Updates from: 01/20/2022 02:11:39
Service Microsoft Docs article Related commit history on GitHub Change details
PSReadLine About Psreadline (7.2) https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/7.2/PSReadLine/About/about_PSReadLine.md
The following functions are available in the class
Abort current action, for example: incremental history search. - Emacs: `<Ctrl+g>`
+- Vi insert mode: `<Ctrl+g>`
+- Vi command mode: `<Ctrl+g>`
### AcceptAndGetNext
previous line of multi-line input.
- Cmd: `<LeftArrow>` - Emacs: `<LeftArrow>`, `<Ctrl+b>`-- Vi insert mode: `<LeftArrow>`-- Vi command mode: `<LeftArrow>`, `<Backspace>`, `<h>` ### BackwardWord
next line of multi-line input.
- Cmd: `<RightArrow>` - Emacs: `<RightArrow>`, `<Ctrl+f>`-- Vi insert mode: `<RightArrow>`-- Vi command mode: `<RightArrow>`, `<Space>`, `<l>` ### ForwardWord
Perform an incremental forward search through history.
- Cmd: `<Ctrl+s>` - Emacs: `<Ctrl+s>`
+- Vi insert mode: `<Ctrl+s>`
+- Vi command mode: `<Ctrl+s>`
### HistorySearchBackward
Perform an incremental backward search through history.
- Cmd: `<Ctrl+r>` - Emacs: `<Ctrl+r>`
+- Vi insert mode: `<Ctrl+r>`
+- Vi command mode: `<Ctrl+r>`
### ViSearchHistoryBackward Prompts for a search string and initiates search upon AcceptLine. -- Vi insert mode: `<Ctrl+r>`-- Vi command mode: `</>`, `<Ctrl+r>`
+- Vi command mode: `</>`
## Completion functions
character. This is for 't' functionality.
Prompts for a search string and initiates search upon AcceptLine. -- Vi insert mode: `<Ctrl+s>`-- Vi command mode: `<?>`, `<Ctrl+s>`
+- Vi command mode: `<?>`
## Custom Key Bindings
Invoke-WebRequest -Token xxx # Expr-value as argument to '-Token'.
Get-ResultFromTwo -Secret1 (Get-Secret -Name blah -AsPlainText) -Secret2 sdv87ysdfayf798hfasd8f7ha # '-Secret2' has expr-value argument. ```
+### Behavior of the OnIdle event
+When PSReadLine is in use, the **OnIdle** event is fired when `ReadKey()` times out (no typing in
+300ms). The event could be signaled while the user is in the middle of editing a command line, for
+example, the user is reading help to decide which parameter to use.
+Beginning in PSReadLine 2.2.0-beta4, **OnIdle** behavior changed to signal the event only if there
+is a `ReadKey()` timeout and the current editing buffer is empty.
+ ### Feedback & Contributing To PSReadLine [PSReadLine on GitHub](https://github.com/PowerShell/PSReadLine)
Microsoft.PowerShell.Core Switch Process (7.3) https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/7.3/Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/Switch-Process.md
+external help file: System.Management.Automation.dll-Help.xml
+Module Name: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core
+online version: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2181448
Last updated : 01/19/2022
+schema: 2.0.0
+# Switch-Process
+## Synopsis
+On Linux and macOS, the cmdlet calls the `execv()` function to provide similar behavior as POSIX
+## Syntax
+Switch-Process [[-WithCommand] <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
+## Description
+Some native Unix commands shell out to run something (like ssh) and use the `bash` built-in command
+`exec` to spawn a new process that replaces the current one. By default, `exec` is not a valid
+command in PowerShell. This is affecting some known scripts like `copy-ssh-id` and some subcommands
+of AzCLI.
+The `PSExec` experimental feature adds a new `Switch-Process` cmdlet aliased to `exec`. The cmdlet
+calls `execv()` function to provide similar behavior as POSIX shells.
+The `PSExec` experimental feature must be enabled for this cmdlet to be available. This cmdlet is
+only available for non-Windows systems.
+## Examples
+### Example 1 - Execute a command that depends on `exec`
+This example assumes that PowerShell is the default shell on a non-Windows system. `ssh-copy-id` is
+a popular bash script to deploy public keys on target machines for key-based authentication. The
+script depends on the bash command, `exec`.
+ssh-copy-id user@host
+With the `PSExec` feature enabled, the `ssh-copy-id` script succeeds.
+## Parameters
+### -WithCommand
+Specifies the native executable (and any parameters) to be run. All additional values passed as
+arguments are passed as an array of strings to be executed with the first command.
+The target command must be a native executable, not a PowerShell command.
+Type: System.String[]
+Parameter Sets: (All)
+Required: False
+Position: 0
+Default value: None
+Accept pipeline input: False
+Accept wildcard characters: False
+### CommonParameters
+This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable,
+-InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose,
+-WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see
+## Inputs
+### System.String[]
+## Outputs
+### System.Object
+## Notes
+This feature is not intended to have parity with the built-in `exec` function in POSIX shells (like
+how file descriptors are handled), but should cover most cases.
+The `Switch-Process` cmdlet was created to provide `exec` compatibility is other POSIX shells. Under
+normal conditions, the cmdlet was not intended to be used in PowerShell scripts.
+[Using experimental features](/powershell/learn/experimental-features)
PSReadLine About Psreadline (7.3) https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/7.3/PSReadLine/About/about_PSReadLine.md
The following functions are available in the class
Abort current action, for example: incremental history search. - Emacs: `<Ctrl+g>`
+- Vi insert mode: `<Ctrl+g>`
+- Vi command mode: `<Ctrl+g>`
### AcceptAndGetNext
previous line of multi-line input.
- Cmd: `<LeftArrow>` - Emacs: `<LeftArrow>`, `<Ctrl+b>`-- Vi insert mode: `<LeftArrow>`-- Vi command mode: `<LeftArrow>`, `<Backspace>`, `<h>` ### BackwardWord
next line of multi-line input.
- Cmd: `<RightArrow>` - Emacs: `<RightArrow>`, `<Ctrl+f>`-- Vi insert mode: `<RightArrow>`-- Vi command mode: `<RightArrow>`, `<Space>`, `<l>` ### ForwardWord
Perform an incremental forward search through history.
- Cmd: `<Ctrl+s>` - Emacs: `<Ctrl+s>`
+- Vi insert mode: `<Ctrl+s>`
+- Vi command mode: `<Ctrl+s>`
### HistorySearchBackward
Perform an incremental backward search through history.
- Cmd: `<Ctrl+r>` - Emacs: `<Ctrl+r>`
+- Vi insert mode: `<Ctrl+r>`
+- Vi command mode: `<Ctrl+r>`
### ViSearchHistoryBackward Prompts for a search string and initiates search upon AcceptLine. -- Vi insert mode: `<Ctrl+r>`-- Vi command mode: `</>`, `<Ctrl+r>`
+- Vi command mode: `</>`
## Completion functions
character. This is for 't' functionality.
Prompts for a search string and initiates search upon AcceptLine. -- Vi insert mode: `<Ctrl+s>`-- Vi command mode: `<?>`, `<Ctrl+s>`
+- Vi command mode: `<?>`
## Custom Key Bindings
learn Experimental Features https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/docs-conceptual/learn/experimental-features.md
--- description: Lists the currently available experimental features and how to use them. Previously updated : 01/18/2022 Last updated : 01/19/2022 Title: Using Experimental Features in PowerShell --- # Using Experimental Features in PowerShell
| PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing | | | &#x2714;&#xfe0f; | &#x2714;&#xfe0f; | | PSAnsiRenderingFileInfo | | | &#x2714;&#xfe0f; | &#x2714;&#xfe0f; | | PSLoadAssemblyFromNativeCode | | | &#x2714;&#xfe0f; | &#x2714;&#xfe0f; |
+| PSExec | | | | &#x2714;&#xfe0f; |
| PSCleanBlock | | | | &#x2714;&#xfe0f; | | PSStrictModeAssignment | | | | &#x2714;&#xfe0f; |
PowerShell 7.2-preview7, the **PSDesiredStateConfiguration** module was removed
disabled by default. To enable this feature you must install the **PSDesiredStateConfiguration** v2.0.5 module from the PowerShell Gallery and enable the feature using `Enable-ExperimentalFeature`.
+## PSExec
+Some native Unix commands shell out to run something (like ssh) and use the `bash` built-in command
+`exec` to spawn a new process that replaces the current one. By default, `exec` is not a valid
+command in PowerShell. This is affecting some known scripts like `copy-ssh-id` and some subcommands
+of AzCLI.
+The `PSExec` experimental feature adds a new `Switch-Process` cmdlet aliased to `exec`. The cmdlet
+calls `execv()` function to provide similar behavior as POSIX shells.
+The `PSExec` experimental feature must be enabled for this cmdlet to be available. This cmdlet is
+only available for non-Windows systems.
+ ## PSImplicitRemotingBatching > [!NOTE]
whats-new What S New In Powershell 73 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/docs-conceptual/whats-new/What-s-New-in-PowerShell-73.md
--- Title: What's New in PowerShell 7.3-preview.1 description: New features and changes released in PowerShell 7.3-preview.1 Previously updated : 01/18/2022 Last updated : 01/19/2022 --- # What's New in PowerShell 7.3
For a complete list of changes, see the [Change Log][CHANGELOG] in the GitHub re
PowerShell 7.3 introduces the following experimental features:
+- [PSExec][psexec] - Adds the new `Switch-Process` cmdlet (alias `exec`) to provide `exec`
+ compatibility for non-Windows systems.
- [PSCleanBlock][exp-clean] - Adds `clean` block to script block as a peer to `begin`, `process`, and `end` to allow easy resource cleanup - [PSStrictModeAssignment][strict] - Adds the **StrictMode** parameter to `Invoke-Command` to allow
For more information about the Experimental Features, see [Using Experimental Fe
[CHANGELOG]: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/releases/tag/v7.3.0-preview.1 [exp-clean]: ../learn/experimental-features.md#pscleanblock
+[psexec]: ../learn/experimental-features.md#psexec
[strict]: ../learn/experimental-features.md#psstrictmodeassignment
windows-powershell Installing Windows Powershell https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/docs-conceptual/windows-powershell/install/Installing-Windows-PowerShell.md
here are the original version, as released, with no updates.
| Version | Location | | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| Windows 10, 11 | Click left lower corner Windows icon, start typing ISE |
+| Windows 10, 11 | Click Windows icon (lower left corner for Windows 10, lower center for Windows 11), start typing ISE |
| Windows 8.1, 8.0 | On the start screen, type **PowerShell ISE**.<br/>If on desktop, click left lower corner Windows icon, type **PowerShell ISE** | | Windows 7 SP1 | Click left lower corner Windows icon, on the search box start typing PowerShell |
includes Alpine Support https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/includes/alpine-support.md
--- Previously updated : 11/08/2021 Last updated : 01/19/2022 ms.prod: powershell ---
supported on. These versions are supported until either the version of
- When both the version of the OS and the version of PowerShell have &#x2705;, that combination is supported
-| Alpine | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) |
-| ------------- | :-------: | :-------: | :---------------: |
-| &#x2705; 3.12 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x274c; |
-| &#x2705; 3.11 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x274c; |
-| &#x274c; 3.10 | &#x1f7e1; | &#x1f7e1; | &#x274c; |
-| &#x274c; 3.9 | &#x1f7e1; | &#x1f7e1; | &#x274c; |
+| Alpine | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) | 7.3 (preview) |
+| ------------- | :-------: | :-------: | :---------------: | :-----------: |
+| &#x2705; 3.12 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x274c; | &#x274c; |
+| &#x2705; 3.11 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x274c; | &#x274c; |
+| &#x274c; 3.10 | &#x1f7e1; | &#x1f7e1; | &#x274c; | &#x274c; |
+| &#x274c; 3.9 | &#x1f7e1; | &#x1f7e1; | &#x274c; | &#x274c; |
PowerShell has not been tested on Alpine versions 3.13 and 3.14.
PowerShell has not been tested on Alpine versions 3.13 and 3.14.
PowerShell is supported on Alpine for the following processor architectures.
-| Alpine | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) |
-| ---------------------- | :-------: | :---: | :---------------: |
-| All supported versions | x64 | x64 | x64 |
+| Alpine | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) | 7.3 (preview) |
+| ---------------------- | :-------: | :---: | :---------------: | :-----------: |
+| All supported versions | x64 | x64 | x64 | x64 |
PowerShell has not been tested on Alpine using Arm processors.
includes Centos Support https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/includes/centos-support.md
--- Previously updated : 11/18/2021 Last updated : 01/19/2022 ms.prod: powershell ---
they are supported on. These versions remain supported until either the version
- When both the version of the OS and the version of PowerShell have &#x2705;, that combination is supported
-| CentOS | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 (current) | 7.2 (LTS-current) |
-| ---------- | :-------: | :-----------: | :---------------: |
-| &#x2705; 8 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
-| &#x2705; 7 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+| CentOS | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 (current) | 7.2 (LTS-current) | 7.3 (preview) |
+| ---------- | :-------: | :-----------: | :---------------: | :-----------: |
+| &#x2705; 8 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+| &#x2705; 7 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
Microsoft does not officially support PowerShell on the CentOS Stream releases. For more information, see [Comparing CentOS Linux and CentOS Stream][stream]. CentOS Stream is community
supported. For more information, see [Community supported distributions][communi
PowerShell is supported on CentOS for the following processor architectures.
-| CentOS | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 (current) | 7.2 (LTS-current) |
-| ---------------------- | :-------: | :-----------: | :---------------: |
-| All supported versions | x64 | x64 | x64 |
+| CentOS | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 (current) | 7.2 (LTS-current) | 7.3 (preview) |
+| ---------------------- | :-------: | :-----------: | :---------------: | :-----------: |
+| All supported versions | x64 | x64 | x64 | x64 |
[lifecycle]: /powershell/scripting/install/powershell-support-lifecycle [eol-centos]: https://www.centos.org/centos-linux-eol/
includes Debian Support https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/includes/debian-support.md
--- Previously updated : 11/08/2021 Last updated : 01/19/2022 ms.prod: powershell ---
they're supported on. These versions remain supported until either the version o
- When both the version of the OS and the version of PowerShell have &#x2705;, that combination is supported
-| Debian | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) |
-| ----------- | :-------: | :------: | :---------------: |
-| &#x2705; 10 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
-| &#x2705; 9 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x274c; |
-| &#x274c; 8 | &#x1f7e1; | &#x274c; | &#x274c; |
+| Debian | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) | 7.3 (preview) |
+| ----------- | :-------: | :------: | :---------------: | :-----------: |
+| &#x2705; 11 | &#x274c; | &#x274c; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+| &#x2705; 10 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+| &#x2705; 9 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x274c; | &#x274c; |
+| &#x274c; 8 | &#x1f7e1; | &#x274c; | &#x274c; | &#x274c; |
PowerShell is supported on Debian for the following processor architectures.
-| Debian | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) |
-| ---------- | :---------------: | :---------------: | :---------------: |
-| Version 9+ | x64, Arm32, Arm64 | x64, Arm32, Arm64 | x64, Arm32, Arm64 |
+| Debian | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) | 7.3 (preview) |
+| ---------- | :---------------: | :---------------: | :---------------: | :---------------: |
+| Version 9+ | x64, Arm32, Arm64 | x64, Arm32, Arm64 | x64, Arm32, Arm64 | x64, Arm32, Arm64 |
[lifecycle]: /powershell/scripting/install/powershell-support-lifecycle [eol-debian]: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianReleases
includes Fedora Support https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/includes/fedora-support.md
--- Previously updated : 11/18/2021 Last updated : 01/19/2022 ms.prod: powershell ---
supported on. These versions are supported until either the version of
- When both the version of the OS and the version of PowerShell have &#x2705;, that combination is supported
-| Fedora | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 (current) | 7.2 (LTS-current) |
-| ----------- | :-------: | :-----------: | :---------------: |
-| &#x2705; 32 | &#x1f7e1; | &#x1f7e1; | &#x274c; |
-| &#x274c; 31 | &#x1f7e1; | &#x1f7e1; | &#x274c; |
-| &#x274c; 30 | &#x1f7e1; | &#x1f7e1; | &#x274c; |
+| Fedora | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 (current) | 7.2 (LTS-current) | 7.3 (preview) |
+| ----------- | :-------: | :-----------: | :---------------: | :-----------: |
+| &#x2705; 32 | &#x1f7e1; | &#x1f7e1; | &#x274c; | &#x274c; |
+| &#x274c; 31 | &#x1f7e1; | &#x1f7e1; | &#x274c; | &#x274c; |
+| &#x274c; 30 | &#x1f7e1; | &#x1f7e1; | &#x274c; | &#x274c; |
PowerShell has not been tested on Fedora versions 33 and 34. PowerShell is supported on Fedora for the following processor architectures.
-| Fedora | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 (current) | 7.2 (LTS-current) |
-| ---------------------- | :-------: | :-----------: | :---------------: |
-| All supported versions | x64 | x64 | x64 |
+| Fedora | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 (current) | 7.2 (LTS-current) | 7.3 (preview) |
+| ---------------------- | :-------: | :-----------: | :---------------: | :-----------: |
+| All supported versions | x64 | x64 | x64 | x64 |
[lifecycle]: /powershell/scripting/install/powershell-support-lifecycle [eol-fedora]: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/End_of_life
includes Macos Support https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/includes/macos-support.md
--- Previously updated : 11/08/2021 Last updated : 01/19/2022 ms.prod: powershell ---
Windows they are supported on. These versions remain supported until either the
- When both the version of the OS and the version of PowerShell have &#x2705;, that combination is supported
-| macOS | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) |
-| -------------------------------- | :-------: | :------: | :---------------: |
-| &#x2705; macOS Big Sur 11.5 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
-| &#x2705; macOS Catalina 10.15 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
-| &#x2705; macOS Mojave 10.14 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
-| &#x2705; macOS High Sierra 10.13 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x274c; |
+| macOS | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) | 7.3 (preview) |
+| -------------------------------- | :-------: | :------: | :---------------: | :-----------: |
+| &#x2705; macOS Big Sur 11.5 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+| &#x2705; macOS Catalina 10.15 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+| &#x2705; macOS Mojave 10.14 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+| &#x2705; macOS High Sierra 10.13 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x274c; | &#x274c; |
macOS Monterey 12.0 has not been tested.
Support of macOS is defined by Apple. For more information, see:
PowerShell is supported on macOS for the following processor architectures:
-| macOS | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) |
-| ------------------------ | :-------: | :---: | :---------------: |
-| macOS Big Sur 11.5 | x64 | x64 | x64, Arm64 |
-| macOS High Sierra 10.13+ | x64 | x64 | x64 |
+| macOS | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) | 7.3 (preview) |
+| ------------------------ | :-------: | :---: | :---------------: | :-----------: |
+| macOS Big Sur 11.5 | x64 | x64 | x64, Arm64 | x64, Arm64 |
+| macOS High Sierra 10.13+ | x64 | x64 | x64 | x64 |
[lifecycle]: /powershell/scripting/install/powershell-support-lifecycle
includes Rhel Support https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/includes/rhel-support.md
--- Previously updated : 11/08/2021 Last updated : 01/19/2022 ms.prod: powershell ---
they are supported on. These versions remain supported until either the version
- When both the version of the OS and the version of PowerShell have &#x2705;, that combination is supported
-| RHEL | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) |
-| ---------- | :-------: | :------: | :---------------: |
-| &#x2705; 8 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
-| &#x2705; 7 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+| RHEL | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) | 7.3 (preview) |
+| ---------- | :-------: | :------: | :---------------: | :-----------: |
+| &#x2705; 8 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+| &#x2705; 7 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
PowerShell is supported on RHEL for the following processor architectures.
-| RHEL | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) |
-| ---------------------- | :-------: | :---: | :---------------: |
-| All supported versions | x64 | x64 | x64, Arm64 |
+| RHEL | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) | 7.3 (preview) |
+| ---------------------- | :-------: | :---: | :---------------: | :-----------: |
+| All supported versions | x64 | x64 | x64, Arm64 | x64, Arm64 |
[lifecycle]: /powershell/scripting/install/powershell-support-lifecycle [eol-rhel]: https://access.redhat.com/support/policy/updates/errata/
includes Ubuntu Support https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/includes/ubuntu-support.md
--- Previously updated : 11/08/2021 Last updated : 01/19/2022 ms.prod: powershell ---
Ubuntu they are supported on. These versions remain supported until either the v
- When both the version of the OS and the version of PowerShell have &#x2705;, that combination is supported
-| Ubuntu | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) |
-| -------------------- | :-------: | :-------: | :---------------: |
-| &#x2705; 20.04 (LTS) | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
-| &#x2705; 18.04 (LTS) | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
-| &#x274c; 16.04 (LTS) | &#x1f7e1; | &#x1f7e1; | &#x274c; |
+| Ubuntu | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) | 7.3 (preview) |
+| -------------------- | :-------: | :-------: | :---------------: | :-----------: |
+| &#x2705; 20.04 (LTS) | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+| &#x2705; 18.04 (LTS) | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+| &#x274c; 16.04 (LTS) | &#x1f7e1; | &#x1f7e1; | &#x274c; | &#x274c; |
Only the LTS releases of Ubuntu are officially supported. Microsoft does not support [interim releases][interim] or their equivalent. Interim releases are community supported. For more
information, see [Community supported distributions][community].
PowerShell is supported on Ubuntu for the following processor architectures.
-| Ubuntu | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) |
-| ---------------------- | :---------------: | :---------------: | :---------------: |
-| All supported versions | x64, Arm32, Arm64 | x64, Arm32, Arm64 | x64, Arm32, Arm64 |
+| Ubuntu | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) | 7.3 (preview) |
+| ---------------------- | :---------------: | :---------------: | :---------------: | :---------------: |
+| All supported versions | x64, Arm32, Arm64 | x64, Arm32, Arm64 | x64, Arm32, Arm64 | x64, Arm32, Arm64 |
[eol-ubuntu]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases [interim]: https://ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle
includes Windows Support https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/commits/staging/reference/includes/windows-support.md
--- Previously updated : 11/08/2021 Last updated : 01/19/2022 ms.prod: powershell ---
on. These versions are supported until either the version of
- When both the version of the OS and the version of PowerShell have &#x2705;, that combination is supported
-| Windows | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) |
-| ------------------------------------------------ | :-------: | :-------: | :---------------: |
-| &#x2705; Windows Server 2016, 2019, or 2022 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
-| &#x2705; Windows Server 2012 R2 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
-| &#x2705; Windows Server Core (2012 R2 or higher) | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
-| &#x2705; Windows Server Nano (1809 or higher) | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
-| &#x274c; Windows Server 2012 | &#x1f7e1; | &#x1f7e1; | &#x274c; |
-| &#x274c; Windows Server 2008 R2 | &#x1f7e1; | &#x1f7e1; | &#x274c; |
-| &#x2705; Windows 11 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
-| &#x2705; Windows 10 1607+ | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
-| &#x2705; Windows 8.1 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x274c; |
+| Windows | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) | 7.3 (preview) |
+| ------------------------------------------------ | :-------: | :-------: | :---------------: | :-----------: |
+| &#x2705; Windows Server 2016, 2019, or 2022 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+| &#x2705; Windows Server 2012 R2 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+| &#x2705; Windows Server Core (2012 R2 or higher) | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+| &#x2705; Windows Server Nano (1809 or higher) | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+| &#x274c; Windows Server 2012 | &#x1f7e1; | &#x1f7e1; | &#x274c; | &#x274c; |
+| &#x274c; Windows Server 2008 R2 | &#x1f7e1; | &#x1f7e1; | &#x274c; | &#x274c; |
+| &#x2705; Windows 11 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+| &#x2705; Windows 10 1607+ | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+| &#x2705; Windows 8.1 | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x274c; | &#x274c; |
> [!NOTE] > Support for a specific version of Windows is determined by the Microsoft Support Lifecycle
on. These versions are supported until either the version of
PowerShell is supported on Windows for the following processor architectures.
-| Windows | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) |
-| ---------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------: | :---------------: |
-| Nano Server Version 1803+ | x64, Arm32 | x64 | x64 |
-| Windows Server 2012 R2+ | x64, x86 | x64, x86 | x64, x86 |
-| Windows Server Core 2012 R2+ | x64, x86 | x64, x86 | x64, x86 |
-| Windows 10 or 11 Client | x64, x86 | x64, x86, Arm64 | x64, x86, Arm64 |
-| Windows 8.1 Client | x64, x86 | x64, x86 | x64, x86 |
+| Windows | 7.0 (LTS) | 7.1 | 7.2 (LTS-current) | 7.3 (preview) |
+| ---------------------------- | :--------: | :-------------: | :---------------: | :-------------: |
+| Nano Server Version 1803+ | x64, Arm32 | x64 | x64 | x64 |
+| Windows Server 2012 R2+ | x64, x86 | x64, x86 | x64, x86 | x64, x86 |
+| Windows Server Core 2012 R2+ | x64, x86 | x64, x86 | x64, x86 | x64, x86 |
+| Windows 10 or 11 Client | x64, x86 | x64, x86, Arm64 | x64, x86, Arm64 | x64, x86, Arm64 |
+| Windows 8.1 Client | x64, x86 | x64, x86 | x64, x86 | x64, x86 |
[lifecycle]: /powershell/scripting/install/powershell-support-lifecycle [eol-windows]: /lifecycle/products/?terms=Windows%20Server&products=windows