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Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility Write Information (5.1) https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/5.1/Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility/Write-Information.md
external help file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility.dll-Help.xml Locale: en-US Module Name: Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility Previously updated : 09/27/2021 Last updated : 03/15/2022 online version: https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/write-information?view=powershell-5.1&WT.mc_id=ps-gethelp schema: 2.0.0 Title: Write-Information
handles information stream data for a command. Information streams also work for
The `$InformationPreference` preference variable value determines whether the message you provide to `Write-Information` is displayed at the expected point in a script's operation. Because the default
-value of this variable is `SilentlyContinue`, by default, informational messages are not shown. If
-you don't want to change the value of `$InformationPreference`, you can override its value by adding
-the `InformationAction` common parameter to your command. For more information, see
+value of this variable is **SilentlyContinue**, by default, informational messages are not shown.
+If you don't want to change the value of `$InformationPreference`, you can override its value by
+adding the **InformationAction** common parameter to your command. For more information, see
[about_Preference_Variables](../Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_Preference_Variables.md) and [about_CommonParameters](../Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_CommonParameters.md). > [!NOTE] > Starting in Windows PowerShell 5.0, `Write-Host` is a wrapper for `Write-Information` This allows
-> you to use `Write-Host` to emit output to the information stream. This enables the **capture** or
-> **suppression** of data written using `Write-Host` while preserving backwards compatibility. For
-> more information see [Write-Host](Write-Host.md)
+> you to use `Write-Host` to emit output to the information stream. This enables the capture or
+> suppression of data written using `Write-Host` while preserving backwards compatibility. For more
+> information see [Write-Host](Write-Host.md)
-`Write-Information` is also a supported workflow activity in PowerShell 5.x.
+`Write-Information` is also a supported workflow activity in Windows PowerShell 5.1.
## EXAMPLES ### Example 1: Write information for Get- results
-In this example, you show an informational message, "Got your features!", after running the
-`Get-WindowsFeature` command to find all features that have a Name value that starts with 'p'.
-Because the `$InformationPreference` variable is still set to its default, `SilentlyContinue`, you
-add the `InformationAction` parameter to override the `$InformationPreference` value, and show the
-message. The `InformationAction` value is Continue, which means that your message is shown, but the
-script or command continues, if it is not yet finished.
+In this example, you show an informational message, "Processes starting with 'P'", before running
+the `Get-Process` command to find all processes that have a **Name** value that starts with 'p'.
+Because the `$InformationPreference` variable is still set to its default, **SilentlyContinue**, you
+add the **InformationAction** parameter to override the `$InformationPreference` value, and show the
+message. The **InformationAction** value is **Continue**, which means that your message is shown,
+but the script or command continues, if it is not yet finished.
```powershell Write-Information -MessageData "Processes starting with 'P'" -InformationAction Continue
Processes starting with 'P'
### Example 2: Write information and tag it In this example, you use `Write-Information` to let users know they'll need to run another command
-after they're done running the current command. The example adds the tag Instructions to the
-informational message. After running this command, if you search the information stream for messages
-tagged Instructions, the message specified here would be among the results.
+after they're done running the current command. The example adds the tag `"Instructions"` to the
+informational message. After running this command, when you search the information stream for
+messages tagged `"Instructions"`, the message is in the results.
```powershell $message = "To filter your results for PowerShell, pipe your results to the Where-Object cmdlet."
Write-Information -MessageData $message -Tags "Instructions" -InformationAction
92 112.04 13.36 82.30 13176 1 pwsh 106 163.73 93.21 302.25 14620 1 pwsh 227 764.01 92.16 1,757.22 25328 1 pwsh+ To filter your results for PowerShell, pipe your results to the Where-Object cmdlet. ``` ### Example 3: Write information to a file
-In this example, you redirect the information stream in the function to a `Info.txt` using
-the code `6>`. When you open the `Info.txt` file, you see the text, "Here you go."
+In this example, you redirect the information stream in the function to `Info.txt` using the code
+`6>`. When you open the `Info.txt` file, you see the text "Here you go."
```powershell function Test-Info
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility Write Information (7.0) https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/7.0/Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility/Write-Information.md
external help file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility.dll-Help.xml Locale: en-US Module Name: Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility Previously updated : 10/14/2020 Last updated : 03/15/2022 online version: https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/write-information?view=powershell-7&WT.mc_id=ps-gethelp schema: 2.0.0 Title: Write-Information
handles information stream data for a command. Information streams also work for
The `$InformationPreference` preference variable value determines whether the message you provide to `Write-Information` is displayed at the expected point in a script's operation. Because the default
-value of this variable is `SilentlyContinue`, by default, informational messages are not shown. If
-you don't want to change the value of `$InformationPreference`, you can override its value by adding
-the `InformationAction` common parameter to your command. For more information, see
+value of this variable is **SilentlyContinue**, by default, informational messages are not shown.
+If you don't want to change the value of `$InformationPreference`, you can override its value by
+adding the **InformationAction** common parameter to your command. For more information, see
[about_Preference_Variables](../Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_Preference_Variables.md) and [about_CommonParameters](../Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_CommonParameters.md). > [!NOTE] > Starting in Windows PowerShell 5.0, `Write-Host` is a wrapper for `Write-Information` This allows
-> you to use `Write-Host` to emit output to the information stream. This enables the **capture** or
-> **suppression** of data written using `Write-Host` while preserving backwards compatibility. For
-> more information see [Write-Host](Write-Host.md)
-`Write-Information` is also a supported workflow activity in PowerShell 5.x.
+> you to use `Write-Host` to emit output to the information stream. This enables the capture or
+> suppression of data written using `Write-Host` while preserving backwards compatibility. For more
+> information see [Write-Host](Write-Host.md)
## EXAMPLES ### Example 1: Write information for Get- results
-In this example, you show an informational message, "Got your features!", after running the
-`Get-WindowsFeature` command to find all features that have a Name value that starts with 'p'.
-Because the `$InformationPreference` variable is still set to its default, `SilentlyContinue`, you
-add the `InformationAction` parameter to override the `$InformationPreference` value, and show the
-message. The `InformationAction` value is Continue, which means that your message is shown, but the
-script or command continues, if it is not yet finished.
+In this example, you show an informational message, "Processes starting with 'P'", before running
+the `Get-Process` command to find all processes that have a **Name** value that starts with 'p'.
+Because the `$InformationPreference` variable is still set to its default, **SilentlyContinue**, you
+add the **InformationAction** parameter to override the `$InformationPreference` value, and show the
+message. The **InformationAction** value is **Continue**, which means that your message is shown,
+but the script or command continues, if it is not yet finished.
```powershell Write-Information -MessageData "Processes starting with 'P'" -InformationAction Continue
Processes starting with 'P'
### Example 2: Write information and tag it In this example, you use `Write-Information` to let users know they'll need to run another command
-after they're done running the current command. The example adds the tag Instructions to the
-informational message. After running this command, if you search the information stream for messages
-tagged Instructions, the message specified here would be among the results.
+after they're done running the current command. The example adds the tag `"Instructions"` to the
+informational message. After running this command, when you search the information stream for
+messages tagged `"Instructions"`, the message is in the results.
```powershell $message = "To filter your results for PowerShell, pipe your results to the Where-Object cmdlet."
Write-Information -MessageData $message -Tags "Instructions" -InformationAction
92 112.04 13.36 82.30 13176 1 pwsh 106 163.73 93.21 302.25 14620 1 pwsh 227 764.01 92.16 1,757.22 25328 1 pwsh+ To filter your results for PowerShell, pipe your results to the Where-Object cmdlet. ``` ### Example 3: Write information to a file
-In this example, you redirect the information stream in the function to a `Info.txt` using
-the code `6>`. When you open the `Info.txt` file, you see the text, "Here you go."
+In this example, you redirect the information stream in the function to `Info.txt` using the code
+`6>`. When you open the `Info.txt` file, you see the text "Here you go."
```powershell function Test-Info
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility Write Information (7.1) https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/7.1/Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility/Write-Information.md
external help file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility.dll-Help.xml Locale: en-US Module Name: Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility Previously updated : 09/27/2021 Last updated : 03/15/2022 online version: https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/write-information?view=powershell-7.1&WT.mc_id=ps-gethelp schema: 2.0.0 Title: Write-Information
handles information stream data for a command. Information streams also work for
The `$InformationPreference` preference variable value determines whether the message you provide to `Write-Information` is displayed at the expected point in a script's operation. Because the default
-value of this variable is `SilentlyContinue`, by default, informational messages are not shown. If
-you don't want to change the value of `$InformationPreference`, you can override its value by adding
-the `InformationAction` common parameter to your command. For more information, see
+value of this variable is **SilentlyContinue**, by default, informational messages are not shown.
+If you don't want to change the value of `$InformationPreference`, you can override its value by
+adding the **InformationAction** common parameter to your command. For more information, see
[about_Preference_Variables](../Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_Preference_Variables.md) and [about_CommonParameters](../Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_CommonParameters.md). > [!NOTE] > Starting in Windows PowerShell 5.0, `Write-Host` is a wrapper for `Write-Information` This allows
-> you to use `Write-Host` to emit output to the information stream. This enables the **capture** or
-> **suppression** of data written using `Write-Host` while preserving backwards compatibility. For
-> more information see [Write-Host](Write-Host.md)
-`Write-Information` is also a supported workflow activity in PowerShell 5.x.
+> you to use `Write-Host` to emit output to the information stream. This enables the capture or
+> suppression of data written using `Write-Host` while preserving backwards compatibility. For more
+> information see [Write-Host](Write-Host.md)
## EXAMPLES ### Example 1: Write information for Get- results
-In this example, you show an informational message, "Got your features!", after running the
-`Get-WindowsFeature` command to find all features that have a Name value that starts with 'p'.
-Because the `$InformationPreference` variable is still set to its default, `SilentlyContinue`, you
-add the `InformationAction` parameter to override the `$InformationPreference` value, and show the
-message. The `InformationAction` value is Continue, which means that your message is shown, but the
-script or command continues, if it is not yet finished.
+In this example, you show an informational message, "Processes starting with 'P'", before running
+the `Get-Process` command to find all processes that have a **Name** value that starts with 'p'.
+Because the `$InformationPreference` variable is still set to its default, **SilentlyContinue**, you
+add the **InformationAction** parameter to override the `$InformationPreference` value, and show the
+message. The **InformationAction** value is **Continue**, which means that your message is shown,
+but the script or command continues, if it is not yet finished.
```powershell Write-Information -MessageData "Processes starting with 'P'" -InformationAction Continue
Processes starting with 'P'
### Example 2: Write information and tag it In this example, you use `Write-Information` to let users know they'll need to run another command
-after they're done running the current command. The example adds the tag Instructions to the
-informational message. After running this command, if you search the information stream for messages
-tagged Instructions, the message specified here would be among the results.
+after they're done running the current command. The example adds the tag `"Instructions"` to the
+informational message. After running this command, when you search the information stream for
+messages tagged `"Instructions"`, the message is in the results.
```powershell $message = "To filter your results for PowerShell, pipe your results to the Where-Object cmdlet."
Write-Information -MessageData $message -Tags "Instructions" -InformationAction
92 112.04 13.36 82.30 13176 1 pwsh 106 163.73 93.21 302.25 14620 1 pwsh 227 764.01 92.16 1,757.22 25328 1 pwsh+ To filter your results for PowerShell, pipe your results to the Where-Object cmdlet. ``` ### Example 3: Write information to a file
-In this example, you redirect the information stream in the function to a `Info.txt` using
-the code `6>`. When you open the `Info.txt` file, you see the text, "Here you go."
+In this example, you redirect the information stream in the function to `Info.txt` using the code
+`6>`. When you open the `Info.txt` file, you see the text "Here you go."
```powershell function Test-Info
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility Write Information (7.2) https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/7.2/Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility/Write-Information.md
external help file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility.dll-Help.xml Locale: en-US Module Name: Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility Previously updated : 09/27/2021 Last updated : 03/15/2022 online version: https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/write-information?view=powershell-7.2&WT.mc_id=ps-gethelp schema: 2.0.0 Title: Write-Information
handles information stream data for a command. Information streams also work for
The `$InformationPreference` preference variable value determines whether the message you provide to `Write-Information` is displayed at the expected point in a script's operation. Because the default
-value of this variable is `SilentlyContinue`, by default, informational messages are not shown. If
-you don't want to change the value of `$InformationPreference`, you can override its value by adding
-the `InformationAction` common parameter to your command. For more information, see
+value of this variable is **SilentlyContinue**, by default, informational messages are not shown.
+If you don't want to change the value of `$InformationPreference`, you can override its value by
+adding the **InformationAction** common parameter to your command. For more information, see
[about_Preference_Variables](../Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_Preference_Variables.md) and [about_CommonParameters](../Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_CommonParameters.md). > [!NOTE] > Starting in Windows PowerShell 5.0, `Write-Host` is a wrapper for `Write-Information` This allows
-> you to use `Write-Host` to emit output to the information stream. This enables the **capture** or
-> **suppression** of data written using `Write-Host` while preserving backwards compatibility. For
-> more information see [Write-Host](Write-Host.md)
-`Write-Information` is also a supported workflow activity in PowerShell 5.x.
+> you to use `Write-Host` to emit output to the information stream. This enables the capture or
+> suppression of data written using `Write-Host` while preserving backwards compatibility. For more
+> information see [Write-Host](Write-Host.md)
## EXAMPLES ### Example 1: Write information for Get- results
-In this example, you show an informational message, "Got your features!", after running the
-`Get-WindowsFeature` command to find all features that have a Name value that starts with 'p'.
-Because the `$InformationPreference` variable is still set to its default, `SilentlyContinue`, you
-add the `InformationAction` parameter to override the `$InformationPreference` value, and show the
-message. The `InformationAction` value is Continue, which means that your message is shown, but the
-script or command continues, if it is not yet finished.
+In this example, you show an informational message, "Processes starting with 'P'", before running
+the `Get-Process` command to find all processes that have a **Name** value that starts with 'p'.
+Because the `$InformationPreference` variable is still set to its default, **SilentlyContinue**, you
+add the **InformationAction** parameter to override the `$InformationPreference` value, and show the
+message. The **InformationAction** value is **Continue**, which means that your message is shown,
+but the script or command continues, if it is not yet finished.
```powershell Write-Information -MessageData "Processes starting with 'P'" -InformationAction Continue
Processes starting with 'P'
### Example 2: Write information and tag it In this example, you use `Write-Information` to let users know they'll need to run another command
-after they're done running the current command. The example adds the tag Instructions to the
-informational message. After running this command, if you search the information stream for messages
-tagged Instructions, the message specified here would be among the results.
+after they're done running the current command. The example adds the tag `"Instructions"` to the
+informational message. After running this command, when you search the information stream for
+messages tagged `"Instructions"`, the message is in the results.
```powershell $message = "To filter your results for PowerShell, pipe your results to the Where-Object cmdlet."
Write-Information -MessageData $message -Tags "Instructions" -InformationAction
92 112.04 13.36 82.30 13176 1 pwsh 106 163.73 93.21 302.25 14620 1 pwsh 227 764.01 92.16 1,757.22 25328 1 pwsh+ To filter your results for PowerShell, pipe your results to the Where-Object cmdlet. ``` ### Example 3: Write information to a file
-In this example, you redirect the information stream in the function to a `Info.txt` using
-the code `6>`. When you open the `Info.txt` file, you see the text, "Here you go."
+In this example, you redirect the information stream in the function to `Info.txt` using the code
+`6>`. When you open the `Info.txt` file, you see the text "Here you go."
```powershell function Test-Info
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility Write Information (7.3) https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/7.3/Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility/Write-Information.md
external help file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility.dll-Help.xml Locale: en-US Module Name: Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility Previously updated : 09/27/2021 Last updated : 03/15/2022 online version: https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/write-information?view=powershell-7.3&WT.mc_id=ps-gethelp schema: 2.0.0 Title: Write-Information
handles information stream data for a command. Information streams also work for
The `$InformationPreference` preference variable value determines whether the message you provide to `Write-Information` is displayed at the expected point in a script's operation. Because the default
-value of this variable is `SilentlyContinue`, by default, informational messages are not shown. If
-you don't want to change the value of `$InformationPreference`, you can override its value by adding
-the `InformationAction` common parameter to your command. For more information, see
+value of this variable is **SilentlyContinue**, by default, informational messages are not shown.
+If you don't want to change the value of `$InformationPreference`, you can override its value by
+adding the **InformationAction** common parameter to your command. For more information, see
[about_Preference_Variables](../Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_Preference_Variables.md) and [about_CommonParameters](../Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_CommonParameters.md). > [!NOTE] > Starting in Windows PowerShell 5.0, `Write-Host` is a wrapper for `Write-Information` This allows
-> you to use `Write-Host` to emit output to the information stream. This enables the **capture** or
-> **suppression** of data written using `Write-Host` while preserving backwards compatibility. For
-> more information see [Write-Host](Write-Host.md)
+> you to use `Write-Host` to emit output to the information stream. This enables the capture or
+> suppression of data written using `Write-Host` while preserving backwards compatibility. For more
+> information see [Write-Host](Write-Host.md)
-`Write-Information` is also a supported workflow activity in PowerShell 5.x.
+`Write-Information` is also a supported workflow activity in Windows PowerShell 5.1.
## EXAMPLES ### Example 1: Write information for Get- results
-In this example, you show an informational message, "Got your features!", after running the
-`Get-WindowsFeature` command to find all features that have a Name value that starts with 'p'.
-Because the `$InformationPreference` variable is still set to its default, `SilentlyContinue`, you
-add the `InformationAction` parameter to override the `$InformationPreference` value, and show the
-message. The `InformationAction` value is Continue, which means that your message is shown, but the
-script or command continues, if it is not yet finished.
+In this example, you show an informational message, "Processes starting with 'P'", before running
+the `Get-Process` command to find all processes that have a **Name** value that starts with 'p'.
+Because the `$InformationPreference` variable is still set to its default, **SilentlyContinue**, you
+add the **InformationAction** parameter to override the `$InformationPreference` value, and show the
+message. The **InformationAction** value is **Continue**, which means that your message is shown,
+but the script or command continues, if it is not yet finished.
```powershell Write-Information -MessageData "Processes starting with 'P'" -InformationAction Continue
Processes starting with 'P'
### Example 2: Write information and tag it In this example, you use `Write-Information` to let users know they'll need to run another command
-after they're done running the current command. The example adds the tag Instructions to the
-informational message. After running this command, if you search the information stream for messages
-tagged Instructions, the message specified here would be among the results.
+after they're done running the current command. The example adds the tag `"Instructions"` to the
+informational message. After running this command, when you search the information stream for
+messages tagged `"Instructions"`, the message is in the results.
```powershell $message = "To filter your results for PowerShell, pipe your results to the Where-Object cmdlet."
Write-Information -MessageData $message -Tags "Instructions" -InformationAction
92 112.04 13.36 82.30 13176 1 pwsh 106 163.73 93.21 302.25 14620 1 pwsh 227 764.01 92.16 1,757.22 25328 1 pwsh+ To filter your results for PowerShell, pipe your results to the Where-Object cmdlet. ``` ### Example 3: Write information to a file
-In this example, you redirect the information stream in the function to a `Info.txt` using
-the code `6>`. When you open the `Info.txt` file, you see the text, "Here you go."
+In this example, you redirect the information stream in the function to `Info.txt` using the code
+`6>`. When you open the `Info.txt` file, you see the text "Here you go."
```powershell function Test-Info