToExport = @()
+This manifest exports all of the MOF-based DSC Resources defined in the root
+module and any nested modules, but only one class-based DSC Resource,
+ DscResourcesToExport = @(
+ 'ExampleClassResource'
+ )
+This manifest exports all of the DSC Resources it includes. Even if the
+MOF-Based resource was not listed, the module would still export it.
+ DscResourcesToExport = @(
+ 'ExampleClassResource'
+ 'ExampleMofResourceFirst'
+ )
+### ModuleList
+This setting is an informational inventory list of the modules included in this
+one. This list does not affect the behavior of the module.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]`, `System.Collections.Hashtable[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Entries for this setting can be a module name, a full module specification, or a
+path to a module or script file.
+When the value is a path, the path can be fully qualified or relative.
+When the value is a module name or specification, PowerShell searches the
+**PSModulePath** for the specified module.
+A module specification is a hash table that has the following keys.
+- `ModuleName` - **Required**. Specifies the module name.
+- `GUID` - **Optional**. Specifies the GUID of the module.
+- It's also **Required** to specify at least one of the three below keys. The
+ `RequiredVersion` key can't be used with the `ModuleVersion` or
+ `MaximumVersion` keys. You can define an acceptable version range for the
+ module by specifying the `ModuleVersion` and `MaximumVersion` keys together.
+ - `ModuleVersion` - Specifies a minimum acceptable version of the module.
+ - `RequiredVersion` - Specifies an exact, required version of the module.
+ - `MaximumVersion` - Specifies the maximum acceptable version of the module.
+> [!NOTE]
+> `RequiredVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
+> `MaximumVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.1.
+This manifest does not provide an informational list of the modules it includes.
+It may or may not have modules. Even though this setting is not specified, any
+modules listed in the **RootModule**, **ScriptsToProcess**, or **NestedModules**
+settings will still behave as normal.
+ # ModuleList = @()
+This manifest declares that the only modules it includes are `Example.psm1` and
+the submodules `First.psm1` and `Second.psm1` in the `Submodules` folder.
+ ModuleList = @(
+ 'Example.psm1'
+ 'Submodules\First.psm1'
+ 'Submodules\Second.psm1'
+ )
+### FileList
+This setting is an informational inventory list of the files included in this
+module. This list does not affect the behavior of the module.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+Entries for this setting should be the relative path to a file from the folder
+containing the module manifest.
+When a user calls `Get-Module` against a manifest with this setting defined, the
+**FileList** property of the returned object will be the full path to these
+files, joining the module's path with each entry's relative path.
+This manifest does not include a list of its files.
+ # FileList = @()
+This manifest declares that the only files it includes are listed in this
+ Filelist = @(
+ 'Example.psd1'
+ 'Example.psm1'
+ 'Assemblies\Example.dll'
+ 'Scripts\Initialize.ps1'
+ 'Submodules\First.psm1'
+ 'Submodules\Second.psm1'
+ )
+### PrivateData
+This setting defines a hash table of data that is available to any commands or
+functions in the root module's scope.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ------------------------------ |
+| **Input Type** | `System.Collections.Hashtable` |
+| **Required** | PowerShell Gallery |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This setting has two primary effects:
+1. Any keys added to this setting are available to functions and cmdlets in the
+ root module with `$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.PrivateData`. The hash table
+ is not available in the module scope itself, only in cmdlets you define in
+ the module.
+1. You can add the **PSData** key with a hash table for metadata needed when
+ publishing to the PowerShell Gallery. For more information on module
+ manifests and the publishing to the PowerShell Gallery, see
+ [Package manifest values that impact the PowerShell Gallery UI](/powershell/scripting/gallery/concepts/package-manifest-affecting-ui)
+For example, this manifest defines the **PublishedDate** key in **PrivateData**.
+ PrivateData = @{
+ PublishedDate = '2022-06-01'
+ }
+Cmdlets in the module can access this value with the `$MyInvocation` variable.
+Function Get-Stale {
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param()
+ $PublishedDate = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.PrivateData.PublishedDate
+ $CurrentDate = Get-Date
+ try {
+ $PublishedDate = Get-Date -Date $PublishedDate -ErrorAction Stop
+ } catch {
+ # The date was set in the manifest, set to an invalid value, or the
+ # script module was directly imported without the manifest.
+ Throw "Unable to determine published date. Check the module manifest."
+ }
+ if ($CurrentDate -gt $PublishedDate.AddDays(30)) {
+ Write-Warning "This module version was published more than 30 days ago."
+ } else {
+ $TimeUntilStale = $PublishedDate.AddDays(30) - $CurrentDate
+ "This module will be stale in $($TimeUntilStale.Days) days"
+ }
+Once the module is imported, the function uses the value from **PrivateData**
+to determine when the module was published.
+Get-Stale -TestDate '2022-06-15'
+Get-Stale -TestDate '2022-08-01'
+This module will be stale in 16 days
+WARNING: This module version was published more than 30 days ago.
+### HelpInfoURI
+This setting specifies the internet address of the HelpInfo XML file for the
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This setting's value must be a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that begins
+with **http** or **https**.
+The HelpInfo XML file supports the Updatable Help feature that was introduced in
+PowerShell 3.0. It contains information about the location of downloadable help
+files for the module and the version numbers of the newest help files for each
+supported locale.
+For information about Updatable Help, see
+[about_Updatable_Help](about_Updatable_Help.md). For information about
+the HelpInfo XML file, see
+[Supporting Updatable Help](/powershell/scripting/developer/module/supporting-updatable-help).
+For example, this module supports updatable help.
+ HelpInfoUri = 'http://https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=603'
+### DefaultCommandPrefix
+This setting specifies a prefix that is prepended to the nouns of all commands
+in the module when they're imported into a session. Prefixes help prevent
+command name conflicts in a user's session.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Module users can override this prefix by specifying the **Prefix** parameter of
+the `Import-Module` cmdlet.
+This setting was introduced in PowerShell 3.0.
+When this manifest is imported, any cmdlets imported from this module have
+`Example` prepended to the noun in their name. For example, `Get-Item` is
+imported as `Get-ExampleItem`.
+ DefaultCommandPrefix = 'Example'
+## See also
+- [about_PowerShell_Editions](/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_powershell_editions)
+- [New-ModuleManifest](xref:Microsoft.PowerShell.Core.New-ModuleManifest)
+- [Test-ModuleManifest](xref:Microsoft.PowerShell.Core.Test-ModuleManifest)
+- [Modules with compatible PowerShell Editions](/powershell/scripting/gallery/concepts/module-psedition-support).
+- [Package manifest values that impact the PowerShell Gallery UI](/powershell/scripting/gallery/concepts/package-manifest-affecting-ui)
+- [PowerShell module authoring considerations](/powershell/scripting/dev-cross-plat/performance/module-authoring-considerations)
Microsoft.PowerShell.Core About Module Manifest (7.0) https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/7.0/Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_Module_Manifest.md
+description: Describes the settings and practices for writing module manifest files.
+Locale: en-US
Last updated : 03/30/2022
+online version: https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_module_manifests?view=powershell-7&WT.mc_id=ps-gethelp
+schema: 2.0.0
+ Title: about Module Manifests
+# about_Module_Manifests
+## Short description
+Describes the settings and practices for writing module manifest files.
+## Long description
+A module manifest is a PowerShell data file (`.psd1`) containing a hash table.
+The keys/value pairs in the hash table describe the contents and attributes of
+the module, define the prerequisites, and control how the components are
+Manifests aren't required to load a module but they are required to publish a
+module to the PowerShell Gallery. Manifests also enable you to separate your
+module's implementation from how it loads. With a manifest, you can define
+requirements, compatibility, loading order, and more.
+When you use `New-ModuleManifest` without specifying any parameters for the
+manifest's settings it writes a minimal manifest file. The snippet below shows
+you this default output, snipped of commentary and spacing for brevity:
+# RootModule = ''
+ModuleVersion = '1.0'
+# CompatiblePSEditions = @()
+GUID = 'e7184b71-2527-469f-a50e-166b612dfb3b'
+Author = 'username'
+CompanyName = 'Unknown'
+Copyright = '(c) 2022 username. All rights reserved.'
+# Description = ''
+# PowerShellVersion = ''
+# PowerShellHostName = ''
+# PowerShellHostVersion = ''
+# DotNetFrameworkVersion = ''
+# CLRVersion = ''
+# ProcessorArchitecture = ''
+# RequiredModules = @()
+# RequiredAssemblies = @()
+# ScriptsToProcess = @()
+# TypesToProcess = @()
+# FormatsToProcess = @()
+# NestedModules = @()
+FunctionsToExport = @()
+CmdletsToExport = @()
+VariablesToExport = '*'
+AliasesToExport = @()
+# DscResourcesToExport = @()
+# ModuleList = @()
+# FileList = @()
+PrivateData = @{
+ PSData = @{
+ # Tags = @()
+ # LicenseUri = ''
+ # ProjectUri = ''
+ # IconUri = ''
+ # ReleaseNotes = ''
+ } # End of PSData hashtable
+} # End of PrivateData hashtable
+# HelpInfoURI = ''
+# DefaultCommandPrefix = ''
+You can use `Test-ModuleManifest` to validate a module manifest before you
+publish your module. `Test-ModuleManifest` returns an error if the manifest is
+invalid or the module can't be imported into the current session because the
+session does not meet requirements set in the manifest.
+## Manifest settings
+The following sections detail every available setting in a module manifest and
+how you can use them. They start with a synopsis of the setting and are followed
+by a matrix which lists:
+- **Input type**: The object type that you can specify for this setting in the
+ manifest.
+- **Required**: If this value is `Yes`, the setting is required both to import
+ the module and to publish it to the PowerShell Gallery. If it is `No`, it is
+ required for neither. If it is `PowerShell Gallery`, it is only required for
+ publishing to the PowerShell Gallery.
+- **Value if unset**: The value this setting has when imported and not
+ explicitly set.
+- **Accepts wildcards**: Whether this setting can take a wildcard
+ value or not.
+### RootModule
+This setting specifies the primary or root file of the module. When the module
+is imported, the members exported by the root module file are imported into the
+caller's session state.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value must be the file path to one of the following:
+- a script (`.ps1`)
+- a script module (`.psm1`)
+- a module manifest (`.psd1`)
+- an assembly (`.dll`)
+- a cmdlet definition XML file (`.cdxml`)
+- a Windows PowerShell 5.1 Workflow (`.xaml`)
+The file path should be relative to the module manifest.
+If a module has a manifest file and no root file was designated in the
+**RootModule** key, the manifest becomes the primary file for the module, and
+the module becomes a manifest module (ModuleType = Manifest). When
+**RootModule** is defined, the module's type is determined from the file
+extension used:
+- a `.ps1` or `.psm1` file makes the module type **Script**
+- a `.psd1` file makes the module type **Manifest**
+- a `.dll` file makes the module type **Binary**
+- a `.cdxml` file makes the module type **CIM**
+- a `.xaml` file makes the module type **Workflow**
+By default, all module members in the **RootModule** are exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> Module loading speed differs between **Binary**, **Script**, and **CIM**
+> module types. For more information, see
+> [PowerShell module authoring considerations](/powershell/scripting/dev-cross-plat/performance/module-authoring-considerations)
+For example, this module's **ModuleType** is **Manifest**. The only module
+members this module can export are those defined in the modules specified with
+the **NestedModules** setting.
+ RootModule = ''
+> [!NOTE]
+> This setting may also be specified in module manifests as **ModuleToProcess**.
+> While that name for this setting is valid, it is best practice to use
+> **RootModule** instead.
+### ModuleVersion
+This setting specifies the version of the module. When multiple versions of a
+module exist on a system, the latest version is loaded by default when you run
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | Yes |
+| **Value if unset** | None |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to `System.Version` when you run
+For example, this manifest declares the module's version as `'1.2.3'`.
+ ModuleVersion = '1.2.3'
+When you import the module and inspect the **Version** property, note that it is
+a **System.Version** object and not a string:
+$ExampleModule = Import-Module example.psd1
+Major Minor Build Revision
+----- ----- ----- --------
+1 2 3 -1
+### CompatiblePSEditions
+This setting specifies the module's compatible PSEditions.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Accepted Values** | `Desktop`, `Core` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+If the value of this setting is `$null`, the module can be imported regardless
+of the PSEdition of the session. You can set it to one or more of the accepted
+For information about PSEdition, see:
+- [about_PowerShell_Editions](/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_powershell_editions)
+- [Modules with compatible PowerShell Editions](/powershell/scripting/gallery/concepts/module-psedition-support).
+When this setting is defined, the module can only be imported into a session
+where the `$PSEdition` automatic variable's value is included in the setting.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Because the `$PSEdition` automatic variable was introduced in version 5.1,
+> older versions of Windows PowerShell can't load a module that uses the
+> **CompatiblePSEditions** setting.
+For example, you can import this module manifest in any session:
+ # CompatiblePSEditions = @()
+With the setting specified, this module can only be imported in sessions where
+the `$PSEdition` automatic variable's value is `Core`.
+ CompatiblePSEditions = @('Core')
+### GUID
+This setting specifies a unique identifier for the module. The **GUID** is used
+to distinguish between modules with the same name.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to `System.Guid` when you run
+> While it is not a required setting, not specifying a **GUID** in a manifest
+> has no benefits and may lead to name collisions for modules.
+You can create a new guid to use in your manifest:
+New-Guid | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Guid
+ GUID = '8456b025-2fa5-4034-ae47-e6305f3917ca'
+If there is another module on the machine with the same name, you can still
+import the one you want by specifying the module's fully qualified name:
+Import-Module -FullyQualifiedName @{
+ ModuleName = 'Example'
+ GUID = '8456b025-2fa5-4034-ae47-e6305f3917ca'
+ ModuleVersion = '1.0.0'
+### Author
+This setting identifies the module author.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ------------------ |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | PowerShell Gallery |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This manifest declares that the module's author is the Contoso Developer
+Experience Team.
+ Author = 'Contoso Developer Experience Team'
+### CompanyName
+This setting identifies the company or vendor who created the module.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This manifest declares that the module was created by Contoso, Ltd.
+ CompanyName = 'Contoso, Ltd.'
+### Copyright
+This setting specifies a copyright statement for the module.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This manifest declares a copyright statement reserving all rights to Contoso,
+Ltd. as of 2022.
+ Copyright = '(c) 2022 Contoso, Ltd. All rights reserved.'
+### Description
+This setting describes the module at a high level.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ------------------ |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | PowerShell Gallery |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This manifest includes a short description. You can also use a here-string to
+write a longer or multi-line description.
+ Description = 'Provides example commands to show a valid module manifest'
+### PowerShellVersion
+This setting specifies the minimum version of PowerShell this module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to `System.Version` when you run
+If this setting is not set, PowerShell does not restrict the module's import
+based on the current version.
+For example, this manifest declares that the module is compatible with every
+version of PowerShell and Windows PowerShell.
+ # PowerShellVersion = ''
+With **PowerShellVersion** set to `7.2`, you can only import the module in
+PowerShell 7.2 or higher.
+ PowerShellVersion = '7.2'
+### PowerShellHostName
+This setting specifies the name of the PowerShell host program that the module
+requires, such as **Windows PowerShell ISE Host** or **ConsoleHost**.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+You can find the name of the host for a session with the `$Host.Name` statement.
+For example, you can see that the host for a remote session is
+**ServerRemoteHost** instead of **ConsoleHost**:
+Enter-PSSession -ComputerName localhost
+[localhost]: PS C:\Users\username\Documents> $Host.Name
+This module can be imported into any host.
+ # PowerShellHostName = ''
+With **PowerShellHostName** set to `ServerRemoteHost`, you can only import the
+module in a remote PowerShell session.
+ PowerShellHostName = 'ServerRemoteHost'
+### PowerShellHostVersion
+This setting specifies the minimum version of a PowerShell host program that the
+module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to `System.Version` when you run
+> While this setting can be used without the **PowerShellHostName** setting, it
+> increases the odds of unexpected behavior. Only use this setting when you are
+> also using the **PowerShellHostName** setting.
+For example, this manifest's module can be imported from any PowerShell session
+running in **ConsoleHost**, regardless of the host's version.
+ PowerShellHostName = 'ConsoleHost'
+ # PowerShellHostVersion = ''
+With the **PowerShellHostVersion** set to `5.1`, you can only import the module
+from any PowerShell session running in **ConsoleHost** where the host's version
+is 5.1 or higher.
+ PowerShellHostName = 'ConsoleHost'
+ PowerShellHostVersion = '5.1'
+### DotNetFrameworkVersion
+This setting specifies the minimum version of the Microsoft .NET Framework that
+the module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This setting only applies to Windows PowerShell. The value of this setting must
+be convertible to `System.Version` when you run `Import-Module`.
+For example, this manifest declares that its module can be imported in any
+PowerShell or Windows PowerShell session, regardless of the version of the
+Microsoft .NET Framework.
+ # DotNetFrameworkVersion = ''
+With **DotNetFrameworkVersion** set to `4.0`, you can import this module in any
+session of Windows PowerShell where the latest available version of the
+Microsoft .NET Framework is at least 4.0. You can also import it in any
+PowerShell session.
+ DotNetFrameworkVersion = '4.0'
+### CLRVersion
+This setting specifies the minimum version of the Common Language Runtime (CLR)
+of the Microsoft .NET Framework that the module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This setting only applies to Windows PowerShell. The value of this setting must
+be convertible to `System.Version` when you run `Import-Module`.
+For example, this manifest declares that its module can be imported in any
+PowerShell or Windows PowerShell session, regardless of the version of the
+Microsoft .NET Framework's CLR version.
+ # CLRVersion = ''
+With **CLRVersion** set to `4.0`, you can import this module in any session of
+Windows PowerShell where the latest available version of the CLR is at least
+4.0. You can also import it in any PowerShell session.
+ CLRVersion = '4.0'
+### ProcessorArchitecture
+This setting specifies the processor architecture that the module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Accepted Values** | `None`, `MSIL`, `X86`, `IA64`, `Amd64`, `Arm` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `None` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to
+`System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture` when you run `Import-Module`.
+For example, this manifest declares that its module can be imported in any
+session, regardless of the system's processor architecture.
+ # ProcessorArchitecture = ''
+With **ProcessorArchitecture** set to `Amd64`, you can only import this module
+in a session running on a machine with a matching architecture.
+ ProcessorArchitecture = 'Amd64'
+### RequiredModules
+This setting specifies modules that must be in the global session state. If the
+required modules aren't in the global session state, PowerShell imports them. If
+the required modules aren't available, the `Import-Module` command fails.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]`, `System.Collections.Hashtable[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Entries for this setting can be a module name, a full module specification, or a
+path to a module file.
+When the value is a path, the path can be fully qualified or relative.
+When the value is a name or module specification, PowerShell searches the
+**PSModulePath** for the specified module.
+A module specification is a hash table that has the following keys.
+- `ModuleName` - **Required**. Specifies the module name.
+- `GUID` - **Optional**. Specifies the GUID of the module.
+- It's also **Required** to specify at least one of the three below keys. The
+ `RequiredVersion` key can't be used with the `ModuleVersion` or
+ `MaximumVersion` keys. You can define an acceptable version range for the
+ module by specifying the `ModuleVersion` and `MaximumVersion` keys together.
+ - `ModuleVersion` - Specifies a minimum acceptable version of the module.
+ - `RequiredVersion` - Specifies an exact, required version of the module.
+ - `MaximumVersion` - Specifies the maximum acceptable version of the module.
+> [!NOTE]
+> `RequiredVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
+> `MaximumVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.1.
+For example, this manifest declares that its module does not require any other
+modules for its functionality.
+ # RequiredModules = @()
+This manifest declares that it requires the PSReadLine module. When you run
+`Import-Module` on this manifest, PowerShell imports the latest version of
+PSReadline that is available to the session. If no version is available, the
+import returns an error.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ 'PSReadLine'
+ )
+> [!TIP]
+> In PowerShell 2.0, `Import-Module` doesn't import required modules
+> automatically. It only verifies that the required modules are in the global
+> session state.
+This manifest declares that it requires a version of the PSReadLine module
+vendored in it's own module folder. When you run `Import-Module` on this
+manifest, PowerShell imports the vendored PSReadLine from the specified path.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ 'Vendored\PSReadline\PSReadline.psd1'
+ )
+This manifest declares that it specifically requires version 2.0.0 of the
+PSReadLine module. When you run `Import-Module` on this manifest, PowerShell
+imports version 2.0.0 of PSReadline if it is available. If it is not available,
+`Import-Module` returns an error.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ @{
+ ModuleName = 'PSReadLine'
+ RequiredVersion = '2.0.0'
+ }
+ )
+This manifest declares that it requires the PSReadLine module to be imported at
+version 2.0.0 or higher.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ @{
+ ModuleName = 'PSReadLine'
+ ModuleVersion = '2.0.0'
+ }
+ )
+This manifest declares that it requires the PSReadLine module to be imported at
+version 2.0.0 or lower.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ @{
+ ModuleName = 'PSReadLine'
+ MaximumVersion = '2.0.0'
+ }
+ )
+This manifest declares that it requires the PSDesiredStateConfiguration module
+to be imported at a version equal to or higher than 2.0.0 but no higher than
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ @{
+ ModuleName = 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'
+ ModuleVersion = '2.0.0'
+ MaximumVersion = '2.99.99'
+ }
+ )
+### RequiredAssemblies
+This setting specifies the assembly (`.dll`) files that the module requires.
+PowerShell loads the specified assemblies before updating types or formats,
+importing nested modules, or importing the module file that is specified in the
+value of the **RootModule** key.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Entries for this setting can be the filename of an assembly or the path to one.
+List all required assemblies, even if they are also listed as binary modules in
+the **NestedModules** setting.
+This manifest requires the `example.dll` assembly. Before loading any formatting
+or type files specified in this manifest, PowerShell loads `example.dll` from
+the `Assemblies` folder located in the same directory as the module manifest.
+ RequiredAssemblies = @(
+ 'Assemblies\Example.dll'
+ )
+### ScriptsToProcess
+This setting specifies script (`.ps1`) files that run in the caller's session
+state when the module is imported. You can use these scripts to prepare an
+environment, just as you might use a login script.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+To specify scripts that run in the module's session state, use the
+**NestedModules** key.
+When you import this manifest, PowerShell runs the `Initialize.ps1` in your
+current session.
+ ScriptsToProcess = @(
+ 'Scripts\Initialize.ps1'
+ )
+For example, if `Initialize.ps1` writes informational messages and sets the
+`$ExampleState` variable:
+if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ExampleState)) {
+ Write-Information "Example not initialized."
+ Write-Information "Initializing now..."
+ $ExampleState = 'Initialized'
+} else {
+ Write-Information "Example already initialized."
+When you import the module, the script runs, writing those messages and setting
+`$ExampleState` in your session.
+$InformationPreference = 'Continue'
+"Example State is: $ExampleState"
+Import-Module .\example7x.psd1
+"Example State is: $ExampleState"
+Import-Module .\example7x.psd1 -Force
+Example State is:
+Example not initialized.
+Initializing now...
+Example State is: Initialized
+Example already initialized.
+### TypesToProcess
+This setting specifies the type files (`.ps1xml`) that run when the module is
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+When you import the module, PowerShell runs the `Update-TypeData` cmdlet with
+the specified files. Because type files aren't scoped, they affect all session
+states in the session.
+For more information on type files, see
+For example, when you import this manifest, PowerShell loads the types specified
+in the `Example.ps1xml` file from the `Types` folder located in the same
+directory as the module manifest.
+ TypesToProcess = @(
+ 'Types\Example.ps1xml'
+ )
+### FormatsToProcess
+This setting specifies the formatting files (`.ps1xml`) that run when the module
+is imported.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+When you import a module, PowerShell runs the `Update-FormatData` cmdlet with
+the specified files. Because formatting files aren't scoped, they affect all
+session states in the session.
+For more information on type files, see
+For example, when you import this module, PowerShell loads the formats specified
+in the `Example.ps1xml` file from the `Formats` folder located in the same
+directory as the module manifest.
+ FormatsToProcess = @(
+ 'Formats\Example.ps1xml'
+ )
+### NestedModules
+This setting specifies script modules (`.psm1`) and binary modules (`.dll`) that
+are imported into the module's session state. You can also specify script files
+(`.ps1`). The files in this setting run in the order in which they're listed.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]`, `System.Collections.Hashtable[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Entries for this setting can be a module name, a full module specification, or a
+path to a module or script file.
+When the value is a path, the path can be fully qualified or relative.
+When the value is a module name or specification, PowerShell searches the
+**PSModulePath** for the specified module.
+A module specification is a hash table that has the following keys.
+- `ModuleName` - **Required**. Specifies the module name.
+- `GUID` - **Optional**. Specifies the GUID of the module.
+- It's also **Required** to specify at least one of the three below keys. The
+ `RequiredVersion` key can't be used with the `ModuleVersion` or
+ `MaximumVersion` keys. You can define an acceptable version range for the
+ module by specifying the `ModuleVersion` and `MaximumVersion` keys together.
+ - `ModuleVersion` - Specifies a minimum acceptable version of the module.
+ - `RequiredVersion` - Specifies an exact, required version of the module.
+ - `MaximumVersion` - Specifies the maximum acceptable version of the module.
+> [!NOTE]
+> `RequiredVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
+> `MaximumVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.1.
+Any items that need to be exported from a nested module must exported by the
+nested module using the `Export-ModuleMember` cmdlet or be listed in one of the
+export properties:
+- **FunctionsToExport**
+- **CmdletsToExport**
+- **VariablesToExport**
+- **AliasesToExport**
+Nested modules in the module session state are available to the root module, but
+they aren't returned by a `Get-Module` command in the caller's session state.
+Scripts (`.ps1`) that are listed in this setting are run in the module's session
+state, not in the caller's session state. To run a script in the caller's
+session state, list the script filename in the **ScriptsToProcess** setting.
+For example, when you import this manifest, the `Helpers.psm1` module is loaded
+into the root module's session state. Any cmdlets declared in the nested module
+are exported unless otherwise restricted.
+ NestedModules = @(
+ 'Helpers\Helpers.psm1'
+ )
+### FunctionsToExport
+This setting specifies the functions that the module exports. You can use this
+setting to restrict the functions that are exported by the module. It can remove
+functions from the list of exported functions, but it can't add functions to the
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+You can specify entries in this setting with wildcards. All matching functions
+in the list of exported functions are exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> For performance and discoverability, you should always explicitly list the
+> functions you want your module to export in this setting without using any
+> wildcards.
+For example, when you import a module with the setting commented out, all
+functions in the root module and any nested modules are exported.
+ # FunctionsToExport = @()
+This manifest is functionally identical to not specifying the setting at all.
+ FunctionsToExport = '*'
+With **FunctionsToExport** set as an empty array, when you import this module no
+functions the root module or any nested modules export are available.
+ FunctionsToExport = @()
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you create your module manifest with the `New-ModuleManifest` command and
+> do not specify the **FunctionsToExport** parameter, the created manifest has
+> this setting specified as an empty array. Unless you edit the manifest, no
+> functions from the module are exported.
+With **FunctionsToExport** set to only include the `Get-Example` function, when
+you import this module only the `Get-Example` function is made available, even
+if other functions were exported by the root module or any nested modules.
+ FunctionsToExport = @(
+ 'Get-Example'
+ )
+With **FunctionsToExport** set with a wildcard string, when you import this
+module any function whose name ends with `Example` is made available, even if
+other functions were exported as module members by the root module or any nested
+ FunctionsToExport = @(
+ '*Example'
+ )
+### CmdletsToExport
+This setting specifies the cmdlets that the module exports. You can use this
+setting to restrict the cmdlets that are exported by the module. It can remove
+cmdlets from the list of exported module members, but it can't add cmdlets to
+the list.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+You can specify entries in this setting with wildcards. All matching cmdlets
+in the list of exported cmdlets is exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> For performance and discoverability, you should always explicitly list the
+> cmdlets you want your module to export in this setting without using any
+> wildcards.
+For example, when you import a module with this setting commented out, all
+cmdlets in the root module and any nested modules are exported.
+ # CmdletsToExport = @()
+This manifest is functionally identical to not specifying the setting at all.
+ CmdletsToExport = '*'
+With **CmdletsToExport** set as an empty array, when you import this module no
+cmdlets the root module or any nested modules export are available.
+ CmdletsToExport = @()
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you create your module manifest with the `New-ModuleManifest` command and
+> do not specify the **CmdletsToExport** parameter, the created manifest has
+> this setting specified as an empty array. Unless you edit the manifest, no
+> cmdlets from the module is exported.
+With **CmdletsToExport** set to only include the `Get-Example` cmdlet, when
+you import this module only the `Get-Example` cmdlet is made available, even
+if other cmdlets were exported by the root module or any nested modules.
+ CmdletsToExport = @(
+ 'Get-Example'
+ )
+With **CmdletsToExport** set with a wildcard string, when you import this
+module any cmdlet whose name ends with `Example` is made available, even if
+other cmdlets were exported as module members by the root module or any nested
+ CmdletsToExport = @(
+ '*Example'
+ )
+### VariablesToExport
+This setting specifies the variables that the module exports. You can use this
+setting to restrict the variables that are exported by the module. It can remove
+variables from the list of exported module members, but it can't add variables
+to the list.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+You can specify entries in this setting with wildcards. All matching variables
+in the list of exported module members is exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> For performance and discoverability, you should always explicitly list the
+> variables you want your module to export in this setting without using any
+> wildcards.
+For example, when you import a module with this setting commented out, all
+variables in the root module and any nested modules are exported.
+ # VariablesToExport = @()
+This manifest is functionally identical to not specifying the setting at all.
+ VariablesToExport = '*'
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you create your module manifest with the `New-ModuleManifest` command and
+> do not specify the **VariablesToExport** parameter, the created manifest has
+> this setting specified as `'*'`. Unless you edit the manifest, all variables
+> from the module is exported.
+With **VariablesToExport** set as an empty array, when you import this module no
+variables the root module or any nested modules export are available.
+ VariablesToExport = @()
+With **VariablesToExport** set to only include the `SomeExample` variable, when
+you import this module only the `$SomeExample` variable is made available, even
+if other variables were exported by the root module or any nested modules.
+ VariablesToExport = @(
+ 'SomeExample'
+ )
+With **VariablesToExport** set with a wildcard string, when you import this
+module any variable whose name ends with `Example` is made available, even if
+other variables were exported as module members by the root module or any nested
+ VariablesToExport = @(
+ '*Example'
+ )
+### DscResourcesToExport
+This setting specifies the DSC Resources that the module exports. You can use
+this setting to restrict the class-based DSC Resources that are exported by the
+module. It can remove DSC Resources from the list of exported module members,
+but it can't add DSC Resources to the list.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+You can specify entries in this setting with wildcards. All matching class-based
+DSC Resources in the module are exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> For discoverability, you should always explicitly list all of the DSC
+> Resources your module module exports.
+For more information on authoring and using DSC Resources, see the
+[documentation for DSC](/powershell/dsc/overview).
+This manifest exports all of the class-based and MOF-based DSC Resources defined
+in the root module and any nested modules.
+ # DscResourcesToExport = @()
+This manifest exports all of the MOF-based DSC Resources defined in the root
+module and any nested modules, but only one class-based DSC Resource,
+ DscResourcesToExport = @(
+ 'ExampleClassResource'
+ )
+This manifest exports all of the DSC Resources it includes. Even if the
+MOF-Based resource was not listed, the module would still export it.
+ DscResourcesToExport = @(
+ 'ExampleClassResource'
+ 'ExampleMofResourceFirst'
+ )
+### ModuleList
+This setting is an informational inventory list of the modules included in this
+one. This list does not affect the behavior of the module.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]`, `System.Collections.Hashtable[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Entries for this setting can be a module name, a full module specification, or a
+path to a module or script file.
+When the value is a path, the path can be fully qualified or relative.
+When the value is a module name or specification, PowerShell searches the
+**PSModulePath** for the specified module.
+A module specification is a hash table that has the following keys.
+- `ModuleName` - **Required**. Specifies the module name.
+- `GUID` - **Optional**. Specifies the GUID of the module.
+- It's also **Required** to specify at least one of the three below keys. The
+ `RequiredVersion` key can't be used with the `ModuleVersion` or
+ `MaximumVersion` keys. You can define an acceptable version range for the
+ module by specifying the `ModuleVersion` and `MaximumVersion` keys together.
+ - `ModuleVersion` - Specifies a minimum acceptable version of the module.
+ - `RequiredVersion` - Specifies an exact, required version of the module.
+ - `MaximumVersion` - Specifies the maximum acceptable version of the module.
+> [!NOTE]
+> `RequiredVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
+> `MaximumVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.1.
+This manifest does not provide an informational list of the modules it includes.
+It may or may not have modules. Even though this setting is not specified, any
+modules listed in the **RootModule**, **ScriptsToProcess**, or **NestedModules**
+settings will still behave as normal.
+ # ModuleList = @()
+This manifest declares that the only modules it includes are `Example.psm1` and
+the submodules `First.psm1` and `Second.psm1` in the `Submodules` folder.
+ ModuleList = @(
+ 'Example.psm1'
+ 'Submodules\First.psm1'
+ 'Submodules\Second.psm1'
+ )
+### FileList
+This setting is an informational inventory list of the files included in this
+module. This list does not affect the behavior of the module.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+Entries for this setting should be the relative path to a file from the folder
+containing the module manifest.
+When a user calls `Get-Module` against a manifest with this setting defined, the
+**FileList** property of the returned object will be the full path to these
+files, joining the module's path with each entry's relative path.
+This manifest does not include a list of its files.
+ # FileList = @()
+This manifest declares that the only files it includes are listed in this
+ Filelist = @(
+ 'Example.psd1'
+ 'Example.psm1'
+ 'Assemblies\Example.dll'
+ 'Scripts\Initialize.ps1'
+ 'Submodules\First.psm1'
+ 'Submodules\Second.psm1'
+ )
+### PrivateData
+This setting defines a hash table of data that is available to any commands or
+functions in the root module's scope.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ------------------------------ |
+| **Input Type** | `System.Collections.Hashtable` |
+| **Required** | PowerShell Gallery |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This setting has two primary effects:
+1. Any keys added to this setting are available to functions and cmdlets in the
+ root module with `$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.PrivateData`. The hash table
+ is not available in the module scope itself, only in cmdlets you define in
+ the module.
+1. You can add the **PSData** key with a hash table for metadata needed when
+ publishing to the PowerShell Gallery. For more information on module
+ manifests and the publishing to the PowerShell Gallery, see
+ [Package manifest values that impact the PowerShell Gallery UI](/powershell/scripting/gallery/concepts/package-manifest-affecting-ui)
+For example, this manifest defines the **PublishedDate** key in **PrivateData**.
+ PrivateData = @{
+ PublishedDate = '2022-06-01'
+ }
+Cmdlets in the module can access this value with the `$MyInvocation` variable.
+Function Get-Stale {
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param()
+ $PublishedDate = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.PrivateData.PublishedDate
+ $CurrentDate = Get-Date
+ try {
+ $PublishedDate = Get-Date -Date $PublishedDate -ErrorAction Stop
+ } catch {
+ # The date was set in the manifest, set to an invalid value, or the
+ # script module was directly imported without the manifest.
+ Throw "Unable to determine published date. Check the module manifest."
+ }
+ if ($CurrentDate -gt $PublishedDate.AddDays(30)) {
+ Write-Warning "This module version was published more than 30 days ago."
+ } else {
+ $TimeUntilStale = $PublishedDate.AddDays(30) - $CurrentDate
+ "This module will be stale in $($TimeUntilStale.Days) days"
+ }
+Once the module is imported, the function uses the value from **PrivateData**
+to determine when the module was published.
+Get-Stale -TestDate '2022-06-15'
+Get-Stale -TestDate '2022-08-01'
+This module will be stale in 16 days
+WARNING: This module version was published more than 30 days ago.
+### HelpInfoURI
+This setting specifies the internet address of the HelpInfo XML file for the
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This setting's value must be a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that begins
+with **http** or **https**.
+The HelpInfo XML file supports the Updatable Help feature that was introduced in
+PowerShell 3.0. It contains information about the location of downloadable help
+files for the module and the version numbers of the newest help files for each
+supported locale.
+For information about Updatable Help, see
+[about_Updatable_Help](about_Updatable_Help.md). For information about
+the HelpInfo XML file, see
+[Supporting Updatable Help](/powershell/scripting/developer/module/supporting-updatable-help).
+For example, this module supports updatable help.
+ HelpInfoUri = 'http://https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=603'
+### DefaultCommandPrefix
+This setting specifies a prefix that is prepended to the nouns of all commands
+in the module when they're imported into a session. Prefixes help prevent
+command name conflicts in a user's session.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Module users can override this prefix by specifying the **Prefix** parameter of
+the `Import-Module` cmdlet.
+This setting was introduced in PowerShell 3.0.
+When this manifest is imported, any cmdlets imported from this module have
+`Example` prepended to the noun in their name. For example, `Get-Item` is
+imported as `Get-ExampleItem`.
+ DefaultCommandPrefix = 'Example'
+## See also
+- [about_PowerShell_Editions](/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_powershell_editions)
+- [New-ModuleManifest](xref:Microsoft.PowerShell.Core.New-ModuleManifest)
+- [Test-ModuleManifest](xref:Microsoft.PowerShell.Core.Test-ModuleManifest)
+- [Modules with compatible PowerShell Editions](/powershell/scripting/gallery/concepts/module-psedition-support).
+- [Package manifest values that impact the PowerShell Gallery UI](/powershell/scripting/gallery/concepts/package-manifest-affecting-ui)
+- [PowerShell module authoring considerations](/powershell/scripting/dev-cross-plat/performance/module-authoring-considerations)
Microsoft.PowerShell.Core About Module Manifest (7.1) https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/7.1/Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_Module_Manifest.md
+description: Describes the settings and practices for writing module manifest files.
+Locale: en-US
Last updated : 03/30/2022
+online version: https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_module_manifests?view=powershell-7.1&WT.mc_id=ps-gethelp
+schema: 2.0.0
+ Title: about Module Manifests
+# about_Module_Manifests
+## Short description
+Describes the settings and practices for writing module manifest files.
+## Long description
+A module manifest is a PowerShell data file (`.psd1`) containing a hash table.
+The keys/value pairs in the hash table describe the contents and attributes of
+the module, define the prerequisites, and control how the components are
+Manifests aren't required to load a module but they are required to publish a
+module to the PowerShell Gallery. Manifests also enable you to separate your
+module's implementation from how it loads. With a manifest, you can define
+requirements, compatibility, loading order, and more.
+When you use `New-ModuleManifest` without specifying any parameters for the
+manifest's settings it writes a minimal manifest file. The snippet below shows
+you this default output, snipped of commentary and spacing for brevity:
+# RootModule = ''
+ModuleVersion = '1.0'
+# CompatiblePSEditions = @()
+GUID = 'e7184b71-2527-469f-a50e-166b612dfb3b'
+Author = 'username'
+CompanyName = 'Unknown'
+Copyright = '(c) 2022 username. All rights reserved.'
+# Description = ''
+# PowerShellVersion = ''
+# PowerShellHostName = ''
+# PowerShellHostVersion = ''
+# DotNetFrameworkVersion = ''
+# CLRVersion = ''
+# ProcessorArchitecture = ''
+# RequiredModules = @()
+# RequiredAssemblies = @()
+# ScriptsToProcess = @()
+# TypesToProcess = @()
+# FormatsToProcess = @()
+# NestedModules = @()
+FunctionsToExport = @()
+CmdletsToExport = @()
+VariablesToExport = '*'
+AliasesToExport = @()
+# DscResourcesToExport = @()
+# ModuleList = @()
+# FileList = @()
+PrivateData = @{
+ PSData = @{
+ # Tags = @()
+ # LicenseUri = ''
+ # ProjectUri = ''
+ # IconUri = ''
+ # ReleaseNotes = ''
+ } # End of PSData hashtable
+} # End of PrivateData hashtable
+# HelpInfoURI = ''
+# DefaultCommandPrefix = ''
+You can use `Test-ModuleManifest` to validate a module manifest before you
+publish your module. `Test-ModuleManifest` returns an error if the manifest is
+invalid or the module can't be imported into the current session because the
+session does not meet requirements set in the manifest.
+## Manifest settings
+The following sections detail every available setting in a module manifest and
+how you can use them. They start with a synopsis of the setting and are followed
+by a matrix which lists:
+- **Input type**: The object type that you can specify for this setting in the
+ manifest.
+- **Required**: If this value is `Yes`, the setting is required both to import
+ the module and to publish it to the PowerShell Gallery. If it is `No`, it is
+ required for neither. If it is `PowerShell Gallery`, it is only required for
+ publishing to the PowerShell Gallery.
+- **Value if unset**: The value this setting has when imported and not
+ explicitly set.
+- **Accepts wildcards**: Whether this setting can take a wildcard
+ value or not.
+### RootModule
+This setting specifies the primary or root file of the module. When the module
+is imported, the members exported by the root module file are imported into the
+caller's session state.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value must be the file path to one of the following:
+- a script (`.ps1`)
+- a script module (`.psm1`)
+- a module manifest (`.psd1`)
+- an assembly (`.dll`)
+- a cmdlet definition XML file (`.cdxml`)
+- a Windows PowerShell 5.1 Workflow (`.xaml`)
+The file path should be relative to the module manifest.
+If a module has a manifest file and no root file was designated in the
+**RootModule** key, the manifest becomes the primary file for the module, and
+the module becomes a manifest module (ModuleType = Manifest). When
+**RootModule** is defined, the module's type is determined from the file
+extension used:
+- a `.ps1` or `.psm1` file makes the module type **Script**
+- a `.psd1` file makes the module type **Manifest**
+- a `.dll` file makes the module type **Binary**
+- a `.cdxml` file makes the module type **CIM**
+- a `.xaml` file makes the module type **Workflow**
+By default, all module members in the **RootModule** are exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> Module loading speed differs between **Binary**, **Script**, and **CIM**
+> module types. For more information, see
+> [PowerShell module authoring considerations](/powershell/scripting/dev-cross-plat/performance/module-authoring-considerations)
+For example, this module's **ModuleType** is **Manifest**. The only module
+members this module can export are those defined in the modules specified with
+the **NestedModules** setting.
+ RootModule = ''
+> [!NOTE]
+> This setting may also be specified in module manifests as **ModuleToProcess**.
+> While that name for this setting is valid, it is best practice to use
+> **RootModule** instead.
+### ModuleVersion
+This setting specifies the version of the module. When multiple versions of a
+module exist on a system, the latest version is loaded by default when you run
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | Yes |
+| **Value if unset** | None |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to `System.Version` when you run
+For example, this manifest declares the module's version as `'1.2.3'`.
+ ModuleVersion = '1.2.3'
+When you import the module and inspect the **Version** property, note that it is
+a **System.Version** object and not a string:
+$ExampleModule = Import-Module example.psd1
+Major Minor Build Revision
+----- ----- ----- --------
+1 2 3 -1
+### CompatiblePSEditions
+This setting specifies the module's compatible PSEditions.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Accepted Values** | `Desktop`, `Core` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+If the value of this setting is `$null`, the module can be imported regardless
+of the PSEdition of the session. You can set it to one or more of the accepted
+For information about PSEdition, see:
+- [about_PowerShell_Editions](/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_powershell_editions)
+- [Modules with compatible PowerShell Editions](/powershell/scripting/gallery/concepts/module-psedition-support).
+When this setting is defined, the module can only be imported into a session
+where the `$PSEdition` automatic variable's value is included in the setting.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Because the `$PSEdition` automatic variable was introduced in version 5.1,
+> older versions of Windows PowerShell can't load a module that uses the
+> **CompatiblePSEditions** setting.
+For example, you can import this module manifest in any session:
+ # CompatiblePSEditions = @()
+With the setting specified, this module can only be imported in sessions where
+the `$PSEdition` automatic variable's value is `Core`.
+ CompatiblePSEditions = @('Core')
+### GUID
+This setting specifies a unique identifier for the module. The **GUID** is used
+to distinguish between modules with the same name.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to `System.Guid` when you run
+> While it is not a required setting, not specifying a **GUID** in a manifest
+> has no benefits and may lead to name collisions for modules.
+You can create a new guid to use in your manifest:
+New-Guid | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Guid
+ GUID = '8456b025-2fa5-4034-ae47-e6305f3917ca'
+If there is another module on the machine with the same name, you can still
+import the one you want by specifying the module's fully qualified name:
+Import-Module -FullyQualifiedName @{
+ ModuleName = 'Example'
+ GUID = '8456b025-2fa5-4034-ae47-e6305f3917ca'
+ ModuleVersion = '1.0.0'
+### Author
+This setting identifies the module author.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ------------------ |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | PowerShell Gallery |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This manifest declares that the module's author is the Contoso Developer
+Experience Team.
+ Author = 'Contoso Developer Experience Team'
+### CompanyName
+This setting identifies the company or vendor who created the module.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This manifest declares that the module was created by Contoso, Ltd.
+ CompanyName = 'Contoso, Ltd.'
+### Copyright
+This setting specifies a copyright statement for the module.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This manifest declares a copyright statement reserving all rights to Contoso,
+Ltd. as of 2022.
+ Copyright = '(c) 2022 Contoso, Ltd. All rights reserved.'
+### Description
+This setting describes the module at a high level.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ------------------ |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | PowerShell Gallery |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This manifest includes a short description. You can also use a here-string to
+write a longer or multi-line description.
+ Description = 'Provides example commands to show a valid module manifest'
+### PowerShellVersion
+This setting specifies the minimum version of PowerShell this module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to `System.Version` when you run
+If this setting is not set, PowerShell does not restrict the module's import
+based on the current version.
+For example, this manifest declares that the module is compatible with every
+version of PowerShell and Windows PowerShell.
+ # PowerShellVersion = ''
+With **PowerShellVersion** set to `7.2`, you can only import the module in
+PowerShell 7.2 or higher.
+ PowerShellVersion = '7.2'
+### PowerShellHostName
+This setting specifies the name of the PowerShell host program that the module
+requires, such as **Windows PowerShell ISE Host** or **ConsoleHost**.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+You can find the name of the host for a session with the `$Host.Name` statement.
+For example, you can see that the host for a remote session is
+**ServerRemoteHost** instead of **ConsoleHost**:
+Enter-PSSession -ComputerName localhost
+[localhost]: PS C:\Users\username\Documents> $Host.Name
+This module can be imported into any host.
+ # PowerShellHostName = ''
+With **PowerShellHostName** set to `ServerRemoteHost`, you can only import the
+module in a remote PowerShell session.
+ PowerShellHostName = 'ServerRemoteHost'
+### PowerShellHostVersion
+This setting specifies the minimum version of a PowerShell host program that the
+module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to `System.Version` when you run
+> While this setting can be used without the **PowerShellHostName** setting, it
+> increases the odds of unexpected behavior. Only use this setting when you are
+> also using the **PowerShellHostName** setting.
+For example, this manifest's module can be imported from any PowerShell session
+running in **ConsoleHost**, regardless of the host's version.
+ PowerShellHostName = 'ConsoleHost'
+ # PowerShellHostVersion = ''
+With the **PowerShellHostVersion** set to `5.1`, you can only import the module
+from any PowerShell session running in **ConsoleHost** where the host's version
+is 5.1 or higher.
+ PowerShellHostName = 'ConsoleHost'
+ PowerShellHostVersion = '5.1'
+### DotNetFrameworkVersion
+This setting specifies the minimum version of the Microsoft .NET Framework that
+the module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This setting only applies to Windows PowerShell. The value of this setting must
+be convertible to `System.Version` when you run `Import-Module`.
+For example, this manifest declares that its module can be imported in any
+PowerShell or Windows PowerShell session, regardless of the version of the
+Microsoft .NET Framework.
+ # DotNetFrameworkVersion = ''
+With **DotNetFrameworkVersion** set to `4.0`, you can import this module in any
+session of Windows PowerShell where the latest available version of the
+Microsoft .NET Framework is at least 4.0. You can also import it in any
+PowerShell session.
+ DotNetFrameworkVersion = '4.0'
+### CLRVersion
+This setting specifies the minimum version of the Common Language Runtime (CLR)
+of the Microsoft .NET Framework that the module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This setting only applies to Windows PowerShell. The value of this setting must
+be convertible to `System.Version` when you run `Import-Module`.
+For example, this manifest declares that its module can be imported in any
+PowerShell or Windows PowerShell session, regardless of the version of the
+Microsoft .NET Framework's CLR version.
+ # CLRVersion = ''
+With **CLRVersion** set to `4.0`, you can import this module in any session of
+Windows PowerShell where the latest available version of the CLR is at least
+4.0. You can also import it in any PowerShell session.
+ CLRVersion = '4.0'
+### ProcessorArchitecture
+This setting specifies the processor architecture that the module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Accepted Values** | `None`, `MSIL`, `X86`, `IA64`, `Amd64`, `Arm` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `None` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to
+`System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture` when you run `Import-Module`.
+For example, this manifest declares that its module can be imported in any
+session, regardless of the system's processor architecture.
+ # ProcessorArchitecture = ''
+With **ProcessorArchitecture** set to `Amd64`, you can only import this module
+in a session running on a machine with a matching architecture.
+ ProcessorArchitecture = 'Amd64'
+### RequiredModules
+This setting specifies modules that must be in the global session state. If the
+required modules aren't in the global session state, PowerShell imports them. If
+the required modules aren't available, the `Import-Module` command fails.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]`, `System.Collections.Hashtable[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Entries for this setting can be a module name, a full module specification, or a
+path to a module file.
+When the value is a path, the path can be fully qualified or relative.
+When the value is a name or module specification, PowerShell searches the
+**PSModulePath** for the specified module.
+A module specification is a hash table that has the following keys.
+- `ModuleName` - **Required**. Specifies the module name.
+- `GUID` - **Optional**. Specifies the GUID of the module.
+- It's also **Required** to specify at least one of the three below keys. The
+ `RequiredVersion` key can't be used with the `ModuleVersion` or
+ `MaximumVersion` keys. You can define an acceptable version range for the
+ module by specifying the `ModuleVersion` and `MaximumVersion` keys together.
+ - `ModuleVersion` - Specifies a minimum acceptable version of the module.
+ - `RequiredVersion` - Specifies an exact, required version of the module.
+ - `MaximumVersion` - Specifies the maximum acceptable version of the module.
+> [!NOTE]
+> `RequiredVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
+> `MaximumVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.1.
+For example, this manifest declares that its module does not require any other
+modules for its functionality.
+ # RequiredModules = @()
+This manifest declares that it requires the PSReadLine module. When you run
+`Import-Module` on this manifest, PowerShell imports the latest version of
+PSReadline that is available to the session. If no version is available, the
+import returns an error.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ 'PSReadLine'
+ )
+> [!TIP]
+> In PowerShell 2.0, `Import-Module` doesn't import required modules
+> automatically. It only verifies that the required modules are in the global
+> session state.
+This manifest declares that it requires a version of the PSReadLine module
+vendored in it's own module folder. When you run `Import-Module` on this
+manifest, PowerShell imports the vendored PSReadLine from the specified path.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ 'Vendored\PSReadline\PSReadline.psd1'
+ )
+This manifest declares that it specifically requires version 2.0.0 of the
+PSReadLine module. When you run `Import-Module` on this manifest, PowerShell
+imports version 2.0.0 of PSReadline if it is available. If it is not available,
+`Import-Module` returns an error.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ @{
+ ModuleName = 'PSReadLine'
+ RequiredVersion = '2.0.0'
+ }
+ )
+This manifest declares that it requires the PSReadLine module to be imported at
+version 2.0.0 or higher.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ @{
+ ModuleName = 'PSReadLine'
+ ModuleVersion = '2.0.0'
+ }
+ )
+This manifest declares that it requires the PSReadLine module to be imported at
+version 2.0.0 or lower.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ @{
+ ModuleName = 'PSReadLine'
+ MaximumVersion = '2.0.0'
+ }
+ )
+This manifest declares that it requires the PSDesiredStateConfiguration module
+to be imported at a version equal to or higher than 2.0.0 but no higher than
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ @{
+ ModuleName = 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'
+ ModuleVersion = '2.0.0'
+ MaximumVersion = '2.99.99'
+ }
+ )
+### RequiredAssemblies
+This setting specifies the assembly (`.dll`) files that the module requires.
+PowerShell loads the specified assemblies before updating types or formats,
+importing nested modules, or importing the module file that is specified in the
+value of the **RootModule** key.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Entries for this setting can be the filename of an assembly or the path to one.
+List all required assemblies, even if they are also listed as binary modules in
+the **NestedModules** setting.
+This manifest requires the `example.dll` assembly. Before loading any formatting
+or type files specified in this manifest, PowerShell loads `example.dll` from
+the `Assemblies` folder located in the same directory as the module manifest.
+ RequiredAssemblies = @(
+ 'Assemblies\Example.dll'
+ )
+### ScriptsToProcess
+This setting specifies script (`.ps1`) files that run in the caller's session
+state when the module is imported. You can use these scripts to prepare an
+environment, just as you might use a login script.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+To specify scripts that run in the module's session state, use the
+**NestedModules** key.
+When you import this manifest, PowerShell runs the `Initialize.ps1` in your
+current session.
+ ScriptsToProcess = @(
+ 'Scripts\Initialize.ps1'
+ )
+For example, if `Initialize.ps1` writes informational messages and sets the
+`$ExampleState` variable:
+if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ExampleState)) {
+ Write-Information "Example not initialized."
+ Write-Information "Initializing now..."
+ $ExampleState = 'Initialized'
+} else {
+ Write-Information "Example already initialized."
+When you import the module, the script runs, writing those messages and setting
+`$ExampleState` in your session.
+$InformationPreference = 'Continue'
+"Example State is: $ExampleState"
+Import-Module .\example7x.psd1
+"Example State is: $ExampleState"
+Import-Module .\example7x.psd1 -Force
+Example State is:
+Example not initialized.
+Initializing now...
+Example State is: Initialized
+Example already initialized.
+### TypesToProcess
+This setting specifies the type files (`.ps1xml`) that run when the module is
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+When you import the module, PowerShell runs the `Update-TypeData` cmdlet with
+the specified files. Because type files aren't scoped, they affect all session
+states in the session.
+For more information on type files, see
+For example, when you import this manifest, PowerShell loads the types specified
+in the `Example.ps1xml` file from the `Types` folder located in the same
+directory as the module manifest.
+ TypesToProcess = @(
+ 'Types\Example.ps1xml'
+ )
+### FormatsToProcess
+This setting specifies the formatting files (`.ps1xml`) that run when the module
+is imported.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+When you import a module, PowerShell runs the `Update-FormatData` cmdlet with
+the specified files. Because formatting files aren't scoped, they affect all
+session states in the session.
+For more information on type files, see
+For example, when you import this module, PowerShell loads the formats specified
+in the `Example.ps1xml` file from the `Formats` folder located in the same
+directory as the module manifest.
+ FormatsToProcess = @(
+ 'Formats\Example.ps1xml'
+ )
+### NestedModules
+This setting specifies script modules (`.psm1`) and binary modules (`.dll`) that
+are imported into the module's session state. You can also specify script files
+(`.ps1`). The files in this setting run in the order in which they're listed.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]`, `System.Collections.Hashtable[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Entries for this setting can be a module name, a full module specification, or a
+path to a module or script file.
+When the value is a path, the path can be fully qualified or relative.
+When the value is a module name or specification, PowerShell searches the
+**PSModulePath** for the specified module.
+A module specification is a hash table that has the following keys.
+- `ModuleName` - **Required**. Specifies the module name.
+- `GUID` - **Optional**. Specifies the GUID of the module.
+- It's also **Required** to specify at least one of the three below keys. The
+ `RequiredVersion` key can't be used with the `ModuleVersion` or
+ `MaximumVersion` keys. You can define an acceptable version range for the
+ module by specifying the `ModuleVersion` and `MaximumVersion` keys together.
+ - `ModuleVersion` - Specifies a minimum acceptable version of the module.
+ - `RequiredVersion` - Specifies an exact, required version of the module.
+ - `MaximumVersion` - Specifies the maximum acceptable version of the module.
+> [!NOTE]
+> `RequiredVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
+> `MaximumVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.1.
+Any items that need to be exported from a nested module must exported by the
+nested module using the `Export-ModuleMember` cmdlet or be listed in one of the
+export properties:
+- **FunctionsToExport**
+- **CmdletsToExport**
+- **VariablesToExport**
+- **AliasesToExport**
+Nested modules in the module session state are available to the root module, but
+they aren't returned by a `Get-Module` command in the caller's session state.
+Scripts (`.ps1`) that are listed in this setting are run in the module's session
+state, not in the caller's session state. To run a script in the caller's
+session state, list the script filename in the **ScriptsToProcess** setting.
+For example, when you import this manifest, the `Helpers.psm1` module is loaded
+into the root module's session state. Any cmdlets declared in the nested module
+are exported unless otherwise restricted.
+ NestedModules = @(
+ 'Helpers\Helpers.psm1'
+ )
+### FunctionsToExport
+This setting specifies the functions that the module exports. You can use this
+setting to restrict the functions that are exported by the module. It can remove
+functions from the list of exported functions, but it can't add functions to the
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+You can specify entries in this setting with wildcards. All matching functions
+in the list of exported functions are exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> For performance and discoverability, you should always explicitly list the
+> functions you want your module to export in this setting without using any
+> wildcards.
+For example, when you import a module with the setting commented out, all
+functions in the root module and any nested modules are exported.
+ # FunctionsToExport = @()
+This manifest is functionally identical to not specifying the setting at all.
+ FunctionsToExport = '*'
+With **FunctionsToExport** set as an empty array, when you import this module no
+functions the root module or any nested modules export are available.
+ FunctionsToExport = @()
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you create your module manifest with the `New-ModuleManifest` command and
+> do not specify the **FunctionsToExport** parameter, the created manifest has
+> this setting specified as an empty array. Unless you edit the manifest, no
+> functions from the module are exported.
+With **FunctionsToExport** set to only include the `Get-Example` function, when
+you import this module only the `Get-Example` function is made available, even
+if other functions were exported by the root module or any nested modules.
+ FunctionsToExport = @(
+ 'Get-Example'
+ )
+With **FunctionsToExport** set with a wildcard string, when you import this
+module any function whose name ends with `Example` is made available, even if
+other functions were exported as module members by the root module or any nested
+ FunctionsToExport = @(
+ '*Example'
+ )
+### CmdletsToExport
+This setting specifies the cmdlets that the module exports. You can use this
+setting to restrict the cmdlets that are exported by the module. It can remove
+cmdlets from the list of exported module members, but it can't add cmdlets to
+the list.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+You can specify entries in this setting with wildcards. All matching cmdlets
+in the list of exported cmdlets is exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> For performance and discoverability, you should always explicitly list the
+> cmdlets you want your module to export in this setting without using any
+> wildcards.
+For example, when you import a module with this setting commented out, all
+cmdlets in the root module and any nested modules are exported.
+ # CmdletsToExport = @()
+This manifest is functionally identical to not specifying the setting at all.
+ CmdletsToExport = '*'
+With **CmdletsToExport** set as an empty array, when you import this module no
+cmdlets the root module or any nested modules export are available.
+ CmdletsToExport = @()
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you create your module manifest with the `New-ModuleManifest` command and
+> do not specify the **CmdletsToExport** parameter, the created manifest has
+> this setting specified as an empty array. Unless you edit the manifest, no
+> cmdlets from the module is exported.
+With **CmdletsToExport** set to only include the `Get-Example` cmdlet, when
+you import this module only the `Get-Example` cmdlet is made available, even
+if other cmdlets were exported by the root module or any nested modules.
+ CmdletsToExport = @(
+ 'Get-Example'
+ )
+With **CmdletsToExport** set with a wildcard string, when you import this
+module any cmdlet whose name ends with `Example` is made available, even if
+other cmdlets were exported as module members by the root module or any nested
+ CmdletsToExport = @(
+ '*Example'
+ )
+### VariablesToExport
+This setting specifies the variables that the module exports. You can use this
+setting to restrict the variables that are exported by the module. It can remove
+variables from the list of exported module members, but it can't add variables
+to the list.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+You can specify entries in this setting with wildcards. All matching variables
+in the list of exported module members is exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> For performance and discoverability, you should always explicitly list the
+> variables you want your module to export in this setting without using any
+> wildcards.
+For example, when you import a module with this setting commented out, all
+variables in the root module and any nested modules are exported.
+ # VariablesToExport = @()
+This manifest is functionally identical to not specifying the setting at all.
+ VariablesToExport = '*'
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you create your module manifest with the `New-ModuleManifest` command and
+> do not specify the **VariablesToExport** parameter, the created manifest has
+> this setting specified as `'*'`. Unless you edit the manifest, all variables
+> from the module is exported.
+With **VariablesToExport** set as an empty array, when you import this module no
+variables the root module or any nested modules export are available.
+ VariablesToExport = @()
+With **VariablesToExport** set to only include the `SomeExample` variable, when
+you import this module only the `$SomeExample` variable is made available, even
+if other variables were exported by the root module or any nested modules.
+ VariablesToExport = @(
+ 'SomeExample'
+ )
+With **VariablesToExport** set with a wildcard string, when you import this
+module any variable whose name ends with `Example` is made available, even if
+other variables were exported as module members by the root module or any nested
+ VariablesToExport = @(
+ '*Example'
+ )
+### DscResourcesToExport
+This setting specifies the DSC Resources that the module exports. You can use
+this setting to restrict the class-based DSC Resources that are exported by the
+module. It can remove DSC Resources from the list of exported module members,
+but it can't add DSC Resources to the list.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+You can specify entries in this setting with wildcards. All matching class-based
+DSC Resources in the module are exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> For discoverability, you should always explicitly list all of the DSC
+> Resources your module module exports.
+For more information on authoring and using DSC Resources, see the
+[documentation for DSC](/powershell/dsc/overview).
+This manifest exports all of the class-based and MOF-based DSC Resources defined
+in the root module and any nested modules.
+ # DscResourcesToExport = @()
+This manifest exports all of the MOF-based DSC Resources defined in the root
+module and any nested modules, but only one class-based DSC Resource,
+ DscResourcesToExport = @(
+ 'ExampleClassResource'
+ )
+This manifest exports all of the DSC Resources it includes. Even if the
+MOF-Based resource was not listed, the module would still export it.
+ DscResourcesToExport = @(
+ 'ExampleClassResource'
+ 'ExampleMofResourceFirst'
+ )
+### ModuleList
+This setting is an informational inventory list of the modules included in this
+one. This list does not affect the behavior of the module.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]`, `System.Collections.Hashtable[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Entries for this setting can be a module name, a full module specification, or a
+path to a module or script file.
+When the value is a path, the path can be fully qualified or relative.
+When the value is a module name or specification, PowerShell searches the
+**PSModulePath** for the specified module.
+A module specification is a hash table that has the following keys.
+- `ModuleName` - **Required**. Specifies the module name.
+- `GUID` - **Optional**. Specifies the GUID of the module.
+- It's also **Required** to specify at least one of the three below keys. The
+ `RequiredVersion` key can't be used with the `ModuleVersion` or
+ `MaximumVersion` keys. You can define an acceptable version range for the
+ module by specifying the `ModuleVersion` and `MaximumVersion` keys together.
+ - `ModuleVersion` - Specifies a minimum acceptable version of the module.
+ - `RequiredVersion` - Specifies an exact, required version of the module.
+ - `MaximumVersion` - Specifies the maximum acceptable version of the module.
+> [!NOTE]
+> `RequiredVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
+> `MaximumVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.1.
+This manifest does not provide an informational list of the modules it includes.
+It may or may not have modules. Even though this setting is not specified, any
+modules listed in the **RootModule**, **ScriptsToProcess**, or **NestedModules**
+settings will still behave as normal.
+ # ModuleList = @()
+This manifest declares that the only modules it includes are `Example.psm1` and
+the submodules `First.psm1` and `Second.psm1` in the `Submodules` folder.
+ ModuleList = @(
+ 'Example.psm1'
+ 'Submodules\First.psm1'
+ 'Submodules\Second.psm1'
+ )
+### FileList
+This setting is an informational inventory list of the files included in this
+module. This list does not affect the behavior of the module.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+Entries for this setting should be the relative path to a file from the folder
+containing the module manifest.
+When a user calls `Get-Module` against a manifest with this setting defined, the
+**FileList** property of the returned object will be the full path to these
+files, joining the module's path with each entry's relative path.
+This manifest does not include a list of its files.
+ # FileList = @()
+This manifest declares that the only files it includes are listed in this
+ Filelist = @(
+ 'Example.psd1'
+ 'Example.psm1'
+ 'Assemblies\Example.dll'
+ 'Scripts\Initialize.ps1'
+ 'Submodules\First.psm1'
+ 'Submodules\Second.psm1'
+ )
+### PrivateData
+This setting defines a hash table of data that is available to any commands or
+functions in the root module's scope.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ------------------------------ |
+| **Input Type** | `System.Collections.Hashtable` |
+| **Required** | PowerShell Gallery |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This setting has two primary effects:
+1. Any keys added to this setting are available to functions and cmdlets in the
+ root module with `$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.PrivateData`. The hash table
+ is not available in the module scope itself, only in cmdlets you define in
+ the module.
+1. You can add the **PSData** key with a hash table for metadata needed when
+ publishing to the PowerShell Gallery. For more information on module
+ manifests and the publishing to the PowerShell Gallery, see
+ [Package manifest values that impact the PowerShell Gallery UI](/powershell/scripting/gallery/concepts/package-manifest-affecting-ui)
+For example, this manifest defines the **PublishedDate** key in **PrivateData**.
+ PrivateData = @{
+ PublishedDate = '2022-06-01'
+ }
+Cmdlets in the module can access this value with the `$MyInvocation` variable.
+Function Get-Stale {
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param()
+ $PublishedDate = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.PrivateData.PublishedDate
+ $CurrentDate = Get-Date
+ try {
+ $PublishedDate = Get-Date -Date $PublishedDate -ErrorAction Stop
+ } catch {
+ # The date was set in the manifest, set to an invalid value, or the
+ # script module was directly imported without the manifest.
+ Throw "Unable to determine published date. Check the module manifest."
+ }
+ if ($CurrentDate -gt $PublishedDate.AddDays(30)) {
+ Write-Warning "This module version was published more than 30 days ago."
+ } else {
+ $TimeUntilStale = $PublishedDate.AddDays(30) - $CurrentDate
+ "This module will be stale in $($TimeUntilStale.Days) days"
+ }
+Once the module is imported, the function uses the value from **PrivateData**
+to determine when the module was published.
+Get-Stale -TestDate '2022-06-15'
+Get-Stale -TestDate '2022-08-01'
+This module will be stale in 16 days
+WARNING: This module version was published more than 30 days ago.
+### HelpInfoURI
+This setting specifies the internet address of the HelpInfo XML file for the
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This setting's value must be a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that begins
+with **http** or **https**.
+The HelpInfo XML file supports the Updatable Help feature that was introduced in
+PowerShell 3.0. It contains information about the location of downloadable help
+files for the module and the version numbers of the newest help files for each
+supported locale.
+For information about Updatable Help, see
+[about_Updatable_Help](about_Updatable_Help.md). For information about
+the HelpInfo XML file, see
+[Supporting Updatable Help](/powershell/scripting/developer/module/supporting-updatable-help).
+For example, this module supports updatable help.
+ HelpInfoUri = 'http://https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=603'
+### DefaultCommandPrefix
+This setting specifies a prefix that is prepended to the nouns of all commands
+in the module when they're imported into a session. Prefixes help prevent
+command name conflicts in a user's session.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Module users can override this prefix by specifying the **Prefix** parameter of
+the `Import-Module` cmdlet.
+This setting was introduced in PowerShell 3.0.
+When this manifest is imported, any cmdlets imported from this module have
+`Example` prepended to the noun in their name. For example, `Get-Item` is
+imported as `Get-ExampleItem`.
+ DefaultCommandPrefix = 'Example'
+## See also
+- [about_PowerShell_Editions](/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_powershell_editions)
+- [New-ModuleManifest](xref:Microsoft.PowerShell.Core.New-ModuleManifest)
+- [Test-ModuleManifest](xref:Microsoft.PowerShell.Core.Test-ModuleManifest)
+- [Modules with compatible PowerShell Editions](/powershell/scripting/gallery/concepts/module-psedition-support).
+- [Package manifest values that impact the PowerShell Gallery UI](/powershell/scripting/gallery/concepts/package-manifest-affecting-ui)
+- [PowerShell module authoring considerations](/powershell/scripting/dev-cross-plat/performance/module-authoring-considerations)
Microsoft.PowerShell.Core About Module Manifest (7.2) https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/7.2/Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_Module_Manifest.md
+description: Describes the settings and practices for writing module manifest files.
+Locale: en-US
Last updated : 03/30/2022
+online version: https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_module_manifests?view=powershell-7.2&WT.mc_id=ps-gethelp
+schema: 2.0.0
+ Title: about Module Manifests
+# about_Module_Manifests
+## Short description
+Describes the settings and practices for writing module manifest files.
+## Long description
+A module manifest is a PowerShell data file (`.psd1`) containing a hash table.
+The keys/value pairs in the hash table describe the contents and attributes of
+the module, define the prerequisites, and control how the components are
+Manifests aren't required to load a module but they are required to publish a
+module to the PowerShell Gallery. Manifests also enable you to separate your
+module's implementation from how it loads. With a manifest, you can define
+requirements, compatibility, loading order, and more.
+When you use `New-ModuleManifest` without specifying any parameters for the
+manifest's settings it writes a minimal manifest file. The snippet below shows
+you this default output, snipped of commentary and spacing for brevity:
+# RootModule = ''
+ModuleVersion = '1.0'
+# CompatiblePSEditions = @()
+GUID = 'e7184b71-2527-469f-a50e-166b612dfb3b'
+Author = 'username'
+CompanyName = 'Unknown'
+Copyright = '(c) 2022 username. All rights reserved.'
+# Description = ''
+# PowerShellVersion = ''
+# PowerShellHostName = ''
+# PowerShellHostVersion = ''
+# DotNetFrameworkVersion = ''
+# CLRVersion = ''
+# ProcessorArchitecture = ''
+# RequiredModules = @()
+# RequiredAssemblies = @()
+# ScriptsToProcess = @()
+# TypesToProcess = @()
+# FormatsToProcess = @()
+# NestedModules = @()
+FunctionsToExport = @()
+CmdletsToExport = @()
+VariablesToExport = '*'
+AliasesToExport = @()
+# DscResourcesToExport = @()
+# ModuleList = @()
+# FileList = @()
+PrivateData = @{
+ PSData = @{
+ # Tags = @()
+ # LicenseUri = ''
+ # ProjectUri = ''
+ # IconUri = ''
+ # ReleaseNotes = ''
+ } # End of PSData hashtable
+} # End of PrivateData hashtable
+# HelpInfoURI = ''
+# DefaultCommandPrefix = ''
+You can use `Test-ModuleManifest` to validate a module manifest before you
+publish your module. `Test-ModuleManifest` returns an error if the manifest is
+invalid or the module can't be imported into the current session because the
+session does not meet requirements set in the manifest.
+## Manifest settings
+The following sections detail every available setting in a module manifest and
+how you can use them. They start with a synopsis of the setting and are followed
+by a matrix which lists:
+- **Input type**: The object type that you can specify for this setting in the
+ manifest.
+- **Required**: If this value is `Yes`, the setting is required both to import
+ the module and to publish it to the PowerShell Gallery. If it is `No`, it is
+ required for neither. If it is `PowerShell Gallery`, it is only required for
+ publishing to the PowerShell Gallery.
+- **Value if unset**: The value this setting has when imported and not
+ explicitly set.
+- **Accepts wildcards**: Whether this setting can take a wildcard
+ value or not.
+### RootModule
+This setting specifies the primary or root file of the module. When the module
+is imported, the members exported by the root module file are imported into the
+caller's session state.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value must be the file path to one of the following:
+- a script (`.ps1`)
+- a script module (`.psm1`)
+- a module manifest (`.psd1`)
+- an assembly (`.dll`)
+- a cmdlet definition XML file (`.cdxml`)
+- a Windows PowerShell 5.1 Workflow (`.xaml`)
+The file path should be relative to the module manifest.
+If a module has a manifest file and no root file was designated in the
+**RootModule** key, the manifest becomes the primary file for the module, and
+the module becomes a manifest module (ModuleType = Manifest). When
+**RootModule** is defined, the module's type is determined from the file
+extension used:
+- a `.ps1` or `.psm1` file makes the module type **Script**
+- a `.psd1` file makes the module type **Manifest**
+- a `.dll` file makes the module type **Binary**
+- a `.cdxml` file makes the module type **CIM**
+- a `.xaml` file makes the module type **Workflow**
+By default, all module members in the **RootModule** are exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> Module loading speed differs between **Binary**, **Script**, and **CIM**
+> module types. For more information, see
+> [PowerShell module authoring considerations](/powershell/scripting/dev-cross-plat/performance/module-authoring-considerations)
+For example, this module's **ModuleType** is **Manifest**. The only module
+members this module can export are those defined in the modules specified with
+the **NestedModules** setting.
+ RootModule = ''
+> [!NOTE]
+> This setting may also be specified in module manifests as **ModuleToProcess**.
+> While that name for this setting is valid, it is best practice to use
+> **RootModule** instead.
+### ModuleVersion
+This setting specifies the version of the module. When multiple versions of a
+module exist on a system, the latest version is loaded by default when you run
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | Yes |
+| **Value if unset** | None |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to `System.Version` when you run
+For example, this manifest declares the module's version as `'1.2.3'`.
+ ModuleVersion = '1.2.3'
+When you import the module and inspect the **Version** property, note that it is
+a **System.Version** object and not a string:
+$ExampleModule = Import-Module example.psd1
+Major Minor Build Revision
+----- ----- ----- --------
+1 2 3 -1
+### CompatiblePSEditions
+This setting specifies the module's compatible PSEditions.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Accepted Values** | `Desktop`, `Core` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+If the value of this setting is `$null`, the module can be imported regardless
+of the PSEdition of the session. You can set it to one or more of the accepted
+For information about PSEdition, see:
+- [about_PowerShell_Editions](/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_powershell_editions)
+- [Modules with compatible PowerShell Editions](/powershell/scripting/gallery/concepts/module-psedition-support).
+When this setting is defined, the module can only be imported into a session
+where the `$PSEdition` automatic variable's value is included in the setting.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Because the `$PSEdition` automatic variable was introduced in version 5.1,
+> older versions of Windows PowerShell can't load a module that uses the
+> **CompatiblePSEditions** setting.
+For example, you can import this module manifest in any session:
+ # CompatiblePSEditions = @()
+With the setting specified, this module can only be imported in sessions where
+the `$PSEdition` automatic variable's value is `Core`.
+ CompatiblePSEditions = @('Core')
+### GUID
+This setting specifies a unique identifier for the module. The **GUID** is used
+to distinguish between modules with the same name.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to `System.Guid` when you run
+> While it is not a required setting, not specifying a **GUID** in a manifest
+> has no benefits and may lead to name collisions for modules.
+You can create a new guid to use in your manifest:
+New-Guid | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Guid
+ GUID = '8456b025-2fa5-4034-ae47-e6305f3917ca'
+If there is another module on the machine with the same name, you can still
+import the one you want by specifying the module's fully qualified name:
+Import-Module -FullyQualifiedName @{
+ ModuleName = 'Example'
+ GUID = '8456b025-2fa5-4034-ae47-e6305f3917ca'
+ ModuleVersion = '1.0.0'
+### Author
+This setting identifies the module author.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ------------------ |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | PowerShell Gallery |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This manifest declares that the module's author is the Contoso Developer
+Experience Team.
+ Author = 'Contoso Developer Experience Team'
+### CompanyName
+This setting identifies the company or vendor who created the module.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This manifest declares that the module was created by Contoso, Ltd.
+ CompanyName = 'Contoso, Ltd.'
+### Copyright
+This setting specifies a copyright statement for the module.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This manifest declares a copyright statement reserving all rights to Contoso,
+Ltd. as of 2022.
+ Copyright = '(c) 2022 Contoso, Ltd. All rights reserved.'
+### Description
+This setting describes the module at a high level.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ------------------ |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | PowerShell Gallery |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This manifest includes a short description. You can also use a here-string to
+write a longer or multi-line description.
+ Description = 'Provides example commands to show a valid module manifest'
+### PowerShellVersion
+This setting specifies the minimum version of PowerShell this module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to `System.Version` when you run
+If this setting is not set, PowerShell does not restrict the module's import
+based on the current version.
+For example, this manifest declares that the module is compatible with every
+version of PowerShell and Windows PowerShell.
+ # PowerShellVersion = ''
+With **PowerShellVersion** set to `7.2`, you can only import the module in
+PowerShell 7.2 or higher.
+ PowerShellVersion = '7.2'
+### PowerShellHostName
+This setting specifies the name of the PowerShell host program that the module
+requires, such as **Windows PowerShell ISE Host** or **ConsoleHost**.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+You can find the name of the host for a session with the `$Host.Name` statement.
+For example, you can see that the host for a remote session is
+**ServerRemoteHost** instead of **ConsoleHost**:
+Enter-PSSession -ComputerName localhost
+[localhost]: PS C:\Users\username\Documents> $Host.Name
+This module can be imported into any host.
+ # PowerShellHostName = ''
+With **PowerShellHostName** set to `ServerRemoteHost`, you can only import the
+module in a remote PowerShell session.
+ PowerShellHostName = 'ServerRemoteHost'
+### PowerShellHostVersion
+This setting specifies the minimum version of a PowerShell host program that the
+module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to `System.Version` when you run
+> While this setting can be used without the **PowerShellHostName** setting, it
+> increases the odds of unexpected behavior. Only use this setting when you are
+> also using the **PowerShellHostName** setting.
+For example, this manifest's module can be imported from any PowerShell session
+running in **ConsoleHost**, regardless of the host's version.
+ PowerShellHostName = 'ConsoleHost'
+ # PowerShellHostVersion = ''
+With the **PowerShellHostVersion** set to `5.1`, you can only import the module
+from any PowerShell session running in **ConsoleHost** where the host's version
+is 5.1 or higher.
+ PowerShellHostName = 'ConsoleHost'
+ PowerShellHostVersion = '5.1'
+### DotNetFrameworkVersion
+This setting specifies the minimum version of the Microsoft .NET Framework that
+the module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This setting only applies to Windows PowerShell. The value of this setting must
+be convertible to `System.Version` when you run `Import-Module`.
+For example, this manifest declares that its module can be imported in any
+PowerShell or Windows PowerShell session, regardless of the version of the
+Microsoft .NET Framework.
+ # DotNetFrameworkVersion = ''
+With **DotNetFrameworkVersion** set to `4.0`, you can import this module in any
+session of Windows PowerShell where the latest available version of the
+Microsoft .NET Framework is at least 4.0. You can also import it in any
+PowerShell session.
+ DotNetFrameworkVersion = '4.0'
+### CLRVersion
+This setting specifies the minimum version of the Common Language Runtime (CLR)
+of the Microsoft .NET Framework that the module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This setting only applies to Windows PowerShell. The value of this setting must
+be convertible to `System.Version` when you run `Import-Module`.
+For example, this manifest declares that its module can be imported in any
+PowerShell or Windows PowerShell session, regardless of the version of the
+Microsoft .NET Framework's CLR version.
+ # CLRVersion = ''
+With **CLRVersion** set to `4.0`, you can import this module in any session of
+Windows PowerShell where the latest available version of the CLR is at least
+4.0. You can also import it in any PowerShell session.
+ CLRVersion = '4.0'
+### ProcessorArchitecture
+This setting specifies the processor architecture that the module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Accepted Values** | `None`, `MSIL`, `X86`, `IA64`, `Amd64`, `Arm` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `None` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to
+`System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture` when you run `Import-Module`.
+For example, this manifest declares that its module can be imported in any
+session, regardless of the system's processor architecture.
+ # ProcessorArchitecture = ''
+With **ProcessorArchitecture** set to `Amd64`, you can only import this module
+in a session running on a machine with a matching architecture.
+ ProcessorArchitecture = 'Amd64'
+### RequiredModules
+This setting specifies modules that must be in the global session state. If the
+required modules aren't in the global session state, PowerShell imports them. If
+the required modules aren't available, the `Import-Module` command fails.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]`, `System.Collections.Hashtable[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Entries for this setting can be a module name, a full module specification, or a
+path to a module file.
+When the value is a path, the path can be fully qualified or relative.
+When the value is a name or module specification, PowerShell searches the
+**PSModulePath** for the specified module.
+A module specification is a hash table that has the following keys.
+- `ModuleName` - **Required**. Specifies the module name.
+- `GUID` - **Optional**. Specifies the GUID of the module.
+- It's also **Required** to specify at least one of the three below keys. The
+ `RequiredVersion` key can't be used with the `ModuleVersion` or
+ `MaximumVersion` keys. You can define an acceptable version range for the
+ module by specifying the `ModuleVersion` and `MaximumVersion` keys together.
+ - `ModuleVersion` - Specifies a minimum acceptable version of the module.
+ - `RequiredVersion` - Specifies an exact, required version of the module.
+ - `MaximumVersion` - Specifies the maximum acceptable version of the module.
+> [!NOTE]
+> `RequiredVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
+> `MaximumVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.1.
+For example, this manifest declares that its module does not require any other
+modules for its functionality.
+ # RequiredModules = @()
+This manifest declares that it requires the PSReadLine module. When you run
+`Import-Module` on this manifest, PowerShell imports the latest version of
+PSReadline that is available to the session. If no version is available, the
+import returns an error.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ 'PSReadLine'
+ )
+> [!TIP]
+> In PowerShell 2.0, `Import-Module` doesn't import required modules
+> automatically. It only verifies that the required modules are in the global
+> session state.
+This manifest declares that it requires a version of the PSReadLine module
+vendored in it's own module folder. When you run `Import-Module` on this
+manifest, PowerShell imports the vendored PSReadLine from the specified path.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ 'Vendored\PSReadline\PSReadline.psd1'
+ )
+This manifest declares that it specifically requires version 2.0.0 of the
+PSReadLine module. When you run `Import-Module` on this manifest, PowerShell
+imports version 2.0.0 of PSReadline if it is available. If it is not available,
+`Import-Module` returns an error.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ @{
+ ModuleName = 'PSReadLine'
+ RequiredVersion = '2.0.0'
+ }
+ )
+This manifest declares that it requires the PSReadLine module to be imported at
+version 2.0.0 or higher.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ @{
+ ModuleName = 'PSReadLine'
+ ModuleVersion = '2.0.0'
+ }
+ )
+This manifest declares that it requires the PSReadLine module to be imported at
+version 2.0.0 or lower.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ @{
+ ModuleName = 'PSReadLine'
+ MaximumVersion = '2.0.0'
+ }
+ )
+This manifest declares that it requires the PSDesiredStateConfiguration module
+to be imported at a version equal to or higher than 2.0.0 but no higher than
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ @{
+ ModuleName = 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'
+ ModuleVersion = '2.0.0'
+ MaximumVersion = '2.99.99'
+ }
+ )
+### RequiredAssemblies
+This setting specifies the assembly (`.dll`) files that the module requires.
+PowerShell loads the specified assemblies before updating types or formats,
+importing nested modules, or importing the module file that is specified in the
+value of the **RootModule** key.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Entries for this setting can be the filename of an assembly or the path to one.
+List all required assemblies, even if they are also listed as binary modules in
+the **NestedModules** setting.
+This manifest requires the `example.dll` assembly. Before loading any formatting
+or type files specified in this manifest, PowerShell loads `example.dll` from
+the `Assemblies` folder located in the same directory as the module manifest.
+ RequiredAssemblies = @(
+ 'Assemblies\Example.dll'
+ )
+### ScriptsToProcess
+This setting specifies script (`.ps1`) files that run in the caller's session
+state when the module is imported. You can use these scripts to prepare an
+environment, just as you might use a login script.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+To specify scripts that run in the module's session state, use the
+**NestedModules** key.
+When you import this manifest, PowerShell runs the `Initialize.ps1` in your
+current session.
+ ScriptsToProcess = @(
+ 'Scripts\Initialize.ps1'
+ )
+For example, if `Initialize.ps1` writes informational messages and sets the
+`$ExampleState` variable:
+if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ExampleState)) {
+ Write-Information "Example not initialized."
+ Write-Information "Initializing now..."
+ $ExampleState = 'Initialized'
+} else {
+ Write-Information "Example already initialized."
+When you import the module, the script runs, writing those messages and setting
+`$ExampleState` in your session.
+$InformationPreference = 'Continue'
+"Example State is: $ExampleState"
+Import-Module .\example7x.psd1
+"Example State is: $ExampleState"
+Import-Module .\example7x.psd1 -Force
+Example State is:
+Example not initialized.
+Initializing now...
+Example State is: Initialized
+Example already initialized.
+### TypesToProcess
+This setting specifies the type files (`.ps1xml`) that run when the module is
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+When you import the module, PowerShell runs the `Update-TypeData` cmdlet with
+the specified files. Because type files aren't scoped, they affect all session
+states in the session.
+For more information on type files, see
+For example, when you import this manifest, PowerShell loads the types specified
+in the `Example.ps1xml` file from the `Types` folder located in the same
+directory as the module manifest.
+ TypesToProcess = @(
+ 'Types\Example.ps1xml'
+ )
+### FormatsToProcess
+This setting specifies the formatting files (`.ps1xml`) that run when the module
+is imported.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+When you import a module, PowerShell runs the `Update-FormatData` cmdlet with
+the specified files. Because formatting files aren't scoped, they affect all
+session states in the session.
+For more information on type files, see
+For example, when you import this module, PowerShell loads the formats specified
+in the `Example.ps1xml` file from the `Formats` folder located in the same
+directory as the module manifest.
+ FormatsToProcess = @(
+ 'Formats\Example.ps1xml'
+ )
+### NestedModules
+This setting specifies script modules (`.psm1`) and binary modules (`.dll`) that
+are imported into the module's session state. You can also specify script files
+(`.ps1`). The files in this setting run in the order in which they're listed.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]`, `System.Collections.Hashtable[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Entries for this setting can be a module name, a full module specification, or a
+path to a module or script file.
+When the value is a path, the path can be fully qualified or relative.
+When the value is a module name or specification, PowerShell searches the
+**PSModulePath** for the specified module.
+A module specification is a hash table that has the following keys.
+- `ModuleName` - **Required**. Specifies the module name.
+- `GUID` - **Optional**. Specifies the GUID of the module.
+- It's also **Required** to specify at least one of the three below keys. The
+ `RequiredVersion` key can't be used with the `ModuleVersion` or
+ `MaximumVersion` keys. You can define an acceptable version range for the
+ module by specifying the `ModuleVersion` and `MaximumVersion` keys together.
+ - `ModuleVersion` - Specifies a minimum acceptable version of the module.
+ - `RequiredVersion` - Specifies an exact, required version of the module.
+ - `MaximumVersion` - Specifies the maximum acceptable version of the module.
+> [!NOTE]
+> `RequiredVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
+> `MaximumVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.1.
+Any items that need to be exported from a nested module must exported by the
+nested module using the `Export-ModuleMember` cmdlet or be listed in one of the
+export properties:
+- **FunctionsToExport**
+- **CmdletsToExport**
+- **VariablesToExport**
+- **AliasesToExport**
+Nested modules in the module session state are available to the root module, but
+they aren't returned by a `Get-Module` command in the caller's session state.
+Scripts (`.ps1`) that are listed in this setting are run in the module's session
+state, not in the caller's session state. To run a script in the caller's
+session state, list the script filename in the **ScriptsToProcess** setting.
+For example, when you import this manifest, the `Helpers.psm1` module is loaded
+into the root module's session state. Any cmdlets declared in the nested module
+are exported unless otherwise restricted.
+ NestedModules = @(
+ 'Helpers\Helpers.psm1'
+ )
+### FunctionsToExport
+This setting specifies the functions that the module exports. You can use this
+setting to restrict the functions that are exported by the module. It can remove
+functions from the list of exported functions, but it can't add functions to the
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+You can specify entries in this setting with wildcards. All matching functions
+in the list of exported functions are exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> For performance and discoverability, you should always explicitly list the
+> functions you want your module to export in this setting without using any
+> wildcards.
+For example, when you import a module with the setting commented out, all
+functions in the root module and any nested modules are exported.
+ # FunctionsToExport = @()
+This manifest is functionally identical to not specifying the setting at all.
+ FunctionsToExport = '*'
+With **FunctionsToExport** set as an empty array, when you import this module no
+functions the root module or any nested modules export are available.
+ FunctionsToExport = @()
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you create your module manifest with the `New-ModuleManifest` command and
+> do not specify the **FunctionsToExport** parameter, the created manifest has
+> this setting specified as an empty array. Unless you edit the manifest, no
+> functions from the module are exported.
+With **FunctionsToExport** set to only include the `Get-Example` function, when
+you import this module only the `Get-Example` function is made available, even
+if other functions were exported by the root module or any nested modules.
+ FunctionsToExport = @(
+ 'Get-Example'
+ )
+With **FunctionsToExport** set with a wildcard string, when you import this
+module any function whose name ends with `Example` is made available, even if
+other functions were exported as module members by the root module or any nested
+ FunctionsToExport = @(
+ '*Example'
+ )
+### CmdletsToExport
+This setting specifies the cmdlets that the module exports. You can use this
+setting to restrict the cmdlets that are exported by the module. It can remove
+cmdlets from the list of exported module members, but it can't add cmdlets to
+the list.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+You can specify entries in this setting with wildcards. All matching cmdlets
+in the list of exported cmdlets is exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> For performance and discoverability, you should always explicitly list the
+> cmdlets you want your module to export in this setting without using any
+> wildcards.
+For example, when you import a module with this setting commented out, all
+cmdlets in the root module and any nested modules are exported.
+ # CmdletsToExport = @()
+This manifest is functionally identical to not specifying the setting at all.
+ CmdletsToExport = '*'
+With **CmdletsToExport** set as an empty array, when you import this module no
+cmdlets the root module or any nested modules export are available.
+ CmdletsToExport = @()
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you create your module manifest with the `New-ModuleManifest` command and
+> do not specify the **CmdletsToExport** parameter, the created manifest has
+> this setting specified as an empty array. Unless you edit the manifest, no
+> cmdlets from the module is exported.
+With **CmdletsToExport** set to only include the `Get-Example` cmdlet, when
+you import this module only the `Get-Example` cmdlet is made available, even
+if other cmdlets were exported by the root module or any nested modules.
+ CmdletsToExport = @(
+ 'Get-Example'
+ )
+With **CmdletsToExport** set with a wildcard string, when you import this
+module any cmdlet whose name ends with `Example` is made available, even if
+other cmdlets were exported as module members by the root module or any nested
+ CmdletsToExport = @(
+ '*Example'
+ )
+### VariablesToExport
+This setting specifies the variables that the module exports. You can use this
+setting to restrict the variables that are exported by the module. It can remove
+variables from the list of exported module members, but it can't add variables
+to the list.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+You can specify entries in this setting with wildcards. All matching variables
+in the list of exported module members is exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> For performance and discoverability, you should always explicitly list the
+> variables you want your module to export in this setting without using any
+> wildcards.
+For example, when you import a module with this setting commented out, all
+variables in the root module and any nested modules are exported.
+ # VariablesToExport = @()
+This manifest is functionally identical to not specifying the setting at all.
+ VariablesToExport = '*'
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you create your module manifest with the `New-ModuleManifest` command and
+> do not specify the **VariablesToExport** parameter, the created manifest has
+> this setting specified as `'*'`. Unless you edit the manifest, all variables
+> from the module is exported.
+With **VariablesToExport** set as an empty array, when you import this module no
+variables the root module or any nested modules export are available.
+ VariablesToExport = @()
+With **VariablesToExport** set to only include the `SomeExample` variable, when
+you import this module only the `$SomeExample` variable is made available, even
+if other variables were exported by the root module or any nested modules.
+ VariablesToExport = @(
+ 'SomeExample'
+ )
+With **VariablesToExport** set with a wildcard string, when you import this
+module any variable whose name ends with `Example` is made available, even if
+other variables were exported as module members by the root module or any nested
+ VariablesToExport = @(
+ '*Example'
+ )
+### DscResourcesToExport
+This setting specifies the DSC Resources that the module exports. You can use
+this setting to restrict the class-based DSC Resources that are exported by the
+module. It can remove DSC Resources from the list of exported module members,
+but it can't add DSC Resources to the list.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+You can specify entries in this setting with wildcards. All matching class-based
+DSC Resources in the module are exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> For discoverability, you should always explicitly list all of the DSC
+> Resources your module module exports.
+For more information on authoring and using DSC Resources, see the
+[documentation for DSC](/powershell/dsc/overview).
+This manifest exports all of the class-based and MOF-based DSC Resources defined
+in the root module and any nested modules.
+ # DscResourcesToExport = @()
+This manifest exports all of the MOF-based DSC Resources defined in the root
+module and any nested modules, but only one class-based DSC Resource,
+ DscResourcesToExport = @(
+ 'ExampleClassResource'
+ )
+This manifest exports all of the DSC Resources it includes. Even if the
+MOF-Based resource was not listed, the module would still export it.
+ DscResourcesToExport = @(
+ 'ExampleClassResource'
+ 'ExampleMofResourceFirst'
+ )
+### ModuleList
+This setting is an informational inventory list of the modules included in this
+one. This list does not affect the behavior of the module.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]`, `System.Collections.Hashtable[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Entries for this setting can be a module name, a full module specification, or a
+path to a module or script file.
+When the value is a path, the path can be fully qualified or relative.
+When the value is a module name or specification, PowerShell searches the
+**PSModulePath** for the specified module.
+A module specification is a hash table that has the following keys.
+- `ModuleName` - **Required**. Specifies the module name.
+- `GUID` - **Optional**. Specifies the GUID of the module.
+- It's also **Required** to specify at least one of the three below keys. The
+ `RequiredVersion` key can't be used with the `ModuleVersion` or
+ `MaximumVersion` keys. You can define an acceptable version range for the
+ module by specifying the `ModuleVersion` and `MaximumVersion` keys together.
+ - `ModuleVersion` - Specifies a minimum acceptable version of the module.
+ - `RequiredVersion` - Specifies an exact, required version of the module.
+ - `MaximumVersion` - Specifies the maximum acceptable version of the module.
+> [!NOTE]
+> `RequiredVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
+> `MaximumVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.1.
+This manifest does not provide an informational list of the modules it includes.
+It may or may not have modules. Even though this setting is not specified, any
+modules listed in the **RootModule**, **ScriptsToProcess**, or **NestedModules**
+settings will still behave as normal.
+ # ModuleList = @()
+This manifest declares that the only modules it includes are `Example.psm1` and
+the submodules `First.psm1` and `Second.psm1` in the `Submodules` folder.
+ ModuleList = @(
+ 'Example.psm1'
+ 'Submodules\First.psm1'
+ 'Submodules\Second.psm1'
+ )
+### FileList
+This setting is an informational inventory list of the files included in this
+module. This list does not affect the behavior of the module.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+Entries for this setting should be the relative path to a file from the folder
+containing the module manifest.
+When a user calls `Get-Module` against a manifest with this setting defined, the
+**FileList** property of the returned object will be the full path to these
+files, joining the module's path with each entry's relative path.
+This manifest does not include a list of its files.
+ # FileList = @()
+This manifest declares that the only files it includes are listed in this
+ Filelist = @(
+ 'Example.psd1'
+ 'Example.psm1'
+ 'Assemblies\Example.dll'
+ 'Scripts\Initialize.ps1'
+ 'Submodules\First.psm1'
+ 'Submodules\Second.psm1'
+ )
+### PrivateData
+This setting defines a hash table of data that is available to any commands or
+functions in the root module's scope.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ------------------------------ |
+| **Input Type** | `System.Collections.Hashtable` |
+| **Required** | PowerShell Gallery |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This setting has two primary effects:
+1. Any keys added to this setting are available to functions and cmdlets in the
+ root module with `$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.PrivateData`. The hash table
+ is not available in the module scope itself, only in cmdlets you define in
+ the module.
+1. You can add the **PSData** key with a hash table for metadata needed when
+ publishing to the PowerShell Gallery. For more information on module
+ manifests and the publishing to the PowerShell Gallery, see
+ [Package manifest values that impact the PowerShell Gallery UI](/powershell/scripting/gallery/concepts/package-manifest-affecting-ui)
+For example, this manifest defines the **PublishedDate** key in **PrivateData**.
+ PrivateData = @{
+ PublishedDate = '2022-06-01'
+ }
+Cmdlets in the module can access this value with the `$MyInvocation` variable.
+Function Get-Stale {
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param()
+ $PublishedDate = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.PrivateData.PublishedDate
+ $CurrentDate = Get-Date
+ try {
+ $PublishedDate = Get-Date -Date $PublishedDate -ErrorAction Stop
+ } catch {
+ # The date was set in the manifest, set to an invalid value, or the
+ # script module was directly imported without the manifest.
+ Throw "Unable to determine published date. Check the module manifest."
+ }
+ if ($CurrentDate -gt $PublishedDate.AddDays(30)) {
+ Write-Warning "This module version was published more than 30 days ago."
+ } else {
+ $TimeUntilStale = $PublishedDate.AddDays(30) - $CurrentDate
+ "This module will be stale in $($TimeUntilStale.Days) days"
+ }
+Once the module is imported, the function uses the value from **PrivateData**
+to determine when the module was published.
+Get-Stale -TestDate '2022-06-15'
+Get-Stale -TestDate '2022-08-01'
+This module will be stale in 16 days
+WARNING: This module version was published more than 30 days ago.
+### HelpInfoURI
+This setting specifies the internet address of the HelpInfo XML file for the
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This setting's value must be a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that begins
+with **http** or **https**.
+The HelpInfo XML file supports the Updatable Help feature that was introduced in
+PowerShell 3.0. It contains information about the location of downloadable help
+files for the module and the version numbers of the newest help files for each
+supported locale.
+For information about Updatable Help, see
+[about_Updatable_Help](about_Updatable_Help.md). For information about
+the HelpInfo XML file, see
+[Supporting Updatable Help](/powershell/scripting/developer/module/supporting-updatable-help).
+For example, this module supports updatable help.
+ HelpInfoUri = 'http://https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=603'
+### DefaultCommandPrefix
+This setting specifies a prefix that is prepended to the nouns of all commands
+in the module when they're imported into a session. Prefixes help prevent
+command name conflicts in a user's session.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Module users can override this prefix by specifying the **Prefix** parameter of
+the `Import-Module` cmdlet.
+This setting was introduced in PowerShell 3.0.
+When this manifest is imported, any cmdlets imported from this module have
+`Example` prepended to the noun in their name. For example, `Get-Item` is
+imported as `Get-ExampleItem`.
+ DefaultCommandPrefix = 'Example'
+## See also
+- [about_PowerShell_Editions](/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_powershell_editions)
+- [New-ModuleManifest](xref:Microsoft.PowerShell.Core.New-ModuleManifest)
+- [Test-ModuleManifest](xref:Microsoft.PowerShell.Core.Test-ModuleManifest)
+- [Modules with compatible PowerShell Editions](/powershell/scripting/gallery/concepts/module-psedition-support).
+- [Package manifest values that impact the PowerShell Gallery UI](/powershell/scripting/gallery/concepts/package-manifest-affecting-ui)
+- [PowerShell module authoring considerations](/powershell/scripting/dev-cross-plat/performance/module-authoring-considerations)
Microsoft.PowerShell.Core About Module Manifest (7.3) https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/7.3/Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_Module_Manifest.md
+description: Describes the settings and practices for writing module manifest files.
+Locale: en-US
Last updated : 03/30/2022
+online version: https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_module_manifests?view=powershell-7.3&WT.mc_id=ps-gethelp
+schema: 2.0.0
+ Title: about Module Manifests
+# about_Module_Manifests
+## Short description
+Describes the settings and practices for writing module manifest files.
+## Long description
+A module manifest is a PowerShell data file (`.psd1`) containing a hash table.
+The keys/value pairs in the hash table describe the contents and attributes of
+the module, define the prerequisites, and control how the components are
+Manifests aren't required to load a module but they are required to publish a
+module to the PowerShell Gallery. Manifests also enable you to separate your
+module's implementation from how it loads. With a manifest, you can define
+requirements, compatibility, loading order, and more.
+When you use `New-ModuleManifest` without specifying any parameters for the
+manifest's settings it writes a minimal manifest file. The snippet below shows
+you this default output, snipped of commentary and spacing for brevity:
+# RootModule = ''
+ModuleVersion = '1.0'
+# CompatiblePSEditions = @()
+GUID = 'e7184b71-2527-469f-a50e-166b612dfb3b'
+Author = 'username'
+CompanyName = 'Unknown'
+Copyright = '(c) 2022 username. All rights reserved.'
+# Description = ''
+# PowerShellVersion = ''
+# PowerShellHostName = ''
+# PowerShellHostVersion = ''
+# DotNetFrameworkVersion = ''
+# CLRVersion = ''
+# ProcessorArchitecture = ''
+# RequiredModules = @()
+# RequiredAssemblies = @()
+# ScriptsToProcess = @()
+# TypesToProcess = @()
+# FormatsToProcess = @()
+# NestedModules = @()
+FunctionsToExport = @()
+CmdletsToExport = @()
+VariablesToExport = '*'
+AliasesToExport = @()
+# DscResourcesToExport = @()
+# ModuleList = @()
+# FileList = @()
+PrivateData = @{
+ PSData = @{
+ # Tags = @()
+ # LicenseUri = ''
+ # ProjectUri = ''
+ # IconUri = ''
+ # ReleaseNotes = ''
+ } # End of PSData hashtable
+} # End of PrivateData hashtable
+# HelpInfoURI = ''
+# DefaultCommandPrefix = ''
+You can use `Test-ModuleManifest` to validate a module manifest before you
+publish your module. `Test-ModuleManifest` returns an error if the manifest is
+invalid or the module can't be imported into the current session because the
+session does not meet requirements set in the manifest.
+## Manifest settings
+The following sections detail every available setting in a module manifest and
+how you can use them. They start with a synopsis of the setting and are followed
+by a matrix which lists:
+- **Input type**: The object type that you can specify for this setting in the
+ manifest.
+- **Required**: If this value is `Yes`, the setting is required both to import
+ the module and to publish it to the PowerShell Gallery. If it is `No`, it is
+ required for neither. If it is `PowerShell Gallery`, it is only required for
+ publishing to the PowerShell Gallery.
+- **Value if unset**: The value this setting has when imported and not
+ explicitly set.
+- **Accepts wildcards**: Whether this setting can take a wildcard
+ value or not.
+### RootModule
+This setting specifies the primary or root file of the module. When the module
+is imported, the members exported by the root module file are imported into the
+caller's session state.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value must be the file path to one of the following:
+- a script (`.ps1`)
+- a script module (`.psm1`)
+- a module manifest (`.psd1`)
+- an assembly (`.dll`)
+- a cmdlet definition XML file (`.cdxml`)
+- a Windows PowerShell 5.1 Workflow (`.xaml`)
+The file path should be relative to the module manifest.
+If a module has a manifest file and no root file was designated in the
+**RootModule** key, the manifest becomes the primary file for the module, and
+the module becomes a manifest module (ModuleType = Manifest). When
+**RootModule** is defined, the module's type is determined from the file
+extension used:
+- a `.ps1` or `.psm1` file makes the module type **Script**
+- a `.psd1` file makes the module type **Manifest**
+- a `.dll` file makes the module type **Binary**
+- a `.cdxml` file makes the module type **CIM**
+- a `.xaml` file makes the module type **Workflow**
+By default, all module members in the **RootModule** are exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> Module loading speed differs between **Binary**, **Script**, and **CIM**
+> module types. For more information, see
+> [PowerShell module authoring considerations](/powershell/scripting/dev-cross-plat/performance/module-authoring-considerations)
+For example, this module's **ModuleType** is **Manifest**. The only module
+members this module can export are those defined in the modules specified with
+the **NestedModules** setting.
+ RootModule = ''
+> [!NOTE]
+> This setting may also be specified in module manifests as **ModuleToProcess**.
+> While that name for this setting is valid, it is best practice to use
+> **RootModule** instead.
+### ModuleVersion
+This setting specifies the version of the module. When multiple versions of a
+module exist on a system, the latest version is loaded by default when you run
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | Yes |
+| **Value if unset** | None |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to `System.Version` when you run
+For example, this manifest declares the module's version as `'1.2.3'`.
+ ModuleVersion = '1.2.3'
+When you import the module and inspect the **Version** property, note that it is
+a **System.Version** object and not a string:
+$ExampleModule = Import-Module example.psd1
+Major Minor Build Revision
+----- ----- ----- --------
+1 2 3 -1
+### CompatiblePSEditions
+This setting specifies the module's compatible PSEditions.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Accepted Values** | `Desktop`, `Core` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+If the value of this setting is `$null`, the module can be imported regardless
+of the PSEdition of the session. You can set it to one or more of the accepted
+For information about PSEdition, see:
+- [about_PowerShell_Editions](/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_powershell_editions)
+- [Modules with compatible PowerShell Editions](/powershell/scripting/gallery/concepts/module-psedition-support).
+When this setting is defined, the module can only be imported into a session
+where the `$PSEdition` automatic variable's value is included in the setting.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Because the `$PSEdition` automatic variable was introduced in version 5.1,
+> older versions of Windows PowerShell can't load a module that uses the
+> **CompatiblePSEditions** setting.
+For example, you can import this module manifest in any session:
+ # CompatiblePSEditions = @()
+With the setting specified, this module can only be imported in sessions where
+the `$PSEdition` automatic variable's value is `Core`.
+ CompatiblePSEditions = @('Core')
+### GUID
+This setting specifies a unique identifier for the module. The **GUID** is used
+to distinguish between modules with the same name.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to `System.Guid` when you run
+> While it is not a required setting, not specifying a **GUID** in a manifest
+> has no benefits and may lead to name collisions for modules.
+You can create a new guid to use in your manifest:
+New-Guid | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Guid
+ GUID = '8456b025-2fa5-4034-ae47-e6305f3917ca'
+If there is another module on the machine with the same name, you can still
+import the one you want by specifying the module's fully qualified name:
+Import-Module -FullyQualifiedName @{
+ ModuleName = 'Example'
+ GUID = '8456b025-2fa5-4034-ae47-e6305f3917ca'
+ ModuleVersion = '1.0.0'
+### Author
+This setting identifies the module author.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ------------------ |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | PowerShell Gallery |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This manifest declares that the module's author is the Contoso Developer
+Experience Team.
+ Author = 'Contoso Developer Experience Team'
+### CompanyName
+This setting identifies the company or vendor who created the module.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This manifest declares that the module was created by Contoso, Ltd.
+ CompanyName = 'Contoso, Ltd.'
+### Copyright
+This setting specifies a copyright statement for the module.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This manifest declares a copyright statement reserving all rights to Contoso,
+Ltd. as of 2022.
+ Copyright = '(c) 2022 Contoso, Ltd. All rights reserved.'
+### Description
+This setting describes the module at a high level.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ------------------ |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | PowerShell Gallery |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This manifest includes a short description. You can also use a here-string to
+write a longer or multi-line description.
+ Description = 'Provides example commands to show a valid module manifest'
+### PowerShellVersion
+This setting specifies the minimum version of PowerShell this module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to `System.Version` when you run
+If this setting is not set, PowerShell does not restrict the module's import
+based on the current version.
+For example, this manifest declares that the module is compatible with every
+version of PowerShell and Windows PowerShell.
+ # PowerShellVersion = ''
+With **PowerShellVersion** set to `7.2`, you can only import the module in
+PowerShell 7.2 or higher.
+ PowerShellVersion = '7.2'
+### PowerShellHostName
+This setting specifies the name of the PowerShell host program that the module
+requires, such as **Windows PowerShell ISE Host** or **ConsoleHost**.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+You can find the name of the host for a session with the `$Host.Name` statement.
+For example, you can see that the host for a remote session is
+**ServerRemoteHost** instead of **ConsoleHost**:
+Enter-PSSession -ComputerName localhost
+[localhost]: PS C:\Users\username\Documents> $Host.Name
+This module can be imported into any host.
+ # PowerShellHostName = ''
+With **PowerShellHostName** set to `ServerRemoteHost`, you can only import the
+module in a remote PowerShell session.
+ PowerShellHostName = 'ServerRemoteHost'
+### PowerShellHostVersion
+This setting specifies the minimum version of a PowerShell host program that the
+module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to `System.Version` when you run
+> While this setting can be used without the **PowerShellHostName** setting, it
+> increases the odds of unexpected behavior. Only use this setting when you are
+> also using the **PowerShellHostName** setting.
+For example, this manifest's module can be imported from any PowerShell session
+running in **ConsoleHost**, regardless of the host's version.
+ PowerShellHostName = 'ConsoleHost'
+ # PowerShellHostVersion = ''
+With the **PowerShellHostVersion** set to `5.1`, you can only import the module
+from any PowerShell session running in **ConsoleHost** where the host's version
+is 5.1 or higher.
+ PowerShellHostName = 'ConsoleHost'
+ PowerShellHostVersion = '5.1'
+### DotNetFrameworkVersion
+This setting specifies the minimum version of the Microsoft .NET Framework that
+the module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This setting only applies to Windows PowerShell. The value of this setting must
+be convertible to `System.Version` when you run `Import-Module`.
+For example, this manifest declares that its module can be imported in any
+PowerShell or Windows PowerShell session, regardless of the version of the
+Microsoft .NET Framework.
+ # DotNetFrameworkVersion = ''
+With **DotNetFrameworkVersion** set to `4.0`, you can import this module in any
+session of Windows PowerShell where the latest available version of the
+Microsoft .NET Framework is at least 4.0. You can also import it in any
+PowerShell session.
+ DotNetFrameworkVersion = '4.0'
+### CLRVersion
+This setting specifies the minimum version of the Common Language Runtime (CLR)
+of the Microsoft .NET Framework that the module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This setting only applies to Windows PowerShell. The value of this setting must
+be convertible to `System.Version` when you run `Import-Module`.
+For example, this manifest declares that its module can be imported in any
+PowerShell or Windows PowerShell session, regardless of the version of the
+Microsoft .NET Framework's CLR version.
+ # CLRVersion = ''
+With **CLRVersion** set to `4.0`, you can import this module in any session of
+Windows PowerShell where the latest available version of the CLR is at least
+4.0. You can also import it in any PowerShell session.
+ CLRVersion = '4.0'
+### ProcessorArchitecture
+This setting specifies the processor architecture that the module requires.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Accepted Values** | `None`, `MSIL`, `X86`, `IA64`, `Amd64`, `Arm` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `None` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+The value of this setting must be convertible to
+`System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture` when you run `Import-Module`.
+For example, this manifest declares that its module can be imported in any
+session, regardless of the system's processor architecture.
+ # ProcessorArchitecture = ''
+With **ProcessorArchitecture** set to `Amd64`, you can only import this module
+in a session running on a machine with a matching architecture.
+ ProcessorArchitecture = 'Amd64'
+### RequiredModules
+This setting specifies modules that must be in the global session state. If the
+required modules aren't in the global session state, PowerShell imports them. If
+the required modules aren't available, the `Import-Module` command fails.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]`, `System.Collections.Hashtable[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Entries for this setting can be a module name, a full module specification, or a
+path to a module file.
+When the value is a path, the path can be fully qualified or relative.
+When the value is a name or module specification, PowerShell searches the
+**PSModulePath** for the specified module.
+A module specification is a hash table that has the following keys.
+- `ModuleName` - **Required**. Specifies the module name.
+- `GUID` - **Optional**. Specifies the GUID of the module.
+- It's also **Required** to specify at least one of the three below keys. The
+ `RequiredVersion` key can't be used with the `ModuleVersion` or
+ `MaximumVersion` keys. You can define an acceptable version range for the
+ module by specifying the `ModuleVersion` and `MaximumVersion` keys together.
+ - `ModuleVersion` - Specifies a minimum acceptable version of the module.
+ - `RequiredVersion` - Specifies an exact, required version of the module.
+ - `MaximumVersion` - Specifies the maximum acceptable version of the module.
+> [!NOTE]
+> `RequiredVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
+> `MaximumVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.1.
+For example, this manifest declares that its module does not require any other
+modules for its functionality.
+ # RequiredModules = @()
+This manifest declares that it requires the PSReadLine module. When you run
+`Import-Module` on this manifest, PowerShell imports the latest version of
+PSReadline that is available to the session. If no version is available, the
+import returns an error.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ 'PSReadLine'
+ )
+> [!TIP]
+> In PowerShell 2.0, `Import-Module` doesn't import required modules
+> automatically. It only verifies that the required modules are in the global
+> session state.
+This manifest declares that it requires a version of the PSReadLine module
+vendored in it's own module folder. When you run `Import-Module` on this
+manifest, PowerShell imports the vendored PSReadLine from the specified path.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ 'Vendored\PSReadline\PSReadline.psd1'
+ )
+This manifest declares that it specifically requires version 2.0.0 of the
+PSReadLine module. When you run `Import-Module` on this manifest, PowerShell
+imports version 2.0.0 of PSReadline if it is available. If it is not available,
+`Import-Module` returns an error.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ @{
+ ModuleName = 'PSReadLine'
+ RequiredVersion = '2.0.0'
+ }
+ )
+This manifest declares that it requires the PSReadLine module to be imported at
+version 2.0.0 or higher.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ @{
+ ModuleName = 'PSReadLine'
+ ModuleVersion = '2.0.0'
+ }
+ )
+This manifest declares that it requires the PSReadLine module to be imported at
+version 2.0.0 or lower.
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ @{
+ ModuleName = 'PSReadLine'
+ MaximumVersion = '2.0.0'
+ }
+ )
+This manifest declares that it requires the PSDesiredStateConfiguration module
+to be imported at a version equal to or higher than 2.0.0 but no higher than
+ RequiredModules = @(
+ @{
+ ModuleName = 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'
+ ModuleVersion = '2.0.0'
+ MaximumVersion = '2.99.99'
+ }
+ )
+### RequiredAssemblies
+This setting specifies the assembly (`.dll`) files that the module requires.
+PowerShell loads the specified assemblies before updating types or formats,
+importing nested modules, or importing the module file that is specified in the
+value of the **RootModule** key.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Entries for this setting can be the filename of an assembly or the path to one.
+List all required assemblies, even if they are also listed as binary modules in
+the **NestedModules** setting.
+This manifest requires the `example.dll` assembly. Before loading any formatting
+or type files specified in this manifest, PowerShell loads `example.dll` from
+the `Assemblies` folder located in the same directory as the module manifest.
+ RequiredAssemblies = @(
+ 'Assemblies\Example.dll'
+ )
+### ScriptsToProcess
+This setting specifies script (`.ps1`) files that run in the caller's session
+state when the module is imported. You can use these scripts to prepare an
+environment, just as you might use a login script.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+To specify scripts that run in the module's session state, use the
+**NestedModules** key.
+When you import this manifest, PowerShell runs the `Initialize.ps1` in your
+current session.
+ ScriptsToProcess = @(
+ 'Scripts\Initialize.ps1'
+ )
+For example, if `Initialize.ps1` writes informational messages and sets the
+`$ExampleState` variable:
+if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ExampleState)) {
+ Write-Information "Example not initialized."
+ Write-Information "Initializing now..."
+ $ExampleState = 'Initialized'
+} else {
+ Write-Information "Example already initialized."
+When you import the module, the script runs, writing those messages and setting
+`$ExampleState` in your session.
+$InformationPreference = 'Continue'
+"Example State is: $ExampleState"
+Import-Module .\example7x.psd1
+"Example State is: $ExampleState"
+Import-Module .\example7x.psd1 -Force
+Example State is:
+Example not initialized.
+Initializing now...
+Example State is: Initialized
+Example already initialized.
+### TypesToProcess
+This setting specifies the type files (`.ps1xml`) that run when the module is
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+When you import the module, PowerShell runs the `Update-TypeData` cmdlet with
+the specified files. Because type files aren't scoped, they affect all session
+states in the session.
+For more information on type files, see
+For example, when you import this manifest, PowerShell loads the types specified
+in the `Example.ps1xml` file from the `Types` folder located in the same
+directory as the module manifest.
+ TypesToProcess = @(
+ 'Types\Example.ps1xml'
+ )
+### FormatsToProcess
+This setting specifies the formatting files (`.ps1xml`) that run when the module
+is imported.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+When you import a module, PowerShell runs the `Update-FormatData` cmdlet with
+the specified files. Because formatting files aren't scoped, they affect all
+session states in the session.
+For more information on type files, see
+For example, when you import this module, PowerShell loads the formats specified
+in the `Example.ps1xml` file from the `Formats` folder located in the same
+directory as the module manifest.
+ FormatsToProcess = @(
+ 'Formats\Example.ps1xml'
+ )
+### NestedModules
+This setting specifies script modules (`.psm1`) and binary modules (`.dll`) that
+are imported into the module's session state. You can also specify script files
+(`.ps1`). The files in this setting run in the order in which they're listed.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]`, `System.Collections.Hashtable[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Entries for this setting can be a module name, a full module specification, or a
+path to a module or script file.
+When the value is a path, the path can be fully qualified or relative.
+When the value is a module name or specification, PowerShell searches the
+**PSModulePath** for the specified module.
+A module specification is a hash table that has the following keys.
+- `ModuleName` - **Required**. Specifies the module name.
+- `GUID` - **Optional**. Specifies the GUID of the module.
+- It's also **Required** to specify at least one of the three below keys. The
+ `RequiredVersion` key can't be used with the `ModuleVersion` or
+ `MaximumVersion` keys. You can define an acceptable version range for the
+ module by specifying the `ModuleVersion` and `MaximumVersion` keys together.
+ - `ModuleVersion` - Specifies a minimum acceptable version of the module.
+ - `RequiredVersion` - Specifies an exact, required version of the module.
+ - `MaximumVersion` - Specifies the maximum acceptable version of the module.
+> [!NOTE]
+> `RequiredVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
+> `MaximumVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.1.
+Any items that need to be exported from a nested module must exported by the
+nested module using the `Export-ModuleMember` cmdlet or be listed in one of the
+export properties:
+- **FunctionsToExport**
+- **CmdletsToExport**
+- **VariablesToExport**
+- **AliasesToExport**
+Nested modules in the module session state are available to the root module, but
+they aren't returned by a `Get-Module` command in the caller's session state.
+Scripts (`.ps1`) that are listed in this setting are run in the module's session
+state, not in the caller's session state. To run a script in the caller's
+session state, list the script filename in the **ScriptsToProcess** setting.
+For example, when you import this manifest, the `Helpers.psm1` module is loaded
+into the root module's session state. Any cmdlets declared in the nested module
+are exported unless otherwise restricted.
+ NestedModules = @(
+ 'Helpers\Helpers.psm1'
+ )
+### FunctionsToExport
+This setting specifies the functions that the module exports. You can use this
+setting to restrict the functions that are exported by the module. It can remove
+functions from the list of exported functions, but it can't add functions to the
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+You can specify entries in this setting with wildcards. All matching functions
+in the list of exported functions are exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> For performance and discoverability, you should always explicitly list the
+> functions you want your module to export in this setting without using any
+> wildcards.
+For example, when you import a module with the setting commented out, all
+functions in the root module and any nested modules are exported.
+ # FunctionsToExport = @()
+This manifest is functionally identical to not specifying the setting at all.
+ FunctionsToExport = '*'
+With **FunctionsToExport** set as an empty array, when you import this module no
+functions the root module or any nested modules export are available.
+ FunctionsToExport = @()
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you create your module manifest with the `New-ModuleManifest` command and
+> do not specify the **FunctionsToExport** parameter, the created manifest has
+> this setting specified as an empty array. Unless you edit the manifest, no
+> functions from the module are exported.
+With **FunctionsToExport** set to only include the `Get-Example` function, when
+you import this module only the `Get-Example` function is made available, even
+if other functions were exported by the root module or any nested modules.
+ FunctionsToExport = @(
+ 'Get-Example'
+ )
+With **FunctionsToExport** set with a wildcard string, when you import this
+module any function whose name ends with `Example` is made available, even if
+other functions were exported as module members by the root module or any nested
+ FunctionsToExport = @(
+ '*Example'
+ )
+### CmdletsToExport
+This setting specifies the cmdlets that the module exports. You can use this
+setting to restrict the cmdlets that are exported by the module. It can remove
+cmdlets from the list of exported module members, but it can't add cmdlets to
+the list.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+You can specify entries in this setting with wildcards. All matching cmdlets
+in the list of exported cmdlets is exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> For performance and discoverability, you should always explicitly list the
+> cmdlets you want your module to export in this setting without using any
+> wildcards.
+For example, when you import a module with this setting commented out, all
+cmdlets in the root module and any nested modules are exported.
+ # CmdletsToExport = @()
+This manifest is functionally identical to not specifying the setting at all.
+ CmdletsToExport = '*'
+With **CmdletsToExport** set as an empty array, when you import this module no
+cmdlets the root module or any nested modules export are available.
+ CmdletsToExport = @()
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you create your module manifest with the `New-ModuleManifest` command and
+> do not specify the **CmdletsToExport** parameter, the created manifest has
+> this setting specified as an empty array. Unless you edit the manifest, no
+> cmdlets from the module is exported.
+With **CmdletsToExport** set to only include the `Get-Example` cmdlet, when
+you import this module only the `Get-Example` cmdlet is made available, even
+if other cmdlets were exported by the root module or any nested modules.
+ CmdletsToExport = @(
+ 'Get-Example'
+ )
+With **CmdletsToExport** set with a wildcard string, when you import this
+module any cmdlet whose name ends with `Example` is made available, even if
+other cmdlets were exported as module members by the root module or any nested
+ CmdletsToExport = @(
+ '*Example'
+ )
+### VariablesToExport
+This setting specifies the variables that the module exports. You can use this
+setting to restrict the variables that are exported by the module. It can remove
+variables from the list of exported module members, but it can't add variables
+to the list.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+You can specify entries in this setting with wildcards. All matching variables
+in the list of exported module members is exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> For performance and discoverability, you should always explicitly list the
+> variables you want your module to export in this setting without using any
+> wildcards.
+For example, when you import a module with this setting commented out, all
+variables in the root module and any nested modules are exported.
+ # VariablesToExport = @()
+This manifest is functionally identical to not specifying the setting at all.
+ VariablesToExport = '*'
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you create your module manifest with the `New-ModuleManifest` command and
+> do not specify the **VariablesToExport** parameter, the created manifest has
+> this setting specified as `'*'`. Unless you edit the manifest, all variables
+> from the module is exported.
+With **VariablesToExport** set as an empty array, when you import this module no
+variables the root module or any nested modules export are available.
+ VariablesToExport = @()
+With **VariablesToExport** set to only include the `SomeExample` variable, when
+you import this module only the `$SomeExample` variable is made available, even
+if other variables were exported by the root module or any nested modules.
+ VariablesToExport = @(
+ 'SomeExample'
+ )
+With **VariablesToExport** set with a wildcard string, when you import this
+module any variable whose name ends with `Example` is made available, even if
+other variables were exported as module members by the root module or any nested
+ VariablesToExport = @(
+ '*Example'
+ )
+### DscResourcesToExport
+This setting specifies the DSC Resources that the module exports. You can use
+this setting to restrict the class-based DSC Resources that are exported by the
+module. It can remove DSC Resources from the list of exported module members,
+but it can't add DSC Resources to the list.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+You can specify entries in this setting with wildcards. All matching class-based
+DSC Resources in the module are exported.
+> [!TIP]
+> For discoverability, you should always explicitly list all of the DSC
+> Resources your module module exports.
+For more information on authoring and using DSC Resources, see the
+[documentation for DSC](/powershell/dsc/overview).
+This manifest exports all of the class-based and MOF-based DSC Resources defined
+in the root module and any nested modules.
+ # DscResourcesToExport = @()
+This manifest exports all of the MOF-based DSC Resources defined in the root
+module and any nested modules, but only one class-based DSC Resource,
+ DscResourcesToExport = @(
+ 'ExampleClassResource'
+ )
+This manifest exports all of the DSC Resources it includes. Even if the
+MOF-Based resource was not listed, the module would still export it.
+ DscResourcesToExport = @(
+ 'ExampleClassResource'
+ 'ExampleMofResourceFirst'
+ )
+### ModuleList
+This setting is an informational inventory list of the modules included in this
+one. This list does not affect the behavior of the module.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]`, `System.Collections.Hashtable[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Entries for this setting can be a module name, a full module specification, or a
+path to a module or script file.
+When the value is a path, the path can be fully qualified or relative.
+When the value is a module name or specification, PowerShell searches the
+**PSModulePath** for the specified module.
+A module specification is a hash table that has the following keys.
+- `ModuleName` - **Required**. Specifies the module name.
+- `GUID` - **Optional**. Specifies the GUID of the module.
+- It's also **Required** to specify at least one of the three below keys. The
+ `RequiredVersion` key can't be used with the `ModuleVersion` or
+ `MaximumVersion` keys. You can define an acceptable version range for the
+ module by specifying the `ModuleVersion` and `MaximumVersion` keys together.
+ - `ModuleVersion` - Specifies a minimum acceptable version of the module.
+ - `RequiredVersion` - Specifies an exact, required version of the module.
+ - `MaximumVersion` - Specifies the maximum acceptable version of the module.
+> [!NOTE]
+> `RequiredVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.0.
+> `MaximumVersion` was added in Windows PowerShell 5.1.
+This manifest does not provide an informational list of the modules it includes.
+It may or may not have modules. Even though this setting is not specified, any
+modules listed in the **RootModule**, **ScriptsToProcess**, or **NestedModules**
+settings will still behave as normal.
+ # ModuleList = @()
+This manifest declares that the only modules it includes are `Example.psm1` and
+the submodules `First.psm1` and `Second.psm1` in the `Submodules` folder.
+ ModuleList = @(
+ 'Example.psm1'
+ 'Submodules\First.psm1'
+ 'Submodules\Second.psm1'
+ )
+### FileList
+This setting is an informational inventory list of the files included in this
+module. This list does not affect the behavior of the module.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ----------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String[]` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | Yes |
+Entries for this setting should be the relative path to a file from the folder
+containing the module manifest.
+When a user calls `Get-Module` against a manifest with this setting defined, the
+**FileList** property of the returned object will be the full path to these
+files, joining the module's path with each entry's relative path.
+This manifest does not include a list of its files.
+ # FileList = @()
+This manifest declares that the only files it includes are listed in this
+ Filelist = @(
+ 'Example.psd1'
+ 'Example.psm1'
+ 'Assemblies\Example.dll'
+ 'Scripts\Initialize.ps1'
+ 'Submodules\First.psm1'
+ 'Submodules\Second.psm1'
+ )
+### PrivateData
+This setting defines a hash table of data that is available to any commands or
+functions in the root module's scope.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | ------------------------------ |
+| **Input Type** | `System.Collections.Hashtable` |
+| **Required** | PowerShell Gallery |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This setting has two primary effects:
+1. Any keys added to this setting are available to functions and cmdlets in the
+ root module with `$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.PrivateData`. The hash table
+ is not available in the module scope itself, only in cmdlets you define in
+ the module.
+1. You can add the **PSData** key with a hash table for metadata needed when
+ publishing to the PowerShell Gallery. For more information on module
+ manifests and the publishing to the PowerShell Gallery, see
+ [Package manifest values that impact the PowerShell Gallery UI](/powershell/scripting/gallery/concepts/package-manifest-affecting-ui)
+For example, this manifest defines the **PublishedDate** key in **PrivateData**.
+ PrivateData = @{
+ PublishedDate = '2022-06-01'
+ }
+Cmdlets in the module can access this value with the `$MyInvocation` variable.
+Function Get-Stale {
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param()
+ $PublishedDate = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.PrivateData.PublishedDate
+ $CurrentDate = Get-Date
+ try {
+ $PublishedDate = Get-Date -Date $PublishedDate -ErrorAction Stop
+ } catch {
+ # The date was set in the manifest, set to an invalid value, or the
+ # script module was directly imported without the manifest.
+ Throw "Unable to determine published date. Check the module manifest."
+ }
+ if ($CurrentDate -gt $PublishedDate.AddDays(30)) {
+ Write-Warning "This module version was published more than 30 days ago."
+ } else {
+ $TimeUntilStale = $PublishedDate.AddDays(30) - $CurrentDate
+ "This module will be stale in $($TimeUntilStale.Days) days"
+ }
+Once the module is imported, the function uses the value from **PrivateData**
+to determine when the module was published.
+Get-Stale -TestDate '2022-06-15'
+Get-Stale -TestDate '2022-08-01'
+This module will be stale in 16 days
+WARNING: This module version was published more than 30 days ago.
+### HelpInfoURI
+This setting specifies the internet address of the HelpInfo XML file for the
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+This setting's value must be a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that begins
+with **http** or **https**.
+The HelpInfo XML file supports the Updatable Help feature that was introduced in
+PowerShell 3.0. It contains information about the location of downloadable help
+files for the module and the version numbers of the newest help files for each
+supported locale.
+For information about Updatable Help, see
+[about_Updatable_Help](about_Updatable_Help.md). For information about
+the HelpInfo XML file, see
+[Supporting Updatable Help](/powershell/scripting/developer/module/supporting-updatable-help).
+For example, this module supports updatable help.
+ HelpInfoUri = 'http://https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=603'
+### DefaultCommandPrefix
+This setting specifies a prefix that is prepended to the nouns of all commands
+in the module when they're imported into a session. Prefixes help prevent
+command name conflicts in a user's session.
+| | Value |
+| --------------------- | --------------- |
+| **Input Type** | `System.String` |
+| **Required** | No |
+| **Value if unset** | `$null` |
+| **Accepts wildcards** | No |
+Module users can override this prefix by specifying the **Prefix** parameter of
+the `Import-Module` cmdlet.
+This setting was introduced in PowerShell 3.0.
+When this manifest is imported, any cmdlets imported from this module have
+`Example` prepended to the noun in their name. For example, `Get-Item` is
+imported as `Get-ExampleItem`.
+ DefaultCommandPrefix = 'Example'
+## See also
+- [about_PowerShell_Editions](/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_powershell_editions)
+- [New-ModuleManifest](xref:Microsoft.PowerShell.Core.New-ModuleManifest)
+- [Test-ModuleManifest](xref:Microsoft.PowerShell.Core.Test-ModuleManifest)
+- [Modules with compatible PowerShell Editions](/powershell/scripting/gallery/concepts/module-psedition-support).
+- [Package manifest values that impact the PowerShell Gallery UI](/powershell/scripting/gallery/concepts/package-manifest-affecting-ui)
+- [PowerShell module authoring considerations](/powershell/scripting/dev-cross-plat/performance/module-authoring-considerations)
Microsoft.PowerShell.Management Set Service (7.3) https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/7.3/Microsoft.PowerShell.Management/Set-Service.md
Accept wildcard characters: False
### -SecurityDescriptorSddl
-Specifies the **SecurityDescriptor** for the service in **Sddl** format.
+Specifies the **SecurityDescriptor** for the service in **Sddl** format. The account calling
+`Set-Service` with this parameter must have the WRITE_DAC and WRITE_OWNER permissions. For more
+information, see
+[Service security and access rights](/windows/win32/services/service-security-and-access-rights).
```yaml Type: System.String
learn Everything About Pscustomobject https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/docs-conceptual/learn/deep-dives/everything-about-pscustomobject.md
--- description: PSCustomObject is a simple way to create structured data. Previously updated : 10/05/2021 Last updated : 03/30/2022 Title: Everything you wanted to know about PSCustomObject --- # Everything you wanted to know about PSCustomObject
-`PSCustomObject`s are a great tool to add into your PowerShell tool belt. Let's start with the basics
+`PSCustomObject` is a great tool to add into your PowerShell tool belt. Let's start with the basics
and work our way into the more advanced features. The idea behind using a `PSCustomObject` is to have a simple way to create structured data. Take a look at the first example and you'll have a better idea of what that means. > [!NOTE]
-> The [original version][original version] of this article appeared on the blog written by [@KevinMarquette][@KevinMarquette]. The
-> PowerShell team thanks Kevin for sharing this content with us. Please check out his blog at
-> [PowerShellExplained.com][PowerShellExplained.com].
+> The [original version][original version] of this article appeared on the blog written by
+> [@KevinMarquette][@KevinMarquette]. The PowerShell team thanks Kevin for sharing this content with
+> us. Please check out his blog at [PowerShellExplained.com][PowerShellExplained.com].
## Creating a PSCustomObject
hashtable first. This example works because the constructor takes a hashtable fo
properties. One important note is that while this method works, it isn't an exact equivalent. The biggest difference is that the order of the properties isn't preserved.
-If you want to preserve the order, see [Ordered hashtables](#ordered-hashtables) below.
+If you want to preserve the order, see
+[Ordered hashtables](everything-about-hashtable.md#ordered-hashtables).
### Legacy approach
``` The `.psobject` is an intrinsic member that gives you access to base object metadata. For more
-information about intrinsic members, see [about_Intrinsic_Members](/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_intrinsic_members).
+information about intrinsic members, see
### Enumerating property names
people do it:
$myObject.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0,"My.Object") ```
-I recently discovered another way to do this from this [post by /u/markekraus][post by /u/markekraus]. I did a little
-digging and more posts about the idea from [Adam Bertram][Adam Bertram] and [Mike Shepard][Mike Shepard] where they talk
-about this approach that allows you to define it inline.
+I recently discovered another way to do this from this
+[post by /u/markekraus][post by /u/markekraus]. I did a little digging and more posts about the idea
+from [Adam Bertram][Adam Bertram] and [Mike Shepard][Mike Shepard] where they talk about this
+approach that allows you to define it inline.
```powershell $myObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
name, we can do some more things.
## Using DefaultPropertySet (the long way) PowerShell decides for us what properties to display by default. A lot of the native commands have a
-`.ps1xml` [formatting file][formatting file] that does all the heavy lifting. From this [post by Boe Prox][post by Boe Prox],
-there's another way for us to do this on our custom object using just PowerShell. We can give it a
-`MemberSet` for it to use.
+`.ps1xml` [formatting file][formatting file] that does all the heavy lifting. From this
+[post by Boe Prox][post by Boe Prox], there's another way for us to do this on our custom object
+using just PowerShell. We can give it a `MemberSet` for it to use.
```powershell $defaultDisplaySet = 'Name','Language'