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dev-cross-plat Create Help Using Platyps https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/docs-conceptual/dev-cross-plat/create-help-using-platyps.md
--- description: Using PlatyPS is the fast and efficient way to create XML-based help. Previously updated : 07/21/2020 Last updated : 03/10/2022 Title: Create XML-based help using PlatyPS --- # Create XML-based help using PlatyPS
The following flowchart outlines the process for creating or updating PowerShell
AlphabeticParamsOrder = $true WithModulePage = $true ExcludeDontShow = $true
- Encoding = 'UTF8BOM'
+ Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
} New-MarkdownHelp @parameters
modules that have new cmdlets, new parameters, or parameters that have changed.
UpdateInputOutput = $true ExcludeDontShow = $true LogPath = <path to store log file>
- Encoding = 'UTF8BOM'
+ Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
} Update-MarkdownHelpModule @parameters ```