Updates from: 02/07/2022 02:10:11
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Microsoft.PowerShell.Core About Comparison Operators (5.1) https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/5.1/Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_Comparison_Operators.md
of `DomainName\Username` and converts to the `Username@DomainName` format:
$SearchExp = '^(?<DomainName>[\w-.]+)\\(?<Username>[\w-.]+)$' $ReplaceExp = '${Username}@${DomainName}'
-'Contoso.local\John.Doe' -replace $SearchExp,$ReplaceExp
+'Contoso.local\John.Doe' -replace $SearchExp, $ReplaceExp
``` ```output
> > - In PowerShell, between double quotation marks, it designates variables and > acts as a subexpression operator.
-> - In Regex search strings, it denotes end of the line
-> - In Regex substitution strings, it denotes captured groups.Be sure
+> - In Regex search strings, it denotes end of the line.
+> - In Regex substitution strings, it denotes captured groups. Be sure
> to either put your regular expressions between single quotation marks or > insert a backtick (`` ` ``) character before them.
Microsoft.PowerShell.Core About Comparison Operators (7.0) https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/7.0/Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_Comparison_Operators.md
of `DomainName\Username` and converts to the `Username@DomainName` format:
$SearchExp = '^(?<DomainName>[\w-.]+)\\(?<Username>[\w-.]+)$' $ReplaceExp = '${Username}@${DomainName}'
-'Contoso.local\John.Doe' -replace $SearchExp,$ReplaceExp
+'Contoso.local\John.Doe' -replace $SearchExp, $ReplaceExp
``` ```output
> > - In PowerShell, between double quotation marks, it designates variables and > acts as a subexpression operator.
-> - In Regex search strings, it denotes end of the line
-> - In Regex substitution strings, it denotes captured groups.Be sure
+> - In Regex search strings, it denotes end of the line.
+> - In Regex substitution strings, it denotes captured groups. Be sure
> to either put your regular expressions between single quotation marks or > insert a backtick (`` ` ``) character before them.
Microsoft.PowerShell.Core About Comparison Operators (7.1) https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/7.1/Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_Comparison_Operators.md
of `DomainName\Username` and converts to the `Username@DomainName` format:
$SearchExp = '^(?<DomainName>[\w-.]+)\\(?<Username>[\w-.]+)$' $ReplaceExp = '${Username}@${DomainName}'
-'Contoso.local\John.Doe' -replace $SearchExp,$ReplaceExp
+'Contoso.local\John.Doe' -replace $SearchExp, $ReplaceExp
``` ```output
> > - In PowerShell, between double quotation marks, it designates variables and > acts as a subexpression operator.
-> - In Regex search strings, it denotes end of the line
-> - In Regex substitution strings, it denotes captured groups.Be sure
+> - In Regex search strings, it denotes end of the line.
+> - In Regex substitution strings, it denotes captured groups. Be sure
> to either put your regular expressions between single quotation marks or > insert a backtick (`` ` ``) character before them.
Microsoft.PowerShell.Core About Comparison Operators (7.2) https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/7.2/Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_Comparison_Operators.md
of `DomainName\Username` and converts to the `Username@DomainName` format:
$SearchExp = '^(?<DomainName>[\w-.]+)\\(?<Username>[\w-.]+)$' $ReplaceExp = '${Username}@${DomainName}'
-'Contoso.local\John.Doe' -replace $SearchExp,$ReplaceExp
+'Contoso.local\John.Doe' -replace $SearchExp, $ReplaceExp
``` ```output
> > - In PowerShell, between double quotation marks, it designates variables and > acts as a subexpression operator.
-> - In Regex search strings, it denotes end of the line
-> - In Regex substitution strings, it denotes captured groups.Be sure
+> - In Regex search strings, it denotes end of the line.
+> - In Regex substitution strings, it denotes captured groups. Be sure
> to either put your regular expressions between single quotation marks or > insert a backtick (`` ` ``) character before them.
Microsoft.PowerShell.Core About Comparison Operators (7.3) https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/7.3/Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/About/about_Comparison_Operators.md
of `DomainName\Username` and converts to the `Username@DomainName` format:
$SearchExp = '^(?<DomainName>[\w-.]+)\\(?<Username>[\w-.]+)$' $ReplaceExp = '${Username}@${DomainName}'
-'Contoso.local\John.Doe' -replace $SearchExp,$ReplaceExp
+'Contoso.local\John.Doe' -replace $SearchExp, $ReplaceExp
``` ```output
> > - In PowerShell, between double quotation marks, it designates variables and > acts as a subexpression operator.
-> - In Regex search strings, it denotes end of the line
-> - In Regex substitution strings, it denotes captured groups.Be sure
+> - In Regex search strings, it denotes end of the line.
+> - In Regex substitution strings, it denotes captured groups. Be sure
> to either put your regular expressions between single quotation marks or > insert a backtick (`` ` ``) character before them.