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dev-cross-plat Create Help Using Platyps https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/docs-conceptual/dev-cross-plat/create-help-using-platyps.md
-description: Using PlatyPS is the fast and efficient way to create XML-based help.
Previously updated : 03/10/2022 Title: Create XML-based help using PlatyPS
-# Create XML-based help using PlatyPS
-When creating a PowerShell module, it is always recommended that you include detailed help for the
-cmdlets you create. If your cmdlets are implemented in compiled code, you must use the XML-based
-help. This XML format is known as the Microsoft Assistance Markup Language (MAML).
-The legacy PowerShell SDK documentation covers the details of creating help for PowerShell
-cmdlets packaged into modules. However, PowerShell does not provide any tools for creating the
-XML-based help. The SDK documentation explains the structure of MAML help, but leaves you the
-task of creating the complex, and deeply nested, MAML content by hand.
-This is where the [PlatyPS][platyps] module can help.
-## What is PlatyPS?
-PlatyPS is an [open-source][platyps-repo] tool that started as a _hackathon_ project to make the
-creation and maintenance of MAML easier. PlatyPS documents the syntax of parameter sets and the
-individual parameters for each cmdlet in your module. PlatyPS creates structured [Markdown][MD]
-files that contain the syntax information. It can't create descriptions or provide examples.
-PlatyPS creates placeholders for you to fill in descriptions and examples. After adding the required
-information, PlatyPS compiles the Markdown files into MAML files. PowerShell's help system also
-allows for plain-text conceptual help files (about topics). PlatyPS has a cmdlet to create a
-structured Markdown template for a new _about_ file, but these `about_*.help.txt` files must be
-maintained manually.
-You can include the MAML and Text help files with your module. You can also use PlatyPS to compile
-the help files into a CAB package that can be hosted for updateable help.
-## Get started using PlatyPS
-First you must install PlatyPS from the PowerShell Gallery.
-Install-Module platyps -Force
-Import-Module platyps
-The following flowchart outlines the process for creating or updating PowerShell reference content.
-## Create Markdown content for a PowerShell module
-1. Import your new module into the session. Repeat this step for each module you need to document.
- Run the following command to import your modules:
- ```powershell
- Import-Module <your module name>
- ```
-1. Use PlatyPS to generate Markdown files for your module page and all associated cmdlets within the
- module. Repeat this step for each module you need to document.
- ```powershell
- $OutputFolder = <output path>
- $parameters = @{
- Module = <ModuleName>
- OutputFolder = $OutputFolder
- AlphabeticParamsOrder = $true
- WithModulePage = $true
- ExcludeDontShow = $true
- Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
- }
- New-MarkdownHelp @parameters
- New-MarkdownAboutHelp -OutputFolder $OutputFolder -AboutName "topic_name"
- ```
- If the output folder does not exist, `New-MarkdownHelp` creates it. In this example,
- `New-MarkdownHelp` creates a Markdown file for each cmdlet in the module. It also creates the
- _module page_ in a file named `<ModuleName>.md`. This module page contains a list of the cmdlets
- contained in the module and placeholders for the **Synopsis** description. The metadata in the
- module page comes from the module manifest and is used by PlatyPS to create the HelpInfo XML file
- (as explained [below](#creating-an-updateable-help-package)).
- `New-MarkdownAboutHelp` creates a new _about_ file named `about_topic_name.md`.
- For more information, see [New-MarkdownHelp][New-MarkdownHelp] and
- [New-MarkdownAboutHelp][New-MarkdownAboutHelp].
-### Update existing Markdown content when the module changes
-PlatyPS can also update existing Markdown files for a module. Use this step to update existing
-modules that have new cmdlets, new parameters, or parameters that have changed.
-1. Import your new module into the session. Repeat this step for each module you need to document.
- Run the following command to import your modules:
- ```powershell
- Import-Module <your module name>
- ```
-1. Use PlatyPS to update Markdown files for your module landing page and all associated cmdlets
- within the module. Repeat this step for each module you need to document.
- ```powershell
- $parameters = @{
- Path = <folder with Markdown>
- RefreshModulePage = $true
- AlphabeticParamsOrder = $true
- UpdateInputOutput = $true
- ExcludeDontShow = $true
- LogPath = <path to store log file>
- Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
- }
- Update-MarkdownHelpModule @parameters
- ```
- `Update-MarkdownHelpModule` updates the cmdlet and module Markdown files in the specified folder.
- It does not update the `about_*.md` files. The module file (`ModuleName.md`) receives any new
- **Synopsis** text that has been added to the cmdlet files. Updates to cmdlet files include the
- following change:
- - New parameter sets
- - New parameters
- - Updated parameter metadata
- - Updated input and output type information
- For more information, see [Update-MarkdownHelpModule][Update-MarkdownHelpModule].
-## Edit the new or updated Markdown files
-PlatyPS documents the syntax of the parameter sets and the individual parameters. It can't create
-descriptions or provide examples. The specific areas where content is needed are contained in curly
-braces. For example: `{{ Fill in the Description }}`
-You need to add a synopsis, a description of the cmdlet, descriptions for each parameter, and
-at least one example.
-For detailed information about writing PowerShell content, see the following articles:
--- [PowerShell style guide](/powershell/scripting/community/contributing/powershell-style-guide)-- [Editing reference articles](/powershell/scripting/community/contributing/editing-cmdlet-ref)-
-> [!NOTE]
-> PlatyPS has a specific schema that is uses for cmdlet reference. That schema only allows certain
-> Markdown blocks in specific sections of the document. If you put content in the wrong location,
-> the PlatyPS build step fails. For more information, see the [schema][schema] documentation in the
-> PlatyPS repository. For a complete example of well-formed cmdlet reference, see
-> [Get-Item][Get-Item].
-After providing the required content for each of your cmdlets, you need to make sure that you update
-the module landing page. Verify your module has the correct `Module Guid` and `Download Help Link`
-values in the YAML metadata of the `<module-name>.md` file. Add any missing metadata.
-Also, you may notice that some cmdlets may be missing a **Synopsis** (_short description_). The
-following command updates the module landing page with your **Synopsis** description text. Open the
-module landing page to verify the descriptions.
-Update-MarkdownHelpModule ΓÇôPath <full path output folder> -RefreshModulePage
-Now that you have entered all the content, you can create the MAML help files that are displayed by
-`Get-Help` in the PowerShell console.
-## Create the external help files
-This step creates the MAML help files that are displayed by `Get-Help` in the PowerShell console.
-To build the MAML files, run the following command:
-New-ExternalHelp ΓÇôPath <folder with MDs> -OutputPath <output help folder>
-`New-ExternalHelp` converts all of the cmdlet Markdown files into one (or more) MAML files. About
-files are converted to plain-text files with the following name format: `about_topic_name.help.txt`.
-The Markdown content must meet the requirement of the PlatyPS schema. `New-ExternalHelp` will exits
-with errors when the content does not follow the schema. You must edit the files to fix the schema
-> PlatyPS does a poor job converting the `about_*.md` files to plain text. You must use very simple
-> Markdown to get acceptable results. You may want to maintain the files in plain-text
-> `about_topic_name.help.txt` format, rather than allowing PlatyPS to convert them.
-Once this step is complete, you will see `*-help.xml` and `about_*.help.txt` files in the target
-output folder.
-For more information, see [New-ExternalHelp][New-ExternalHelp]
-### Test the compiled help files
-You can verify the content with the [Get-HelpPreview][Get-HelpPreview] cmdlet:
-Get-HelpPreview -Path "<ModuleName>-Help.xml"
-The cmdlet reads the compiled MAML file and outputs the content in the same format you would receive
-from `Get-Help`. This allows you to inspect the results to verify that the Markdown files compiled
-correctly and produce the desired results. If you find an error, re-edit the Markdown files and
-recompile the MAML.
-Now you are ready to publish your help files.
-## Publishing your help
-Now that you have compiled the Markdown files into PowerShell help files, you are ready to make the
-files available to users. There are two options for providing help in the PowerShell console.
--- Package the help files with the module-- Create an updateable help package that users install with the `Update-Help` cmdlet-
-### Packaging help with the module
-The help files can be packaged with your module. See [Writing Help for Modules][writing] for details
-of the folder structure. You should include the list of Help files in the value of the **FileList**
-key in the module manifest.
-### Creating an updateable help package
-At a high level, the steps to create updateable help include:
-1. Find an internet site to host your help files
-1. Add a **HelpInfoURI** key to your module manifest
-1. Create a HelpInfo XML file
-1. Create CAB files
-1. Upload your files
-For more information, see [Supporting Updateable Help: Step-by-step][step-by-step].
-PlatyPS assists you with some of these steps.
-The **HelpInfoURI** is a URL that points to location where your help files are hosted on the
-internet. This value is configured in the module manifest. `Update-Help` reads the module manifest
-to get this URL and download the updateable help content. This URL should only point to the folder
-location and not to individual files. `Update-Help` constructs the filenames to download based on
-other information from the module manifest and the HelpInfo XML file.
-> The **HelpInfoURI** must end with a forward-slash character (`/`). Without that character,
-> `Update-Help` cannot construct the correct file paths to download the content. Also, most
-> HTTP-based file services are case-sensitive. It is important that the module metadata in the
-> HelpInfo XML file contains the proper letter case.
-The `New-ExternalHelp` cmdlet creates the HelpInfo XML file in the output folder. The HelpInfo XML
-file is built using YAML metadata contained in the module Markdown files (`ModuleName.md`).
-The `New-ExternalHelpCab` cmdlet creates ZIP and CAB files containing the MAML and
-`about_*.help.txt` files you compiled. CAB files are compatible with all versions of PowerShell.
-PowerShell 6 and higher can use ZIP files.
-$helpCabParameters = @{
- CabFilesFolder = $MamlOutputFolder
- LandingPagePath = $LandingPage
- OutputFolder = $CabOutputFolder
-New-ExternalHelpCab @helpCabParameters
-After creating the ZIP and CAB files, upload the ZIP, CAB, and HelpInfo XML files to your HTTP file
-server. Put the files in the location indicated by the **HelpInfoURI**.
-For more information, see [New-ExternalHelpCab][New-ExternalHelpCab].
-### Other publishing options
-Markdown is a versatile format that is easy to transform to other formats for publishing. Using a
-tool like [Pandoc][Pandoc], you can convert your Markdown help files to many different document
-formats, including plain text, HTML, PDF, and Office document formats.
-Also, the cmdlets [ConvertFrom-Markdown]ConvertFrom-Markdown] and [Show-Markdown][Show-Markdown] in
-PowerShell 6 and higher can be used to convert Markdown to HTML or create a colorful display in the
-PowerShell console.
-## Known issues
-PlatyPS is very sensitive to the [schema][schema] for the structure of the Markdown files it creates and
-compiles. It is very easy write valid Markdown that violates this schema. For more information,
-consult the [PowerShell style guide][style] and [Editing reference articles][edit].
-<!-- link references -->
-[platyps-repo]: https://github.com/PowerShell/platyps
-[PlatyPS]: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/platyPS/
-[MD]: https://commonmark.org
-[schema]: https://github.com/PowerShell/platyPS/blob/master/platyPS.schema.md
-[style]: /powershell/scripting/community/contributing/powershell-style-guide
-[edit]: /powershell/scripting/community/contributing/editing-cmdlet-ref
-[writing]: /powershell/scripting/developer/help/writing-help-for-windows-powershell-modules
-[step-by-step]: /powershell/scripting/developer/help/updatable-help-authoring-step-by-step
-[Pandoc]: https://pandoc.org
-[Get-Item]: https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/blob/staging/reference/7.0/Microsoft.PowerShell.Management/Get-Item.md
-[New-MarkdownHelp]: https://github.com/PowerShell/platyPS/blob/master/docs/New-MarkdownHelp.md
-[Update-MarkdownHelpModule]: https://github.com/PowerShell/platyPS/blob/master/docs/Update-MarkdownHelpModule.md
-[New-MarkdownAboutHelp]: https://github.com/PowerShell/platyPS/blob/master/docs/New-MarkdownAboutHelp.md
-[New-ExternalHelp]: https://github.com/PowerShell/platyPS/blob/master/docs/New-ExternalHelp.md
-[Get-HelpPreview]: https://github.com/PowerShell/platyPS/blob/master/docs/Get-HelpPreview.md
-[New-ExternalHelpCab]: https://github.com/PowerShell/platyPS/blob/master/docs/New-ExternalHelpCab.md
-[ConvertFrom-Markdown]: /powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/convertfrom-markdown
-[Show-Markdown]: /powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/show-markdown